Origami sculptures

Moises Evans: Line Playground

chicago fireworks pastel with glitter

Anonymous: Chicago Fireworks

A flower on a yellow surface

Emmett Aulwes: Bright

Esteban Resendez – Sunset Sky

red dragon in baseball hat

Leonard Pochel: What?!?

Drawing of someone waiting for train.

Anonymous: Crash

Mixed media Pagoda

Lilliane Shen: This is my pagoda.

Pencil drawing of a hand coloring a rectangle

Gabriela Jacome-Quinteros: Untitled

Painting of underwater creatures.

Natalia Perales: Its a water life

Cella Streit: Spring Day

Mask made of Skittles and Ziploc bags

Anonymous: Snack Pack

paint, cardboard, plastic on canvas, yellow ducks on water

Emma Orozco: Ducks

Ωentangle cat on wood with night sky

Brianna Joyce : Untitled

Collage of multicolored flowers on background that reads "We Are Machines."

Osvaldo Salgado: We Are Human

Black, white and blue linoleum print of a woman wearing a dress with her eyes closed. The background has a curved line pattern.

Anonymous: Untitled

A rainbow is painted but the colors are in opposite order.

Zoe Barnett: Zoe’s Zany Rainbow

Photo of young woman with half of her face desaturated

Sophia Severance: Ignorance is Bliss

Columns of watercolor shapes turned into characters. From left to right, columns of red circle characters, orange triangle characters, yellow triangle characters, green triangle characters, and blue circle characters.

Anonymous: Watercolor Characters

Mia Lewis: Frankenstein Montage

A photograph of tree bark and trees in the background

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Nathalie

Marker drawing of a turtle with patterns on its back and spirals around it

Anonymous: Fifi the Turtle

Romina Gonzalez: Ghouls Night

Friend eating soup after a high school dance

Brandon Huang: Noodle Soup

Two dancers.

Kelsey Duong: Heartfelt REpose

Blue background with a kaleidoscope design. Buildings in the foreground with one tall one in the middle of the image.

Norige Attarifi: Casablanca

Kosta Kovacevic: Untitled

Diana Castrejon: Still Life

A gold box holding a clock, framed flower, plate, religious statue, and a bell

Nicki Ta: Goodwill

Anonymous: Untitled

Purple and yellow paper cut of lips

Jane von der Sitt: Screaming!!

Marker drawings of characters from Dog Man cartoon, mostly dogs and cats

Anonymous: Characters of “Dog Man”

A red elmo toy is covered by a white, day of the dead head.

Kenya DeLeon: Elmo on Day of the Dead

Soriya Carr: Incoming Chaos

Pencil on paper

Somerled Liang: Untitled

Moon with a face in a purple sky

Sasha Nicosia: Spirit in the Sky

Girl with a pink dress and lights

Anthony Hernandez: Niece’s Birthday Party

Clay head sculpture with fake grass

Daphne Vasquez: Astral Projection

Photograph of a police car on the city's west side.

Auttum Thomas: Serve and Protect

Digital drawing of red rabbit on the phone

Natalia Rozenek: A Threatening Presence

Ana Smadiyar-Tefft: Dolly Parton Doll

White lines zig zag across an abstract image with honeycombs in the background.

Damian Catalan: El Jaqueton

Track hurdles blur together. They frame the center where a person is crouching down

Jacob Schomberg: Obstacles

Isa Walker: Frankenstein Montage

Photo of circle of lego figures around toy cross

Sebastian Sorrondeguy: Imagined Spaces (clash of cultures)

Black and white watercolor painting

Aleksandra Putintceva: Untitled

Anonymous: Her Pinnacle

Concept design for the "Final Glowforge"

Anonymous: Concept Drawing

Digital drawing of overlapping notes

Kavina Patel: Thoughts

Anonymous: Robot World

Shamrock drawing with shapes around it

Crystal Diego: Stained Glass Shamrock

Riley McDonald: Untitled

A drawing of a grey creature with ears and a tail

Charlie Vagnieres: Stolem

Photograph of a man sitting on a blue bucket in the daytime.

Andres Mejia: Untitled

Drawing of loteria card.

Anonymous: Loteria Card in My Mind

Victor Fernandez: Freddy’s Drawings

Drawing of a person surrounded by cats in front of a pyramid

Isabel Wood: Frida

Melanie Silva: Forest Blues

Anonymous: Untitled

A portrait of a woman with long, dark hair and a blue background with Egyptian symbols and heiroglyphics

Cache King: QUEEN

Colorful watercolor painting of flowers

Riley Hrejsa: Untitled

Collage of a doberman dog.

Zulfaiz Ahmed: Dobermann

Drawing of Pinocchio in colored pencil.

Nestor Sisiruca Gallo: Pinocchio

Anonymous: Tessellation

Anonymous: Crowd of people, all with different backgrounds and cultures

Colorful illustration with shadows and light.

Keomi Brame: Untitled

Ink print abstract.

Faizan Khan: Untitled

Photo of trees and a building in fall.

Naomi Jones: Fall

Spider lily flowers illuminated by a white glow

Israel Smith: Untitled

Drawing of skull with flowers growing out of it

Alexis Moreno: Welcome Home

A surreal artwork with two large eyes that have colors dripping from them and two large mouths.

Brenda Dickerson: DOUBLE VISION

Three white boxes with curly shapes coming out of the tops.

Paola Gomez-Velazquez: Mind Over Matter

Self-Portrait collage

Anonymous: Untitled

Pencil dawing with text.

Nicodemus Drummond: Love Letter

Black and white drawing of close-up of eye

Lennie Knapp: Still Life Eye

Colorful abstract photography.

Alex Chitnis: Rainbow Breeze

An orange cat stands under a blue sky with white clouds.

Anonymous: It’s a Cat, Cat, Cat

Digital collage of abstract background with large "Art" in white on top

Iyana Tollison: Art

Sculpture of found materials

Nathanael Alnemri: Untitled

Dylan Terrazas: Untitled

Valeria Huang: Kayan Woman

Portrait of a person dressed up singing into a microphone

Elijah Bermejo: Self As David Bowie

Drawing of a woman in front of outer space.

Alejandra Ramirez Lopez: An Only Child of the Universe

Marisol Camarillo: Gingerbread Madness

Anonymous: Raccotter

Homes colored in blue are set on a saturated red background with large print asking "Where did all the money go?"

Talayah Powell: Redefining Redlining

Anonymous: Mirror Invention

Rose on green background

Alexis Jaramillo: Como La Flor

Abstract sculpture of a gray monster.

Emily Lach: Pinch Pot Monster

A large dinosaur walks behind a much smaller person.

Anonymous: Weight and Height

Painting of a guinea pig with a pink background

Mina Miranda: Guinea Pig

A blue sky with black silhouette of trees and a moon.

Ines Vinsel: Moonlight

Hot air balloons in the sky

Salma El Bissati: This is my hot air balloon race

Digital drawing of a face with a green background

Tamia-Eve Wronowski: Untitled

red, black and white portrait

Amari Carr: Myself painting

Weaving of drawing with text page

Ariana Silverstein: The state of confusion

pencil drawing of Jin from BTS

Anonymous: Jin

Edward Ayala: Birch Trees

Three dogs left is brown and laying down middle is laying down and has a splotchy black and white coat right is sitting up and has completely white fur

Eve Oppenheim: Felted Dogs

Collage of newspapers with person painted on top

Anonymous: Media Representation

Luca Macri: Movement

A digital drawing of a Dia de los Muertos skull

Anonymous: El Dia de los Muertos

A drawing of Carl from the Walking Dead.

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a dog. ON his skin are holes which reveal various body parts like teeth and eyes

Mina Miranda: Demon Dog

Michaela McElroy: Girl with her head in the clouds

Julisa Casimiro: 1-O [ORIGINAL CHARACTER]

Anonymous: Ruth, the Flowering Justice

Yellow ceramic mug with smiley face wearing sunglasses. Cobalt blue interior.

Marleny Marquez-Ledesma: Emoji Mug

Anonymous: Banana Man

Pixel art of a young girl with the words Stay Safe

Mehr Malhotra: First Responder’s Words of Wisdom

A portrait drawing with cosmic symbolism and elements on the right

Anonymous: Untitled

Liliana Santos: Cardinal

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Someone I Admire


Hana Ellis: Untitled

Alejandro Valadez: Spooky Self

A mixed media artwork on a wall with clouds and words that say "Peace on Earth".

Alexis Diggs: With All of Us!

A blue woven piece with green leaves woven into the fiber. There is a red rectangle on the upper left corner.

Anonymous: Outwards

Purple and black spider on a purple and black web.

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Windmills

Heaven Williams: Untitled

Anonymous: Portrait of Principal Anderson

Pencil drawing of a person with dark hair wearing a watch. His eyes are bright blue.

Anonymous: Ocean Eyes

pencil portrait

Nayan Sunilkumar: Megan Fox

Drawing of a rainbow

Claeon Shajan: Rainbow

Drawings of cartoonish people on a grey background

Schantelle K Alonzo: Untitled

Charlotte Foster: Us

Elise Lomeli: Little Brother

Anthony Torres: Police Chase

skateboarding photography chicago downtown

Lyric Roy: Skate

A colorful abstract drawing of shapes and lines interesecting

Keyonna Beamon: Untitled

Collage of paper and stickers

Meadow Meza: Shawnee

Painting of person looking to the left

Daniela Rodriguez: V

Marionette Character Puppet Bristol Board, Colored Marker, Metal Fasteners

Daniel Jamroz: Webs Out!

Anonymous: Untitled

A picture of the inside of someones house and a person sitting at a computer

Bellson Mei: Untitled

Sculpture of a girl made out of a variety of objects

Anonymous: Flowers

A black and white drawing of a creature

Demarcel Davenport: What Can They Say?

Anonymous: Sunny Side Up

Pencil drawing of a tulip tied up into a bouquet.

Ella Chenzhen: Untitled

Anonymous: Hidden Beauty

Angry birds inspired artwork.

Kevin Zhang: Colored Pencil Drawing

Anonymous: Pollo

Anonymous: Pathways

Henry Sparks: Artifact Replica

pencil on paper illustration

Enrique Sanchez: Untitled

blue scale portait

Anonymous: Untitled

Jello with whipped cream served on a dish with a cherry on top

Yaretzi Gutierrez: Jello

An illustration of a faceless woman in front of a colorful background

Ameyaly Flores: We the People are Mexican Women

Fatima Marquez: House in the beach

Drawing of a woman with ribs exposed

Anonymous: Open lies

photograph city aerial people

Myah Shakom: Untitled

Grace Kendzior: Henry the Hedgehog

An artistic copy of Van Goghs Starry Night

Anonymous: Northern Lights and Stars

Boulders overlooking a lake and pine needle branches.

Gloria Chavarin: Watercolor Landscape

Louis Swingley: Broken Plate Pete

colored pencil drawing of a woman intermingled with other objects

Sofia Torres: Untitled

Jermenia Harrison: Redlining

Night time scene with people entering a home in traditional Japanese clothing

Alexandra Serafin: Japanese Study

Parrot drawn in oil pastel

Katherine Uruchima: Untitled-Bird

A digital drawing of a girl with a very colorful patterned background

Charlotte White: Raggedy Ann

Brayden Yang: My Lovely Playroom

Anonymous: Haringoween

Half page drawing of a woman.

Anonymous: Half Page Drawing

Colorful abstract piece of a mans portrait.

Maya Villabona: Untitled

Mario Jimenez: Bicycle Atop Apartment Stairs

Emma Gonnissen: Untitled 1

water color painting of a face

Madelyn Bruch: Sea Painter

Anonymous: Just One Line

Michelle Funk: Creek Sounds

Amna Trebovic: On and Off the Court

Black and white drawing of fish, mountains, and water

Yoel Lopez: Funky Fishies

Skylar Burns – Burns

Yupawadee Ruechasoontorn: My pets and favorable flowers.

Drawing of a large green tree with yellow light shinning down on a blue background.

Lucas Bautista: The Day of Life

Painting of pumpkin people in front of pumpkin houses

Anonymous: Untitled

drawing Ameer Muhammad anime character

Anonymous: Untitled

mixed media piece

Julia Baran: Set on Nature

A cut paper with the words "Ni Una Menos" with a fist inside the female sign in the middle.

Marilyn Gomez: Artivism

Areli Garcia: Old reflections

A photo of a side of a house with a forest background.

Aaron Bacon: Untitled

Pencil drawing of a giraffe with its head tilted

Lila Finegold: Grayscale Giraffe

colorful painting of a mom, reads 'i love'

Shelby White: A Portrait of Mom, I Love!

blue collage symmetrical

Celeste Maldonado : Vanna

Pants sewn together using a floral patterned fabric. The flowers are red and pink and the background is tan.

Anonymous: Floral Blanket Pants

vertical wavy lines of different colors

Helen Jackson: Rows

Collage with road, sea, and seaside, with lamps in the water.

Kai Niederpruem: The Journey Home


Annabelle Liang: Untitled Notan Design

Anderson Morales: House

Jaquelin Rios: Untitled

trees in a large forest

Akira Dolinski: Sequoia National Park

Graphite drawing of a lake with buildings and a dead tree in front

Anonymous: The World

A digital mosaic of 3 pink flowers and leaves

Yadira Guaman: Digital Mosaic

Drawing of planets, faces, and all kinds of colorful things

Suha Kapadia: Untitled

Harrison Brennan: Seeing the Seen

Clodagh Veale: Old City Band

Anonymous: Duck

Anonymous: Chicago’s Unicorn

Drawing of astronaut in helmet with Earth in the background

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Pair of Lips

A bunch of figures floating on a black background and in a cube

Anonymous: Stuck at Home

Still life of various objects on red fabric background

Rachel Deveyra: Personal Still Life

Mixed metals over layed to create a bear in front of three trees.

Eve Oppenheim: Bear in the Woods

panda sculpture

Cecelia Sullivan : Panda

word illustration

James Solis: Historical Hate

Abstract drawing of girl with half yellow and half blue hair.

Kamiyah Miles: Live, love, and color

Black and white drawing with a tree and pier

Isabella Martinez: Untitled

hand with 2 fingers in the little pocket of a pair of jeans

Annabel Multer: untitled

Close up drawing of a creature's eye

Henry Stenlund: Animal Eye

big A

Hailey Rodden: Big A

Anonymous: Untitled

Anahi Alcala: A Starry Night Past New Home

watercolor of person with dark hair, a bun, and a mask

Anonymous: Self

Anonymous: Propaganda

Sculpture of a an abstract tent.

Waderik Jeffries: Home

Dahlia Sindelar: Untitled

Pink and blue watercolor painting of a house with trees

Yessenia Martinez: Home

Abstract painting of water in greens, blues, and purples.

Hazel Wolfe: Grand Haven Beach

Autumn Higgins: Neon Lips that Pop

A painting of a girl with glasses wearing a mask and the blue sky behind her

Anonymous: Self Portrait

Drawing of a bag of Jamaican Jerk Seasoning against a wall

Anonymous: Jerk

Pop up paper sculpture of a bedroom

Emma Diaz: My Dream Room

A painting of a chihuahua with bones in the background, painted in blue

Jeremy Sanchez: Chihuahua

clay sculpture

Isabell Rabadi: Untitled

Drawing of astronaut in helmet with Earth in the background

Elizabeth Ho: Untitled

Drawing of a sun and moon

Sherlyn Rodriguez: Untitled

Drawing of a mother and a baby

Anonymous: Mom


Anonymous: Space Ceramics

Anonymous: Watching Blue’s Clues

pencil drawing of a fox

Naimah LaMon: Nick Wilde From Zootopia

collaged bear in the cave

Andres Grajeda: Cave Bear

Person holding a sphere optical illusion drawing

Naomi Wilde: Grabbing the Sphere

Watercolor with Sharpie

Ochun Palacio: Dance

Animal skull surrounded by stones, a feather, and greenery

Anonymous: Personal Still Life

Anonymous: Organic Abstraction

Isabela Torres: Life Gatherings

Aylan Garcia: Untitled

Mixed media diagram of waterfall with greenery inside of cardboard box.

Dylan Mitchell and Inci Qasimli: Dragon Tuesday

Dianna Miguel: KAMI!


Molly Fisher: Giraffe

Samantha Jade Kraus: Untitled

Estefano Sanchez: Monster Feelings


Olivia Wilmington: Dragonfly

hand drawn with contour lines red, orange, green and blue

Anonymous: Real Hand

Cereal style box art of person with blond hair and a bowl of cereal. They have a green band-aid on their nose. Yellow, emjio like, smiley faces surround them.

Kayla Meza: Liquid Laugh

Ianzhima Dandarova: Plantzilla!

Concentric circles made of cut paper of yell, red, and orange

Vincenzo D’Agostino: The Sun

A drawing of a strawberry shortcake with pink frosting

Judith Vasquez: Strawberry Shortcake

Anonymous: Panther

Naomi Cobbs: If I Could Fly

Drawing of a large tree trunk with large protruding branches.

Jeremy Sanchez: Strength as Strong as a Tree

An abstract triptych with images of flowers and patterns in neutral colors


Silhouette of figure with long hair in front of colorful backdrop

Anonymous: Tell Me a Story

Hand Peace sign with rainbow background

Nataly Bijarro : Peace Sign

Anonymous: The Sleepover

A drawing of an animal with bunny ears on a flowery background

Lexi Smith: Rainbow Bunny

A picture of a person with rainbow colored silhouettes stretching out from the figure

Maia Mar: Rainbow Shadow

Self-portrait collage

Anonymous: Untitled

Julian Ramirez: MATCHUP (Stand off)

Leianne Obligado: Untitled

A digital drawing of a blue cat

Iliana Hernandez: Cat

Dahlia Goodman: CitySky

Anonymous: Feelings on Creatures

Illustration about being safe around Metra train tracks.

Anonymous: Taking the Metra

Elora Cuisia: Untitled

Anonymous: H.A.P.P.Y.

Photograph of a pinwheel in front of trees and a sky

Anonymous: Flightless Pinwheel

colored pencil portrait illustration

Christopher Edison: My Word Portrait

Cut and colorful shapes on a black background

Penelope Adasiewicz: Shapes!

Photo of face bathed in red light

Vanessa Rivera: Red Light

Painting of Muffin, a character from TV show Bluey

Anna McIntyre: Mufin

colorful drawing of four flowers

Isabel Flores: Fabric Flowers


Ava Shirley: Bouquet

Portrait of Jesus

Antonio Watts: Jesus

Drawing of people at the farm portion at the zoo

Matthew Chung: Thankful for Lincoln Park Zoo

A digital artwork of a room with purple walls and floor, and a girl sitting in a chair.

Jazmin Hernandez: Jazmins Comfy Cozy Place

Violet Sparks: Rainbow Rain 2

A collage of a vintage chaise and an old black and white photograph of a woman. Around the woman's head is a diamond ring and a butterfly.

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a castle

Brennan Metzger: Dark Castle Ruins

Painting of a brown and white lynx with green eyes in front of a purple and blue background. Small flowers come up on stems from the bottom of the page.

Anonymous: Lynx

Sophia Hashimi: Kochai


Suri: Untitled

Cityscape made of paper

Wyatt Gilmore: City

House with a big eye painting in the background

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a rock climbing gym

Anonymous: The Ark- Prototype

A hand blown glass vessel with a white and light blue pattern

Anonymous: Flat Blue and Clear Wide Mouth Vase

pencil drawing of eyes

Nolan Credit: Timmy

Anonymous: Rooms

Samantha Rocca: Untitled

A fox puppet fishing on a river.

Anonymous: Fishing Fox

Colorful abstract patterns.

Quinn Kemp: Untitled

Digital mosaic of fox on purple background

Anonymous: Fox

Denise Hernandez: Untitled

Abstract sculpture of white lines in a shoe-like form.

Melanie Avila: Introspection

Katherine Angeli Villena: A Tower on Neon Planet

Anonymous: Cat and Mouse

A woman in a slim white gown in a dark forest with black tree bark and greenish blue water

Genessis Garcia: Llorona

An opened up cabinet filled with plants, bones, insects and other symbols.

Kelsey Edwards: Cabinet of Curiosity

Abstract drawing of green, red, and black shapes

Anonymous: Untitled

artist's mother

Ray Olson: Mom’s Wedding Day


Abel Delgado: Untitled

Spring break, outer space, person sitting at waterfall

Sky Asamoah: Tranquilty

Aiden Rancharan: Ranchyland

A still life drawing made with colored pencils on paper. There is a red background with a brown table. On the table are bananas, apples and avocados.

Anonymous: Still Life

Ceramic face painted with red and black.

Alyssa Alvarez: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Bird-Ish Peace-Ish

Digital image of a young man in a red hoodie. Behind him are many different blue signs that would be seen on a street.

Anonymous: Street A


Jierre Grant: Mo Pigeon

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Rattling

Drawing of person standing next to a building using markers and glitter glue.

Misa Nomura: Untitled

Geremy Johns: The Top

A painting of a blue axolotl on top of a rock framed by green plants

Anonymous: True Colors

interior space

Jacob Davis: Untitled Interior Space

Drawing of shapes, lines, and colors

Anonymous: Patterns

painting of a hand holding an ice cream cone

Thomas Brice: Hand holding an ice cream

Picasso style painting of a star wars character. The ace of the figure is ombre orange, the neck and background are pink, and the character's hair is is blue and green striped.

Anonymous: Picasso Ahsoka

A make-up look with blue hair resembling supernatural imagery.

Kevannah Berry: Alien superstar

Collage of newspaper articles with eyes painted on top

Anonymous: Stop Asian Hate

Overhead watercolor map painting.

Brianna Hall: Werck

Coen Schaller: Chicago Living

A graphic banner of circles filled with different bright colors

Fernanda Portales: Gum ball image

Colored pencil drawing of a girl with red hair

Anonymous: How You Doin’?

Naileyah Moran: Untitled

Hannah Gazdziak: Joyful Spring

Anonymous: Weaving

Joseph Villalobos: Red Fin ASian Arowana, Dragon of Lake Sentarum

Anonymous: Buenos Amigos

Heart painted with watercolor on oil pastel in Jim Dine's style.

Leah Cabral: Jim Dine Heart

Ceramic of woman with blue shirt and white skirt, 3 children on her skirt and 3 more babies in her arms.

Anonymous: Untitled

Digitally manipulated image of church

Adele Weiss: Barcelona Beauty

Naleyah Long-Smith: Try to Be a Rainbow

Graffiti painting

Ramiro Romo: Untitled

A monochromatic pink painting of one eye with a thin tree placed in front of it.

Anonymous: Eye Watcher

Crayon drawing of a butterfly

Anonymous: The Hungry, Hungry Butterfly

Anonymous: Me

Illustration of Goosebumps book with green hands reaching for it.

Henry Curry: Goosebumps

Graphite drawing of lemons in a still life

Adrian Lopez: Ambiguous Lemons

Illustration of two people holding hands under a rainbow

Claire Mun: Connected

Intersecting red and green lines, kind of looks like pipes

Matthew Greco: Life’s Intersections

Mixed media piece of a sandwich shop logo

Faith Sanders: Faith’s Sanderwiches

Eloise Sikorski: Mr. Picture

marker drawing of cats and trees with sun

Aishah Abbasi : I Love Cats

McCord Brown: Color

Dalinette Cruz: Lemon drops

profile of a portrait on mixxed collage.

Cinthya Urgilez: Tell Your Story

Black and white graphite drawing of a girl

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a red own with stars and a moon

Farhan Rahim: Untitled

Pencil drawing of 3 girls' faces

Alexandra Serafin: Babymetal

Anonymous: Bart 4 the People

Watercolor painting of a macaw

Neena Agrawal: Macaw

frog clings to flower upside down

Sophie Yanny-Tillar : Leap

Drawing of character with lightning

Ayden Matthews: Untitled

Jaeden Fields: Photo Mar 22 2024, 2 10 53 PM

digitally drawn face

Georgia Pooler: Render

Emerson Graves: Petoskey, Michigan

Pencil drawing of Hogwarts castle

Benjamin Lacy: Hogwarts

Digital illustration of a girl next to a floating book with green glowing lights

Jael Green: Magic is Like Avocados

A drawing of a big pink dinosaur on green grass

David Martinez: Dinosaur

Abstract art piece. At the center is a figure with a large blue and purple eye above them. The letters "SZA" is above and there is another brown figure to the right.

Isabella Godinez: Untitled

Drawing of a boy standing on top of a brick wall with a ladder on a floating island

Cesar Garcia: Mind Of A Hero

drawing of mountains with a river and trees on the shoreline

Minahil Ahmed: Land of Peace

Amare’ Williamson: Frankenstein Montage

Bennett Trinh: Snake

Painting of a blue person with a black creature on their back

Jessica Correa: Trapped Between the Broken Shards

graphic of a room with characters

Robin Lockhart: Home Away From Home

Anonymous: Contour line

Drawing of a hand breaking through the ground, texture on fingers and in background

Sunita Burwell Mehta: Break Through

Anonymous: Golden Goose

prehistoric art

Clayton Hurst: Untitled Prehistoric Art

photography sports baseball

Leonel Chagolla: Untitled

Helen Trinter: Colorful Flowers

Maya Avila: Lion With a Big Mane

A photo of granola and a jar of food.

Anonymous: Souvenirs

Anonymous: Sadness

person's face outlined in red with arrows and writing all around

Anonymous: Untitled

Collage cat with different shapes and colors to form the cat. Blue, green, and pink shades.

Camila Salgado: Rainbow Cat

Drawing of two subjects playing around.

Anonymous: Damn, remember this

Oil Pastel and Watercolor Collage Laurel Burch-Inspired Cats

Matheos Vellios: Girl Holding Cat

Gray stone monster punching.

Donovin Stepney: Creature

Red dyed shirt with yellow sleeves; various body shapes across the fabric

Anonymous: Frankenstein Shirt

sculpture of 2 people made of pipe cleaners and paper

Anonymous: Straw Person

A drawing of a fish

Stephanie Jimenez: Fish

Weaved colorful papers into a black sheet.

Anonymous: Untitled

abstract swirly lines

Nina Bonair-Agard: Untitled

Stick Figure on a painted background

Tahirah Mayet: Le Jungle

Paper cut out of pink and blue girl

Galia Quezada: Untitled

Brian Chavez: Untitled

Painting of a lava lamp filled with blue lava and bits of purple lava. Background is yellow and purple stripes.

Anonymous: Purple Rain Contained

A drawing of a street corner with a red car

Sevannah Coles: Untitled

A digital collage of the exterior of the Chicago Theatre. There are aliens walking around the street and alien spaceships are flying around.

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Detailed color pencil drawing of a tiger.

Sadia Rodriguez: The Lion

Painting of a fancy building in front of a sunset

Jordan McKee: Sydney Opera

A collage of a womans face with big earrings and blue hair

Khushi Chaudhary: Khushi

Sarah Ochiana-Zaman: THIS IS US

Alex Dedic: Flashbacks

Painting of a purple and blue sky covered in white stars. There is a white part of a circle in the upper left hand corner.

Anonymous: Milky Way

Painting of a mountain with leaves and petals making up the people and trees in the foreground

Anonymous: Untitled

food being picked over

Rachel DeVeyra: Picky Eater

Blue, Purple, Red mice

Reese Giltmier: Untitled

Painting of a plant with a pink flower in a pot in front of a window

Ripley Spatafora: Window Plant

Adara Trivedi: Autumn Colors

girl in black mask covered in veil

Rachel Jimenez : In the Clouds during all my classes

Cool color op art

Sydnee Laboy: Color Op Art

Drawing of dress form with wings.

Dayana Heredia: Untitled

double exposure photograph

Nicodemus Drummond: Drummond, Madre y Hijo

painting of a pink sky sunset

Macie Laabs: Sunset

Anonymous: Mixed: A Colorful Story

A portrait of a young woman whose face is in grayscale and there are glowing lines around her head

Jala Bowers: GLOW

Anonymous: Tucgar #1 of two

black and white comic panels

Cheline Moncano: The Pandemic

Genevieve Teplitz: Untitled

Abstract portrait of a young man

Anonymous: Makeup

the dream

Issac Smith: The Dream

Jhazmin Lucero: A childs routine during a pandemic

Photograph of hand in front of window

Anonymous: Portrait

Orange ceramic frog

Antonio Anderson: Looking for Lunch

Digital drawing of a girl with brown hair and a green shirt

Georgia Pooler: Untitled

black figures surrounding a person drawn in black and white

Anonymous: Candle Night

The word "Nat" drawn in rainbow colors

Natalie Romo: Abstract Nat

Anonymous: Four Seasons

abstract scene in black and white.

Anonymous: Under the Sea

very saturated digital art of person with purple pants and teal shirt, suspenders, blue hair

Phakhapon Morakotjantachote : Tip Toe

Anonymous: Jakucho’s Psychotic Outburst

A colorful drawing of two children in a school hallway with doors in the background.

Anonymous: The First Day of School

Graphite line drawing of a building

Anonymous: Adobe Landscape

Anonymous: Silent Walk on a Friday Night

Evigan Marcos: Identity

Muhammad Fasih Javed: Lucky Halloween

A drawing of a tree with a blue background and grass

Katie Kaukialo: Happiness

Sunset blankets the Argyle stop with orange, deep purple and blue hues

Anonymous: Argyle Stop

Drawing of a fire ladder truck

Anonymous: Fire Truck

Anonymous: Untitled

Jacqueline Recendez – Organic Shapes

Enesa Grebovic: Old Bridge

purple scuplture of an eye on a plate

Marlo Aselin: The Eye

Eyeball with mushroom, butterfly and mouth piece.

Lyric Roy: Untitled

Drawing of a Russian Nesting doll wearing red.

Hannah Kong: Russian Dolls of Four Seasons

Tyler Powell: Self Portrait

painting of a blue teapot

Jaclyn Manning: Teapot Blues

Clay sculpture of two creatures looking opposite directions

Ava Eguia: Non-Functional Vessel

Landscape painting on canvas

Anonymous: Bob Ross cottage inspiration

Emma Didricksen: Finding My Voice

Painting of a street in monochrome red

Adam Nawrocki: My Chicago 1

A three legged bowl with a shallow lip.

Anonymous: Aztec Bowl

Crystel Tovar: Untitled

Tam Tran: Dodge

picasso style portrait with yellow and orange face

Sebastian Solis : Picasso Portrait

Photo of figure watching a cartoon on tv

Anonymous: My Calm

marker drawing of a sea monster

Reed Bateman: Untitled

Anonymous: Landscape Collage

digital portrait of person with dark hair and multiple nose piercings

Justin Echols: Focus

Christine Meinders: Niña de oro

Black and white girl covering him mouth while foggy clouds surround her.

Elana Joe-Recinto: Not Them

Anonymous: Untitled

A white crewneck with a tan floral patterned sleeve.

Anonymous: Floral Crew Neck

Anonymous: Journey

Charlette Mandela Pangan: Ripples

Ranisha Little: Boom

Pen drawing of A bouquet of flowers with a horror element.

Daniel Marchan: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

colorful painting of a kid holding an umbrella in a rainstorm

James Kilduff: Umbrella

Black and white image of hills with black and white Japanese characters. There are many trees and a road and house.

Ronan Schnepff: Words in Context

Penelope Martin: +/- Space of Name

Anonymous: Snow Queen

Anonymous: Donut

Photo of two miniature cars crashing

Anonymous: Imagined Spaces (car crash)

Anonymous: Community Superhero

Birch, spruce, and oak forest with a large path in the middle. A big orange sun with the words Through the Woods are on the horizon

Jazalle Adams: Through the Woods

Photo of wet sidewalk.

Eric Scott: Untitled

A black and white painting of a womans face with curly hair

Keyla Estrada: Self Portrait

A graphic illustration of a bee with dripping honey and lots of flowers on the bottom

Aaliyah Ramirez: Bee Kind

3d city scape of many houses on a road in different colors with a colorful, blended, chalk pastel background.

Anonymous: Citylife

Nevaeh Washington: The Girl

Movie poster.

Victoria Bobadilla: The Sparrow Poster

paper quilt with a colored pencil drawing of a house

Blayke Mitchell: A House on My Birthday

Anonymous: Food

Buildings over an orange background.

Xinhe Liu: A Village at Sunset

A digital art piece of someone's eyes. Behind the eyes are black letters on a dark grey background.

Anonymous: Untitled

Still life

Anonymous: Still Life

Man with red headphones

Simone Peña: Untitled

Anonymous: Disfigurement

Anonymous: Untitled

Jenavieve Savoy: Small Red Boy

Purple rabbit head made of fur.

Keiran Eatinger: Icing Rabbit

A colorful portrait of a guy with his hand on his face

Anonymous: Asymptotic Ecstasy

Dylan McLaughlin: Rainbow Tiger

Hand covered in popcorn residue with whole popcorn in the foreground

Auttum Thomas: Imagined Spaces (junk food)

A painting of a lake with weeds

Kostandina Goritsan: Untitled

A digital drawing of a person wearing camouflage and a hard hat shooting a gun into the distance.

Anonymous: Untitled

A detailed pen illustration of various elements related to Asian culture.

Jasmine Yau: Untitled

Digital illustration of a black male figure with body and face split in places and loosely sewn back together. The parental advisory for explicit lyrics logo is in the bottom right corner

Keyon Hackle: Untitled

R rainbow background

Dayia Johnson, Anonymous, and Cynia Wingba: Untitled

A charcoal on paper drawing of a folded up paper boat. The boat is designed with drawn creatures.

Anonymous: Paper Boat

Image of a gray/brown cat yawning with a black background.

Christopher Limon: Untitled

Series of self-portraits and lots of eyes in the background

Emma Alvarado: Growth

House created with craft sticks and colorful paint.

Anonymous: Casa
