Painting of a body on a multicolored, abstract background

Evelyn Mindel: Faces

Anonymous: Charizard

Assortment of halloween staples, like pumpkins and witches

Londyn Hollins: Untitled

Red paintings with words in black

Safia Hussain: Thank You For Your Service 3


Susie Kirkwood: THE SPHERE

Jaden Song: Horn Head

Drawing of someone cutting food.

Anonymous: Mother

painting tree green

Anonymous: Angry Tree

Anonymous: Family Portrait

Ceramic Kitsune

Nicole Kozlowski: Untitled

Mos Tapey: Axolotl in a Suit Riding an Axolotl

Anonymous: Contamination

red white squares

Miriam Hernandez-Delgadillo: Shades and Tints

Close up on a stuffed bear with a child holding it. In a lovely embrace, a pair of adult hands wrap around the childs hands

Dorothy Mason: Untitled

Brick wall with meter.

Jonathan Joseph: Multi

girl with purple background with pattern

Mariana Martinez: Self-portrait

Anonymous: Bart 4 the People

Colorful cut paper mountains with scribbles in the sky

Anonymous: Karla’s Mountain range

Image of little girl with hands on her knees looking at something

Anonymous: Little Kaylen In Wonderland

Animal silhouette stands in front of red and orange sky

Kayon Darling: Endangered Animal Silhouette

Anonymous: Survivalists

Purple and yellow paper cut of lips

Jane von der Sitt: Screaming!!

Drawing of an imaginary animal with wings and patterns

Vikram Konkimalla: Imaginary Animal in an imaginary land

Birthday cake with blue table cloth.

Valeria Izaguirre: Nostalgia

Mixed Media mask

Oscar Aquirre: Untitled (Mask)

fractured landscape illustration

Jairam Narvez-Miranda: Fractured Landscape

watercolor, self-portrait

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

Myles Flowers: Grandma Ida

Foot with quote "out of a mountain of dispair there is a stone of hope" Martin Luther King Jr. B/w abstract illustrations around foot.

Anonymous: Stone of Hope

The faces of two children are covered by thread.

Jennifer Aguilera-Martinez: Recuerdos

Margareth Cervantes: A Slice of Summer

Paper collage of color wheel using paint and marker.

Kaaviya Khorana: Color Wheels

Shamonte Thomas: Untitled

Ashley Loera: The perfect day

Collage of feathers and various objects.

Fernando Alvarez: Untitled


Leonel Martinez: F.U.N(Freaky Unsafe Nonsense)

Teal colored background with sleeping fox wearing a crown and leaves surrounding it.

Cynthia Cong: Untitled

A portrait drawing of Mark Twain

Angeles Diaz-Suarez: Mark Twain Mascot

Anonymous: Mata Dragones

Patchwork photo of the inside of a CTA train

Natalie Becker-Stevens: Twisty Train

Anonymous: Chesney

A grey colored pencil seal is in blue water and meats and orange lion on the land to the right of it.

Elizabeth Ho: Seal and Lion Together

Paintain of a lantern with flowering trees in the surrounding and a yellow and white swirled background.

Sernaya McGee: The Light

Anonymous: Archeology, 3500 A.C.

A painting of Ariel from the Little Mermaid

Anonymous: Untitled

Night time scene with people entering a home in traditional Japanese clothing

Alexandra Serafin: Japanese Study

Drawing of red dragon

Daniel Song: Dragon-ex

Josiah Beckon: Squid Life

SCulpture of person with "working people" description

Anonymous: Untitled

Illustration of two people holding hands under a rainbow

Claire Mun: Connected

Sophia Manzo: Untitled

Pastel drawing of kappa, a creature from Japanese folk tales.

Kurumi Koziarski: Kappa

A person drawn with red hair. Many smaller drawings surround them like a blue cats, many stars and other blue lines and shapes.

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

An Aseprite Animation

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Everything Stays

Anonymous: Hamburger and Fries

Figures floating on a watercolor pastel background.

Anonymous: Move

Anonymous: Eyes

Drawing of skeleton on fire

Anonymous: Untitled

Avra Raman: Seaglass

Collage of a person on a landscape.

De’Jonnlove Ganbold: Untitled

A dove sits on a tree branch surrounded by orange and pink web shaped figures behind.

Casey Pureco: Untitled

A drawing of an anime character with glasses and brown hair

Charlie Lang: Hanji Zoe

A rainbow zebra collage

Yaretzy Marquez: The Colors of Nature

Illustration of two people on purple background surrounded by gender pronouns.

Nathalia Vaquero: Double Tap

A large dinosaur walks behind a much smaller person.

Anonymous: Weight and Height

A photo of a woman in a mask surrounded by slips of paper with writing

Reginae Echols: The Black Woman’s Burden

A yellow, blue, and red dragon with wings

Anonymous: Phoenix Dragon

Anonymous: Self portrait

Mia Kiefer: grumbo jade

A girl floats in a bathtub. She is surrounded by flowers.

Anonymous: Flower Bed

A collage with a figure standing in flames

Daisy Rosales: Smoky Fear

Candyland game board in background with toy figurines in the foreground

Miranda Sustaita: Imagined Spaces (candyland)

Person with dark hair, a high ponytail and a blue and red dress holding a heart.

Riley Root: Self Portrait

Vivian Escobedo: Blue Iris

abstract swirly lines

Nina Bonair-Agard: Untitled

drawing of young person looking in the mirror

Jessica Vazquez: Critic

Half page drawing of a woman.

Anonymous: Half Page Drawing

Chantelle Perez: Oliver ARFID

Isabella Guzman: Amate

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

clay yellow face winking

Cecelia Sullivan : Winky Face

A painting showing two creatures

Anonymous: the virus hunter

2 silhouettes on gray and white background

Anonymous: A look into self

Anonymous: Garden Teapot

Graphite self-portrait with curly hair

Auttum Thomas: Nostalgia

Butterfly in the sky

Jonathan Carmelo: Butterfly Above the Sky

Nevin Banu: Costico

Pink yellow and green skateboard design

Anonymous: Floral Night

Abstract painting red, yellow and blue

Luca Federighi: Chicago’s Vibe

Watercolor of yellow and blue fish

Anonymous: The Transformation of Kame Pua’a

Blue fish with brown back

Hassan Johnson: Untitled

Fantastical Beast illustration

Anonymous: Fantastical Beast

Carter Palmer: Cuphead Character – Spicy Hotdog

Black and white drawing of a pumpkin, a skull, and a wooden M on a table.

Le Huang: Untitled

Cesar Bautista: Screensaver

Two pink and blue owls and three hearts, all pastel, on butcher paper.

Minely Vega: Untitled

Drawing of a forest with mushrooms

Ruby Drexler: Untitled

digital drawing of a person in all black with a gray background

Anonymous: Self Portrait

Stella Bushek: Untitled

Painting of a butterfly with eyes and a boy

Anonymous: Untitled

Black and white drawing of a face blending into another face.

Chloe Ching: Faces

Photograph of a man sitting on a blue bucket in the daytime.

Andres Mejia: Untitled

digital art woman red

Ewa March: Self Portrait of Aphrodite

Lisa Patel: Shadows Behind The Ligh

Eion Magana: Road Rage

Emma Didricksen: Finding My Voice

Hilde Shapiro Braddy: Hamantashen for Purim

Charlie Carroll: Untitled

digital art self-portrait boy green parakeet

Larry Richardson: Self-Portrait

pencil portrait

Nayan Sunilkumar: Megan Fox

paper cut out of sun and moon, divided down the middle with additional moving arms

Arianna Hooker : The Sun and the Moon

Anonymous: Skyline pond

Leianne Obligado: Untitled

Carter Palmer: Olive Oil Gets Strong Too

Pencil drawing of three dragons on white paper

Alisha Mukherjee: Untitled

Paper mache mask with symbols, patterns, and colors on it.

Anonymous: Gema

A drawing showing high end store fronts

Reyna Zapata: Reyna+Zapata+2

Anonymous: Untitled

An illustration of a faceless woman in front of a colorful background

Ameyaly Flores: We the People are Mexican Women

A necklace with different fruits like watermelon and blueberries

Anonymous: Fruit Necklace

Collage of child screaming with text bubble.

Skylar Burns: Shout

Image of dog walking on side walk looking at camera, with an orange brick wall in background

Anonymous: Kiwi

Digital drawing of a creature with blue orbs around it

Ivy Nordlund: Untitled

A print of a blue book, with the word "F(read)om" on top, and the phrase. "Books unite us, censorship divides us" on the bottom

Elisa Perez: Untitled

Digital image of party scene with word "perception" above

So’l Fuller: Perception

Elena Abundis – Untitled

Drawing of three black women with a blue background and the words "Black is Beautiful" written above.

Vallesia Robinson: Black Beauty

A snowman making a snow angel in a pool setting.

Anonymous: Tako the Snowman

pi in the sky

Grace Guski: Pi in the Sky

Photo of a person on a floor.

Joziah Rodriguez: Capitalism Kills

Still life painting

Samantha Kraus: Still, but With Life

Calvin Kumler: Tornado

Victor Chavez: Invasion of privacy


Sharpie is used to black out parts of a book page. A figure crouches at the bottom of the drawing. "Screams" is written in yellow at the top of the drawing.

Emanuel Macias: SCREAMS

self portrait

Julian Nieves: Self-Portrait

Paper is divided into many small shapes which are colored black or bright colors.

Anonymous: Freddy’s

Abstract shapes, black on one side, mirror reflection white

Anonymous: Untitled

A large white circle figure has a face and stars sorrounding it

Rhea Mae Bayan: Star of Change

Diamond Cross: RIP Boy

A drawing of a faceless woman in a military uniform with the flag behind her

Anonymous: My Leader

Drawing of shapes, lines, and colors

Anonymous: Patterns

Colored pencil drawing of a sandwich

Caleb Horning: Sandwich

A wood carving of a red and orange creature with pointy teeth

Benjamin Calisoff: Mangog

space collage

Greta Heymer: Untitled

A colorful design of the name Naomi with a tree and purple and blue border

Anonymous: Untitled

Lila Radheshwar: Flower

Oliva Wilson: Spooky Self

Digital drawing with red and blue shapes and lines

Anonymous: Untitled

Ceramic of woman with blue shirt and white skirt, 3 children on her skirt and 3 more babies in her arms.

Anonymous: Untitled


Dilyn: Untitled

A drawing of a train with a moon and stars

William Velasquez-Quezada: William’s Train

Colorful abstract drawing of a triceratops

Francis Miller: Triceratops

A portrait of a person wearing a bunny mask with blood on their shirt.

Anonymous: bloodybunnyhead

Ivan Garcia: Life

Lola Dale: Yoshimi

A selfie image with a spooky character appearing over the person's right shoulder.

Anonymous: Curiosity Attracted Them

A large white tree in front of a very colorful background with green grass and a large orange and yellow sun.

Jack Jaeger: Cool and Warm Tree

A very colorful artwork full of hearts inspired by Kandinsky

Cecilia Chavez: Kandinsky inspired Heart Wax Resist

Photo collage of boy

Natalie Mora: My Twin

Abstract close up photograph showing layers of circles

Holly Murphy: Frozen in Time

White mug with dog's face with black eyes and nose with a red heart.

Dante Espinoza-Villasenor: Pup Mug

Maeve Murnane: Silly Soup & ABC

Side-by-side prints of a person with the word "hope" under them

Maira Simonton: Hope

A rainbow background with a small moon and a black bat

Anonymous: Beautiful Bats

Anonymous: Coco With Pancake

Eloise Gettinger: The Snowstorm

Anonymous: Unlocking Her Susanoo

Mask with many colors and white spiral

Alex Steve: Mask

Sahanna Myles: Untitled

Pencil drawing of running shoes

Aarav Rajput: Untitled

Drawing of Homer Simpson with a donut and green tie

Anonymous: Homer Simpson

A drawing of two crabs and a sunset

Anonymous: Courageous Crabs

painting of girl in sunflowers

Jessica Barreras: XIX_the sun

Sculpture of bright colored cut paper

Anonymous: Bursting With Flavor

Tires litter a playground in front of a cobblestone building with a bright orange lamp post illuminating the sidewalk

Alisa Kiprina: Untitled

A drawing of pikachu with a red hat

Anonymous: Daddy Chu


Celia Magdalin: Untitled

Carter Palmer: Disney Mixer Cars – Showing Emotions

Magdalena Tomaszewski: Untitled

Chicago buildings in front of a colorful sunset

Anonymous: Chicago

Anonymous: Fruit Snail

Ceramic sculpture of cinnamon swirls.

Anonymous: Cinnamon Swirls

Watercolor & colored pencil comic

Anonymous: First Day of School

Purple bubble on an island saying "Hello"

Sophia Gonzalez: Rock Mission

Hiliana Ramirez: The Eye of Illusion

Multimedia illustration of Robin Williams.

Maia Palomar: Formerly Known as Williams

Colorful portrait of half of a person's face.

Anonymous: Strength

Shaelan Wallace: My First Friends

A bright pink and purple heart that is dripping on the bottom

Kelisiana Palmer: Hearts on Fire!

a bridge brown hills night sky

Christian Diaz: Fantasy Landscape

Black and white digital drawing of a face hovering above a wood floor.

Anonymous: Self Portrait

Painting of flowers with a colorful border

Anonymous: Distraction

Julisa Casimiro: 1-O [ORIGINAL CHARACTER]

Anonymous: snake

Drawing and pencil rubbing of Mother Theresa

Anonymous: Women of the World: Teresa

Anonymous: unnamed

macross style robot

Joaquin Gigante: Unit 00 from Neon Genesis Evangelion

I was not An Imposter with Among Us astronaut pained on glass in black frame.

Anonymous: Red Is Sus

red and green portrait of girl with mask

Silvia Cervantes : Flying Spirit

Group of objects in red, orange, yell, green, blue, and purple.

Samantha Faris: Musical Art

Anonymous: Autumn Park

Anonymous: A New City

Anonymous: Owl

Anthony Caleb Gismondi: Untitled

Bright colored shapes and characters overlap across the canvas. Many are blue or purple and each section is outlined in black.

Ronan Goto: Untitled

Pencil drawing of a giraffe with its head tilted

Lila Finegold: Grayscale Giraffe

Graphite still life drawing of various objects

Anonymous: Cultural Still Life

Print of abstract shapes on yellow, orange, blue, and green background

Anonymous: Untitled (orange circles)

"Jade" drawn inside of pop art shape with patterns behind it

Jadian Esparza-Lagahit: Jadi Pops

A graphic logo with a D and butterflies in the center of a circle

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Audre Lorde

train station illustration

Anonymous: Untitled

marker drawing of pink vase with multi colored flowers on a turquoise background

Nova Hong : Magma Pond

Kai-En: Untitled

3d city scape of many houses on a road in different colors with a colorful, blended, chalk pastel background.

Anonymous: Citylife

Jamia McGee: Purple Hyacinth

rose floats in blue and purple watercolor background

Annaliah Garcia, Chloe Bella Bucio : Water Flower

Landon Rockwood: Rain Right ATM

Layered drawing of a walkway and house

Lila Vazquez: Wandering through Life

Painting of a black house with a line protruding from it. There are birds on the line and flying in the orange, yellow, and pink sky behind.

Grace Kendzior: Birds on Lights at Dawn

Henry Pyskacek: End It at Home


Sophia Ruiz-Magdaleno: Untitled

digital image of desert

David Estrada : The Beginning of the End

Isabella Boehm: Bella3

Forest with fire

Lucia Urbaszewski: Burning Forest

West Shady: My Planet

Anonymous: Sound Poem

A simpsons character with a purple shirt

Mia Lietz: Simpson Self-Portrait

Women from different cultures holding hands

Journi Easter: Women of The World

A metal necklace with a round shape

Anonymous: Parzenica Necklace

Photo of a sunset.

Jasmin Orduno: Sunset

Square, gold cup that says "yo se donde tu vives!"

Mayer Rodriguez-Ortiz: 3D Printed Cup: I Know Where You Live!

hand tattoo

Anonymous: Lion Tattoo

A girl staring at a flower.

Afwanah Chaudhry: Blazing Gift

colored pencil drawing of an anime character

Owen Guerra: Untitled

digitally drawn face

Georgia Pooler: Render

A moon and two trees.

Anonymous: Inner-Dream

paper collage

Anonymous: Child Abduction

Anonymous: Beast

Gabrielle K Diggs: Singing Flower

Exhibition with Solar Eclipse

Anonymous: Exhibición de Angel

Anonymous: Sunny Octopus

A drawing of three girls

Anonymous: Super School

Anonymous: Personal Map

Photograph of a police car on the city's west side.

Auttum Thomas: Serve and Protect

Overlayed instruments and musical symbols in many colors, ornamented with cubist style faces.

Tanmay Garg: Music=Life

Sarai Garcia: Untitled


Ruilan He: Nature Notan Design #2

Noemi Lopez: Reflections

Graphic of a dad with two children

Skylar Law: Nostalgia

A collage of eyes and watercolor background

Giselle Ochoa: Wall of Terror

Jacqueline Adan: Untitled

Anonymous: Snow Family

Drawing of a house with a fence and bushes

Tauheed Nasir: My House

Walter Dillon: Everyday Life

Drawing of Chicago skyline with rainbow colors

Anonymous: Untitled

Colorful ceramic taco/fish

Anonymous: David’s Fish

Colorful surrealist painting of a bird with long legs

Jonny Drexler: Untitled

Clay sculpture of two creatures looking opposite directions

Ava Eguia: Non-Functional Vessel

tin foil robot

Deonta Ricks: My Remote Learning Buddy

A smiling cat is drawing with many bright colors. Purple and orange line exude from the cat.

Anonymous: A Cat of Many Colors

3D Ferris Wheel

Anonymous: Ferris Wheel

Bright marker drawing of a person with colors inside the profile

Daniela Silvestre: Untitled

Portrait with flower on mouth.

Arline Mendoza: Portrait by Sam

A painting of an eye is surrounded by purple and black purple triangle whose tip is attached to the circular eye painting.

Anonymous: Seeing Through the Fragments of Life

Green and white visual text.

Daniel Salas: Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

crazy sonic

Chauncey Kennedy Jr.: Crazy Sonic

A set of 3 images, two of which are drawn faces and the third a photograph

Cyrine Sharif: Self Portrait

Isabella Hernandez: Nativity

Surreal drawing of girl with flag, pencil, and other objects in front of green background.

Ximena Cardenas: Myself and My Icons

My’joi Robinson: Untitled

Destiny Hogans: Bottleneck

Digital drawing of a cartoon person crossing a river

Lucie Guenther: Fern!!!

Anonymous: The Scared and Forgotten

Star charm key chains

Anonymous: Charms

Abstract image made from handprints

Rachel (Karl) Sick: Colorful Hands

Anonymous: Molly Costello Dreams

3D red Jeep from above.

Anonymous: Jeep car

Pencil drawing of pioneer village with homes in the backgorund and people trading in the foreground.

Sasha Preuss: Historic Jamestown

Clay sculpture of three people in different colors.

Sandra Le: Triple

A painting of two girls laying together among bushes and plants

Ava Ortiz: A Kiss

Doll in dollhouse

Noemie Charvolin: Untitled

Sculpture of a sunset over water.

Anonymous: Waves of Time

Ka’miyah Green: Kindness

Esmeralda Cervantes: Roses

Anonymous: Rooms

Anonymous: The Yard

Iris Rivera: The tunnel

Abstract artwork with geometric shapes and lots of color

Allison Martineau: Clouds

Claymation sculpture in front of a striped background

Anonymous: The Last Shot

mixed media paper corn elote yellow blue green

Sheila Lopez: El Elote

A cubist portrait of a womans very colorful face.

Sofia Staudenmaier: Colorful Girl

Amani Mohammad: Untitled

A painting of a black man with words written on his body

Brenda Dickerson: Dear Black Men

A black woman points to affirmative text. Piece says "Black History Will All Ways Be Known"

Anonymous: Black Inspiration

Colorful building with blue sky and clouds

Anonymous: Little Village

city block illustration

Anonymous: Untitled


Anonymous: Self Portrait in Off White Series

A drawing of a tiger on the right side and a tiger skull on the left side. The drawing has a split center with two different backgrounds.

Anonymous: The Beast Within

Leyana Gavin: Untitled

Illustration of a many men with umbrellas.

Anonymous: Falling?

Anonymous: Untitled

Alternating black and white curving Vs around a black rectangle.

Yvonne Williams: Untitled

A person looking into a broken mirror

Sam Meece-Potowski: Fractured Portrait

Clay doll house with windows and a candle.

Teresa Geschrey: Dollhaus

Anonymous: Soulen

pencil drawing supreme portrait

Kaled Wilson: Untitled

Barbie doll looking in a mirror

Rachel DeVeyra: Envious Child

Liliana Torres: Random Animation

Mask sculpture with puffy white hair

Anonymous: Untitled

Jaritzi Villegas: PROVECHO!

Digital drawing of a flower

Giovanni Robles: Untitled

cross street

Naomi Cobbs: Untitled

Black and white illustration of person with wings

Samantha Rios: Wings

Dahlia Sindelar: Untitled

colorful painting of a mom, reads 'i love'

Shelby White: A Portrait of Mom, I Love!

Salome Camelo Bocanegra: Portrait of the Weekend

A miniature sculpture of a guitar

Nia Berenc: Untitled


Lydia Govera: Untitled

Abstract sculpture of a gray monster.

Emily Lach: Pinch Pot Monster

Victoria Casales – Untitled

Wooden mannequin dropping letter blocks. Blue and purple background.

Oscar Guerrero: Drop

A drawing of black buildings with a colorful sky

Calder DeGroff: City Skyline

colorful drawing of a dinosaur

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Lost

Painting of a person with a bomb as a head

Gabriella Rivero-Fundora: La bomba

Black and white drawing of animal skull

Heidi Wier: Still Life 2020


Juliana: Untitled

Colored pencil illustration

George Dravillas: Untitled

Painting of a flowerpot in front of an abstract background

Diana Martinez: Sunflowers

Anonymous: The Yellow Sponges

Black, white and blue linoleum print of a woman wearing a dress with her eyes closed. The background has a curved line pattern.

Anonymous: Untitled

Jaeden Fields: Photo Mar 22 2024, 2 10 53 PM

Drawing of 3 people looking at themselves in a mirror, one with hair, one with a hat, one with no hair.

Mia Reilly-Yeh: reality? dream? reality.


Rafael: Untitled

Max Mikunas: Brawl Outside a Convenience Store

Anonymous: Child Art

Miguel Castanon-Segovia: The Sacred King of Africa

charcoal illustration

Isabella Cozzone: Charcoal Singer

Pink flower made from a paper plate, paper, and yarn.

Madison Garofolo: Flower Weaving

drawing of a group of women

Jessica Vazquez: Para Las Mujeres

Daniel Rosas: Untitled

Naomi Fehr: This is Mary Jackson

Samantha Oropesa: Reality

Hiroshi Scheckter: Sears Tower Apocalypse

colored pencil of an eye, with a reflection of the world inside of the pupil of the eye

Anonymous: Window to the Universe

Black and white drawing of baseball

Ian Davern: Charcoal Baseball

Painting of cherry blossom branch against a red and pink sky

Alexandra Watkins: Cherry Blossoms

blue face with pointy ears and tongue

Natalia Rojas-Duran: Foxface

Anonymous: Sound Poem

Mask with large pink ears and stitches down the front.

Megan Garcia: Mask

Aliyah Ellis: Untitled

earth with a cute face

Isabella Gamero: Clean Earth

Mina Miranda: The Seeing Cup

Mountain cliffside with a tear in the middle exposing a red and black checkered pattern

Gabby Williams: Untitled

A painting with a purple sky and a large moon with its reflection on the water.

Jameela Kahleen Sanchez: Purple

Colorful flowers on a blue background.

Anonymous: Kandinsky Flowers

pencil illustration

Anonymous: Dream Illustration

drawing pencil

Anonymous: Pencil

Yellow ceramic mug with smiley face wearing sunglasses. Cobalt blue interior.

Marleny Marquez-Ledesma: Emoji Mug

Black and white photo of male figure taken from below. Trees glow behind him.

Anonymous: From Above

A drawn blue alien holding a circular photo of a school. The background is black with a blue yellow and red blended line and white speckles across the background.

Anonymous: Untitled

Homes colored in blue are set on a saturated red background with large print asking "Where did all the money go?"

Talayah Powell: Redefining Redlining

Anonymous: Calm

A pencil drawing of two skeleton hands reaching towards a rose

N’Dyia Mahon-Godfrey: Sharing Rose

toucan sitting on branch with green leaves in the background

Amelia Whittles: Untitled

Painting of a girl sitting on her bed listening to music

Anonymous: Untitled

Disembodied hands hold up a crinkled paper inside a ring of bright white light.

Alex Land: The Mirrored Map

Ink drawing of a small town

Utsav Patel: Souviens Toi

digital portrait of person with dark hair and multiple nose piercings

Anonymous: Focus

Drawing of a room with colorful carpets

Greg Rueda: Untitled

Anonymous: Pair of Lips

photo a young black child's eyes

Tevence Smith: Deep

sphere and stripes

William Rogers: Falling Sphere

Hand in a ring light.

Alex Chitnis: The World is in Your Palms

colored pencil illustration

Meissa Servoss: Self Portrait

Isabella Zhang: Hope of Axolotis

Valeria Lopez: Enjoyable Experiences

Brooklynn Berten: George Rodrigue inspired Blue Dog in Space

An orange lion with a long tail stands next to a gold first place cup.

Elizabeth Ho: Lion Monkey’s Win

Josue Rodriguez: World Riot

Drawing of character with lightning

Ayden Matthews: Untitled

A black and white scratchboard drawing of the eyes of a striped cat.

Anonymous: Baloo the Cat

Grid style drawing. Some squares have individual letters that spell out the word Allie while others have objects like a boomerang and a video game controller.

Allie Burog: My Identity

Photo of the light going across someone's body as they lay in a bed of white sheets

Jersey Benjamin: Elias

Anonymous: Untitled

A digital artpiece of a person with a lavender colored hoodie with headphones on listening to music. Their eyes are shut.

Anonymous: Like No One’s Watching

Cherry bloosom and lanterns on blue background

Jack Sora: The Cherry Tree

A poster design of a blue melting earth in the center of 4 other planets looking sad

Anonymous: Earth Day

blue window looking out at green night landscape with pine trees and log cabin

Joey Terronez : My View on the Train

A table filled with food and a family surrounding it.

Saskya Lema Lema: Ofrenda

Self-portrait collage

Anonymous: Untitled

Yenderson Aguilar Bonilla – Neon Bear

Photograph of a girl wit lines on one side of her face and bruises on the other

Isabella Bonilla: Untitled

Black and white portrait of a boy with black hair

Azizah Amin: These Two Windows

Image of a person standing in front of a mirror

Renée Rakowitz: Mirror Image

Drawing of someone running their friend's head

Anonymous: Friendship

Painting of hands reaching towards a door.

Rah’Shaurie Gasaway: Untitled

Watercolor piece of a dinosaur on mercury.

Anonymous: Dinosaurs on Mercury

Red heart organ at the center of the art piece surrounded by lines leading to the exterior of the piece.

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

A juxtaposition of different words and imagery relating to the police in black, white, and red.

Askia Bullie: Who do we call?

Clay rhino and clay elephant ram heads together on top of a canvas. Both animals are covered in the color purple.

Jake Maartens: Rhino-Elelphant

A 3D sculpture of a large human-like figure standing on a platform. Everything is covered in mixed colors

Benjamin Calisoff: Alien Hunter

A wearable sculpture made of rainbow party beads and a white feather boa

Anonymous: IDENTITY

Ocean inspired painting design.

Anonymous: Untitled

A green, blue and purple watercolor painting of tropical leaves.

Anonymous: Leaves

Anonymous: I am thinking about something.

Marcelo Guzman: Finally

Mixed media piece depicting a cat with a spider hanging from its tail.

Anonymous: Element of Art Study

Painting of green trees on red and yellow background, splatters of black

Fatima Choudhry: Determined Tree: Resistance & Defiance

Red boom in zig zagged bubble leads out to blue lines with people inspiring by Keith Harring

Andrew Salgado: Boom

Pencil portrait of a woman sleeping.

Anonymous: Peaceful Sleep

An elephant head made out of clay

Andrew Lu: Elephant

Orange and red snake in front of an erupting volcano.

Leo Goodkind: Rapid Fire

a key with a wilted flower growing from it

Anonymous: Hands did it


Hailey Rodden: Sky the Crazy

Purple rabbit head made of fur.

Keiran Eatinger: Icing Rabbit

Three cut paper birds

Danika Dollinger: Untitled

Image of end car of CTA Cermak el train.

Enya Terry: Chapter 17, The Black Burden

Drawing of dolphins jumping over water in front of sunset

Gabriella Rodriguez: Untitled

Jasmine Martinez: The Illusion of Storms

large stone arch in blues and purples. "Arches National Park" in black in lower right corner.

Maya Grant: Arches National Park

Collage of a hallway in a house

Sheridan Steele: Untitled

chalk pastel leaves

Anonymous: Fall Leaves

Sculpture of a an abstract tent.

Waderik Jeffries: Home

black and white drawing of squiggly lines with the lines in the upper right and lower left corners colored in rainbow colors

Angelo Velazquez: Mind Wandering

Digital drawing of person at a table in the dark with a sign that says "Don't Play with Ouija Boards" above them.

Kaley Kmiec: Don’t Play With Ouija Boards

Alex Magill: Mountain Lake

Painting of a tree with pink and purple leaves.

Anusha Banerjee: Pink Purple & Red

digital photography

Eileen Deane: Untitled

Ashley Alamo: Indifference

Anonymous: Untitled

Photo of brown and blue drawing of characters. Light reflects off paper.

Anonymous: On the Cartoony Plant

Drawing of a girl with yellow construction paper attached

Tanijah Callahan: Renascent

Cabinet with representations of different rooms inside

Macy O’Donnell: Rooms

Pair of lungs with popcorn and juul pods inside

Keira Toborg: Popcorn Lung

watercolor painting of a young woman wearing a green shirt

Anoushka Arun: Portrait of a Girl

Friend eating soup after a high school dance

Brandon Huang: Noodle Soup

Esteban Resendez – Sunset Sky

Analia Madrigal: Starlight

Girl wearing hat with 2 blue parrots from the movie Rio 2

Serenity Perez: Beautiful Creatures

A cloudy image with a paintbrush painting a rainbow

Cindy Cen: A Final Resort, Escape

taft high school football black and white photograph

Diego Valenciana: Untitled

Drawing of a hand breaking through the ground, texture on fingers and in background

Sunita Burwell Mehta: Break Through

Anonymous: doubleexposure2

Beckett Fox: Abstract Feelings

water color painting of a young woman standing between two red houses

Sophie Seo: Untitled

Painting of a playing card with a woman's face in the middle

Yinyin Liang: Untitled

White collage of an owl on a yellow background

Ella Poczatek: Untitled

water color painting of a peacock

Antara Warltier: Fly High Into the Sky

A painting of a whale in water with a sunset sky

Anonymous: Happy Whale


Julius: Untitled

Spongebob's pineapple home is made out of green, yellow, and black washi tape.

Anonymous: Untitled

Portrait with front braids and necklace

Anonymous: Confliction

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Keyon Garrett: My Good Artist

A venus fly trap is drawing as a character with eyes. Two human legs dangle out of it.

Anonymous: Audrey II

Landscape painting on canvas

Anonymous: Bob Ross cottage inspiration

Anonymous: Life on a computer

Anonymous: Texture Tile

Digital image of a home library with a corner bookshelf and green chair by a window.

Joana Rodriguez: Joana’s Comfy Cozy Place

A sculpture of a blue flower.

Anonymous: Flower

Anonymous: Maeve Day

A black and white scratchboard drawing of a fox.

Anonymous: Foxy

Daniela Rodriguez: Green Diamond Heart

Anonymous: Someone I Admire

A Landscape Blockprint – Iyla Forbes

Anonymous: Van Gogh’s Ear

abstract dark oval with colorful surrounding

Anonymous: Petals

A graphite drawing of a person with glasses.

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

A painting of a man in a yellow jacket and blue hat holding a baby

Anonymous: Gift From Heaven

Terri Hartman: Untitled

digital illustration

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Invasion in Pencil City

An abstract drawing with tones of red with squares and stripes and a circle

Anonymous: Untitled

portrait of woman with wall full of pictures of clocks in the background

Jaclyn Manning: Time Constriction

Charcoal drawing of a monster with lots of eyes

Chantelle Perez: Creature in Your Nightmares

A lake with a dock and rippling waves.

Kiera Clark: Watercolor Landscape

painting of tall buildings

Daniel Opp: Tar Roofs

Digital illustration and collage

Sasha Gwinn: A Million Pieces in A Million Places: Wanted

Ella Bradenburg – Untitled

beauty magazine images, roses

Betsy Angulo: What is Beauty

Motion shot of train passing by

Sam Matznick: Mirror on the Train

Anonymous: Macaw with orange background

Catalina Upapong: Fairy House

Anonymous: Crying

Anonymous: Worlds

Ink drawing of a girl crying

Anonymous: Sketch in Pencil

Painting of a woman with brown hair and a mustard background

Anonymous: Feeling A Bit Tired

To killer whales in dark blue water and mountains

Aleena Corral: Leaping Orca

paper sculpture of a triceratops

Emily Acosta: Triceritops

A digital collage divided into 4 sections. The top left is red, the bottom left is purple, the bottom right is blue and the top right is green. Each section has a photo of a child. The middle of the digital piece says Art-Class.

Anonymous: Untitled

A silhouette of the Chicago skyline.

Destiney Ma Cuevas: Chi-line Sunset

A cartoon-like face with big eyes

Anonymous: Grumpy Guy

Brandon Lado : Colonization; View from Up


Rihanna Baines: We’re in This Together

the unknown

Michael O’Neill: The Unkown
