CPS All-City Visual Arts Exhibitions
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Alexandra Ruhnke: Chalk Pastel Haunted House
Anonymous: Midnight Salon
Anonymous: Picasso Ahsoka
Holden Maher: Untitled
Beriel Moore: Untitled
Anyah Thompson: Rhogar Myastan
Adam Milic: Black Panther
Jennifer Lopez: Untitled
Zoey El-Mofty: Cabinet of Curiosity
Cristal Villa: Untitled
Enisa Khan: My true friend and a priceless treasure
Harrison Brennan: Seeing the Seen
Mia Z: Untitled
Cassius Palacio: Rushed Moment or Guassian Blur
Polina Zvereva: Bella Poarch
Serena Coleman: Untitled
Anonymous: The Year 2020
Arleth Rodriguez: Cultural Richness
Victoria Huang: Mummy King
Brianna Kokoszka: Perceptual Vision
Edward Vickman: Untitled
Ashley Barrios: Mom with Flowers
Yenedith Sanchez: Dazed
Cole Ham: Marty DiGiorno
Jo Olson: Help Yourself
Alissandra Delgadillo: Jello Stripe
Olive Herman: Untitled
Sam Matznick: Mirror on the Train
Henry De Luca: Day 12, Rock
Anonymous: Unwrapping Identity
Anonymous: Lennies
Parker Lu: Family
Hailey Rodden: 4 Aesthetics
Anonymous: 50 Reasons Why
Keira Devaney: Fruit Bowl
Hannah Boegen-Stork: Rainbows
Ronan Goto: Untitled
Robert Lee: Welcome to California
Abigail Tarbox: Relief Ceramic Sculpture
Mila Ryan: Untitled
Janay Blackwell: Untitled
Ashley Barrios: Mask
Anonymous: Mudz
Anonymous: Baloo the Cat
Anonymous: Way Up High
Anonymous: Helping Hands
Sophia Manzo: Untitled
Anonymous: Self-Portrait
Robbie Austin: Perspective Shadow
YosiYah YisraEL: Music in my mind
Anonymous: Untitled
Anonymous: New York
Anonymous: Untitled
Henry De Luca: Day 4, Sandwich
Minahil Ahmed : Land of Peace
Anonymous: Lost
Antionae Jackson: Landscape
Kendall Hobbs: Purple Rain
Anonymous: Emily
Ocieann Davis: Wrap
Carmen Conner: Bird and Flower painting
Anonymous: Coming of Age
Anonymous: Chicago Collection #2
Itzel Saenz: Day 16, Trap
Anonymous: Power Animals
Edana Lynch: Halloween 1
Andy Gramajo: Newspaper Volcano for My Dinosaurs
Miguel Arellano: CR7
Terrence Kendrick: Next Macanay Lul
George Dravillas: Untitled
Anonymous: Creativity
Anyah Thompson: Day 2, Bunnies
Anonymous: Sandwich
Elizabeth Curry: Dissection
Zania Watson: Medium Light Animal Sprit
Anonymous: Flowers
Gabriel Esquivel: Faking the Outside. Hiding the Inside.
Anonymous: Chili snake
Lucy Brown: Animal Planet
Vicky Plange: Village of Strokes
Legend Allen: Untitled
Kai Kinds: Little Miss Cartoony
Nicodemus Drummond: Drummond, Madre y Hijo
Ava Ortiz: Other
Oscar Lassus: Artist’s Business: Thinkin’ Like a Maniac
Anonymous: Untitled 1
Veronica Timble: Rhogar Myastan
Grace Guski: Pi in the Sky
Bryan M: Sponge Under The Sea
Abigail Meneses: Shattered Flower
Naomi Cobbs: Untitled
Sophia Clinard-Rubio: POSSESS
Anonymous: Foxy
Anonymous: BEAUTIFUL !!
Anonymous: Caged
Naomi Makapedua: Starry Galaxy
Daliya Owerko: untitled
Darion Fenner: My Love Won’t Let You Down (Cover)
Prince: Untitled
Malykai Feliciano: The Magical Bird
Josiah Fatehnezhad: Untitled
Anonymous: Study of Lines
Madison Rozwat: Obscured Sunrise
Daniela Salgado: Serendipity
Jessica Vazquez: Personal Still Life
Emma Chung: White Noise
Anonymous: The Jungle
Yuv Parmar: Untitled
Maia Daley: for world
Naomi Sanchez: Untitled
Natalia Lavick: Untitled
Kurt Joritz: Line Monster
Braulio Gomez: Spring Crush
Alyssa Calderon: Portrait 100
Zora Alleyne: Personal Logo Color
Daniel Jones: Untitled
Everett Hamm: World on Fire
Ashanti Hicks: Challxn
Loreal Junior: Untitled
Sophia Sherline: Routine
Selah Payne: Collage/Reframe
Vance Lira: Day 9, Eyes
Atlas Sturrock: Untitled
Henry De Luca: Day 13, Oracle
Dylan Mitchell and Inci Qasimli: Dragon Tuesday
Isaac Perez: Temptation & Desperation
Anonymous: Self-Portrait
Lilith Eddington : Self as Bowie 2
James Solis: Historical Hate
Maximilian Bardy: Untitled
Adela Lisca: Pineapple
Anonymous: Basketball in Sunset
Anonymous: Untitled
Alexa Lopez: Weekend 2, Night
Anonymous: Untitled
Anonymous: Paris Background
Sarah Anderson: Alien Rhapsody
Anonymous: Mellow
Tabitha Wagner: Packis
Anonymous: Quarantine
Sophia Clinard-Rubio: Temperature Still Life
Anonymous: Untitled
Anonymous: Blind Contour
Mangion Gagan: Alternate Self Portrait
Melanie Silva: Untiled Self Portrait
Eren Akdogan: A Pandemic Day
Siena Franklin: Coil Bowl
Iris Blue: Untitled
Rosario Sanchez: Untitled
Anonymous: Untitled
Beatrix Wunar: Untitled
Janelle Delangel: Back of the Yards
Anonymous: Sela Lara
Samuel Vite: I Want Wind To Blow
Anonymous: La Migration
Tyshaun Zollicoffer: Untitled
Anonymous: Miles Morales
Angela Guillen: Zayra
Minahil Ahmed: Cryptosun
Alexander Ramirez: Untitled
Reese Giltmier: Untitled
Anonymous: Shark Tank
Anonymous: Untitled
Shamya Butler: Untitled
Amesyah Flowers: Halloween
Myla Marsh: Untitled
Juliette Guzman: Bug on a Rug
Anonymous: Smile of the day
Anonymous: Souvenirs
Kaylee Zhang: Untitled
Anonymous: Unicorn Paper Collage
Sanvi Das: Jump for Joy
Linda Kwan: The New Us
Yabena Sunuwar: Worm’s Eye Snowmen
Sofie Yu Xuan Yang: Self-Portrait
Anonymous: Rural Landscape
Aya Holloway: Fish Tank
Lashae Wilson: Black Mary from Gem of the Ocean
Frank Fregoso: Self Portrait
Isaac Danielson: Only One
Anonymous: For My Uncle
Anonymous: Unraveled progression
Jariyah Payton: Dog
Anonymous: Untitled
Stephanie Maldonado: Working on the Field
Anonymous: Stuck at Home
Anonymous: Kitty Cat
Alan Jaimes: Family is Everything
Harper Sims: Cute Butterfly
Naomi Jones: Fall
Noah: Untitled
Anonymous: Jae V On
Renee Picard: Uncertainty
Ana Venegas: This Is Me
Anonymous: Timmy the Cow
Karen Ramos: The Perspective.
Lezly Olivas: Untitled
Anonymous: White Brick
Auttum Thomas: Magnified Love
Anonymous: Untitled
Joshua Torres: Untitled
Kaitlyn Huante: Study
Anonymous: I am thinking about something.
Anonymous: Black Inspiration
Ashley Alvarado: Girl Power
Anonymous: Untitled
Anonymous: Tiger
Ayanna Reeves-Woodson: Mac and Cheese
Anonymous: Im kinda hungry
Eliana Frost: Birds on a Wire
Jordyn Washington: Sketchbook
Lily Munkhbold: Keith Haring inspired Bodies in Motion
Yueling Qian: Path to Sweetness
Gabryelle Harmon: Reenacting Woman Painting by Amrita Sher Gil
Anonymous: Seeing Blossoms
Llondoyn Peters-Gill: Llondyn’s Fish
Anonymous: Action
Aleksandra Putintceva: Untitled
Ronald David: Purple Writing
Anonymous: House
Madeline Freund: Heart
Ana Smadiyar-Tefft: Dolly Parton Doll
Nnenna-Symone Baker: Oh What A Feeling
Anonymous: Behind the wheel
Izekiel Diaz: Sound Poem
Niko Hristoforatos: Mario Challenge
Anonymous: Card Player
Sherie All: Fresh Watermelon
Anonymous: color
Naomi Cobbs: If I Could Fly
Mary Kate Clancy: Prague in a Dream
Piper Castaneda: The Spider
Nailah Faisal: Untitled
Victoria Mak: 12 Mile
Cervantes Alejandro: 2020
Julian Pintor: Self-portrait
Krystal Hernandez: Storyboard
Nectaria Nedelea: Coffee House
Ranya Dano: The Epitome of Beauty
Christian Whitehead: Hero Sasha Summers And Villain Karen The Petty
Kallisti (Al) Kupferer: Imagined Spaces (landscape)
Ami Kai Gandhi: Underwater Sea
Anonymous: Untitled
Hotaru Koziarski: Me
Jordan Allen: Day 16, Trap
Francesca Kang: Alvin Ailey
Samantha Rocca: Untitled
Lauren Brogan: Emma Collage
Nina O’Dea: Turris
Giselle Raigosa: Manus Sepentes
Anonymous: Sluggish
Trent Landsberger: Trent’s henri rousseau aquatic
Delfina Fontaine: Untitled
Riley Oleary: Fruit Veggie Man
Joshua Aco: Still Lying Down
Kevin Camacho: Sliding Out Of Silence
Anonymous: Flowers of Amber
Victor Luis Garcia: Pages from Alfie
Alexis Thomas: Storyboard
Elijah Poole: Healthcare
Anonymous: Untitled
Alison Severin: Untitled
Nicodemus Drummond: Love Letter
Anonymous: Space
Nico Stafford: bodycomplex
Anonymous: The Krew
Joaquin De Leon: In my Brain
Osvaldo Salgado: We Are Human
Juniper Pingolt: Bird tea party
Rem Johannknecht: Waterline
Antionette Wallace: Half & Half of Value
Anonymous: September 26, 2014
Donald Richard: Day 8, Ice Scream
Isaac Davila: Crazy Socks inspired by Dr. Seuss- Fox in Socks
Nicole Figueroa: Sun and Flowers
Yaneisy Chagala: Mountain View
Itzel Saenz: Day 1, Chill
Anonymous: Untitled
Daniel Rosas: Untitled
Kaleigh Cordero: The World Passes By
Ariana Winters: Image And Sound
Robbie Austin: Ripples
Joanna Steven: Portraits
Lucia Solares: Friends
Schantelle K Alonzo: Untitled
Lauriana Nadjingar: Get to Know Me
Arlo Schafman: Fridge Day
Akira Brown: Untitled
Esperanza Martinez-Zellars: Umm…
Anonymous: Dragonfly
Cole Kirk: Who’s in Paris
Mya Corral: Elotera
Crystal Villalobos: Lotus flower
Allison Martineau: Miss Scary
Anonymous: Untitled
Matthew Balber: What Lies Beyond
Anonymous: She Sees
Kaline Adams : Gen Unknown
Yinyin Liang: Untitled
Amesyah Flowers: Two Toned Portrait
Giselle Magana: The Dress
Anonymous: Crazy Diamond
Gabrielle K Diggs: Singing Flower
Sara Gitner: Dazed
Anonymous: Magritte Self Portrait
Nevaeh Washington: The Girl
Anonymous: Guanajuato
Declan Briody: Feed Me Seymour
Kelby McMorris: Untitled
Anonymous: Nature’s Presence
Nina Figurelli: Untitled
Anonymous: Natural Life
Rita Abbinanti: Childhood
Jace Eisenberg: Dragon Sgraffito
Charlesa Thompson: The Product of Wealth
Violet Torres: You Will Never Have Enough
Jessica Horne: Girl Censored
Diana Perez: Portrait of a Girl
Jansel Perez: My Dream America
Jennifer Lopez: Significant Objects
Ellen Wallace: Comet the Cat
Anonymous: Horses
Jaclyn Manning: “A Lick of Childhood.”
Leslie Illescas: Enchanting Omen
Anonymous: Untitled
Paige Meegan: Daytona Beach
Reggie Winn: Self-Portrait
Anonymous: Lavender Willow
Ashley Lopez: V
Alfonso Blas Simon: Happiness in the dark
Maia Penn, Cheesecake Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies
Jennifer Lopez: Complicated Long Day
Jo’Quan Keys: Dudes, Representation
Julissa Martin: Untitled
Anonymous: Distraction
Anonymous: 3-D Dragon Mask
Anonymous: I Am Beautiful.
Henry De Luca: Weekend 4, Hollow
Devin Nieves: Haring X Monsters
Anonymous: Untitled
Anonymous: Just tweet
Tennyson Lovis: Family of 5
Victoria Huang: Spikey Fish
Leyana Gavin: Untitled
Anonymous: Untitled 3
Brianna Kokoszka: Angel Takes a Falling
Jordan Allen: Day 8, Ice Scream
Anonymous: David Hockney Piece
Nettelhorst 7th & 8th Graders: Fear
Zhiaea Mitchell: Oh What A Feeling
Gael Zamudio: Auditory Isolation in Room
Anonymous: Untitled
Ari Antos: Sneeze
Endy Cuevas: Cat with a Knife
Anonymous: Diary of Zack Villere
Anonymous: Fruit Snail
Anonymous: Characters of “Dog Man”
Suha Kapadia: Untitled
Jordan Moskal: Monster in the Dark
Alexis Thomas: The Long Take
Anonymous: Bigger Picture-Rotoscope Animation
Ashley Barrios: Works in Series
Alexis Ariza: Mandala
Maria Byers: Still Life
Grace Woodson: Haze
Anonymous: Untitled
Madison Madar: The Moon Tree
Jordan Allen: Tales from the Time of Covid
Matthew Greco: Life’s Intersections
Dance: The Nut!
Anonymous: Vinyl Sticker design
Rudy Vargas: La Violencia
Ashley Barrios: Dog with Flowers
Elise Duran-Dixon: Untitled
Anonymous: Plastic Abstraction
Anonymous: Night Stand
Tarrance Turner: The Living Lyrics
Anonymous: Untitled
Evelyn Mancilla: Untitled
Aaliyah Borges: Mirror of a City Girl
Joshua Abudayeh: Under Earth
Anonymous: Donald Duck
Alexis Diggs, Ceyerra Smith, and Dashawn Williams: The Force be with you
Kostandina Goritsan: Untitled
Anonymous: Calebs Comfy Cozy Place
Alexa Lopez: Day 12, Rock
Anyah Thompson: Day 1, Chill
Leonidas Christoforidis: Untitled
Alexis Diggs: Red on You!
Isabella Bonilla: Untitled
Anonymous: Jaws the Mighty
Reed Burgei: Untitled
Georgia Pooler: Render
Sunita Burwell Mehta: Break Through
Armani Ray: Obstruction of Identity
Michael Carlson: Outside Looking In
Dania Perez-Cux: Untitled
Fernanda Lemus: Works in Series
Raquel Marrero: Bird in Spring
Nevaeh Evans: Busy Mother
Isabela Torres: Little Soldier
Jeannet Prado Cerrillo: Untitled
Areli Garcia: Fished Out
Kenya Perez: La Banda Del Carro Rojo
Anonymous: Cool Tint Snowmen
Victoria Mak: Scorpion
Annette Paldy: The Annette
Xenia Espinosa: Angelina Plushie
Alyssa A: Self Portrait
Anonymous: Black is Beautiful
Anonymous: Bill’s Rizzi City
Anonymous: Emotional Graffiti
Isabella Guzman: Amate
Kamil Calmese: Baked Macaroni and Cheese
Victoria Mak: Aquarium
Bridget Bates: Spider
Sarahi Paz: Guatemala Beach
Anonymous: Life
Oli Fuentes: Music is Life
Anonymous: Jojo ballerina
Anonymous: Freestyle Organic Shape Drawing
Thalia Witkovsky: 9:37 PM
Anonymous: All In
Kyle Felicio: Pleading
Tyshaun Zollicoffer: Portrait Of George Stinney
Rachel Deveyra: Personal Still Life
Lilia Calka: Untitled
Anonymous: Artist Hands
Andrea Hernandez: Castillo de Andrea
Mariana Torres: Mon Chér La Beauté (My Dear Beauty)Mariana Torres:
Kailey Garcia: Untitled
Anonymous: TheBarnOwl
Itzel Vela: Louie the Dog
Anonymous: Rainbow Cat
Lia Andrikopoulos: Tutti Frutti
Nicholas Thomas: Sea of Music
Anonymous: Untitled
Karina Coco : My Art Gallery
Anonymous: Untitled
Jose Guzman Ortigoza: Untitled
Amesyah Flowers: Perspective 2
Anonymous: Jordans art assignment
Victoria Huang: Monster Basket
Ojifela Cobb: FAMILY
Mya Pickens: Untitled
Anonymous: Self-Portrait
Alexandra Serafin: Waves
Jansel Perez: Sliding Out Of Silence
Emmanuel Arias Montoya: MANNY-ME-COLOR BLIND
Anonymous: Home
Anonymous: Garden Teapot
Anonymous: Untitled
Laylah Freeman: Avery from The Piano Lesson
Diamond White: Artist Sketchbook
Anonymous: Untitled
Ka’miyah Green: Molly Costello Dreams
Suha K: Tranquil
Adalyn Wardell: Silhouette
Christopher Limon: Latino Heritage Month Performance
Henry De Luca: Day 10, Doors
Natalie Mora: My Twin
Amani Mohammad: Untitled
Anonymous: Box Thing
Khushi Patel: Off The Wall
Anonymous: Happy Whale
Paul Kitenge : Sword and Shield
Danielle Hester: COVID-!9 (2/3)
Tyler King: Portraits
Anonymous: IDENTITY
Anonymous: Nerve Wracking
Rita Abbinanti: Adolescence
Jaelin Williams-Presley: Snow Fight (Tell Me A Story)
Carmen Delfino: Trapped Shapes
Anonymous: Texture Tile
Anonymous: Organic Shapes
Corinne Windham: We are all one in the same
Anonymous: HALLWAYS
Anonymous: Untitled
Louisa Womac: Little Kid
Veronica Timble: Glorpo Loves You
Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 6, Mask
Kurumi Koziarski: Gold Tree
Brooke Darland: Brainstorm
Anonymous: Wire Portrait
Anonymous: Macaw with orange background
Anonymous: Afternoon Skull
Nam Nguyen: 2022 – Still Life
Kenneth Villalobos: Untitled
Lalyla Smith: Animals looking into your soul
Keagan Hyland: Untitled
Gabriel Perez: Get to Know Me
Jenavieve Savoy: Small Red Boy
Roderick Elston: Green Line 2077
Jaselle Herrera: Cookie Recipe
Anonymous: Beachside Sunset
Carter Wong: You Can Do It
Disha Patel: Importance
Anonymous: Just One Line
Anonymous: Buzz
Shree Rege: Untitled
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