painting of snack foods opened up and laying on a table

Jasmin Melissa Rojas: Corruption

Illustration of a person sitting inside of a green bonsai tree

Jeanette Atkins: Bonsai

Atlas Sturrock: Inside Outside 1

Alter with Virgin Mary and candles.

Marlen Hernandez: Untitled

A drawing in colored pencil of a kid and their grandparent, eyes surrounding them in the background.

Kostandina Goritsan: Generational Eyes

Skull like figure in suit and red tie wearing hat, surrounded with flowers and pops of colors.

Anonymous: Deadpop

Photograph of a girl standing and catching falling candy

Christopher Guzman: Studio Shot

drawing of rabbits holding guns

Carielis Granera: Day 2, Bunnies

A young hand reaching towards a blank white drink amongst detailed black and white renderings of different drinks.

Edwin Santana: Untitled

Picture of the heel of a black, white, and red Nike Air mid-top shoe.

Eric Diaz: project 1

Sunset over the North Branch of the Chicago River, surrounded with trees and natural plants. Two kayakers are on the river, with people walking on adjacent path.

Ty Villanueva: A Wednesday Afternoon On Earth

photograph of two football players in red and black jerseys and helmets shaking hands

Mia Z: Untitled

Person sitting with phone and iced coffee in front of a garage with style writing on it.

Myreliz Romero: Natural Habitat

A bowl of pozole with an avocado and coca cola.

Alondra Castillo: Pozole de mi Abuela

Multi-colored painting of small chick in hand of tan skinned person in lap showing orange clothing with pink and orange stripe adorning bottom. Background is blue patterned.

Suha K: Tranquil

A painting of a lake with weeds

Kostandina Goritsan: Untitled

wolf with sheep on its back

Carielis Granera: Day 6, Mask

A person playing a bagpipe.

Eoin McNamara: The Uilleann Piper

A photo montage of a mirror laying in the grass. The mirror shows dolphins floating in a cloudy blue sky.

Anonymous: Skyglass

Fish in a mason jar above the sea.

Jenifer Peña: Aquatic Dreams

Painting of purple butterfly on pink flower with "La Mariposa" written below.

Lizzet Zumba: Untitled

Abstract drawing with a girl depicted on the top right with various shapes (butterfly, spider) drawn in the surrounding.

Rayah Saleh: Underwater Mishap

abstract painting of the interior of a an el car

Adam Wheatley: Untitled

Atlas Sturrock: Cake Walk 1

Photo of coach holding the head of a young football player on a football field.

Alyssa Young: Mentor

Anonymous: Lavender Willow

Digital art with green warp and text coming out

Amari R: Untitled

Several dice

Matthew Minczuk: Dice Depth of Field

Photograph of a girl blowing out candles on a cake. The candles spell 18

Jocelyne Estrada: Adulthood-2

Abstracted futuristic cityscape.

Anonymous: Travelposter

Photograph of a man in a pool playing water polo

Michael Tenesaca: Twilight

a photograph of an over the shoulder perspective of a basketball being shot into a basketball hoop

Chinwe Nkwocha: The One with the Oroma Ball

Surreal landscape with a ghost on a bridge with a red moon.

Hikari Nakasone: A Dream

close up image of small child in polka dot shirt and bike handle with streamers

Adriana T: Youth

Painting of a Young Woman wearing earrings

Tiffany Delgado: Beaded Ears

A girl staring at a flower.

Afwanah Chaudhry: Blazing Gift

Oli Fuentes: Music is Life

Painting of Otavalo Market in Ecuador. Inside a vendor tent, the seller is laughing while a prospecting buying holds one of the many textiles hanging behind them.

Saskya Lema Lema: Otavalo Market

painting of a fish bowl looking out, someone with a camera taking a photograph of the fishes in the bowl.

Amelia Carpenter: Untitled

photo of a young woman smiling while wearing a pink scarf and her hands are covering her eyes

frida tejada: life

A cabin on a lake with mountains behind.

Angela Han: Watercolor Landscape

Photograph of a matryoshka (nesting) doll on a blue background

Nicole Kubecki: матрёшка

photograph of person shooting a basket wearing blue shirt and shorts

Heorhiy K: Hoops of Hope

deer in front of doors in forest

Carielis Granera: Day 10, Doors

Boulders overlooking a lake and pine needle branches.

Gloria Chavarin: Watercolor Landscape

Photograph of three disco balls on wood floor reflecting

Anonymous: Disco

Illustration of a reptile in front of a green and red background

Aman Montgomery: Untitled

Photograph of tree with house covered in ivy in the background

Anonymous: Untitled

Atlas Sturrock: Ancient Relic 2

dark photograph of person with back to camera looking at computer screen wit headphones on and hand on mouse

Anonymous: Homebody

Sculpture of purple and blue treasure with wings and various colorful patterns. Wave-like body.

Anonymous: Untitled

drawn portrait of young girl looking into shattered mirror with fragments of paint keys, mic, musical notes, food.

Mariya Walker: Untitled

Digital drawing of porch with hammock

Carielis Granera: My Cofy Cozy Place

Mixed media collage of comic book pages with featured words POW BANG BOOM KAPOW and man in red costume in foreground

Fyona H: One Mans Story

Atlas Sturrock: Cake Walk 3

3 people wearing red Chicago Teacher Union clothes, chanting. One with a bullhorn and sign that says "On strike against unfair labor practices."

Gabriel Mejia: Shut It Down

image of tree and traffic light

Jordan S: Tree/traffic light

Abstract drawing of anime figures an comic boxes featuring characters and strips of film frantically wrapping through

Anonymous: Haunting Memories

dinosaur with feathers and long tail

Carielis Granera: Day 15, Dinosaur

Anonymous: Riviera Theatre

Digital photograph of man in mirror with red and blue glowing hearts across the image

Farhan A: Water and Fire moon

Close-up of a face looking up with DNA double helixes as veins in the eyes

Kostandina Goritsan: Hellenic DNA

A charcoal still life drawing of a jar, helmet, rubber ducky and other miscellaneous objects.

Anonymous: Objects of Significance

Photograph of a man sitting on a blue bucket in the daytime.

Andres Mejia: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Painting with multiple kitchen appliances on a counter against a patterned wall.

Vanessa Villegas: Baudelia’s Kitchen

Photograph of two people standing with backs to camera in front of lake and sunrise, hugging.

Anonymous: s2niorsunri5e

self portrait photograph of a student seated amongst the trees in a grassy spot

Wasim Choudhury: Colors of Nature

black and white photograph of preson standing on rocks

Abigail L: Boy in the wild

Graphic design image of two people with afro hairstyle

Grace Hutcherson: Through The Fro

A painting of snakes with their skins.

Galia Quezada: Shedding My Skin

90s videogame start screen with a pronounced crow.

Carielis Granera: Skip’s Journey

Yellow, green and red bandana with the word "AFLOAT" repeated

Paolo Trovato: Untitled

A digital image of a girl with a blue background.

Fyona Hernandez: Hello Fyona

A girl floats in a bathtub. She is surrounded by flowers.

Anonymous: Flower Bed

bear on a unicycle

Carielis Granera: Day 16, Trap

Digital image or person in black pants and shirt with red hair floating in space above person standing on earth

Patricia H: Save

Photograph of dark haired younger girl laying in grass on stomach with head in hands and leaf covered background

Anonymous: My Little Sister

Perspective of a Chicago street at night

Sofia Bush: Old Town Silence

Anonymous: A Man

A lake with a dock and rippling waves.

Kiera Clark: Watercolor Landscape

Black background with printed trees and accented green leaves with the focus on a print of a woman in the center covering her eyes.

Sadia Sultana: Shakchunni

Atlas Sturrock: If I Were a House 1

Photograph of blue sky and ocean view with tall green grass in foreground

Anonymous: California scenery

Sculpture of mans face with cheek open showing gums and inside of mouth

Camila M: Blisters of Emotion

rabbit jumping on eagle

Carielis Granera: Day 19, Over

Drawing of a man in special suit. He wears a blue glove and points a finger.

Anonymous: Untitled

digital artwork of young child and older man behind wheel of boat with american flag in background

Erin Z: New Adventures

Person feeding a small campfire

Javier Martinez: Urban

a photograph of the top of a building set against a clear blue sky

Claudine Buda: Blue Wall

Photograph: in focus is a green toy truck on a road. In the background is a brick apartment building. Perspective is manipulated to give illusion the toy car is actually to scale of a real car.

Anonymous: Unavailable Parking Space

person wearing dragon mask

Carielis Granera: Day 18, Pride

Close-up Photograph of person with dark hair looking down smiling in orange shirt

Maximus M: Smile

Atlas Sturrock: Cake Walk 4

photo of a young woman seated backwards in school chair wearing a face covering

Alenis Cuzco: Prisoner

Room overlooking a river with a ying yang rug

Anonymous: Calebs Comfy Cozy Place

Max Mikunas: Brawl Outside a Convenience Store

Adele Wallner: Untitled

Multicolored sunrise with back of people in foreground

Mya J: Last Sunrise

Photograph closely cropped on a small purple bird house hanging on a tree

Owen Guenther: Bird House

Photograph of seashell wind chimes in motion

Anonymous: The Ocean in a Different Form

photograph go young girl in the dark, with Christmas lights hanging around her

Rex Speyer: Gaze Aglow

Anonymous: Why’d the octopus cross the river?

A digital portrait of a person in long hair. They are looking back at the viewer. The background is a geometric blue and green pattern.

Anonymous: Vector Portrait

Karolina Kawula: Zagunie, Laszki

Multi-colored marker drawing of creature in long blue robews and hat surrounded by szwirling colors and other monsters

Anonymous: Torrent of circumstance

Photograph of a teenager in front of trees in between a steel structure.

Baljot Singh: Parallel

Woman with lipstick smeared over her lips with a white shirt in front of the camera.

Violet Payne: Chased

Mixed media artwork with painting of pink flowers and brown and green birds, with clay wing attached

Aiden O: Untitled

Photograph of a light circle around two people

Caleb Mendez Toomey: MotionWeb

Up close photograph of a red plank of wood

Anonymous: Spikes

A student poses with a small airplane.

Henry Darlage: Highway to the Danger Zone!

A river running through mountains

Natalie Nguyen: Watercolor Landscape

A digital painting of a loteria inspired card with a bee on it. The words on the bottom say La Abeja.

Anonymous: La Abeja Loteria Card

A man in an orange hat is with a small child.

Anonymous: Oliver

photo of the interior of a mall

Mutahhar Asad: Mall Motion

A girl in a hat poses with a magnifying glass.

Jasmely Hollis-Gomez: Self-Portrait in Another Universe

Photograph of a necklace

Anonymous: Motion (1 of 1)

A member of The Mighty 9!

Carielis Granera: Plainfield School The III

repurposed 3D doll with added sculptural elements

Jeanette Atkins : Lait Sucre (Doll Custom)

A child holds his face in pain as his skin has lesions.

Anonymous: Zombie Me

Photograph taken at dusk of electric facility

Anonymous: Untitled

Collage of a window view of a vespa outside, with indoor elements of a helmet on a table.

Elena Gerick: Bedroom View

a photograph of a young woman holding up a Puerto Rican Flag

Jazlyn Martell: Boricua

Atlas Sturrock: If I Were a House 2

Atlas Sturrock: If I Were a House 3


Carielis Granera: Day 5, Fangs

Image of young man in gradient blues in front of gradient pink/orange gradient. Made of many shapes.

Augustin Gund: Self Portrait

Atlas Sturrock: Inside Outside 4

Photograph of a rundown car surrounded by a tent, trees, and an American flag

Eddie Roche: Aftermath

Small child with dark eyes and hair looking at the camera with figures behind

Yaretzi Cornelio: Angles

photograph of woman in lace top and large brown skirt with lights shining from underneath

Aliza S: Shameem

Atlas Sturrock: Inside Outside 2

Photograph of tiny yellow flowers

Ena Ramovic: Flower Focal Point

A black and white photo of a city light post.

Anonymous: Totem

Photograph of swing with sun and trees in background

Nida L: Beginning

Surreal landscape with red river, Chicago skyline, transparent face, and shoreline.

Joshua Aco: Still Lying Down

Multi-colored pastel artwork with flames on one side and water on other, with person in middle, sun behind him, and bird above him.

Andres M: Sun Wukong

Illustrative photograph of a family sitting around a table

Jasmine Camargo: Untitled

Digital illustration of man in gray suit painting, storefronts, a baseball card, and script text reading "El Mafioso."

Bianca Datro: The Italian Mobster

Photographic of Bahai temple from low vantage point, a flower in focus in the foreground.


A subject with decorations in her afro hairstyle, and party decorations laid out around her hair.

Ty-Carmel Elsa: Hair deco

A person's face. Curly short brown hair and a gray jacket.

Eoin McNamara: Alternate Self Portrait

Person in blue jacket and hat sitting at a picnic table holding an orange cat.

Enrique Meza: Family Portrait

A digital photomontage of tulips and bubbles in Times Square.

Anonymous: Whimsical City

Multicolored mixed media artwork with multiple characters and various accessories

Brittany H: Dramatic Entrance

Carielis Granera: Bats At Sunfall

Atlas Sturrock: Ancient Relic 1

Photograph of a baby's face. They are looking directly into the camera and holding a leaf to their mouth.

Anonymous: Mayaboti

Lioness and cub

Carielis Granera: Weekend 1, Nature

Photograph of two boys on a moving bus looking at the camera

Anthony Hotca: Focal Point

Person laying on a desk

Arlette Sanchez: No Context

Drawing of a purple and yellow two-horned creature with a big weapon on a grey background

Carielis Granera: Rhogar Myastan

Photograph taken from the lake facing the city with purple pink and blue sky above skyline

Anonymous: City Of Dreams

Digital artwork of person with long brown hair smoking a cigarette

Swaleha Y: Smoke

Two old men sitting on a CTA with a grainy filter over top

Stephanie Mendoza: Antique Memories – Baldies

person holding onto a rope above alligators

Carielis Granera: Day 14, Falling

Photograph of a woman washing an air fryer with sud filled water

Isabella Reyes: delically

Photograph of a car pulling out a driveway

Baljot Singh: Singh. Uncles Car

Crochet vinyl with Black woman on the cover


A girl looks to her left as she stands by a brick wall.

Brittany Hernandez: My reality in a different dimension

Photo of residential homes with a Ukrainian flag

Sofia Martyniuk: Slava Ukraine

Photograph of a sunset over a football game

Amina Cutahija: Sunset

Jada Batts: Get to Know Me

A painting of trees and a fence.

Anonymous: My Chicago Polaroid

Atlas Sturrock: Inside Outside 3

Alayna Avila: Loading Screen

Playing card. Two cat heads morphed together. Background of stars and a moon over black.

Alan Velazquez: Loteria Card “El Gato”

photograph of mcdonalds packaging floating in puddle with leaves

Anh H: Polluted Puddle

Photograph of rain drops on a window

Anonymous: Focal Point (1 of 1)

Image of long grass in foreground with blue sky and powerlines in background

Kirk L: Power Lines

A digital drawing of a smiling person with long hair. They are wearing a light green shirt. The background is a red to green gradient.

Anonymous: Rosy Face

Colorful illustration of two characters fighting

Christopher Rodriguez: Untitled

photograph of a red bird decoration in a back yard, night lighting

Sebastian Millan: DOFapp

animal behind a spooky tree

Carielis Granera: Weekend 4, Hollow

3D sculpture of a creature with three curvy legs, a colorful pink and orange beak, and a white pattern on its back.

Anonymous: Untitled

Abstract blurry photograph of dark street illuminated by streetlight with bright green trees

Anonymous: Late Night Trip

A woman in a slim white gown in a dark forest with black tree bark and greenish blue water

Genessis Garcia: Llorona

photograph of a young person behind a wall of colorful light

Jesus Abelar: Light Show

A painting of bottles of jarritos.

Elaine Rodriguez: Cinco Jarritos

Girl removing make up

Anonymous: Untitled

person with a claw hand with levitating rocks

Carielis Granera: Day 12, Rock

Photograph of sunrise over lake with two people in foreground

Anonymous: Morning Sky

A person drawn with red hair. Many smaller drawings surround them like a blue cats, many stars and other blue lines and shapes.

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

A portrait of a man's face with a goatee.

Tristan Workman: Alternate Self Portrait

Digital collage of a dog in a tutu on a stage with a red curtain and audience shadows.

Aruba Awan: Untitled

Man with a lit wand facing out of the page in the night with a moon in the background.

Albert Boongaling: Mage

Blue line drawing of people in warn hats and coats recording something on their cell phones.

Gabriel Mejia: Nothing Makes a Crowd Like a Crowd

Atlas Sturrock: Torn Up In Hunger

Horse with eyes flying at them

Carielis Granera: Day 9, Eyes

Digital illustration of a white sports car with the number 44 on it.

John Gutama: Untitled

Graphic design for Perla's Postres. Logo with ice cream treat and drink; and pink food truck shown from all four sides.

Perla Reynoso: Perla’s Postres Logo and Food Truck

Digital Image of Person sitting on concrete block in park with refrigerated cart in front of him

Anonymous: El Sueño Americano

Paper cut out of pink and blue girl

Galia Quezada: Untitled

oil pastel painting of young girl with glasses

Sharline Reblando: Relaxation

photograph of do not enter sign covered in stickers with city buildings in background

Anonymous: Perspective

A cartoon character with an expression for every hour on the clock.

Carielis Granera: Untitled

Two figures on a red and yellow background

Anonymous: Untitled

Surrealist image with person walking on road in front of large elephant emerging from mountain range.

Abby Balmaseda: Untitled

Audrey Hancock: Am I ‘other?’

Carielis Granera: Grey

Anonymous: Untitled

b/w line drawing of person sitting in lawn chair drinking from a can.

Carielis Granera: Day 1, Chill

Mauve house with a grey roof and a bright green background

Daneely Mendoza: Afternoon in May

A black woman surrounded by shards of color.

Ange-Marie Nifasha: Jewel of Congo

Photograph of a metal structure from below

Ange-Marie Nifasha: Different Perspective

Photograph of water running into a glass from a sink. There is out of focus black and white floral wallpaper in the background.

Disha Patel: Importance

painting of a woman's back with large eyes on it

Tatiana Espinoza: Self Repair

A polaroid of a painting of apples.

Anonymous: Market Apples

three ice cream bars with different facial expressions

Carielis Granera: Day 8, Ice Scream

A photograph of a person holding a bat at night walking away from the viewer on a road.

Anonymous: Seeking AnswersOli Fuentes:

Two men, one facing out one facing in in the same outfit with the words "Trash Panda" in the center

Albert Boongaling: Trash Panda Fashion Design

Photograph of a flower with pink petals

Galilea Muniz: The Flower

Photograph of a person wearing day of the dead makeup

Anonymous: Mis Raices

Photograph closely cropped on a glass with condensation and a leaf

Emaan Khan: I Finished My Drink!!!

Photograph of sconce that is out of focus.

Anonymous: pic2

Photograph of a lounge area through the glass of a window, a neon paw above a couch.

Ayden Cao: Comfort Area

Digital drawing of person with an upside down jack o lantern on their head.

Anonymous: PumpkinHead

Original painting on the left, student recreation of woman wearing pink hat and vest on the right

Gabryelle Harmon: Reenacting Woman Painting by Amrita Sher Gil

Photograph of a person painting. They wear a red, white and grey stripped polo shirt. They hold a paint palette in their left hand and a paint brush in their right up to the canvas. The painting is of a street scene.

Vicky Plange: Village of Strokes

b/w drawing of dragon

Carielis Granera: Day 3, Dungeon

painting of a person at a gas station, low vantage point. two cars, one red one blue.

Galia Quezada: Untitled

Image of young girl in snorkeling gear in the water among many fish.

Kiera Clark: Imaginary Swim

Anonymous: Untitled

Colorful drawing of a girl with blue hair

Kenia Cardenas: Untitled

painting of two legs wearing strapped slip on shoes

Tiffany Delgado: Walking Culture

photograph of an empty playground

Jaymie Ferrer: Childhood

A woman's face with her bones showing in her neck.

Emaan Khan: Alternate Self Portrait

Digital fantasy world artwork with knight sword and helmet in foreground

Khadijah S: The Dream of a Red Knight

Genevieve Carlozo: Wounds in Healing

repurposed 3D doll with added sculptural elements

Jeanette Atkins: Madam Pearl

Neon purple lights in a wave behind person looking at camera.

Edmond Abraham: Psychedelic Selfie

Photograph of plant looking up at blue sky

Catherine Correa: Flower

heart with keyhole and skull above it

Carielis Granera: Day 17, Spooky Locket

photograph of a set table with cutlery and a window view in the background

Ivette Montalvo: LeTour

Drawings of the front and back of a dress.

Priyanshi Patel: Modern Yet Traditional

photograph of a girl laying in the green grass

Violet Payne: Basking in the Lakes Breeze

Horizon view of a neighborhood

Adam Nawrocki: My Chicago 2

Illustration of fox diving into crowd at concert

Aaron Bergante: Fox, Rock N Roll, Thrill

Lian Mawi: A Hoih Mah Diam For Our Body?

Jaritzi Villegas: PROVECHO!


Carielis Granera: Weekend 2, Night

Atlas Sturrock: Cake Walk 2

photograph of a young person emerging from a black background with red curly hair, wearing a blue hat

Mariana Ortiz: Studio Portrait

Older woman sewing designs on fabric

Saskya Lema Lema: Warmi Awana

A digital painting showing two women with a bike and a Mexican flag. The words on the piece read 95 La Chicana.

Anonymous: La Chicana Loteria

River with a plant in it

Anonymous: Focal plant

Painting of a street in monochrome red

Adam Nawrocki: My Chicago 1

black and white photograph of back of a person in jersey number 77 and helmet standing with hands on hips

George H: Dog Days


Diana Cervantes: American Dream

Image of mother typing on a laptop with a child in her lap

Jazlyn Ojeda: Work Load

Person wearing black hoodie and hat throwing a baseball at the photographer. Baseball is in focus, rest of image is not.

Sebastian Fernandez: Baseball Catch

Buoy in the middle of a body of water surrounded by greenery

Maira Haseeb: Gone

Vinyl record painted pink with flowers and koi fish

Anonymous: Koi Vinyl

Photograph of inside of vintage car with blue and white interior, large steering wheel, and light under dashboard

Anonymous: Behind the wheel

Carielis Granera: Tales from the Time of Covid

Anonymous: Untitled

Sunset blankets the Argyle stop with orange, deep purple and blue hues

Anonymous: Argyle Stop

A person with glasses and a mustache and medium length hair.

Mangion Gagan: Alternate Self Portrait

two wolves

Carielis Granera: Day 13, Oracle

Acrylic painting of coral reef and an anchor

Jonathan Julian Castaneda Soto: Untitled

Anonymous: bye

Photograph of a girl in front of trees

Anonymous: Thankful

photoshopped softened photograph of a family seated at a long table sharing a meal

Jasmine Camargo: Entre Familia

Slow 10 MPH under a bridge

Jonathan Pedraza: Pedrazaslow

Dark photograph of a tire swing

Anonymous: Untitled

Jada Batts: August Wilson Monologues


Anonymous: Top of locker

This is a poster for Imagine Dragons, with a teddy bear and a toxic sign.

Anonymous: Gig Poster

Silhouette of person with ponytail in front of dark blue lit window.

Adela Velic: Feeling Blue

An oil pastel drawing of a person with a green and red necklace and a purple top. There are water waves behind.

Anonymous: Siren’s Call

Crystalline butterflies litter a pale blue castle landscape with large hills and moutains

Khadijah Shaikh: The Northern Duchy

Photograph of a girl making a serve in volleyball

Michael Doan: Service in Motion

Digital image of a playing card, numbered 2. In the center is an image of a pigeon with large feathers in the pack, a bow tie, top hat, and monocle. Underneath the bird it says " El Caballero"

Yailine Cano: Loteria Card “El Caballero”

person with sandwich head

Carielis Granera: Day 4, Sandwich

Close up image of reflection of person in spoon

Scarlett T: Reflections

Pastel drawing of a cabin in dense yellow and green grass

Abigail Bucio: I’ve seen this place in a dream

A table filled with food and a family surrounding it.

Saskya Lema Lema: Ofrenda

Various images of faces screaming on a blue and purple tinted outdoor background

Anonymous: The Scream

Person working on a table with pictures on the wall

Angelina Lemke: Untitled

painting of a picture taken by me at the Harlem Green Line station

Adam Wheatley: Untitled
