fox in a cage

Anyah Thompson: Day 16, Trap

Illinois colored in with rainbows and flowers

Anonymous: Untitled

Painting of a person with a bomb as a head

Gabriella Rivero-Fundora: La bomba

Victoria Mak: Scorpion

Megan Trinh: Tapestry

Isabella Romero: Flower

Abstract shapes of cut paper, black and white are mirror image

Kiara Coleman: Untitled

Circular background with a centralized figure.

Kathleen O’Brien: Stuck

Painting of flowers in a blue vase. The background is orange and yellow.

Marlyn Contreras: Tributo A Mi Madre – La Flor

Colorful painting of a rooster

Ian Bengochea: Untitled

Cat graphic

Jaden Williams: Untitled

A green forest scene with a green girl sitting in a tree

Anonymous: Green Forest

Patience Smith: Ugh

sculpture of jellyfish with yarn body.

Allison Martineau: Glowing Jellyfish

Anonymous: Bonding time with my twin brother

A Documentary short film.

Zhiaea Mitchell: About Me

A three dimensional piece of a bust with plants around it.

Anonymous: The Beauty of Femininity

Graphite drawing of a girl

Jenny Angeles: Jennie

A Raisin In The Sun By Laylah Freeman - Ruth Monologue

Laylah Freeman: A Raisin In The Sun – Ruth Monologue

digital art red pink purple girl self-portrait

Isabella Orellana: Self-Portrait

Mixed media self-portrait

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Claygaroo

A person with long hair looks down at the screen of their camera hanging around their neck

Anonymous: Untitled

A black print of a skeleton with a tree in the background

Anonymous: Untitled

a walk in the forest

CLAIRE MUN: A Walk in the Forest

A painting of orange and yellow mountains under a blue sky

Michael Dominguez: Untitled

Bennett Trinh: Snake

Black and white drawing of a family

Tennyson Lovis: Family of 5

Digital painting of a face, person is holding left hand up to left cheek.

Ashanti Hicks: Challxn

Digital art

Rein Phone: Lost Connection

drawing of cupcake

Marlen Hernandez: Sweet Treats in Quarantine

Person standing in front of lockers wearing a mask

Jocelyn Hernandez: Image And Sound

Orange room with gril and orange cat.

Jacqueline Montanez: Late Night Shift

Carol Xiong: Untitled

Drawing of a dinosaur

Anonymous: Diplodocus

animal in cage

Tyson Madison: Day 16, Trap

Image of dog walking on side walk looking at camera, with an orange brick wall in background

Anonymous: Kiwi

Foot with quote "out of a mountain of dispair there is a stone of hope" Martin Luther King Jr. B/w abstract illustrations around foot.

Anonymous: Stone of Hope

Painting of streets of Mexico

Bryan Dominguez: Untitled

A painting of a large, black heart with zig zag lines against a red background

Jade Garcia: Expressive Death Painting

Photo of a person standing in a hallway under an "excellence" banner

Genessis Hale: About Me

Painting of Chicago downtown buildings & sculptures

Anonymous: Chicago Collection #1

Alessanda Montero: She Was Like

Relief print in pink, purple, & blue of 2 buildings with the El train in the front

Niamh Hughes: Neon City

Dylan McLaughlin: Rainbow Tiger

Dungeon door

Itzel Saenz: Day 3, Dungeon

A Raisin In The Sun By Patrianna Scales - Mama Monologue

Patrianna Scales: A Raisin In The Sun – Mama Monologue

A graphite self portrait drawing of a person with a baseball cap on.

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

Sculpture of a sunset over water.

Anonymous: Waves of Time

student wearing paper hat with a house

Emir Hernandez Mejia: A Hat with a House on the top

digital image of the side profile of a person with green stars on shirt

John Eichten: Stars Aglow

Helen Trinter: Colorful Flowers

Emerson Conway: Untitled

Citalli Rico: Avant que je ne meure

A brown dog in front of a house and a fence and a bee

Bellson Mei: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Still life illustrated with colored pencil.

Anonymous: Pop Art Still Life

A painting evoking different colored city lights in the night.

Nevin Banu: City of Lights

Carving of plant and words onto old acoustic guitar.

Evelyn Basken: Orion

Anonymous: COVID Kiss

Isabella in Legos in a party setting

Isabella Garza: Quinceañera

Shadai Washington: Ice Cube

animation of black converse high tops walking

Alejandra Ramirez Lopez: Not the Time

Anonymous: Skyline pond

Black and white photo of woman in white dress

Emma Pasetto: Little White Dress

A colorful painting of flower designs on brown paper

Gretchen Mei: Untitled

Person wearing a mask and sitting in a chair, leaning forward

Lauriana Nadjingar: JB Monologue

A collage incorporating journal writing and photos juxtaposed against it.

Harrison Brennan: Luca all Over

Terell Baker: Puff

Clear triangular cut pieces attached to a clear rectangular prism

Hailey Blair: Fractures

Hailey Sandoval: Brain Nest

Kingston Sims: Afrika Land

Portrait with broken glass.

Madeline Lensegrav: Shattered

Underwater view of a violinist reaching farther into the depths for a violin, with sheet music scattering in the water.

Nicholas Thomas: Sea of Music

Diamond White: Artist Sketchbook

Abstract sculpture with many colors.

Anonymous: Calcipher

Michaela McElroy: Girl with her head in the clouds

Brianna Kokoszka: Ultimate Euphoria

A graphite self portrait.

Anonymous: Self Portrait

A bust of a woman with medium length hair.

Anonymous: Bust of Nyla

Ceramic mug with white, pink, and yellow glaze

Alyssa Jones: Untitled

Anonymous: Freestyle Organic Shape Drawing

Painting of a woman with flowers.

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a person with an umbrella dodging things falling from the sky

Laila Thomas: Brushing Off

Drawing of a young girl with brown hair wearing a pink dress

Anonymous: Untitled

Adam Zapata: Meliodas is King.3

Pencil drawing of a person crouched with a dark background

Anonymous: Untitled

Surreal drawing of multiple things

Maleah Garcia: Miscellaneous

mountain landscape

Vance Lira: Weekend 1, Nature

Creature with large mouth with fangs

Veronica Timble: Day 5, Fangs

Oil painting of a dog in a yard

Emma Shortlidge: Dog Days of Summer

sketch of person with their arm over their head

Edana Lynch: Halloween 2

An acrylic painting of a pumpkin patch along a road. There is a blue sky in the distance.

Anonymous: Where the Pumpkins Grow

Brayden Yang: My Squeaky

A brown and yellow eye is drawn on a red background. The brown eyebrow is above the eye and extends down the page.

Eli Shelly: Red Eye

Alejandro Giron: Kinda Looks Like Optimus Prime

pink exploding out of black vessel

Valentina Onofre : Los pétalos rosados que caen

kitten with blue background

Rosa Barcenas: Kitten Love

Drawing of dolphins jumping over water in front of sunset

Gabriella Rodriguez: Untitled

A painting of a view through an old window. There are 2 leaf patterned lawn chairs with grass behind them and a gray gate.

Anonymous: Untitled

Crystel Tovar: Untitled

Abstract drawing.

Valeria Miranda: Untitled

Pink, green and blue painted paper napkins. Glued and collaged together.

Lizbeth Tafolla: Cannot Merge

Isabel Wood: The Glaring Eyeball

mixed media piece

Anonymous: Self Portrait

abstract watercolor painting

Melanie Avila: Hope

The Kiss recreation

Le Nguyen: Reenacting The Kiss by Gustav Klimt

Anonymous: Duck

Anonymous: Seaside

A painting of trees and a fence.

Anonymous: My Chicago Polaroid

Anonymous: Warm vs Cold


Ashley Tumax: Untitled

Drawing of Godzilla with a black background

Cielo Zavala: GODZILLA

A pen and ink drawing tribute to chance the rapper. Chance the rapper is draw on the top left with a tape cassette, Kanye west and Mufasa below. The drawing has surrounded by words written down.

Anonymous: Blessings – Chance the Rapper

Anonymous: Souls Stuck in Suds

Faces and grey building.

Anonymous: Xinjiang detention camp, China

Several CDs, each with unique designs, are layered on top of each other. Several are sparkly and luminescent.

K’Tiana McMillion: CD Art

A photograph of a girl on the phone who's face is painted red and blue.

Anonymous: Untitled

Multicolored sunrise with back of people in foreground

Mya J: Last Sunrise

Anonymous: Untitled

Frida Mejia: The Last Fragments

Colored pencil 5 page comic

Anonymous: Untitled Comic

self portrait

Carter Mwachullah: Self Portrait #3

A digital painting of two peoples faces towards one another. The background has numbers and words that say what makes you human.

Anonymous: Untitled

painting of person sitting in front of skeleton

Ocieann Davis: Works in Series

Person with hair on top of their head and blue tank top

Tamyah Scott: In the Style Of…

Painting with yellow background of person with dark skin toned red with curly hair and glasses, wearing a blue shirt and jacket

Matthew W: My eyes

Anonymous: 3-D Dragon Mask

Cheeseburger with melted cheese on a toasted bun.

Virtual Kitchen: Anonymous

Colorful underwater scene

Anonymous: Trent’s henri rousseau aquatic

A faux dungeons and dragons animated character sheet

Micheal Owoyemi: Justine Asher

Marisol Camarillo: Gingerbread Madness

Anonymous: Vast Possibilities

Fernando Rios Carmona: Untitled

Drawing of 3 buildings and a tree.

Chloe Liow: Untitled

2 pages of Comic panels

Anonymous: Untitled

Sonia Urbina: Who I Am

vertical wavy lines of different colors

Nikhil Bronsan: The Twisting Rainbow

Anonymous: Deflated Cube Vase

portrait of chadwick Boseman in black, on a red background

Anonymous: Chadwick Boseman

Painting of woman wearing all white lying on red couch. She eats raw meat off of a skewer.

Melanie Reyes: Raw Craving

Circles with a variety of patterns painted on a green vine.

Anonymous: Untitled (green vines)

Sameer Mazhary: Imaan

patterns and colors

Max Bell: Color Theory

Joslyn Colon: Myself

sketches of faces

Alissandra Delgadillo: Sketch 2

Drawing of a girl standing in front of the words "Drama Queen."

Ian David Mendieta: Drama Queens Be Like

Photo of a girl standing by a lantern

Melanie Canales: Retrospective Frames

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Tales from the Time of Covid

Parker Lu: Chinese Zodiac

Drawing of flags with the world in the middle

Anonymous: Our Differences

ceramic sculpture

Flor Shanchez: Alebrije

Abstract painting. Black lines border sections of white, yellow, blue, and other colors.

Lisette Medina Mora: Bessie Klaus

Zania Watson: Medium Light Animal Sprit

photograph of red and yellow bird sculpture

Yasmyn S: Sunset Serenade

Yueling Qian: Coony The Cow

Abstract drawing of lines and shapes in bright colors

Jason Acevedo Jr.: Untitled

photograph of person shooting a basket wearing blue shirt and shorts

Heorhiy K: Hoops of Hope

Colorful ceramic taco/fish

Anonymous: Carlos’ Fish

Photo of circular cacti with an overhead view

Grace Guski: Wheels of Cacti

A drawing of.a green and black sneaker

Mauricio Rodriguez: My Shoe

Anonymous: Devilman

Natalie Garcia: Storyboard

Photograph of three disco balls on wood floor reflecting

Anonymous: Disco

Drawing of an anime style girl with long pigtails, a short dress, and high socks.

Mia Perez: Untitled

Lashae Wilson: Sliding Out Of Silence

Purple ceramic bunny head

Aubriana Fitzgerald: Bunny bowl

A colorful sun with red, blue, and yellow, and a face.

Minahil Ahmed: Cryptosun

2 silhouettes on gray and white background

Anonymous: A look into self

Swirls, with a remote control and 3:00 clock.

Anonymous: Bad Choices Teenagers Make

Picture of a sign that says "Warning: Abortion Victim Photos Ahead"

Anonymous: Warning

A cacophony of text, with phrases like "WHO REQUIRES" and "I WANT TO SEE" superimposed over one another.

Anonymous: a distortion

A colored pencil drawing of a sunset in a valley.

Anonymous: Mystical Valley

Taliah Thompson: Night Lights

Black background. Person wearing a sideways baseball hat and a shirt with a face on it is outlined in white.

Anonymous: Self Portrait

Drawing of a womans face and a mans face in purples and blues on top of news article text.

Ella Katz: Quarantine Portraits

Anonymous: Legally Elle Woods

A drawing of two people under two big white clouds with snow falling

Grey Shady: Me & West In A Snowstorm

Self portrait color pencil drawing with a lot of mouths

Celia Hannan: Self-Portrait Collage

Chalk drawing of city skyline with fireworks in the sky.

Matthew Chung: Land, Sea, Sky and Critters

Portrait of someone in a red hoodie sketching while seated in front of some drapery and string lights.

Miel Reyes: The Artist in The Art

A mixed media artwork on a wall with clouds and words that say "Peace on Earth".

Alexis Diggs: With All of Us!

Drawing of a person in profile with cells in the background

Anonymous: Untitled

b/w painting of a soccer field from above

America Valencia Alverez: Perspective

Digital drawing, abstract with yellow, purple and red

Marius Pescador: Until We Reach the Light

Tempera Dot Painting

Elizabeth Hale: My Snowy Day

Anonymous: Fred’s Bad Day

Pictures displayed.

Marta Krzeminska: 6 Moments of Joy

Drawing of a large green tree with yellow light shinning down on a blue background.

Lucas Bautista: The Day of Life

Rasheed Brakes: Replica of Assembly2

Dark photograph of youth at night on the street

Alyssa Rosado: Untitled

Ja’Niyah: Untitled Self Portrait

cat in front of a window

Gabriel Perez: “Savior Complex” by Phoebe Bridgers

Digital drawing of a wolf with red mountains in the background

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Silly Soup & ABC

watercolor pencil colorful orbs circles

Rachel Sick: I Won’t Make You Wait

Anonymous: Untitled

A graphic banner of circles filled with different bright colors

Fernanda Portales: Gum ball image

Paper cut out of a person standing in front of a grid

Brynn Walker: Untitled

Blue and purple painting of a field

Claire Mun: Spring

Collage style portrait.

Reggie Winn: Self-Portrait

Black and white photo of a woman leaning against a wall.

Ashley Lopez: V

Drawing with multiple items on a plate.

Dannah Agno: Untitled

Sculpture of train car.

Anonymous: A Bad Dream

Drawing of persons face, nose up, next to drawing of person's torso, nose to mid-shoulder

Monserrat Garfias: Half of You

Black and white photograph of a sad person with a mask.

Atziry Izaguirre: A Smiling Face

Painting of two kids on a swing set

Virginia Romero: Untitled

Drawing of astronaut helmet breaking apart

Anonymous: Into Unbroken

Digital painting of fruit in a bowl with a purple background

Kameela Williams: Bowl of Apples Still Life

Green clay is molded to create two eyes, a nose, and a mouth with a tongue sticking out of it.

Anonymous: Facial Features

A venus fly trap is drawing as a character with eyes. Two human legs dangle out of it.

Anonymous: Audrey II

"Ha Ha!" in alternating red and blue letters in a yellow burst, comic book style.

Jessenia Davila: Ha Ha!

Photograph of tree with house covered in ivy in the background

Anonymous: Untitled

3 white dogs with red and white polka dot bandanas around their necks.

Hannah Gatz: Four Legged Friends

Video of a man pointing with headphones in

Anonymous: Internship

Anonymous: Untitled

Sculpture of mini world

Angeline Cervantes: Mini World

Anissa Aguilar: Melo + Maceió

Animated gif of a bomb exploding

Anonymous: Explode

Drawing with colorful patterns and black and white patterns.

Vanessa Garcia: Untitled

Kamil Calmese, Red Velvet Cookies

Girl holding colorful parrot sculpture comprised of cut-out paper hands

Anonymous: My Parrot

Water color pencil drawing of a butterfly cat inside of a snowglobe.

Isla Fouks: Warm Winter

pencil drawing of face

Kaline Adams : Gen Unknown

person in a mask

Itzel Saenz: Day 6, Mask

a bunch of different characters and monsters

Henry Ellis: Colorful Things

Anonymous: Present-day flowers

Portrait of two girls

Nalani Sexton: Mom and I

Art piece of American flag with a bird.

Sebastian Sorrondeguy: God Shed His Grace on Thee

Letters and numbers are written over an orange, grey, and blue painted background.

Anonymous: Silly Soup and ABC

Illustration of two people holding hands under a rainbow

Claire Mun: Connected

McCord Brown: Color

digital drawing of lips with a gold tooth and a rainbow background

Imani Ward: Fiercely Passionate

Animal Farm- Sliding Out Of Silence

Gabriel Morgan: Sliding Out Of Silence

watercolor painting skeleton

Angelina Duplechin: Rosas Uertas

An abstract flow painting of reds blues, oranges, and black

Anonymous: Hot Lava

Trash can mosaic

Delilah Diaz: Untitled

A portrait of a person wearing a bunny mask with blood on their shirt.

Anonymous: bloodybunnyhead

A face is split into three components: the eyes, nose, and mouth. Flowers divide each component in differing shades of black and grey.

Ortencia Meza: Untitled

Drawing of a colorful sunset

Cristal Villa: Untitled

Graphite still life drawing of various objects

Cora Mangual: Emptiness

Tyson Madison: Tales from the Time of Covid

Anonymous: The Jungle

Abstract close up photograph showing layers of circles

Holly Murphy: Frozen in Time

Candle with brown background

Mick Kaplanoglu: Untitled

Abstract painting with blue and white

Fatima Choudhry: Cerulean Florae

A watercolor painting of a giraffe with a flower in its mouth

Sally Reimer: The Giraffe

A chalk drawing of a brown owl with blue eyes against a black night sky

Samantha Ruhnke: Chalk Pastel Ominous Owl

drawing of a girl by a rainbow and a flying unicorn

Anonymous: The Magic Star

Painting of a cat with an orange face and blue body

Liliana Garcia: Lily’s Cat

brightly colored grafitti style

Angelica Hernandez: Untitled

Landscape scene of pink flowers in green flied in front of a grey and white mountain.

Jaya Diggs: Untitled

Abstract red and blue print

Estefania Pena: Worthpoint

hybrid of a woman and a tree

Anonymous: Gaia

ink image of a door

Javier Rojas: Untitled

Toy ram with green eyes

James Uphues: Stop Motion

Painting of many logs stacked on top of each other, their rings clear. A sparrow looks down from atop one of the logs at the others.

Kiana Pan: My Forest, My Home

Painting of a scene with an elephant running from her friends.

Avalon Valeria Krasnansky: Elephant Runaway

Meredith Andes: Cereal

Anonymous: Reclaiming

Photo of basketball hood from a lower perspective with shoes hanging off of the rim and a blue sky in the background.

Shawn Bridges: Above The Rim

black and white drawing of a torso surrounded by eyes

Cesar Fernandez: All Eyes On

drawing of heater

Jacob Serrano: Heater

Drawing of face and beetle

Sophia Morris: Works in Series

person standing in front of images of various doors

Itzel Saenz: Day 10, Doors

Charcoal drawing of a hallway.

Anonymous: HALLWAYS

A pencil drawing of a female character with facts written around her and a moon

Anonymous: Emma

Jala Dowd: Forever Doesn’t Last

embroidered green circle with "the little prince" embroidered.

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of cupcake

Katarina Monroe: Untitled

black and white drawing of squiggly lines with the lines in the upper right and lower left corners colored in rainbow colors

Angelo Velazquez: Mind Wandering

Photo of trees in the snow

Sadia Marshall: Snow in black and white

Drawing of a sun and flowers

Gabriella Palarz: Growing Wet Vine

Brick wall with meter.

Jonathan Joseph: Multi

dinosaur skull

Eliya Torres: Day 15, Dinosaur 2

Anonymous: You Thought You Were Alone But You Not

Vance Lira: Tales from the Time of Covid

triangular shape with sphere at the top

Vance Lira: Day 13, Oracle

Anonymous: Presidential Towers

digital art blue self-portrait

Diego Lopez: My Self Portrait

A drawing of a girl with curly hair.

Anonymous: Untitled

Carmen Jacobo: Chicago be Like

Maja Nagi: Untitled

A colorful collage of a dog made out of shapes, inspired by Matisse.

Gaby Jacklin: Matisse inspired Collage

Patricia Underwood: Sunshine

SpongeBob with pineapple

Alexandra Taboada: My Childhood Character

Red dyed shirt with yellow sleeves; various body shapes across the fabric

Anonymous: Frankenstein Shirt

pumpkin with a tail and legs

Tyson Madison: Weekend 1, Nature

Scratchboard illustration of two foxes with noses touching

Marisa Carreras: Young Love

Eloise Gettinger: The Snowstorm

sketches of people in chairs

Tyler King: Sketch 2

Kylin Thomas: Goop

person with a locket with a black colored ghost leaving it

Itzel Saenz: Day 17, Spooky Locket

Abstract self-portrait

Ana Venegas: This Is Me

Nevaeh Evans: Family & Friends

Jaylen Reed: Red Cone Revenge

Ronald David: Yellow on Purple

Mixed media purple flower with believe and love

Arturo Garcia: Hope

Drawing of 3 people looking at themselves in a mirror, one with hair, one with a hat, one with no hair.

Mia Reilly-Yeh: reality? dream? reality.

Reeva Gaikwad: Untitled

Anonymous: Haringoween

Colorful drawing of four beautiful people on top of one another

Anonymous: A Court of Beautiful Bodies

Jessica Salinas Rodriguez: No More Deportations

Olivia Donahue: Wash Away Your Sins

watercolor of a tree with no leaves on a background of blue, yellow, and pink stripes

Akshara Rajan: The Curvy Tree

Nivian Ellison: We are all beautiful

Print of repeating red, green, and blue circles.

Anonymous: Untitled (blue, red, green circles)

Collage of cardstock with a baseball cap, lightning bolts, and other objects.

Alexa Rivera: Untitled

An acrylic painting of a tree blowing in the wind. There is a blue sky with clouds in the background. The tree is standing on green grass beside a blue body of water.

Anonymous: Windy City

Marker drawing of T-Rex with lots of scribbled colors around it.

Kevin Rodriguez-Espitia: Untitled

Joanna Steven: Forest Area

Lian Mawi: A Hoih Mah Diam For Our Body?

metalwork spider

Bridget Bates: Spider

Photograph of a Black person braiding the hair of a large doll in her lap.

Anonymous: Untitled

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Alexa Lopez, Veronica Timble, Henry De Luca: Corpse 13

Jennifer Lopez: Lifestyle

Drawing of a bare back with two hands on the shoulder.

CJ Gordon: Maman

Anonymous: Warm Cool Fish

Yueling Qian: Forest Fairy

Anonymous: Line/Color

Illustration of two people on purple background surrounded by gender pronouns.

Nathalia Vaquero: Double Tap

Nevaeh Evans: Busy Mother

Drawing of person in tall white boots, in a purple skirt, glasses, and purple hair.

Charlotte King: Anime #1

A woman sits in profile with a scarf on her shoulders.

Jasmine Medel: Rosa

Clay sculpture cup with checkerboard handle and body made of two faces resembling clowns

Oswaldo C: A Cup Half Fool

bridge with orange sky

Paul Vazquez: Scream (Afternoon Version)

Oluwatooke Elusanmi: Mother

Painting of girl wearing pink sweater with a cardinal in front of her eye.

Sofie Yu Xuan Yang: Self-Portrait

A drawing of Frida Kahlo and flowers in the background

Lea Montanez: Frida

Abstract portrait of a young man

Anonymous: Makeup

Painting of a hut/ house standing on grey/ green ground. Background is a bright red sunset.

Anonymous: Looking for you Destiny

figure sketches

Amesyah Flowers: Sketchbook 2

Isabela Torres: Little Soldier

Krystal Hernandez: Oh What A Feeling


Hailey Rodden: 4 caras

a key with a wilted flower growing from it

Anonymous: Hands did it

A drawing of the Statue of Liberty

Nash McBride: Ellis Island

A portrait of a woman with long, dark hair and a blue background with Egyptian symbols and heiroglyphics

Cache King: QUEEN

Black & white Ink comic

Brynn Walker: Rock

Anonymous: Red Car – My Childhood Toys

Frog at campfire roasting marshmallow

Henry De Luca: Weekend 2, Night

perspective line drawing of building

Anonymous: Building in 2 point perspective

Digital drawing of a news anchor - one side is sunny the other side is an xray

Natalia Rozenek: Ignorance is Bliss

90's video game cartoon image of a girl saying, "you should come check out my house!"

Itzel Saenz: Rowan’s Adventures

Gray sweatshirt with cartoon characters painted on it. Includes characters from Pokemon, Powerpuff Girls, Phinneus and Ferb, Spongebob, Tom and Jerry, and Gravity Falls among others.

Viviana Montes: Nostalgia

Taliah Thompson: Technical

Black print of word "Hope" in mirror image

Anonymous: Untitled

Pencil drawing of person with long hair

Caroline Hill: Older Self

Zoe Haritos: A Photo Memory

Painting of two roosters fighting

Juana Valeria Reyes: Pelea de Gallos

Brianna Kokoszka: Perceptual Vision

Anonymous: Seeing the Seen

Anonymous: Into Night

A painting of Ariel from the Little Mermaid

Anonymous: Untitled

drawing of person with long pigtails

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 3, Dungeon

Drawing of a man in special suit. He wears a blue glove and points a finger.

Anonymous: Untitled

Concept design for the "Final Glowforge"

Anonymous: Concept Drawing

A painting of a white cat against a blue background

Sophie Padilla: Blissful Feline

Taliah Thompson: Dust Bucket

rat wearing mask

Alexa Lopez: Day 6, Mask

Disembodied face in the middle of a collage of neighborhoods in Illinois

Tijuana Desmore: Redefining Redlining

paper sculpture of a triceratops

Emily Acosta: Triceritops

A drawing of a ballerina with a red skirt

Anonymous: Jojo ballerina

Photo of lights on a neighborhood street.

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Tiger

painting of donald duck in a cubist-esque style

Anonymous: Donald Duck

Vanessa Garcia: My Decision

A drawing of a boy in a blue bunny suit holding an easter egg

Anonymous: Easter boy stylist

Shem Villacarlos: Pinocchio (Original)

self portrait illustration

Anonymous: Self Portrait

Styrofoam skull

Anonymous: #Social

Kayla Beltran: Desert Skull

An abstract drawing in a cubist style with shapes in the background

Anonymous: Blind Contour

Small rectangles of color appear to drip down an aqua painted background.

Anonymous: Dripping

Red and white lighthouse looking over blue ocean

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of James Harden, basketball player, with a fishing gnome in his beard.

Anonymous: Untitled

Photograph of a baby's face. They are looking directly into the camera and holding a leaf to their mouth.

Anonymous: Mayaboti

Jade Stone: Hi, It’s Me!

Green eye owl

Sebastian Szyman: Untitled

Two views of brown handmade jacket with illustrations on it

Harry Soto: Reflection

animals eating sandwiches

Anyah Thompson: Day 4, Sandwich

humanoid with pointy teeth and an eye in its mouth

Henry De Luca: Day 13, Oracle

A painting of a black man with words written on his body

Brenda Dickerson: Dear Black Men

Paper mache mask painted with different imagery and symbols.

Anonymous: My Chicano Life Identity Mask

Lizbeth Ruiz: Chicago’s Bean

Detailed graphite drawing of city with smoke rising and dark grey background

Anonymous: CITY ILLU

Dot painting of owl with horns

Anonymous: Dear Owl

Drawing of a blue snowflake cut out.

Avani Bang: Untitled

Long exposure of candles.

Leilah Jimenez: Cumpleanos

Ceramic bee cell phone holder

Maxyne De La Roca: Maxyne’s Bee

Drawing of a girl with long hair, pursed, small lips, and large eyes. She wears a top with a collar.

Anonymous: Untitled

abstract colorful shapes on black background

Eric Scott: Relax

Romina Gonzalez: Ghouls Night


Jamari Jones: Untitled

Braylen Clark: Self-Portrait

Pink Kirby-like blobs on a yellow road during a sunny day

Elise Pirillis: A Different Reality

Myah Farrow: Un Selfie

Rendering of letters the spell QUARANTINE on a building

Fionn Hui: Quarantine Activities

A smiling cat is drawing with many bright colors. Purple and orange line exude from the cat.

Anonymous: A Cat of Many Colors

Manipulated photograph of a prison-like scene with a thought bubble above a person

Molly Perez: ROOTS

Nina Figurelli: Untitled

Anonymous: Dark Castles


David: Untitled

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Alessandra Montero, Emily Steffen, Donald Richard: Corpse 17

Drawing of a purple and yellow two-horned creature with a big club on a white background

Donald Richard: Rhogar Myastan

Portrait of a Marvel character done with watercolor.

Anonymous: Eyes of Blue Steele

Hen Shanabruch: Untitled

Tires litter a playground in front of a cobblestone building with a bright orange lamp post illuminating the sidewalk

Alisa Kiprina: Untitled

Black and white photo with tree.

David Bolotin: Untitled

A graphic image of red circles in different shades

Anonymous: Bubbles in Red

Anonymous: This is a picture of ME!

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a hamster.

Anonymous: LoLa

Elephants under a sunset.

Anonymous: Untitled

illustration of multiple figures and objects including a rose, juice carton, person, etc.

Jose Guzman Ortigoza: Untitled

Anonymous: Nest

animal behind a spooky tree

Carielis Granera: Weekend 4, Hollow

Anonymous: Self portrait

Disembodied hands hold up a crinkled paper inside a ring of bright white light.

Alex Land: The Mirrored Map

Two portraits on a green background

Selah Payne: Portraits


Ellen Wallace: Comet the Cat

Welid Adem: Boona

two portraits, one in color

Fernanda Lemus: Portraits

Itzayana Diaz Espino: Me and My Flowers

Painting of strawberries with white mold

Fiona Lyons-Carlson: Molding Strawberries

gold chalice against purple sheet

Ocieann Davis: Study

A drawing of a girl with hearts next to her

Anonymous: Untitled

Self portrait of a boy

Maurice Bishop: Self Portrait

Anonymous: Dreamscape

Anonymous: Silly Animals

Person wearing a large hat with a ? in their speech bubble.

Alessandra Montero: Day 7, Accident

Anonymous: Urban Chaos

photo of train car

Michael Carlson : Conrail Blue


Charlie Voyda: Untitled

Ceramic face painted with red and black.

Alyssa Alvarez: Untitled

Oil pasted drawing of a large blue bird sitting in the middle of a clearing with black trees on either side. The sky behind the bird is blue and pink.

Monique Reed: Blue Bird

Ocieann Davis: Eyes

graphic poster of pink cartoon cat.

Mila Perez: summer instillation

Drawing of feet and rubber duck in a tub

Cesar Garcia: Afloat

Clalinda Davis: Behind the Curtain

Anonymous: Rattling

Josee Laure Agbozo: Untitled

Paint over a page obscuring letters to reveal a poem

Dru Thigpen: The Bigger Picture

person in black shirt looking at camera

Creativity in Silence – 7 Artists, One Pandemic Year

Abstract drawing with cut paper

Jachelle Benjamin: Untitled

digital image of desert

David Estrada : The Beginning of the End

Drawing of green room

Anonymous: The Green Room

Anonymous: Bart 4 the People

Charlesa Thompson: Realm Watching

Drawing of a Russian Nesting doll wearing red.

Hannah Kong: Russian Dolls of Four Seasons

Abstract paper collage

Amos Yu: Portuguese Sunset

A painting of a girl holding a Ukranian flag in one hand and an American flag in the other hand. On the left side there are flames. On the right side there is the Willis Tower and other Chicago buildings. She is facing the flames and city.

Anonymous: The New World

A faux dungeons and dragons animated character sheet

Taylor Ward: Richards Marquette

Image of person describing their family recipe, "Isyss' Family Spaghetti"

Virtual Kitchen: Isyss Whittmon

Pencil drawing of two center flowers with leaves and smaller flowers around it.

Caitlynn Chiu: Sketching Flowers

digital photography

Wesley Orr: In the Times of Covid

Abstract drawing of anime figures an comic boxes featuring characters and strips of film frantically wrapping through

Anonymous: Haunting Memories

Charlette Mandela & Ligutam Pangan: You Can Go Anywhere

Older woman sewing designs on fabric

Saskya Lema Lema: Warmi Awana

Graphite still life drawing of various objects

Anonymous: Still Life

pencil geometric drawing of kitchen with cabinets fridge and oven

Hana W: Home

Photograph of two toned red trinket dish shaped like an apple with green leaf at the top and white S shape

Anonymous: 18 PM

Wire hangers, duct tape, and ink on paper

Nalani Sexton: Wires of the Mouth

Visiting a character 10 years later...

Vance Lira: Estelle

Itzel Saenz: Tales from the Time of Covid

Yellow and orange Flowers in vase

Marcela Sanchez: A Happy Bouquet

Painting of person looking to the left

Daniela Rodriguez: V

Digital drawing with brown, pink , and green shapes

Anonymous: Untitled

Frame and man running away.

Clark Kiolbassa: Guilt

Colorful drawing of a race car

Anonymous: Dream Car

Drawing of a mushroom house with a rabbit on a balcony waving at another rabbit on the ground

Anonymous: Mommy Bunny and Her Little Girl

Jaqueline Garcia: Day in the life

Anonymous: Mermaid

Ezra Pruitt: Lost Feelings

Dragon over a cave with a witch.

Vance Lira: Day 3, Dungeon

Painting of a cow's face

Phia Morris: Convulsion

painting of two lovers in a field

Josephine Schoendorff: The Poets

Anonymous: The Window

A drawing of a deserted road with trees and land forms on both sides of the road.

Anonymous: Regeneration Rhythms

Adrian Lopez: Move

Foot that says "Self-esteem means knowing you are the dream. -Oprah Winfrey" surrounded by colorful patterns

Suncelia Lilley: You Are The Dream

Painting of a candle with a red background

Olga Jatziry Gomez R: Bailarina en la luz

Sumi ink, chalk pastel, and graphite drawing of a woman with a flower in her hair

Anonymous: Looking Towards The Future

Man with a lit wand facing out of the page in the night with a moon in the background.

Albert Boongaling: Mage

Sharpie is used to black out parts of a book page. A figure crouches at the bottom of the drawing. "Screams" is written in yellow at the top of the drawing.

Emanuel Macias: SCREAMS

ninja star closed

Anonymous: Ninja Star Closed

colored pencil and gel pen print

Yenedith Sanchez: Day Dream

Digital drawing of person with an upside down jack o lantern on their head.

Anonymous: PumpkinHead

Natalie Pate: Under the Sea

Two photos side by side, each has a large black heeled-shoe with polka dot socks made of paper mache displayed on a wood shelf. Left shoe has a banana sitting on the top of the ankle; right shoe has a small figurine on top. On wall behind shoes are images, photos and small drawings.

Daniela Loza: Trophy hunting

Painting of person on a landscape with a grave.

Anonymous: Untitled

photograph of do not enter sign covered in stickers with city buildings in background

Anonymous: Perspective

Anonymous: Jake-Reedy


Anonymous: Apex Sound

Anonymous: Soleil

2 animated characters, one is good one is evil

Smila Gaulkin: Meland + Perrine

person in dinosaur cloak

Jordan Allen: Day 15, Dinosaur

Watercolor of deer with birds in its antlers

Simone Peña: Untitled

Room with piano, records, and comfy chairs

Veronica Timble: My Cozy Comfy Place

drawing of knight with bat, rock, and key

Donald Richard: Day 3, Dungeon
