A chalk drawing of a haunted house with a large orange moon and a dark blue sky.

Alexandra Ruhnke: Chalk Pastel Haunted House

Woman looking into a mirror with a purple hair dye bottle and brush and splotches of dye over self

Anonymous: Midnight Salon

Picasso style painting of a star wars character. The ace of the figure is ombre orange, the neck and background are pink, and the character's hair is is blue and green striped.

Anonymous: Picasso Ahsoka


Holden Maher: Untitled

Beriel Moore: Untitled

Drawing of a purple and yellow two-horned creature with a big tail on a purple background

Anyah Thompson: Rhogar Myastan

Drawing of a super hero with cat ears

Adam Milic: Black Panther

Jennifer Lopez: Untitled

An open house with many rooms lies on a gold background. Each room has different items within.

Zoey El-Mofty: Cabinet of Curiosity

Drawing of a colorful sunset

Cristal Villa: Untitled

A drawing of a girl holding a puppy

Enisa Khan: My true friend and a priceless treasure

Harrison Brennan: Seeing the Seen

photograph of two football players in red and black jerseys and helmets shaking hands

Mia Z: Untitled

Black and white photo of lots of people walking across the street. Photo is intentionally blurred.

Cassius Palacio: Rushed Moment or Guassian Blur

Drawing of a girl with her hands on her face and butterflies around her hair.

Polina Zvereva: Bella Poarch

Two women hugging in black and white photo

Serena Coleman: Untitled

Chalk pastel and graphite on paper collage of things from 2020

Anonymous: The Year 2020

Cell phone on top of flags

Arleth Rodriguez: Cultural Richness

A painting of a mummy with a gold background

Victoria Huang: Mummy King

Brianna Kokoszka: Perceptual Vision

Colorful drawing of a bird

Edward Vickman: Untitled

Ashley Barrios: Mom with Flowers

woodblock print

Yenedith Sanchez: Dazed

Cole Ham: Marty DiGiorno

lino cut of a female with a halo of symbols around head and body wrapped in ribbon and some bones exposed

Jo Olson: Help Yourself

Alissandra Delgadillo: Jello Stripe

Olive Herman: Untitled

Motion shot of train passing by

Sam Matznick: Mirror on the Train

the sword in the stone

Henry De Luca: Day 12, Rock

Four nesting dolls

Anonymous: Unwrapping Identity

Person with blue shirt, blue hat, split 1/2 and 1/2

Anonymous: Lennies

Parker Lu: Family

4 part face

Hailey Rodden: 4 Aesthetics

Digital illustration of a fox-like figure with a purple shirt

Anonymous: 50 Reasons Why

Keira Devaney: Fruit Bowl

Hannah Boegen-Stork: Rainbows

Bright colored shapes and characters overlap across the canvas. Many are blue or purple and each section is outlined in black.

Ronan Goto: Untitled

Digital design with a building and biplane coming towards the viewer. Bear, trees, & mountains in the background.

Robert Lee: Welcome to California

Relief Ceramic Sculpture

Abigail Tarbox: Relief Ceramic Sculpture

A drawing of a girl standing on a small hill under a night sky with a moon

Mila Ryan: Untitled

Portrait of the artist in a blue monochromatic pallete

Janay Blackwell: Untitled

Black and white drawing of a face with dark hair and eyes. A color version of the face is reflected on the bottom half of the drawing.

Ashley Barrios: Mask

Anonymous: Mudz

A black and white scratchboard drawing of the eyes of a striped cat.

Anonymous: Baloo the Cat

Painting of a star balloon.

Anonymous: Way Up High

Cartoon with three main sections containing people helping each other.

Anonymous: Helping Hands

Sophia Manzo: Untitled

Watercolor and pencil self-portrait

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

Robbie Austin: Perspective Shadow

A digital illustration of a person with audio editing imagery within their head against an abstract pink background.

YosiYah YisraEL: Music in my mind

Person with purple skin, black and orange hair with 3 butterflies in the background.

Anonymous: Untitled

Graphite drawing of a street with buildings on the side and a person walking down the middle

Anonymous: New York

Anonymous: Untitled

person underwater eating a sandwich

Henry De Luca: Day 4, Sandwich

Drawing of a river, mountain, and trees

Minahil Ahmed : Land of Peace

Anonymous: Lost

Antionae Jackson: Landscape

Photo of a person holding an umbrella.

Kendall Hobbs: Purple Rain

A drawing of a girl with long hair facing the viewer.

Anonymous: Emily

Ocieann Davis: Wrap

A bird with a pink flower and dew drops

Carmen Conner: Bird and Flower painting

Graphite drawing of a girl sitting at her desk

Anonymous: Coming of Age

Painting of Chicago downtown buildings & the Picasso sculpture

Anonymous: Chicago Collection #2


Itzel Saenz: Day 16, Trap

Drawing of a fork in noodles with animals

Anonymous: Power Animals

sketch of person sitting on office chair

Edana Lynch: Halloween 1

Two newspaper mache volcanos painted rainbow

Andy Gramajo: Newspaper Volcano for My Dinosaurs

Painting of soccer players in a stadium

Miguel Arellano: CR7

A photographic recreation on the right and a painting on the left of a woman wearing a head wrap and colorful dress holding her hands up near her face.

Terrence Kendrick: Next Macanay Lul

Colored pencil illustration

George Dravillas: Untitled

Anonymous: Creativity

b/w line drawing of person in armor

Anyah Thompson: Day 2, Bunnies

sandwich illustration

Anonymous: Sandwich

Painting of a giant snake coiled around a wood branch. The head is not visible, the top of it's body is green, the middle different shades of brown and the bottom grey. The tail is just the skeleton.

Elizabeth Curry: Dissection

Zania Watson: Medium Light Animal Sprit

Sculpture of a girl made out of a variety of objects

Anonymous: Flowers

Gabriel Esquivel: Faking the Outside. Hiding the Inside.

Anonymous: Chili snake

Lucy Brown: Animal Planet

Photograph of a person painting. They wear a red, white and grey stripped polo shirt. They hold a paint palette in their left hand and a paint brush in their right up to the canvas. The painting is of a street scene.

Vicky Plange: Village of Strokes

An abstract painting of two dark gray circular marks with texture

Legend Allen: Untitled

Black dress on a dress figure.

Kai Kinds: Little Miss Cartoony

double exposure photograph

Nicodemus Drummond: Drummond, Madre y Hijo

Illustration of a small person wearing a backpack

Ava Ortiz: Other

Complex drawing with lots of layers

Oscar Lassus: Artist’s Business: Thinkin’ Like a Maniac

Anonymous: Untitled 1

Drawing of a two-horned, fire-breathing creature with big teeth on a pink background.

Veronica Timble: Rhogar Myastan

pi in the sky

Grace Guski: Pi in the Sky

Photograph of blue sculpture with characters from spongebob and spongebob hat on top

Bryan M: Sponge Under The Sea

Black and white illustration of flower

Abigail Meneses: Shattered Flower

An ink drawing of lots of bees and some buildings

Naomi Cobbs: Untitled

Drawing of books on white sheet.

Sophia Clinard-Rubio: POSSESS

A black and white scratchboard drawing of a fox.

Anonymous: Foxy

Anonymous: BEAUTIFUL !!

A green butterfly in is a white bird cage over a black canvas. The bottom of the cage is decorated with green flowers. The upper left corner of the canvas says "Hope."

Anonymous: Caged

Abstract painting of sky at night

Naomi Makapedua: Starry Galaxy

Daliya Owerko: untitled

Darion Fenner: My Love Won’t Let You Down (Cover)


Prince: Untitled

ipad drawing, print

Malykai Feliciano: The Magical Bird

Drawing of a man

Josiah Fatehnezhad: Untitled

Drawing of a girl's face with lines on it

Anonymous: Study of Lines

Madison Rozwat: Obscured Sunrise

Daniela Salgado: Serendipity

Still life with candles, cards, and pomegranate on red fabric background

Jessica Vazquez: Personal Still Life

Emma Chung: White Noise

Anonymous: The Jungle

A painting of an avocado cut in half with a green background

Yuv Parmar: Untitled

Painting of 2 trees at night, with clouds like a river pouring into a pool in between the trees

Maia Daley: for world

Painting of a tree in front of a colorful sunset

Naomi Sanchez: Untitled

Paper, Marker, Ink, Pencil Chicago Sunset Cityscape buildings

Natalia Lavick: Untitled

A very colorful monster with line designs, white teeth, and big eyes.

Kurt Joritz: Line Monster

Digital collage of crush can in a mountain lake

Braulio Gomez: Spring Crush

Person with a ponytail photographing a cat and purple and beige stars surrounding the two subjects

Alyssa Calderon: Portrait 100

A red, white and black circular logo with Jewelry by Zora written on the outside rim of the circle. The inside of the circle has a skeletal wrist and fingers.

Zora Alleyne: Personal Logo Color

Daniel Jones: Untitled

Everett Hamm: World on Fire

Digital painting of a face, person is holding left hand up to left cheek.

Ashanti Hicks: Challxn

purple and green mountain

Loreal Junior: Untitled

Cartoon of a wolf sitting on a cliff looking at a sunset

Sophia Sherline: Routine

Collage with faces and bright colors, painting with faces and muted colors

Selah Payne: Collage/Reframe

snake with knives in its back

Vance Lira: Day 9, Eyes

red and white abstract painting

Atlas Sturrock: Untitled

humanoid with pointy teeth and an eye in its mouth

Henry De Luca: Day 13, Oracle

Mixed media diagram of waterfall with greenery inside of cardboard box.

Dylan Mitchell and Inci Qasimli: Dragon Tuesday

Body behind a purple curtain – can only see the legs and left arm. A piano is to their left.

Isaac Perez: Temptation & Desperation

A graphite self portrait drawing of a person with bangs and earrings.

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

Photo of young woman posing dramatically in low lighting

Lilith Eddington : Self as Bowie 2

word illustration

James Solis: Historical Hate

Illustration with text thanking grocery store workers, on a white background with pattern edge.

Maximilian Bardy: Untitled

Painting of a pineapple in florescent blues, reds, and purples.

Adela Lisca: Pineapple

This is a painting of a basketball net and a fence against a sunset sky.

Anonymous: Basketball in Sunset

Painting of a girl sitting on her bed listening to music

Anonymous: Untitled

a cat wearing glasses

Alexa Lopez: Weekend 2, Night

Figures on a pink watercolor background

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of the Eiffel tower in Paris with a colorful sky.

Anonymous: Paris Background

Alien Rhapsody

Sarah Anderson: Alien Rhapsody

Neon smiley face on a black background

Anonymous: Mellow

Tabitha Wagner: Packis

Digital drawing of a room with pink carpet. There is a wooden desk and chair, pictures on the wall, and a skateboard and guitar next to the desk.

Anonymous: Quarantine

Still life of various objects in neutral palette

Sophia Clinard-Rubio: Temperature Still Life

Self Portrait with complementary colors

Anonymous: Untitled

An abstract drawing in a cubist style with shapes in the background

Anonymous: Blind Contour

A person with glasses and a mustache and medium length hair.

Mangion Gagan: Alternate Self Portrait

Melanie Silva: Untiled Self Portrait

A pen drawing of a person doing different things throughout the day

Eren Akdogan: A Pandemic Day

Ceramic bowl with spiral patterns made from coils.

Siena Franklin: Coil Bowl

Iris Blue: Untitled

Rosario Sanchez: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Abstract colored pencil portrait

Beatrix Wunar: Untitled

A drawing of shops on a street, with a person figure lying on the ground with a red circle on their chest.

Janelle Delangel: Back of the Yards

Anonymous: Sela Lara

Drawing of landscape with trees and mountains.

Samuel Vite: I Want Wind To Blow

Monarch butterfly and text

Anonymous: La Migration

A Black child standing in front of a Chicago row house, with two adult arms holding their shoulders, both pierced by bleeding bullet holes.

Tyshaun Zollicoffer: Untitled

Ink drawing of a boy smiling

Anonymous: Miles Morales

Angela Guillen: Zayra

A colorful sun with red, blue, and yellow, and a face.

Minahil Ahmed: Cryptosun


Alexander Ramirez: Untitled

Blue, Purple, Red mice

Reese Giltmier: Untitled

A shark with two people in a boat.

Anonymous: Shark Tank

Painting of a girl's hands holding a rosary

Anonymous: Untitled

Painting made up of lines.

Shamya Butler: Untitled

person looking at a painting of an angel

Amesyah Flowers: Halloween

Colored pencil illustration

Myla Marsh: Untitled

Drawing of a butterfly on a checkerboard background

Juliette Guzman: Bug on a Rug

Graphite drawing of a girl with glasses

Anonymous: Smile of the day

A photo of granola and a jar of food.

Anonymous: Souvenirs

owl with blue sky and stars

Kaylee Zhang: Untitled

Collage of rainbow colors makes a unicorn. On the rest of the page, pieces of blue and green construction paper are layered.

Anonymous: Unicorn Paper Collage

Drawing of two dolphins leaping over water

Sanvi Das: Jump for Joy

Drawing of grid of four faces

Linda Kwan: The New Us

colored pencil snowmen illustration

Yabena Sunuwar: Worm’s Eye Snowmen

Painting of girl wearing pink sweater with a cardinal in front of her eye.

Sofie Yu Xuan Yang: Self-Portrait

rural landscape illustration

Anonymous: Rural Landscape

Mized media drawing of facial features with squiggly lines. Large face on the bottom left with three eyes

Aya Holloway: Fish Tank

Lashae Wilson: Black Mary from Gem of the Ocean

Black and white self portrait of a young man.

Frank Fregoso: Self Portrait

A colorful drawing of a brain with a lot of different characters on top of it

Isaac Danielson: Only One

Anonymous: For My Uncle

Embroidery of two hands touching

Anonymous: Unraveled progression

Jariyah Payton: Dog

Anonymous: Untitled

Black and white photograph of person in crop field.

Stephanie Maldonado: Working on the Field

A bunch of figures floating on a black background and in a cube

Anonymous: Stuck at Home

Silhouette of a cat with a body made up of yellow words

Anonymous: Kitty Cat

A black and white photo of four hands stretched out

Alan Jaimes: Family is Everything

Half of a butterfly with yellow and green wings on a pink background

Harper Sims: Cute Butterfly

Photo of trees and a building in fall.

Naomi Jones: Fall

Noah: Untitled

An optical illusion of green squares

Anonymous: Jae V On

Renee Picard: Uncertainty

Abstract self-portrait

Ana Venegas: This Is Me

A black and white scratchboard drawing of a cow eating hay in a field. There is a fence in the backgound.

Anonymous: Timmy the Cow

Disembodied eyes populate a red background with a spotlight focused on a small human figure

Karen Ramos: The Perspective.

Lezly Olivas: Untitled

Anonymous: White Brick

pastel portrait of a young girl

Auttum Thomas: Magnified Love

3 mountain peaks

Anonymous: Untitled

Joshua Torres: Untitled

Red apples

Kaitlyn Huante: Study

Anonymous: I am thinking about something.

A black woman points to affirmative text. Piece says "Black History Will All Ways Be Known"

Anonymous: Black Inspiration

girl power door purple

Ashley Alvarado: Girl Power

Abstract painting.

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Tiger

Ayanna Reeves-Woodson: Mac and Cheese

Anonymous: Im kinda hungry

A photo taken from a dark environment indoors, showing the silhouettes of a line of people against a window that gives a view to trees outside.

Eliana Frost: Birds on a Wire

person with sunflowers

Jordyn Washington: Sketchbook

A drawing with figures in motion on a background full of doodles and designs.

Lily Munkhbold: Keith Haring inspired Bodies in Motion

Yueling Qian: Path to Sweetness

Original painting on the left, student recreation of woman wearing pink hat and vest on the right

Gabryelle Harmon: Reenacting Woman Painting by Amrita Sher Gil

Anonymous: Seeing Blossoms

Orange ceramic fish

Llondoyn Peters-Gill: Llondyn’s Fish

Watercolor with Sharpie people drawing

Anonymous: Action

Black and white watercolor painting

Aleksandra Putintceva: Untitled

Ronald David: Purple Writing

A collection of dioramas. Each one is a room of a miniature house: 2 bedrooms, 1 office, 1 kitchen, 1 living room, 1 bathroom.

Anonymous: House

Colorful painting with a heart outlined in the center of the image

Madeline Freund: Heart

Ana Smadiyar-Tefft: Dolly Parton Doll

Nnenna-Symone Baker: Oh What A Feeling

Photograph of inside of vintage car with blue and white interior, large steering wheel, and light under dashboard

Anonymous: Behind the wheel

Izekiel Diaz: Sound Poem

Animation of Mario walking and going into a tube

Niko Hristoforatos: Mario Challenge

Anonymous: Card Player

Sherie All: Fresh Watermelon

Anonymous: color

Naomi Cobbs: If I Could Fly

Painting of the city of Prague

Mary Kate Clancy: Prague in a Dream

Painting of a spider coming down a tree with a moon with a blue gradient in the background

Piper Castaneda: The Spider

A drawing of a person with long hair

Nailah Faisal: Untitled

Victoria Mak: 12 Mile

Black, red and white cardboard mask

Cervantes Alejandro: 2020

portrait with dog nose

Julian Pintor: Self-portrait

Krystal Hernandez: Storyboard

Drawing of a cozy, empty coffee shop.

Nectaria Nedelea: Coffee House

Six three dimensional artworks with typography on them

Ranya Dano: The Epitome of Beauty

Christian Whitehead: Hero Sasha Summers And Villain Karen The Petty

Spacial design of an imagined green and natural scene

Kallisti (Al) Kupferer: Imagined Spaces (landscape)

Abstract digital art with many colors and some speckled texture.

Ami Kai Gandhi: Underwater Sea

Painting of a lake and a small dock with a rainbow in the sky

Anonymous: Untitled

Colorful drawing of a girl and paper airplanes.

Hotaru Koziarski: Me

bleeding person looking at a dragon

Jordan Allen: Day 16, Trap

Francesca Kang: Alvin Ailey

Samantha Rocca: Untitled

Mixed Media collage of different facial features put together

Lauren Brogan: Emma Collage

A paper sculpture of 3D white forms

Nina O’Dea: Turris

Ceramic hand coming out the hole made by a coiled serpent

Giselle Raigosa: Manus Sepentes

clay sculpture of a slug with a human face

Anonymous: Sluggish

Colorful underwater scene

Trent Landsberger: Trent’s henri rousseau aquatic

A large heart is cut out of the center of a white piece of paper and two smaller hearts are cut out on the sides. Each heart appears to be made of woven pink and purple squares.

Delfina Fontaine: Untitled

Riley Oleary: Fruit Veggie Man

Surreal landscape with red river, Chicago skyline, transparent face, and shoreline.

Joshua Aco: Still Lying Down

Animal Farm- Sliding Out Of Silence

Kevin Camacho: Sliding Out Of Silence

Anonymous: Flowers of Amber

6-panel comic with fantastical creatures

Victor Luis Garcia: Pages from Alfie

Alexis Thomas: Storyboard

Black print on a green background.

Elijah Poole: Healthcare

Anonymous: Untitled

Painting of a plane with different scenes and text around it.

Alison Severin: Untitled

Pencil dawing with text.

Nicodemus Drummond: Love Letter

Anonymous: Space

Set of 3 apartment complexes with a human female torso coming out of the top of the second building. Al in a monochromatic red color scheme

Nico Stafford: bodycomplex

Drawings of stuffed animals

Anonymous: The Krew

in my brain

Joaquin De Leon: In my Brain

Collage of multicolored flowers on background that reads "We Are Machines."

Osvaldo Salgado: We Are Human

Juniper Pingolt: Bird tea party

Photo of boat and reflections

Rem Johannknecht: Waterline

A black and white portrait drawing of a man.

Antionette Wallace: Half & Half of Value

Rows of painted red poppy flowers painted on a white background.

Anonymous: September 26, 2014

Klimt's Scream in an ice pillar. "The Ice Scream"

Donald Richard: Day 8, Ice Scream

Silly green, smiling socks.

Isaac Davila: Crazy Socks inspired by Dr. Seuss- Fox in Socks

Painting of a flowerpot

Nicole Figueroa: Sun and Flowers

Yaneisy Chagala: Mountain View

b/w line drawing of person wearing sunglasses, drinking from a can with a straw

Itzel Saenz: Day 1, Chill

Anonymous: Untitled

Daniel Rosas: Untitled

Kaleigh Cordero: The World Passes By

Pendants hanging in a school classroom

Ariana Winters: Image And Sound

Robbie Austin: Ripples

black and white portrait and painted person sitting cross legged

Joanna Steven: Portraits

Drawing of two girls standing next to one another

Lucia Solares: Friends

Illustration of cats as humans riding the train.

Schantelle K Alonzo: Untitled

Lauriana Nadjingar: Get to Know Me

Bedroom scene with floral wallpaper

Arlo Schafman: Fridge Day

Face of cut paper with black paper on one side and white on the other.

Akira Brown: Untitled

Umm... in a green bubble

Esperanza Martinez-Zellars: Umm…

Anonymous: Dragonfly

Penguin in a suit and hat

Cole Kirk: Who’s in Paris

Painting of Latinx street vendor selling chicharrones

Mya Corral: Elotera

Charcoal drawing of origami.

Crystal Villalobos: Lotus flower

Allison Martineau: Miss Scary

Anonymous: Untitled

Photograph of a rusted red metal door set into faceless concrete walls, partially obscured by bare branches and reeds.

Matthew Balber: What Lies Beyond

Canvas is covered in paint. Abstract with colors peach, brown, blue, and green.

Anonymous: She Sees

Drawing of a person

Kaline Adams : Gen Unknown

Drawing of a vitamin bottle with a rubik's cube in front

Yinyin Liang: Untitled

person with their eyes closed, touching their neck with their fingertips

Amesyah Flowers: Two Toned Portrait

Large purple dress with a sweetheart neckline. Balloons littered around the background

Giselle Magana: The Dress

Drawing of person with pink skin wearing a helmet with a gold necklace hanging from it.

Anonymous: Crazy Diamond

Gabrielle K Diggs: Singing Flower

Sara Gitner: Dazed

Self portrait of Ellie Glenn done in Magritte's style with fish in the background.

Anonymous: Magritte Self Portrait

Nevaeh Washington: The Girl

Very colorful digital drawing of a cemetery with papel picado

Anonymous: Guanajuato

Drawing of a dragon

Declan Briody: Feed Me Seymour

Kelby McMorris: Untitled

Anonymous: Nature’s Presence

Nina Figurelli: Untitled

Collage on a black background. In the center is a set of human eyes on speckled white paper. Surrounding it are natural images including a horse and a bird.

Anonymous: Natural Life

Embroidered rose in its closed state against a slightly yellow tinted background.

Rita Abbinanti: Childhood

blue ceramic tile piece of a dragon

Jace Eisenberg: Dragon Sgraffito

Charlesa Thompson: The Product of Wealth

Person reaching for money.

Violet Torres: You Will Never Have Enough

Jessica Horne: Girl Censored

Digital drawing of an eye with eyeliner and a cat pupil

Diana Perez: Portrait of a Girl

Jansel Perez: My Dream America

Jennifer Lopez: Significant Objects


Ellen Wallace: Comet the Cat

Anonymous: Horses

painting of a diner

Jaclyn Manning: “A Lick of Childhood.”

Leslie Illescas: Enchanting Omen

A photograph of tree bark and trees in the background

Anonymous: Untitled

Painting of a beach.

Paige Meegan: Daytona Beach

Collage style portrait.

Reggie Winn: Self-Portrait

Anonymous: Lavender Willow

Black and white photo of a woman leaning against a wall.

Ashley Lopez: V

2 people blowing out candle

Alfonso Blas Simon: Happiness in the dark

Cookie ingredients on a table

Maia Penn, Cheesecake Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies

Jennifer Lopez: Complicated Long Day

3 seperate figure drawings

Jo’Quan Keys: Dudes, Representation

Drawing of the Mexican flag with the name "Jullisa" written on top.

Julissa Martin: Untitled

Painting of flowers with a colorful border

Anonymous: Distraction

Anonymous: 3-D Dragon Mask

Anonymous: I Am Beautiful.

Distraught person with fire on palms and above head

Henry De Luca: Weekend 4, Hollow

Figures in front of a brick wall.

Devin Nieves: Haring X Monsters

A photo of a person sitting on pavement with wire curved around the side of their body.

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Just tweet

Black and white drawing of a family

Tennyson Lovis: Family of 5

Victoria Huang: Spikey Fish

Leyana Gavin: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled 3

Brianna Kokoszka: Angel Takes a Falling

Person seeing an ice cream cone with a small head on top.

Jordan Allen: Day 8, Ice Scream

Anonymous: David Hockney Piece

Nettelhorst 7th & 8th Graders: Fear

Zhiaea Mitchell: Oh What A Feeling

Gael Zamudio: Auditory Isolation in Room


Anonymous: Untitled

Ceramic sculpture of nose with green snot coming out of the right nostril

Ari Antos: Sneeze

cat with a knife

Endy Cuevas: Cat with a Knife

Portrait of a man in a yellow hat holding sonic the hedgehog

Anonymous: Diary of Zack Villere

Anonymous: Fruit Snail

Marker drawings of characters from Dog Man cartoon, mostly dogs and cats

Anonymous: Characters of “Dog Man”

Drawing of person with a banana on their head

Suha Kapadia: Untitled

Card stock and pastels black and colorful monster dark

Jordan Moskal: Monster in the Dark

Alexis Thomas: The Long Take

Anonymous: Bigger Picture-Rotoscope Animation

Drawing of singers and concert

Ashley Barrios: Works in Series

Mandala of blue and red triangles and circles

Alexis Ariza: Mandala

Maria Byers: Still Life

Pink illuminated hazy image of a room.

Grace Woodson: Haze

Anonymous: Untitled

Painting of a tree. Following its length leads to a bright blue sky.

Madison Madar: The Moon Tree

Jordan Allen: Tales from the Time of Covid

Intersecting red and green lines, kind of looks like pipes

Matthew Greco: Life’s Intersections

A Ballet Style Dance Number

Dance: The Nut!

2 digital characters in black and white to be made into a vinyl sticker

Anonymous: Vinyl Sticker design

Loteria card of anti violence.

Rudy Vargas: La Violencia

Ashley Barrios: Dog with Flowers

Drawing of single Adidas shoe with dimensions written above.

Elise Duran-Dixon: Untitled

A pink abstract picture of a fabriclike texture

Anonymous: Plastic Abstraction

Three vases drawn with pencil and subtly shaded

Anonymous: Night Stand

Tarrance Turner: The Living Lyrics

A photo of close up chains. In the background, there is a blurry empty grass field.

Anonymous: Untitled

Evelyn Mancilla: Untitled

A drawing of a girl wearing a white mask with a red circle with a line through it

Aaliyah Borges: Mirror of a City Girl

Surrealist Cityscapes Colored Pencil on Drawing Paper

Joshua Abudayeh: Under Earth

painting of donald duck in a cubist-esque style

Anonymous: Donald Duck

A group of students standing in front of a mural they painted that says "I'm here to listen".

Alexis Diggs, Ceyerra Smith, and Dashawn Williams: The Force be with you

A painting of a lake with weeds

Kostandina Goritsan: Untitled

Room overlooking a river with a ying yang rug

Anonymous: Calebs Comfy Cozy Place

hand with bee written on the palm

Alexa Lopez: Day 12, Rock

B/w line drawing of person wearing a crown.

Anyah Thompson: Day 1, Chill

Black squiggles on red, yellow, and blue squares

Leonidas Christoforidis: Untitled

A collage that contains many images and the words Game Changer

Alexis Diggs: Red on You!

Painting of flags with a black paper chain over it

Isabella Bonilla: Untitled

Colored pencil drawing of a shark head coming out of the water.

Anonymous: Jaws the Mighty


Reed Burgei: Untitled

digitally drawn face

Georgia Pooler: Render

Drawing of a hand breaking through the ground, texture on fingers and in background

Sunita Burwell Mehta: Break Through

Armani Ray: Obstruction of Identity

Photo of train station with train passing, skyline behind.

Michael Carlson: Outside Looking In

Graphite drawing of a woman in a mask

Dania Perez-Cux: Untitled

drawing of faces and collage of drawings of faces

Fernanda Lemus: Works in Series

Raquel Marrero: Bird in Spring

Nevaeh Evans: Busy Mother

Isabela Torres: Little Soldier

Collage of floral images and blue papers

Jeannet Prado Cerrillo: Untitled

Areli Garcia: Fished Out

Kenya Perez: La Banda Del Carro Rojo

Cool Tint Snowmen painting

Anonymous: Cool Tint Snowmen

Victoria Mak: Scorpion

Annette Paldy: The Annette

Pink felt toy doll photographed with graphic design of doll.

Xenia Espinosa: Angelina Plushie

Alyssa A: Self Portrait

Anonymous: Black is Beautiful

Anonymous: Bill’s Rizzi City

Abstract piece with small drawings scattered across the paper including a heart and the word "emo."

Anonymous: Emotional Graffiti

Isabella Guzman: Amate

Kamil Calmese: Baked Macaroni and Cheese

Victoria Mak: Aquarium

metalwork spider

Bridget Bates: Spider

A painting of a beach

Sarahi Paz: Guatemala Beach

Black and white photogaph of busy street between tall buildings

Anonymous: Life

Oli Fuentes: Music is Life

A drawing of a ballerina with a red skirt

Anonymous: Jojo ballerina

Anonymous: Freestyle Organic Shape Drawing

Paint of a desk with plans and curtains

Thalia Witkovsky: 9:37 PM

Photo of a basketball player celebrating. His mouth is open in clear passion on the court.

Anonymous: All In

Collage of person

Kyle Felicio: Pleading

Painting of George Stinney in a yellow shirt on a red, patterned bandana with folds and creases

Tyshaun Zollicoffer: Portrait Of George Stinney

Still life of various objects on red fabric background

Rachel Deveyra: Personal Still Life

photograph silver medal

Lilia Calka: Untitled

pencil illustration

Anonymous: Artist Hands

Z and red background

Andrea Hernandez: Castillo de Andrea

White and purple flowers.

Mariana Torres: Mon Chér La Beauté (My Dear Beauty)Mariana Torres:

Kailey Garcia: Untitled

Anonymous: TheBarnOwl

digital illustration

Itzel Vela: Louie the Dog

A drawing of a rainbow cat on a blue background

Anonymous: Rainbow Cat

mixed media piece

Lia Andrikopoulos: Tutti Frutti

Underwater view of a violinist reaching farther into the depths for a violin, with sheet music scattering in the water.

Nicholas Thomas: Sea of Music

Drawing with rainbows that says "Kill them NO Save Them YES, by: Zia"

Anonymous: Untitled

art gallery drawing with two people and a snowman

Karina Coco : My Art Gallery

Abstract drawing of a hand reaching toward the sky

Anonymous: Untitled

illustration of multiple figures and objects including a rose, juice carton, person, etc.

Jose Guzman Ortigoza: Untitled

B/w Pencil Drawing of interior with windows

Amesyah Flowers: Perspective 2

Anonymous: Jordans art assignment

Victoria Huang: Monster Basket

Illustration of three heads in a row on a red background

Ojifela Cobb: FAMILY

Abstract multicolor drawing with cut paper for dimension.

Mya Pickens: Untitled

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

Alexandra Serafin: Waves

Animal Farm- Sliding Out Of Silence

Jansel Perez: Sliding Out Of Silence

Emmanuel Arias Montoya: MANNY-ME-COLOR BLIND

Digital drawing of a house on a hill in front of a lake

Anonymous: Home

Anonymous: Garden Teapot

Anonymous: Untitled

Laylah Freeman: Avery from The Piano Lesson

Diamond White: Artist Sketchbook

SCulpture of person with "working people" description

Anonymous: Untitled

Ka’miyah Green: Molly Costello Dreams

Multi-colored painting of small chick in hand of tan skinned person in lap showing orange clothing with pink and orange stripe adorning bottom. Background is blue patterned.

Suha K: Tranquil

Adalyn Wardell: Silhouette

Image of two figures dancing. One figure in large hat is dipping woman in many skirts.

Christopher Limon: Latino Heritage Month Performance

person jumping through portal holes

Henry De Luca: Day 10, Doors

Photo collage of boy

Natalie Mora: My Twin

Amani Mohammad: Untitled

box sculpture

Anonymous: Box Thing

a pair of shoes with vans logo

Khushi Patel: Off The Wall

A painting of a whale in water with a sunset sky

Anonymous: Happy Whale

boy holding his sculpture of shield and sword

Paul Kitenge : Sword and Shield

Sketch of a person wearing a mask

Danielle Hester: COVID-!9 (2/3)

four face combined and a person in a head wrap, mask, and yellow top

Tyler King: Portraits

A wearable sculpture made of rainbow party beads and a white feather boa

Anonymous: IDENTITY

Anonymous: Nerve Wracking

An embroidered rose in the blooming stage with a light yellow background.

Rita Abbinanti: Adolescence

Cut paper collage of purple people throwing ball back and forth with blue people

Jaelin Williams-Presley: Snow Fight (Tell Me A Story)

Abstract painting with intersecting black lines and colorful blocks.

Carmen Delfino: Trapped Shapes

Anonymous: Texture Tile

Anonymous: Organic Shapes

woman in dress

Corinne Windham: We are all one in the same

Charcoal drawing of a hallway.

Anonymous: HALLWAYS

A drawing of a bed design made to look like a horse

Anonymous: Untitled

Mixed media composition of pictures with captions on a black background.

Louisa Womac: Little Kid

Two blue hands raising toward a red cube with a smiley face

Veronica Timble: Glorpo Loves You

3 knights and person wearing classes and hat

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 6, Mask

Kurumi Koziarski: Gold Tree

Brooke Darland: Brainstorm

Wire sculpture of female bust

Anonymous: Wire Portrait

Anonymous: Macaw with orange background

Painting of three skulls in a body of water surrounded by pink flowers and green stems

Anonymous: Afternoon Skull

A painting with various objects meaningful to the artist depicted, including a video game console among others

Nam Nguyen: 2022 – Still Life

Colorful 3D paper sculpture

Kenneth Villalobos: Untitled

2 heads of tiger-like animals with blue eyes and orange fur

Lalyla Smith: Animals looking into your soul

Keagan Hyland: Untitled

Gabriel Perez: Get to Know Me

Jenavieve Savoy: Small Red Boy

Four trains cross over and under each each-other, glowing with neon light. Three of the trains seem to float midair.

Roderick Elston: Green Line 2077

charmin bear collage

Jaselle Herrera: Cookie Recipe

A painting of a sunset along the beach.

Anonymous: Beachside Sunset

Animation of words on a black background

Carter Wong: You Can Do It

Photograph of water running into a glass from a sink. There is out of focus black and white floral wallpaper in the background.

Disha Patel: Importance

Anonymous: Just One Line

Line drawing of a shark-like creature with a long spiky tongue

Anonymous: Buzz


Shree Rege: Untitled
