Ashley Alamo: Indifference


Emma Didricksen: Little Bunny

Drawings of trees with a haiku written on it

Delano Farnik: Storm

Oil painting of a dog in a yard

Emma Shortlidge: Dog Days of Summer

people popping out of floating doors

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 10, Doors

Watercolor piece of original character Tony.

Sara Martinez: Tony, Ate His Words

Paper cutout art.

Derick Frias: Untitled

Painting of a pink bedroom.

Anonymous: Untitled

Abstract design of lines and shapes on cut paper.

Anonymous: Untitled

Painting of a skyline with mountains, water, and a small city.

Teresa Tikoo: Hardiwar

Anonymous: Warmth

An ombre blue mountain is the background for a floral meadow scene with bright green trees and colorful flowers.

Anonymous: Mountain Meadow

Purple and black spider on a purple and black web.

Anonymous: Untitled

9 images of the same cartoon character in sequential stages of growth.

Alison Vargas: Untitled

An acrylic painting of a woman wearing a red hijab with moon in the background and a dark starry sky. The bottom half of the painting has a water like reflection of the woman.

Anonymous: Reflections

spooky character

Serenity Smith: Jive talking

A landscape painting of a winter scene with two hills and two dark trees under a night sky

Caroline Hart: Dreamy Winters

Anonymous: My Old Room

Sculpture of mini world

Angeline Cervantes: Mini World

Photography of a dragonfly under dramatic lighting.

Anonymous: DRAGONFLY

Anonymous: Life on a computer

Annika Alfaro: Mame from Radio Golf

Abstract painting red, yellow and blue

Luca Federighi: Chicago’s Vibe

Mary Ogundipe: What Shouldn’t Be Seldom

A person with glasses and a mustache and medium length hair.

Mangion Gagan: Alternate Self Portrait

A female character in a black outfit and swords on her back with facts written all around her

Anonymous: Woman

Anonymous: 정

Yenedith Sanchez: Candle

A colorful drawing of two children in a school hallway with doors in the background.

Anonymous: The First Day of School

sketch of person with dog and necklace

Fernanda Lemus: Sketch

A yellow and black caterpillar with a black background

Anonymous: Untitled

Red outline drawing of a boy with face paint

Kaatje Mitchell: Favorite Characters

Girl holding colorful parrot sculpture comprised of cut-out paper hands

Anonymous: My Parrot

Animated gif of a bomb exploding

Anonymous: Explode

Everett Hamm: World on Fire

Soleil Rivera: Beauty in Purple

Laylah Freeman: Behind the Curtain

Jonathan Das Dores: A Better Tomorrow

siloette in front of gray buildings

Alina Magana: Escaping Reality

Drawing of sunflowers in vase.

Zaida Soumanou: Untitled

Drawing of a brain surrounded by thoughts, drawn with pencil and marker.

Mind: Irene Romero

Image of two figures dancing. One figure in large hat is dipping woman in many skirts.

Christopher Limon: Latino Heritage Month Performance

Doll in dollhouse

Noemie Charvolin: Untitled

Canvas, clay, paint, mod podge, markers, glue

Sierra Fason: Discombobulated Brain


Patricia Malik: Untitled

A faux dungeons and dragons animated character sheet

Robin Lockhart: Arbour Ashland

Red organic shapes surround a black ball with white lines

Ashley Quiarte: Sound Poem

b/w line drawing of anthropomorphized frosting

Tyson Madison : Day 1, Chill

Drawing of trees with snow above them

Chad Petrolis: Winter Trees

Painting of purple shapes with black background

Anonymous: Untitled

mixed media piece

Lia Andrikopoulos: Tutti Frutti

Drawing of nude life figure on a white cloth, arm behind back

Stephanie Simpson: Lounging Nude

A drawing of two houses and a tree

Leviel Walker: Window View

Photograph of red dyed water flowing into the drain of a bathtub from a small part of a head of red hair shown.

Rebekka Suciu: True Red

A Black child standing in front of a Chicago row house, with two adult arms holding their shoulders, both pierced by bleeding bullet holes.

Tyshaun Zollicoffer: Untitled

Drawing of candlestick and snowflake doilies on a table.

Elizabeth Curry: looking up

pencil drawing of person with colorful eyes

Sierra Baldwin: Starry Eyes

Fatima Marquez: House in the beach

2 animated characters, one is good one is evil

Alison Vargas: Antonio + Asim

variety of lines to create optical illusion

Maurice Causey: Swirls

Digital drawing of a grayscale girl with bright green patterned background

Anonymous: Billie Eilish

Collage of a window view of a vespa outside, with indoor elements of a helmet on a table.

Elena Gerick: Bedroom View

red, black, and white collage

Anonymous: Untitled

Haily Roman: Cluster

Drawing of a girl eating

Anonymous: Elena

headshot of a women's head tilted up with her eyes closed

Charlie Vagnieres: Graceful

Pink yellow and green skateboard design

Anonymous: Floral Night

Anonymous: Untitled

pencil on paper illustration

Enrique Sanchez: Untitled

Irish and British flag merged on top of each other

Andrew Irving: Untitled

sketch of person texting

Edana Lynch: Sketchbook 4

Digital drawing of 2 hands reaching for each other on a gray background.

Anonymous: UNTITLED (illusion of being with someone during lone times)

Kenna Threatt: Still Life

Drawings of cartoonish people on a grey background

Schantelle K Alonzo: Untitled

Adella Bernotas: Untitled

Anonymous: Sunset in the Mountains

andy warhol inspired

Mason Hines: Untitled

Graphic of a dad with two children

Skylar Law: Nostalgia

Drawing of various marbles

Maya Jolet: Untitled

Black and white drawing of a pumpkin, a skull, and a wooden M on a table.

Le Huang: Untitled

Drawing of a snake

Noah Solis-Kozlowski: Untitled

Hilde Shapiro Braddy: Hamantashen for Purim

Nancy Rodriguez: Ivory Print

Creature with large mouth with fangs

Veronica Timble: Day 5, Fangs

red mushroom character 3D Pen/ Plastic

Anonymous: Flat

investigating the corruption of governments

Norma Calderon: Accountant by Day, Bringer of Justice by Night

3 white dogs with red and white polka dot bandanas around their necks.

Hannah Gatz: Four Legged Friends

drawing of young person looking in the mirror

Jessica Vazquez: Critic

Three frogs depicted on trees and branches on the bottom and righthand side of the painting with pill bottles, pills and a clock floating in the black background space.

Anonymous: Sana Sana Colita de Rana

A black and white scratchboard drawing of a cow eating hay in a field. There is a fence in the backgound.

Anonymous: Timmy the Cow

Drawing of a tree with green leaves next to a flower with a yellow center and purple petals.

Anonymous: Flowers and Trees

Person in striped shirt holding a pig

Alissandra Delgadillo: Halloween


Charlotte: Untitled

Drawing of planets, faces, and all kinds of colorful things

Suha Kapadia: Untitled

Multiple figures suspended in blue bubbles within a green sea, with schools of fish swimming between the bubbles.

Olivia Vue: Quarantine in a Bubble

Self portrait color pencil drawing with a lot of mouths

Celia Hannan: Self-Portrait Collage

Jennifer Lopez: Gage Park

Perspective of a Chicago street at night

Sofia Bush: Old Town Silence

Avery Amoo: Winter Portrait

Citalli Rico: Avant que je ne meure

Adele Wallner: Untitled

Anonymous: In Her Elements: Portrait of Donaria

Lauriana Nadjingar: Get to Know Me

An abstract drawing in a cubist style with shapes in the background

Anonymous: Blind Contour

Anonymous: Fractured Skull


Dennise Antonio: Untitled

Black and white photograph of a CTA train cart with a man's reflection in the window.

Carlos Carretero: Untitled

Clare Krippner: Eye

line drawing of person with pointed ears and bleeding eyes surrounded by eyes on a blackbackground

Grey Watson: Buzz Buzz

Digital drawing of a face with a green background

Tamia-Eve Wronowski: Untitled

Aaliyah Borges: Sun Child

Helen Zheng: Untitled

Drawing of a two-horned creature with a big club on a grey background.

Itzel Saenz: Rhogar Myastan

two portraits, one person with glasses and one with horns

Kamily Corral: Portraits

Emma Villalpando: Night and Day

Blues with dark faces.

Yareli Vaquera: Lost Souls

Julissa Acevedo: Self-Portrait

person holding a pig

Ashley Barrios: Halloween

collage with mouth and flowers, painting of person and Donald Trump

Ashley Barrios: Collage/Reframe

Graphite drawing of lemons in a still life

Adrian Lopez: Ambiguous Lemons

Alexis Thomas: Storyboard

Jala Dowd: A Lone Trucker

Claymation sculpture in front of a striped background

Anonymous: The Last Shot

Anonymous: Deflated Cube Vase

wet floor sign

Itzel Saenz: Day 7, Accident

Julian Garcia: Untitled

A variety of macaroons in front of a swirly pattern

Anonymous: Macarominoes

Self portrait

Gabriel Coates: Self Portrait #4

Theatre Arts Improv

Theatre Arts: IMPROV

The outline of a person with an afro with the words black lives matter and names written in red inside the persons body

Mariah Urbina: Black Lives Matter

Leslie Illescas: Honest Man Defined

A digital drawing of a blue cat

Iliana Hernandez: Cat

Colored pencil drawin gof a city in the winter, moon in the sky and a road in the front

Trevor Olson: Winter in the City

Mia Van Praag: Beautiful Black Tulip

A drawing of a tree with a blue background and grass

Anonymous: Happiness

A digital illustration of a portrait of a guy listening to music

Anonymous: Self Portrait

Sketchbook with pine tree drawn in pencil with orange streak behind it

Anonymous: Arctic Shine

Anonymous: El Ciervo Venenoso

Evelyn Martineau: Rainbow Quilt

Anonymous: Todoro Rainbow

A collage incorporating journal writing and photos juxtaposed against it.

Harrison Brennan: Luca all Over

Silhouette of figure with long hair in front of colorful backdrop

Anonymous: Tell Me a Story

Anonymous: Abstract Mixed Media

Constructed clouds surround a constructed mountain of greenery and other items

Anonymous: Imagined Spaces (mountain)

A painting of Gary the snail from Spongebob

Anonymous: Gary love

Person with a green shirt and colorful mask

Aisha Akorede: JB Monologue

Wire shaped to look like a girls hips and stomach

Jaylani Vargas: Objects

A colorful landscape with an orange sky and a purple cave in the distance

Anonymous: Elipson

Paint over a page obscuring letters to reveal a poem

Atlas Sturrock: U

Detailed and labeled anatomical drawing of a human heart

Avani Bang: The Human Heart

Person sitting in a cozy room writing at a desk

Lillianne Fratt: Untitled

Photograph of man in traditional jewish dress lighting candle

Ari A: Jewish Identity

A drawing of shops on a street, with a person figure lying on the ground with a red circle on their chest.

Janelle Delangel: Back of the Yards

a key with a wilted flower growing from it

Anonymous: Hands did it

Drawing of a man

Josiah Fatehnezhad: Untitled

Annette Paldy: The Annette

3 page comic

Anonymous: Untitled

Taniyah Bell: Black and White Bowties

A portrait of a person with a striped shirt on.

Xitlally Gonzalez: Portrait

Pencil drawing of several different types of houses (5) lined up next to each other on a sidewalk.

Hana Waegner: Stayed

Painting of a Barcelona street

Anonymous: Barcelona

Red and blue painting

Anonymous: Untitled

bird on cloud in front of earth

Vance Lira: Weekend 2, Night

Nighttime streetscape

Samantha Kraus: Kenopsia

Angelique Umutesi: Scare Crow

Digital drawing of girl's head

Simone McKenzie: Brunette3

Copper colored bracelet and rings that resemble a tree branch

Seamus Moore: Tree Ring/Bracelet

blue and yellow bird

Ivanna Claro: The Birds

Wire contour self portrait

Anonymous: Wire Portrait

Anime character with red hair

Bahgh Muthana: Untitled

painting baby flowers smiling

Esmeralda Hinojosa-Daniel: The Beauty of Life

mixed media journal

Anonymous: Untitled

Person saying "You're done for sweetheart. It's over for you."

Alexa Lopez: Day 19, Over

Natalie Garcia: The Long Take

Colorful hotel in a setting with trees and a sky.

Anonymous: Paisaje con el Hotel

A collage with a figure standing in flames

Daisy Rosales: Smoky Fear

Landscape with tree and triangles in pinks and browns

Abigail Lopez Blancas: Untitled

red and blue flower

Madison Melo: Howler

collage of people and abstract painting

Kenna Threatt: Collage/Reframe

Person with a cracked egg on their head.

Alexa Lopez: Day 7, Accident

Photo of a girl holding up a self-portrait

Marion Mueller: Self Portrait

Watercolor painting of a macaw

Neena Agrawal: Macaw

painting with pink, yellow, blue , and red stripe

Anonymous: 4

person whose face is in shadow, with a patterned yellow shirt

Francesca Jolly: Two Toned Portrait

Painting of toy blocks.

Octavio Marin Jr.: Untitled

A charcoal on paper drawing of a folded up paper boat. The boat is designed with drawn creatures.

Anonymous: Paper Boat

Anonymous: Mirror Invention

Digital painting of a girl with a heart scene in front of her

Anonymous: Untitled

Bedroom scene with floral wallpaper

Arlo Schafman: Fridge Day

Anonymous: Shells of the Self

Isabella in Legos in a party setting

Isabella Garza: Quinceañera

still life with bottles

Jordyn Washington: Study

Emily Garcia: Untitled

Three green dinosaurs climbing on buildings and landscape, watercolor

Vivian Nguyen: Amalfi Coast

clown with knife

Vance Lira: Day 6, Mask

ninja star opened

Anonymous: Ninja Star Opened

Gael Zamudio: Visual Isolation in Hallway

Iris Rivera: The tunnel

Anonymous: Horses

Jayla Pittman: Caged Mind

Colored pencil drawing of a tree from above

Anonymous: The Biggest Tree

Collage cat with different shapes and colors to form the cat. Blue, green, and pink shades.

Camila Salgado: Rainbow Cat

Photograph of blue glass sculpture of octopus with orange and yellow spots

Quinn F: Glass Octopus

Still life with column on striped fabric background

Martina Munoz: Temperature Still Life

Paper collage of color wheel using paint and marker.

Kaaviya Khorana: Color Wheels

Painting of a woman in a hijab in front of words

Safia Hussain: Thank You For Your Service 2

Jessica Horne: Wall

colored pencil illustration

Mariana Alvarez: Untitled

Carly Kocurek: Lobster

Melanie Canales: Untitled

Piper Sauder: Self-Portrait

Robbie Austin: Two Perspective

Photograph of sunrise over lake with two people in foreground

Anonymous: Morning Sky

person in messy kitchen

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 7, Accident

blue eyeball with red guts and veins

Mark Williamson, Jr. : I See You

Miguel Castanon-Segovia: The Sacred King of Africa

Jaden Song: Horn Head

Anonymous: Devilman

ceramic sculpture

Miranda Reese: Goldfish

Black and white photogaph of busy street between tall buildings

Anonymous: Life

Cora Leinenweber: Untitled

Sculpture made of cardboard and cans

Isaiah Sze: Untitled

Painting of a rabbit with a red background

Sasha Preuss: Bianca

Ronald David: Red_Black

A painting of a mans face bleeding from the mouth and bruises all over

Spencer De La Riva: Kazu

Black ceramic cup with red Spiderman symbol on front, white spiderweb pattern, and red drips on purple interior.

Juan Pina: Spiderman Cup

Maleah Garcia: Courageous Mindset

Vase painting

Anonymous: Untitled

Birthday cake with blue table cloth.

Valeria Izaguirre: Nostalgia

Pilsen sigh and tattooed hand

Angela Samano: Pilsen is Not For Sale

paint on canvas

Clair DeYoung: No Rest For the Reluctant

Mixed media sculpture of hand pulling blue haired doll out of other page

Alexandra K: Escape Her

very saturated digital art of person with purple pants and teal shirt, suspenders, blue hair

Phakhapon Morakotjantachote : Tip Toe

Illustration of a hand holding a bottle on top of colorful shapes

Max Silverman: Liquid Handshake

White foam heads with colorful yarn on their heads

Eugene Smart: Lice Bridge

Hot air balloons in the sky

Salma El Bissati: This is my hot air balloon race


Lucas Garcia: Untitled


Dilyn: Untitled

two red apples

Yenedith Sanchez: Study

Anonymous: Waterfall

Drawing of a sail boat on a colorful sea

Marianna Valdez: The Mystery Sea

Anonymous: Garden Teapot

Large purple dress with a sweetheart neckline. Balloons littered around the background

Giselle Magana: The Dress

three portraits in colored pencil

Adele Roberts: Angle

Black and white drawing of person with long dark hair holding a stuffed bear.

Jolette Cuevas: Self Portrait Plus Bear

hooded figure with a plant behind it

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 13, Oracle

Colorful painting on various abstract patterns.

Anonymous: Abstracted Leaf

A graphite self portrait drawing of a person with a baseball cap on.

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

Profile of young woman's face with yellow flowers over eyes

Jane Miller: Beauty in Blindness

Painting of a girl with three eyes and a green background

Anonymous: Protected

Alondra Ramirez: Untitled

horse with rider fallen on its back

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 7, Accident


Elise Foley: Untitled

Small, blue clay bowl

Mina Miranda: Blue Bowl

Kenna Threatt: Still Life

Anonymous: Revolution of a Broken Heart

Person with fire above their fingertip

Itzel Saenz: Weekend 3, Fire

Joshua Oh: Imagination

Anonymous: Ice Cream Cried

Chantelle Perez: Jaxon the Pyromaniac

Green and black illustration

Jax DelAngel: Now watching, Now Listening, Now Playing

Drawing of three black women with a blue background and the words "Black is Beautiful" written above.

Vallesia Robinson: Black Beauty

A photo of a side of a house with a forest background.

Aaron Bacon: Untitled

A painting of a girl holding a Ukranian flag in one hand and an American flag in the other hand. On the left side there are flames. On the right side there is the Willis Tower and other Chicago buildings. She is facing the flames and city.

Anonymous: The New World

A very colorful artwork full of hearts inspired by Kandinsky

Cecilia Chavez: Kandinsky inspired Heart Wax Resist

Farah Nath: Heartbeat of an Eternal Neon Sky


Anonymous: A Nice Side

Digital image of a few puffy pancakes with toppings and a smiling face.

Cindy Liang: Sweet Paradise

line drawing of patterns with shading to make them look dimensional

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Bird-Ish Peace-Ish

shape of popsicle sticks, colored in with different colors

Anonymous: The Famous House

Ink drawing of a person's face with a second person in profile in front

Gabriella Rivero-Fundora: El borracho

Black ceramic piece tapering at the top with holes in it

Dru Thigpen: Untitled

Photo of the light going across someone's body as they lay in a bed of white sheets

Jersey Benjamin: Elias

Video of a man pointing with headphones in

Anonymous: Internship

Alexa Messier: Reality

Crystel Tovar: Untitled

Multicolored painting of Lionel Messi

Kevin C: Messi Pintura


Jierre Grant: Mo Pigeon

Photograph of a man sitting at a table in front of a green wall

Anonymous: Grandfathers Solace

mixed media journal

Carolina Carchi: The Reason of My Life

Painting of a stream, mountain, and trees with the Simpsons in the foreground

Robynn Willis: Untitled

Valeria Padilla Ramirez: Untitled

A painting of 3 bananas on a red table.

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a colorful sunset

Cristal Villa: Untitled

Livi Williams: OVERWHELMED

A brown owl with really big eyes on a blue night sky background

Leonardo Da Costa Aguiar: Night Sky Owl

Anonymous: Personal Power

Portrait of man in black and white sketch strokes

Julius S: Withering Thoughts

Drawings of 3 girls with "you matter" written above them

Lana Surgit: You Matter

Leslie Illescas: Overdue Wonder

Anonymous: Mario Space

Abstract paper collage

Amos Yu: Portuguese Sunset

A printmaking triptych depicting eggs in a pan.

Thomas Brumley: Breakfast

Eye with fire pupil

Jaidyn Barnes: Weekend 3, Fire

Five potrait panels in color.

Jemma Wygodny: Mirrors

Digital portrait of a woman in front of a pink background.

Leslie Navarro: Low Poly – The Woman

Drawing of a blue snowflake cut out.

Avani Bang: Untitled

Edana Lynch: Introspection

Ariana Winters: Artist Sketchboook

Leslie Illescas: Stolen Childhood

Drawing of a woman with flowers in her hair

Paola Alvarado: Untitled

A faux dungeons and dragons animated character sheet

Leyi Wu: Princeton Confucius

Painting of a cactus and a bird on a blue sky background with a sun, with the text MEXICO in front.

Valentina Vega: Untitled

Natalie Garcia: Storyboard

Silhouette of person with ponytail in front of dark blue lit window.

Adela Velic: Feeling Blue

girl in sweatshirt with furry animal.

Kristina Sessoms: Kristina’s Marine and Wildlife Volunteer Adventure

A drawing of a girl with pink beads in her hair, a blue sweater, and a pink shirt outside near the sun and a tree.

Anonymous: A Picture of Me

Collage of newspaper articles with eyes painted on top

Anonymous: Stop Asian Hate

Riley Oleary: Crabby

Blue drawing of a girl's face with a flower crown on her head

Valeria Rivera: Lei

Anonymous: Moxcina Eye of Midnight

Drawing of a giant pig

Matthew Greco: Dystopian Hunt

Woman made up of drums, guitars, maracas, and other instruments is standing in a forest on top of early civilization drawings

Ja’Nya Davis: Body of Music

Dania Qazi: Tales from the Times of Covid Zine

Trinity Rice: The Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

Chuck E. Cheese animatronic characters

Donald Richard: Weekend 2, Night

Mixed media drawing of a girl done with oil pastel and crayon on paper.

Camila Lopez-Toribio: Untitled Mixed Media Image

gumball machine sculpture

Oscar Mendoza: Gumball Machine

Juniper Pingolt: Butterfly in the Sky

Paint and words to reveal black out poetry

Atlas Sturrock: Untitled

Digital drawing of a creature with blue orbs around it

Ivy Nordlund: Untitled

Henry Muszynski: Overlap City

London Wedston: People Reflected in Water

Collage of five drawn animals.

[Abrahim] Danja: Animals

b/w drawing of women dressed as provocative bunnies

Jordan Allen: Day 2, Bunnies

Mixed media artwork of a blackout poem on bookpage with cutouts of vintage photographs of women, and callout words

Lila C: A Feminine Experience

Several small ink drawings

Jocelyn Contreras: Lindblom Inktober 2019

A smiley face with rainbows and a checker pattern

Ashley Loera: Smile

sketch of face

Kamily Corral: Sketch

Anonymous: Koi

Colored pencil illustration

Matthew Hernandez: Solo Creadores

Photograph of an alley with a basketball hoop as the central aspect and houses in the background

Anonymous: Alley Shot

Girl wearing hat with 2 blue parrots from the movie Rio 2

Serenity Perez: Beautiful Creatures

Anonymous: Return

Painting of a cow's face

Phia Morris: Convulsion

Paper flower sculptures

Julia Rodriguez: “Springtime Flowers”

Lucas Gazdziak: African Animals

Oluwatooke Elusanmi: Mother

Anonymous: Untitled

A diptych artwork with bright, colorful, wavy lines and partial faces looking out.


Black paper on white paper creating space through curves.

Anonymous: Kitty

Amesyah Flowers: Infinity Mit Portrait

Anonymous: Untitled

Lots of legs

Frank Miller: Rainbow Monster with 1000 Legs

Jennifer Lopez: Home

A selfie image with a spooky character appearing over the person's right shoulder.

Anonymous: Curiosity Attracted Them

Two women hugging in black and white photo

Serena Coleman: Untitled

Digital elements drawn on top of a photo of a sketchbook with drawings next to a manga novel.

Jae Mccallum: EXml

Sculpture of clouds with lights in the middle and chains wrapped around

Anonymous: Untitled

Brown tree with pink sky

Miriam Quib-Caal: Trees with Watercolor

Asiya Mohamed Yasin: Winter Portrait

Cartoon of a wolf sitting on a cliff looking at a sunset

Sophia Sherline: Routine

Painting of a giraffe in portrait, from the neck up, in profile.

Nathalia Pizarro: Sam The Gal

window looking out at person, sidewalk, fence, and brown building. trees stand under a sunny blue sky

Ethan Tijoe : My View


Yashvi Mundhra: Untitled

Embroidery of two hands touching

Anonymous: Unraveled progression

Low-fi digital drawing of black cat in front of red and yellow striped wall

Anonymous: Cat

Nia Langley: State of the World; Fighting Mask, At Home, Distancing

drawing of people drinking on the left, collage of found images on the right

America Valencia-Alvarez: Collage and Reframe

Pencil drawing of a girl's face. Red background with Chanel logos

Kelly Tran: Jennie Ruby Jane

A Found Footage Video.

Krystal Hernandez: Image & Sound

Shadai Washington: Ice Cube

Guillotine underwater with a Chesire-esque cat on the front. Coral and seaweed are clumped in the foreground

Stephanie Mei: Untitled

Emaneyah Walker: Ma Rainey from Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom

A drawing of Martin Luther King Jr giving a speach with an american flag

Anonymous: Untitled

Skull with an apple peering out from the scalp set on a gradient pink background with a red border

Yrva Desormeaux: The “Perfect” Student

Anonymous: Transparency Painting

Metal handprint on a colorful background

Star Adams: Metal hand

Close-up image of a leaf and its reflection arched above it.

Huda Darbo: The Complexity of Nature.

person in black and white dress holding a knife

Clare Krippner: Halloween

Anonymous: Untitled

Photo of sunset over industrial bridge

Samuel Childers: Cermak Sunset

warrior person with long hair

Jordan Allen: Day 5, Fangs

Lorenzo Beasley: Spongebob

A drawing of Frida Kahlo and flowers in the background

Lea Montanez: Frida

Painting/drawing of an unidentifiable object with a women in blue in the bottom corner.

Ana Nambo: Untitled

Anonymous: Nile River of the Mountain

Pastel drawing of a person playing a saxophone on an empty street with a dog and a bike

Sana Nanlawala: Not So Lonely on an Empty Street

Anonymous: The Last Piece

Robot sculpture made of stacked boxes and jewels

Anonymous: Boxbot 2000

Mixed media house

Kylie Frayn Burciaga: House

Photo of two people with long hair. Photo is blurred, and the images of the two bodies are layered on top each other. Background against a light purple wall.

Esperanza Rivera: Mama and me at 11.57.14 PM

Black and white portrait of young woman on cardboard

Anonymous: Untitled


Ava Scott: Untitled

Robbie Austin: Lifetime Fan

Jeremy Kole: Dog Sitting

Chalk pastel drawing of a yellow cake on a platter. A piece of the cake is cut out to expose the purple and pink cake layers.

Anonymous: Cake Time

Joana Jovanova: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Ashley Barrios: Idol

Skeleton is drawing wearing a skirt. She stands in front of a blue background and has a monkey on her shoulder.

Julissa Villalba: Frida Power – I Can Buy Myself Flowers

colorful painting of person sitting on chair

Alissandra Delgadillo: Sketch 1

Orange and pink shopping bags with symbols on them on a grey background.

Anonymous: Ayana’s Identity

A colorful digital illustration with organic shapes and patterns. In the center of the piece is a person walking with a lavender top and yellow pants.

Anonymous: Ink Explosion

Haneen Abed Al Qader: Pumpkins

Colored pencil drawing of a crochet needle

Sofia Salazar: Crochet

Madelyn Bursch: Tears of Joy

girl with yellow shirt

Kaylan Sims: Crazy for Myself

A colorful drawing of the earth and futuristic buildings under a purple sky.

Anonymous: A Futuristic Crystal World

Pencil drawing of person with long hair

Makayla Harley: Self-Portrait

chicago migration

Kadeemah Razaaq: Chicago Migration

Pink heart in the center. Stripes in rainbow colors in the background.

Ayannah Dogra: Recreation

Drawing of a person with red hair lying with back turned.

Azriel Mesa: Susanna and the Elders Figure Study

Drawing of an eye with ramen in the center with colorful lines in the background.

Azul Nunez Suarez: Ramen

Sculpture of a skateboarder on a ramp.

Will Bubness: Blaze

A drawing of black buildings with a colorful sky

Calder DeGroff: City Skyline

blue ceramic tile piece of a dragon

Jace Eisenberg: Dragon Sgraffito

Hiliana Ramirez: The Eye of Illusion

Horse with eyes flying at them

Carielis Granera: Day 9, Eyes

Collage of multicolored flowers on background that reads "We Are Machines."

Osvaldo Salgado: We Are Human

Digital Art. A background of blue with pink eyes is interrupted by an ambigous orange and purple figure. On the figures upper chest, the words "No One is Safe" are listed.

Ronghe Chen: Eyes on the Influencer

Watercolor of reds and oranges with landscape drawn on top

Anonymous: African Sunset

Artwork of young person with pink bow and pink and blue shirt

Ja’Niah L: Journee

Gael Zamudio: Untitled

Landon Rockwood: Rain Right ATM

person with spider on their hand

Henry De Luca: Day 7, Accident

person with long red braids in a pink dress and hat

Vance Lira: Strawberry Scare

Painting of an animal in a forest with a spaceship.

Anonymous: Untitled

Jennifer Lopez: Lifestyle

Two illustrations of girls in dresses

Anonymous: Twins from far away…

A folded modular origami parakeet bird

Elena Avila: Modular Origami Parakeet

Laylah Freeman: The Little Things

Gianna Giammona : Inside My Mind

portrait of girl crying with birthday hat and sign

Kayla Aguilar: It’s my Birthday and I’ll Cry if I want to.

Amani Mohammad: Untitled

Photo from below of neon sign reading "RAINBOW ROOM" with each letter in different colors; sign is reflected in promotional poster for film screening

Angelica Arriaga: Over the Rainbow

A fabric on board piece with 2 blue floating faces with a galaxy in the background.

Anonymous: Family Fun

Image of mushrooms with Alice in Wonderland text on them.

Sophia Rosenthal: Eat Me

Pencil drawing of a dragon's head

Anonymous: Untitled

portrait of person wearing a mask

Amesyah Flowers: Charcoal Portrait

Ωentangle cat on wood with night sky

Brianna Joyce : Untitled

Dot painting of rabbit

Anonymous: Jackrabbit

fabric and paint mixed media body red orange yellow

Soren Hurley: Mx. Guts

repurposed 3D doll with added sculptural elements

Jeanette Atkins : Lait Sucre (Doll Custom)

Weaved colorful papers into a black sheet.

Anonymous: Untitled

Jennifer Lopez: 2face

A drawing of a person with dark hair and a necklace on.

Derayah Brown: My Mom

Brianna Kokoszka: Angel Takes a Falling

Drawing of a vitamin bottle with a rubik's cube in front

Yinyin Liang: Untitled

A surreal drawing of a face that is only partial, stretching out and with multiple eyes

Anonymous: Stretched Too Thin

Photo of a girl with a crown

Cora Star: Changing Power

Black and white illustration of a smiling woman

Ranya Dano: Simple Joys

portrait of brown haired girl burnt orange background

Anonymous: Girl

Kimberly Aguilera: Artist Sketchbook

A drawing of a deserted road with trees and land forms on both sides of the road.

Anonymous: Regeneration Rhythms

Set model of a person's room

Ella Roeger: Ella’s Room

Overlapping circles in a color wheel

Lilly Myers: Color Wheel Rock

Donald Pieters: Floyd Barton From Seven Guitars

Mask with white background, embellishments around the face of swirls, spots, and lines in yellows, browns, and reds

Olivia Pacheco: Mexican Inspired Mask

Anonymous: Moods

Close-up painting of a flower

Anonymous: Untitled

Photo of a basketball hoop and bleachers.

Jah Fi Smith: Thought

Anonymous: Buenos Amigos

A reflection on 2020.

Dance: Hurts

Luxury room with large window, sunlit.

Mateo Matila: Luxury

A digital drawing of an original character with mint green hair

Mia Espinoza: Out in the Flesh

Drawing of Earth wearing mask

Anonymous: Fight With Corona

Anonymous: Pizza

Scratchboard illustration of two foxes with noses touching

Marisa Carreras: Young Love

Anonymous: Thorned

Black and white line drawing of the torso of a person wearing a hat.

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 1, Chill

A yellow, blue, and red dragon with wings

Anonymous: Phoenix Dragon

Long exposure of lights in a photograph.

Sarah Moreno: JOLT

A copper necklace resembling angel wings

Anonymous: Angel Bracelet

Colorful painting of face on white background

Anjelica Jones: Avenoir

Painting of girl wearing pink sweater with a cardinal in front of her eye.

Sofie Yu Xuan Yang: Self-Portrait

Photograph of jellyfish floating in water

Kyo H: Space Jellyfish

Maria Byers: Still Life

Animal Farm- Slinding Into Silence

Kevin Camacho: Sliding into Silence

Anonymous: Bill’s Rizzi City


Alexa Lopez: Weekend 3, Fire

A zentangle drawing of the letter C with different patterns and colors

Anonymous: Zentangle

Annika Alfaro: Kaminarimon Orange

Digital illustration of a black male figure with body and face split in places and loosely sewn back together. The parental advisory for explicit lyrics logo is in the bottom right corner

Keyon Hackle: Untitled

Anonymous: BEAUTIFUL !!

Doll in dollhouse

Anonymous: Untitled


Mason Hines: Untitled

Digital design of figure drinking, laptop computer loading, cute monsters & flowers.

Jessica Flores: Untitled

Drawing of a table with a beer and package of cigarettes

Anonymous: St. Patrick’s Day

Drawing of numerous household objects.

Jalyce Hickman: My family

B/w line drawing of person wearing a crown.

Anyah Thompson: Day 1, Chill

Black and white photo of a woman leaning against a wall.

Ashley Lopez: V

Anonymous: Community Superhero

Shamrock drawing with shapes around it

Crystal Diego: Stained Glass Shamrock

Painting of a fancy building in front of a sunset

Jordan McKee: Sydney Opera

Carter Palmer: Cuphead Character – Spicy Hotdog

A drawing of a girl with long hair facing the viewer.

Anonymous: Emily


Anonymous: Sandpiper

A colorful drawing of a lady with a yellow face and blue dress

Eren Akdogan: 100th day of school

photograph of person standing in black shirt and pants in front of wall with graffiti and red sign

Aldo R: Untitled

Mustafa Sadiqi: POP Chicago

Print of repeating red, green, and blue circles.

Anonymous: Untitled (blue, red, green circles)

A graphic image of red circles in different shades

Anonymous: Bubbles in Red

Person with beard looking at phone.

Ramik Spencer: Talk the Talk

Ceramic of woman with blue shirt and white skirt, 3 children on her skirt and 3 more babies in her arms.

Anonymous: Untitled

Amesyah Flowers: Collage/Reframe

Anonymous: Untitled

People holding Ukrainian flags in front of "Cloud Gate"

Christina Poprych: Support Ukraine

Drawing with color pencil with several items in a room

Kellyn Chavez: Untitled
