Teacher Name: Todd Baran
Grade: 12

Materials: Digital Photograph

Artist Statement: During my work and process I wanted to capture creative moments in my life. I decided to capture the picture “Natural Habitat” because like said within the title that’s my natural habitat, I thought that capturing this moment would have a lot of other people relate to it such as teens, we are more in this “internet bubble” which is what’s being captured. I thought this general topic would be good to capture since it’s talked about so much and this topic is usually captured in the pictures of kids in schools and phones being a distraction to learning. These pieces that I captured allow me to see this whole “internet bubble” differently because I used to think just about this topic as a school thing but in reality it’s something that happens all over the world in every time of events, it’s our new social norm in our generation. Kids nowadays are being raised in this generation surrounded by this “internet bubble” that’s talked about so much.
