Natalie Becker-Stevens: Hair

Interior view of Wrigley Field looking towards the bleachers and scoreboard

Victoria Greco: Bleacher Bums

Jellyfish line pattern stitched in a swatch of blue cloth.

Natalia Penalbert: Tingling Water

Close-up shot of an eye

Anais Jones: Happy

Neon purple lights in a wave behind person looking at camera.

Edmond Abraham: Psychedelic Selfie

Faces and grey building.

Anonymous: Xinjiang detention camp, China

Painting of woman with blonde hair and large cross necklace in white dress holding sword in front of face with blood on hands

Dayana H: Adieu Paramour

Renee Picard: Uncertainty

Anonymous: Time is Fading

Self portrait with hand over face, a lightbulb above head, and text framing the drawing

Ibrahim Rsuh: Self Portrait (Copy of IB#2)

abstract painting of the interior of a an el car

Adam Wheatley: Untitled

Photograph of a dark figure in front of a yellow glowing halo surrounding their head.

Sinead Bunting: Halo

Illustration of a small person wearing a backpack

Ava Ortiz: Other

Photograph of woman with webbed hands and acrylic nails covering her face.

Anonymous: Hidden

Melanie Silva: Untiled Self Portrait

Two-panel comic inset in a circle; first panel depicts neighbors waving to each other across a courtyard; second panel depicts one person in bed at night texting their neighbor about hosting a dinner party

Schantelle Alonzo: Can’t Wait

Drawing of two dragons in front of clouds

Colin Moy: Sky n Sea/ on Air on Water

Pencil and graphite drawing of small airplane

Mihajlo S: Untitled

Swirls, with a remote control and 3:00 clock.

Anonymous: Bad Choices Teenagers Make

Different fonts spell out lyrics from Selena's song "Como La Flor" on a purple background with hearts and roses surrounding.

Samarah Booker: Como La Flor

Alyssa A: Self Portrait

painting of a desert landscape with a person on a horse

Utsav Patel: The Encounter

Large greenery with pink tree and arch

Jovanny Sostenes: The Wedding

Animation of person in purple top and yellow shoes turning and opening an umbrella.

Kiara Fufunan: rituals

Anonymous: reflecting doll

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Reflection

Two people sitting on the ground and leaning against a couch in a domestic space. Person on the left is wearing a white dress and person on the right is wearing black pants and a blue and white stripped shirt. There are teapots, teacups, oranges, candles, and a board game on the floor.

Francesca Neibel-Spruill: Spying on the Doubling Cube

Darion Stanley: Unicorn Horse

Digital drawing of a person cutting their hair with scissors

Kylin Thomas: R.I.P Dreads

photograph of a young woman smiling in a rainfall

Madeleine Dugas: Emma

Black and white drawing of a person, with red around the eyes. Person holding up hand with thumb, pointer and middle finger raised.

Fatima Tlatilpa: The rock n roll dream

Rapper Young Thug on two sides of the paper, one side he is upside down

Nkonyeasua Osamor: Same Thug

pink paper cutout of womans face with words Tonantzin at top

Eliezer P: Tonantzin

A dark face created from plaster with red dripping from the eyes and nose to represent blood.

Jonah Arnold: Untitled

Daniela Salgado: (Don’t) Leave Me Alone

Photograph of hands holding up flowers with tan and orange background

Anonymous: The Offering

Black embroidery of two people with swimsuits leaping.

Sasha Spain: one

Picture of modeled brain with pins in it

Ivan Mendes: Pinned Brain

Donovan Chan: The Endless Now Duology

dark photograph of person with back to camera looking at computer screen wit headphones on and hand on mouse

Anonymous: Homebody

2 people blowing out candle

Alfonso Blas Simon: Happiness in the dark

People walking along street past boarded up windows

Charlesa Thompson: Loud cries in the name of injustice

Audrey Hancock: Am I ‘other?’

Photograph of a railroad track bridge and a sign to the side reading "restricted area"

Ezra Blue: All Clear!

Image of long grass in foreground with blue sky and powerlines in background

Kirk L: Power Lines

pencil drawing of The Bean in Chicago

Emma Slotowski: The Bean

Water marbled painting of a red rose curling into a slight spiral.

Asma Awass: Rose On Ice

Sofia A: Whimsical Wonders

painting of a group of people dancing together

Kelly Burbano: Dancing Through Language

colorful drawing of a person and rays of patterns and colors coming out for their head

Sophie N. Duncan: Sensory Overload

galaxy eye

Brooke Hayes: It Takes A Village

Digital artwork of person laying on translucent purple surface in space with planet in background.

Jayrelene M: Dreams

anime character

Bryce Wilson: Hidden beauty

Anonymous: Sk8ter girl

Photograph of a rusted red metal door set into faceless concrete walls, partially obscured by bare branches and reeds.

Matthew Balber: What Lies Beyond

A digital illustration of a bee on a red flower, against a blue cloudy sky.

Jack Clark: Bee

Josephine Schoendorff: Church of Saint-Étienne-le-Vieux

An Aseprite Animation

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Everything Stays

Boarded-up storefront "Shop & Save" with an older person and their dog photoshopped in front of the shop, looking bemused.

Leopold Serpe: Artificial

Colorful drawing of a person with half the face melting with ice cream, pill bottle, and coors coming out of an EarPods.

Xeno Rivera: Health Doesn’t Discriminate

A collage incorporating journal writing and photos juxtaposed against it.

Harrison Brennan: Luca all Over

A subject with decorations in her afro hairstyle, and party decorations laid out around her hair.

Ty-Carmel Elsa: Hair deco

Photograph of an alley with a basketball hoop as the central aspect and houses in the background

Anonymous: Alley Shot

painting of a skull with a dagger through ti

Judith Bolanos: Untitled

collage of trees in multiple blocks of color

Jodie Ijemen: Untitled

landscape of huts from a place in Pakistan framed with a blue and orange decorative border

Kashmala Khalid: A Glimpse of Sindh

Face in shadow, surrounded by blue flowers

Veronica Kozak: I feel blue

Pencil drawing of cartoon duck

Anonymous: Stuffed Duck

Painting with yellow background of person with dark skin toned red with curly hair and glasses, wearing a blue shirt and jacket

Matthew W: My eyes

Amir Jamal Brewer-Law: “Acknowledge My Blackness”

Taylor Lofton: Black on Black

Jayden Reddins: Alone

Various images of faces screaming on a blue and purple tinted outdoor background

Anonymous: The Scream

Pencil drawing of a small-mouth bass

Anonymous: Small Mouth Bass

A weeping face, covered by hands, superimposed over a close-up photo of blue butterflies and a wide shot of sunflowers in a field.

Claudia Oveido: Surrealist Identity

Image of a crying, green alien with yellow glowing eyes, a red background.

Xeno Rivera: Alien In her Body

Illustration of a goth girl.

Jesse Gomez: Goth+Street

Bird with pink beak and green eyes.

Anonymous: Serious side-eye

close up photograph of person with dark hair, with both hands under chin with orange glow

Ainsley S: Colorful Portrait

Skull with 3 humans and flowers.

Tam Tran: Invisible Danger

View of someone holding up a camera through a public bike rack

Jathen Roman: View of Art

Larry Tate: Lens

A colorful rendering of two faces meant to represent two perspectives of one person.

Nashaley Aragones: Untitled

Abstract blurry photograph of dark street illuminated by streetlight with bright green trees

Anonymous: Late Night Trip

Abstract artwork green pink and red

Ortencia M: Faith

Green sculpture of face surrounded by multi-colored flowers

Leyana G: Acquiesce To The Natural World

Ceramic vessel in red, green, and grey

Victor Gonzalez: Untitled

Portrait with flowers and moon.

Manny Dominguez: Untitled

Black and white close up photo of a pile of uno cards

Jaquelin Rios: Untitled

Skeleton like sculpture in a green box, screaming.

Cynthia Rivera: I’m the monster

Close-up Photograph of person with dark hair looking down smiling in orange shirt

Maximus M: Smile

Cindy Ho: Sightseeing

Digital artwork of anatomical heart with split coloring of red and white

Anonymous: El corazon

Illuminated restaurant signs in Chinatown.

Arianna Bodini: Chinatown Lights

photograph of a young woman looking into a large mirror with a dimly lit lamp and red wall in the background

Sigita Garbonkus: Existentialism

Photo of two people with long hair. Photo is blurred, and the images of the two bodies are layered on top each other. Background against a light purple wall.

Esperanza Rivera: Mama and me at 11.57.14 PM

Red pink and orange abstract drawing of womans body with crown as head and mouth off to the side.

James F: Pain

painting of a brick wall with white graffiti of a goat on it

Jimmy Santiago: Greatness

Underwater view of a violinist reaching farther into the depths for a violin, with sheet music scattering in the water.

Nicholas Thomas: Sea of Music

Oli Fuentes: Music is Life

Digital artwork. A wood and rope ladder rises from desert sand up to a blue three dimensional square floating in a black sky.

Isabel Pamatian: Haven

Painting of upside-down figure with blue hair, white masquerade mask and red shapes above

Autumn Jackson: Can you hear my voice

painting of a side profile of two faces with image in the middle of the faces and a green hand

Katarzyna Lucja Jasiak: Trapped in Rhythm

Digital Artwork of woman holding a candle

Vivian S: Growth

Slow 10 MPH under a bridge

Jonathan Pedraza: Pedrazaslow

Three frogs depicted on trees and branches on the bottom and righthand side of the painting with pill bottles, pills and a clock floating in the black background space.

Anonymous: Sana Sana Colita de Rana

Pencil and marker drawing of window surrounded by bricks

Crystal C: My Window

Watercolor painting of 3 rectangles, left most shows partially showing a cup of blue liquid, bottom right shows purple grapes, and top right shows part of a tea bag.

Elijah Roberson: The things I love

Four rectangles in the four corners of the painting: 1. Top left: A baby as a doctor with the words "La Doctora" on the bottom 2. Top right: A girl drawing on a wall with the words "La Soñadora" on the bottom 3. Bottom left: A woman clutching her throat with the words "La Decepcion" on the bottom 4. Bottom right: A female painting a fish on a wall that extends to the the center of the four depictions with the words "La Paz" on the bottom

Anonymous: Loteria

pencil drawing of a family being separated by government agents

Leonardo Gomez: family

Portrait of man in black and white sketch strokes

Julius S: Withering Thoughts

Colored pencil multi-colored drawing with earth in middle surrounded with buildings, with chicago logos and flags surrounding.

Anonymous: Dreams

Multi-colored painting of small chick in hand of tan skinned person in lap showing orange clothing with pink and orange stripe adorning bottom. Background is blue patterned.

Suha K: Tranquil

Digital blue and pink skin on male and female.

Alexander Bon Yabes: Untitled

Blue and purple toned digital artwork of backlit person surrounded by squiggly lines

Anonymous: Mocha Final choice project

painting of snack foods opened up and laying on a table

Jasmin Melissa Rojas: Corruption

a painting of a grandmother in a kitchen

Sophia Clinard-Rubio: Adorn

Yellow, green and red bandana with the word "AFLOAT" repeated

Paolo Trovato: Untitled

black and white photograph of preson standing on rocks

Abigail L: Boy in the wild

Raven Rios: Golden Grass

Drawing of Mayor Lori lightfoot with flames in the background

Emilia Mleczek: Lori Lightfoot

hand glasses

Connor Weber: Living Book

portrait of person with eye patch and cowboy hat

Kibito Ariyoshi: Trauma

Digital drawing of a person with a yellow jacket and a helmet with imagery inside it.

Cameron Chinn: Killie Billy

A sculpture of a hybrid between a raccoon and an otter.

Macy O’Donnell: Raccotter

Tylinn Peters: Damage

painting of a man playing a guitar while seated

Giovanni Torres: One Last Song

Photograph closely cropped on a small purple bird house hanging on a tree

Owen Guenther: Bird House

Cultural ceramic with a tea light and family photo inside

Aeledth Ramirez Tellez: Para ellos

black letters on a cream background

Ella Chambers: Remember

Painting of a faceless superhero looking into a mirror with bruised hands

Joshua Chavez Morris: Inger

A blue yarn sculpture work with a ruffled texture.

Yousra Sadiq: The Rainforests of the Seas

A series of clary sculptures of hands

Katherrin Billordo: Erikson’s Theory

Nicki Ta: Goodwill

Painting of a giant snake coiled around a wood branch. The head is not visible, the top of it's body is green, the middle different shades of brown and the bottom grey. The tail is just the skeleton.

Elizabeth Curry: Dissection

Mayan pyramid with dragon serpent.

David Gutierrez: La Tierra del Quetzalcoatl

Male in a body of water with eyes and mouth breathing.

Matt Brooks/Ross Vecchione: Just Breathe

Art piece of American flag with a bird.

Sebastian Sorrondeguy: God Shed His Grace on Thee

A printmaking triptych depicting eggs in a pan.

Thomas Brumley: Breakfast

Cabinet with representations of different rooms inside

Macy O’Donnell: Rooms

Mixed media collage of different parts of greek statue

Sadie M: Aphrodite

Triptych portraits of two people and a teddybear.

Angelina Cofer: In the matter of Erica Deeman

Body behind a purple curtain – can only see the legs and left arm. A piano is to their left.

Isaac Perez: Temptation & Desperation

Photograph of bench in autumn with tall yellow leaves behind it

Anonymous: Autumn Bench

Painting of person with brown hair in blue and white dress with pink and orange shrug over shoulders

Anonymous: Saint Cecilia

Person wearing red hoodie facing away from the viewer.

Christopher Reynoso: The bigger Picture

Drawing with person at center. Above them are many swirls and the word sweets. Various flags with symbols are on their right and left and the word autism and asberger are on their right.

Nelly Dominguez: Self Portrait

Spots, lines with a white background and a house in the middle.

Isabella Kenny: Home

A sculptural piece of a person with a flower head sitting cross-legged.

Emely Ramos: Ceramics

Anonymous: Bird

Embroidery of 4 computer windows, 3 with landscapes and 1 that reads "Error! Art Not Found."

Jade Bradley: Error!

Digital drawing of a winged creature on a black background

Oscar Medina: Broken Wings

photoshopped softened photograph of a family seated at a long table sharing a meal

Jasmine Camargo: Entre Familia

Manga style drawing with a three-part sequence. Above a figure prepares a breath weapon, then a blast shoots out a large distance, and below smoke from the blast starts to clear.

Malachi Lynch: Halo Phoenix flare

Painting of a giraffe in portrait, from the neck up, in profile.

Nathalia Pizarro: Sam The Gal

Painting with blue background and title Every Empire Has A Downfall across top in white text featuring multiple different crying faces of people with red white and blue rope tied around their mouths.

Alyssa A: Stripped and Striped

Drawing of a person with blue hair in front of a Butterfly

Ethan Rodriguez: Divine Feminine

Painting of a person with half black and half blonde hair

Carolina Als: My Friend Alice

Painting of a nude Black person with braided hair framed by leaves, colorful eyes, a large beetle and abstract shapes.

Oluwatooke Elusanmi: Regenesis

Anonymous: World

Black ceramic pot with decorations

Ashley Padilla: Untitled

Angry dog look down at bowl outlined in green with the words "Super Groovy" plastered in front

Daniel Salas-Alvarez: Don’t Bite the Hand that Feeds You

photograph of a girl laying in the green grass

Violet Payne: Basking in the Lakes Breeze

Various pieces of silver metal on a striped sheet

Angélica Albárran Romo: Metales Prestados Series (Photo 3)

Girl removing make up

Anonymous: Untitled

Jaylen Reed: New Social Order

Pink felt toy doll photographed with graphic design of doll.

Xenia Espinosa: Angelina Plushie

Drawing of a tired woman with a yellow background. Collages onto are pink flowers.

Izzi Bertsch: Untitled

digital photograph of blue orange and yellow sunset with person and lighthouse in the foreground

Maddsen F: Discovery

photo of a ceramic bowl

Rohan Pothabathula: Untitled

Photograph of tiny yellow flowers

Ena Ramovic: Flower Focal Point

Black and white photograph of woman with crossed legs and her two hands atop another hand reaching out to her knee.

Serena Coleman: Untitled

Multi-colored painting with pink background of person with red hair braids, headband, and long eyelashes, holding phone up as if taking a photo in a mirror.

K’Tiana M: Y2K Gurl

Blues, greys and pinks, abstract piece.

Anonymous: Despair

Genevieve Carlozo: Wounds in Healing

Vibrant painting with human figures and fire and city background.

Sarai Mata: Can’t Go Back

painting of two young children in blue dresses sitting on ground in front of brown background, one crying

Anonymous: Tata & Nana

Artwork of young person with pink bow and pink and blue shirt

Ja’Niah L: Journee

Picture of a black metal heart shaped choker.

Jack Kenney: CHOKER

Drawing of four people, close together with arms wrapped around each other and looking out.

Dalila Mendez: Embodiment

Drawing of two overlapping hills with a tree on one.

Ezekiel Bizarro: Untitled

Anonymous: Para Las Mujeres

Kamil Calmese: Flower Girl

Photograph of swing with sun and trees in background

Nida L: Beginning

A seven-panel vertical comic strip depicting a mother and child bringing laundry to a laundromat

Schantelle Alonzo: Laundry Day Snippet

Anonymous: Untitled

Two red circle with black background.

Anonymous: Untitled

Photograph of a girl making a serve in volleyball

Michael Doan: Service in Motion

Airplane flies through clouds with buildings peering through and people pointing down at the plane

Harper Norman: Plane Travel

Jaylen Reed: Red Cone Revenge

Miniature sculpture with a bed and desk made with earth tones and a variety of texture.

Serenity Torres: clueless.

sunset boat

Christian Rodriguez: Beach in the AM

Photo of a rhino at zoo

Flavio Martin Hermosillo: Dyin Breed

Jillian Berry-Clyde: Hidden Truth

A self portrait if a person with smiley faces around them.

Zitlaly Zuniga Mena: Self Portrait

Nicolas Cabrera: Skullution Animation

up close disco

Anonymous: Headless Musketeers

painting of a wedding portrait surrounded by a ring of gold

Katherrin Billordo: Reunidos

Painting of a pineapple in florescent blues, reds, and purples.

Adela Lisca: Pineapple

Green dog on brown couch.

Anonymous: green eyed dog

Digital artwork collage of buildings a large rubber duck and other overlapping images

Anonymous: Time Collision

Paintings on various cut canvases that depict peoples' faces alike to ones they make in mirrors.

Jemma Wygodny: Mirrors

Motion shot of train passing by

Sam Matznick: Mirror on the Train

Black and white abstract drawing of persons face with heavy sketch strokes and flowers around her

Ezra G: Purity

Yellow Champion hoodie with a floral arm


A digital depiction of a church with some elements being "incomplete" by being rendered in white.

Kimberly Arroyo: Untitled

Diego Aguirre: pedals

Marionette doll of person with long blonde hair wearing a blue dress with white sleeves and collar

Anonymous: Hopeful Mask

Photograph taken across the street from a bus stopped at a crosswalk at night

Anonymous: Empty

portrait of girl crying with birthday hat and sign

Kayla Aguilar: It’s my Birthday and I’ll Cry if I want to.

A person looking at a snow glob on a table. A snowman and tree is in the snow globe.

Samantha Franco: Snow globe memory

Painting of a person with two long dark braids and clear eye glasses. They are seated with their arms raised to face. A milkshake is next to them.

Madinah Rush: Madinah – self portrait

Anonymous: Untitled

Photo of wooden fence with hanging flowers.

Sydney Curran: Sukkah

Drawing of a bridge entering into a desert area

Anahi Alcala: Ersilia

Photograph of a Rose Inside of Fallen Leaves

Julia Stuenkel: Fall out of Focus

Mixed media print. A black silhouette of a person is centered on the page. All around the page printed in red is the quote "No, another social outcast".

Amelia Dolly: No, another social outcast

painting of a woman wearing a dragon like mask with a paper fan behind her

Judith Bolanos: Untitled

An open case filled with silver metal jewelry

Angélica Albárran Romo: Metales Prestados Series (Photo 1)

photograph of a young person emerging from a black background with red curly hair, wearing a blue hat

Mariana Ortiz: Studio Portrait

Painting of a person holding a bag of oranges

Stephanie Santiago: Loud Places

Pastel drawing of a cabin in dense yellow and green grass

Abigail Bucio: I’ve seen this place in a dream

Painted portrait of a person on a purple background

Genevieve Desch: Untitled

Black and white pencil drawing of a person's face with long hair and a flower in their hair.

Oscar Gonzalez: The look.

An interdimensional view of a uterus.

Mia Neiman: Dimensional Blood

2 portraits, one in blue felt, one in purple felt.

Alyssa Argent: They Felt

Abstract painting. Black lines border sections of white, yellow, blue, and other colors.

Lisette Medina Mora: Bessie Klaus

Dark blue storms with water.

Christina Nasios: Stormy Night

Black and white sketch with a figure in the middle

Myranda Cabral: Cludered Mind

Fold out multi-colored artwork with black lines across folds featuring blues greens pinks and yellows blended together

Kelly A: Fold Out Book

Photograph of jellyfish floating in water

Kyo H: Space Jellyfish

One side is with horse galloping across a field with dark blue sky and purple clouds. Other half is a drab sky with a helicopter overhead a barren field.

Daniel Barriera: Nature vs. Man-Made

Many wide-legged blue pants on a hanger, running on a yellow background.

Sara Lin: Pants!

oil pastel painting of young girl with glasses

Sharline Reblando: Relaxation

Photo of man on horse spinning a lasso

Isabella Walker: Lasso

Photograph of a house darkened by the night sky with a warm light in the window. The picture is framed by foliage in the foreground.

Genecis Gomez: Untitled

Drawing of a public building with silhouetted figures against an orange cityscape background.

Mario Saucedo Jr.: Public Building

Nightime photo of the Esquire Motel on Elston Avenue on the Northwest side of Chicago

Arianna Telles: Agony at the Esquire

Maya Bernal: Tarot Cards of Fear

Portrait of a face with a gold halo around head.

Jomaris Rivera: Untitled

Photograph of red dyed water flowing into the drain of a bathtub from a small part of a head of red hair shown.

Rebekka Suciu: True Red

Photograph of a lounge area through the glass of a window, a neon paw above a couch.

Ayden Cao: Comfort Area

Ink drawing of a person reaching for a heart while they are being pulled back to land by a plant

Cindy Acosta: Too hard, Too far

Collage of a bird on tree branches

Anonymous: Untitled

image of tree and traffic light

Jordan S: Tree/traffic light

Painting of a living room with a window and plant, beige couch and glass table in foreground.

Emmia Gearon: Nest

Photograph: in focus is a green toy truck on a road. In the background is a brick apartment building. Perspective is manipulated to give illusion the toy car is actually to scale of a real car.

Anonymous: Unavailable Parking Space

Black background with white outlines of a family

Sakari Zephier: Family Lines

Digital painting of two girls with their back to us, one older in purple and one younger in pink.

Eva Gonzalez: together like a tether

animated painting of a young boy with his head floating away from his body

Kaylynn Stoudmire: Bloo Boy

painting of a cornfield, a small white church far off on the horizon. a deep blue sky.

Daniel Salas-Alvarez: Anywhere, USA

winking snowman drinking hot chocolate

Anna Fedczuk: A Little Too Warm

Close up image of reflection of person in spoon

Scarlett T: Reflections

Digital artwork with red background featuring person with tail wings and long nails wearing black crop top and grey pants, boots and leather accessories.

Anonymous: I Wish It Was A Mirror

Embroidery of the word "Empowered" on a pink background.

Lia Andrikopoulos: Empowered

Photograph of a bed with 3 photographs of airplanes hung on the wall next to the bed.

Zackary Cohen: Goals

A drawing in colored pencil of a kid and their grandparent, eyes surrounding them in the background.

Kostandina Goritsan: Generational Eyes

Black and white drawing of forest with many bare trees.

Samuel Vite: Headless Horseman

Drawing of a wine glass atop a wood table, with small strawberries growing on stalks inside the glass.

Evelyn Chen: 2020, I Raise My Glass to You

Protrait of a face with shoulder length hair that is black with streaks of red, yellow, blue and green. Painted in the background are cherries and lemons.

Charlotte Bidstrup: MARINA

Mixed media art with pink background and 3 dimensional cake with blue icing, and yellow inside on a white plate

Niyah-Li W: Is it fake or cake?

Photograph of a girl in front of trees

Anonymous: Thankful

Aniyah Laning: Untitled

Person with no facial features wearing yellow hat and holding orange balloon in a pink room having a virtual birthday party on a laptop.

Nadia Hervert: Birthday blues

Person in blue jacket and hat sitting at a picnic table holding an orange cat.

Enrique Meza: Family Portrait

White masks with mosaic mirror

Dominique Moran: Untitled

Moody depiction of trash flooding our waters

Kiana Pan: My Ocean, My Home

self portrait photograph of a student seated amongst the trees in a grassy spot

Wasim Choudhury: Colors of Nature

a photograph of a young woman holding up a Puerto Rican Flag

Jazlyn Martell: Boricua

Scary movie poster with gory body parts.

Arpit Sutaria: Red Eyes

Photograph of downtown Chicago, featuring fog over the tops of buildings and a prominent, blurred "L" train rushing by in the foreground.

Isabelle Snyder: Rushed

Anonymous: ME vs. ME

Drawing of a child saying "Uh Oh!!!" in an outdoor setting with other people and a soccer ball knocking over a vase

Anonymous: Inktober Day 31

Purple flowers

Guadalupe Miranda: Morada

Lian Mawi: A Hoih Mah Diam For Our Body?

Multi-colored mixed media artwork of jellyfish floating with colored bubbles and glitter in tentacles

Anonymous: Jelly of the world

photograph of person shooting a basket wearing blue shirt and shorts

Heorhiy K: Hoops of Hope

Amari Gholston: Random Fashion Inquiry

A student sitting atop a gigantic pile of textbooks and notebooks, reading a book that obscures their face

Bailey Harris: School Work

Photograph of two multi-colored sculptures shaped like mushrooms with rain coming down and puddles underneath. The sculptures are orange with stars on the top and underside, but blue with clouds on the rim and bottom.

Hannah G: A Clear Shower

Person standing in field in black dress and white sneakers, holding a baseball glove.

Jersey Benjamin: BOY

Stacked carrots

Guadalupe Miranda: Raices

Red and pink dancers are painted at various angles on a blue canvas with green dancers in the background.

Madison Rozwat: Dancing

Orange, red, and yellow phoenix painted on a collage of Spanish language newspapers.

Ashley Velazquez: Rising Above

Red based digital artwork of person pointing weapon at large monster with flames in background

Mia U: Adelita

colorful painting of two jellyfish

Gianna Giammona: in the abyss

Bird eating a nut on dirt with round grey stones in the background

Amri Rodriguez: Survival

abstract watercolor painting

Melanie Avila: Hope

Mix of music notes, feathers, scribbles with an eye in the center

Mia Morales: You is EYE

abstract art

Anonymous: Elephant

digital artwork of young child and older man behind wheel of boat with american flag in background

Erin Z: New Adventures

Two males: The man on the left with a read shirt holding a Puerto Rican flag and one on the right with a blue shirt holding an American flag looking up at him with words "Our Dream" written on the top right corner of the drawing

Anonymous: Untitled

Oranges of a portrait with glasses.

Amani Mohammad: Untitled

Digital painting of a face, person is holding left hand up to left cheek.

Ashanti Hicks: Challxn

Photo of a river with trees on a bridge.

Nayely Robledo: Untitled

Black and white photograph of a man crossing the street. He walks under train tracks with cars waiting to cross the road next to him.

Lisa Patel: City Seeker

hand drawing of a super hero leaping down from a building

Joshua Chavez Morris: owl-man

black and white image of silhouette of someone walking down tunnel

Abraham W: Untitled

Lake picture with black lines on the sky.

Isabella Flores: Untitled

Anonymous: Heritage

Digital illustration of a skyscraper outlined in white on a black background

Carlos Garcia Jr.: Breathe In and Out

Drawing with color pencil with several items in a room

Kellyn Chavez: Untitled

pen drawing of counter lines

Reyhan Norinsky: Cross Contour Final Project

Person's face with bright pink eyeshadow. Surrounded by stars and bursts of blue and red.

Anonymous: Trellas

A Black child standing in front of a Chicago row house, with two adult arms holding their shoulders, both pierced by bleeding bullet holes.

Tyshaun Zollicoffer: Untitled

green ink print of chains

Joseph Morco: Flow Through the Chain

white tile with black image of skull with adornments

Jonathan M: Aztec sgraffito tile

Shadowy view of someone's feet stepping into a sliver of light on a public street.

Nathan Chan: Midstep

Tlaloc Rodriguez: Untitled

painting of 3 women connected by 3 different colors with a pink background.

Sakari Zephier: Soul Ties

A detailed pen illustration of various elements related to Asian culture.

Jasmine Yau: Untitled

Laelani Perez: Murphy

cartoon style drawing of people as flags raising an american flag

Jonathan Matias: Untitled

Collage of sketches, texts, and other various materials

Heaven Carter: Mental Destruction

Gabriela Weffer: Jack and Sally

Painted sequence of 4 creatures, becoming larger and more monstrous from left to right. Gaping teeth, multiple eyes and a gaunt look, with a deep red background.

Veronica Timble: The Slow-Burn Evolution of a Twisted Psyche

Close-up photo of fake nails painted pink with gem and moon patterns

Oluwatooke Elusanmi: Rachet, Ghetto, Beautiful (pt 2)

Monarch butterfly and text

Anonymous: La Migration

Meta N: bows

A collage of different imagery and pieces of writing.

Jenavieve Savoy: Home

Colorful drawing of person with long pink hair walking through flowers with purple and pink sky

Jeannie B: Celestial Tranquility

Woman looking into a mirror with a purple hair dye bottle and brush and splotches of dye over self

Anonymous: Midnight Salon

A flag with black and blue that depicts barbed wire and a butterfly/

Zumari Velazquez: Flying Across Boarders

Photograph of plant looking up at blue sky

Catherine Correa: Flower

Skeleton blowing bubble in an office

Alexis Moreno Torres: Remembrance

Disembodied eyes populate a red background with a spotlight focused on a small human figure

Karen Ramos: The Perspective.

Photograph of what appears to be two men in masks. One holds the other across the shoulder and white flowers pass over both of them.

Nicholas Lalowski: Satori’s Dullness

Pixelated portrait of a person

Anina Alpert: Shifted Faces

Adele Wallner: Untitled

close up image of small child in polka dot shirt and bike handle with streamers

Adriana T: Youth

black and white drawing and collage with string, possum, and a person miming with their hand.

Emily Tragarz-Witek: EMBED

Nadia Walker: Dream Perspective

Black and white composite photo of a person's face portraying different emotions; each image of their face at different angles and images layer on top each other.

Jalen Garcia: Interactionism

graphic poster of pink cartoon cat.

Mila Perez: summer instillation

Bones represent fossil fuels going through an engine and dripping out at the bottom

John Davila: Extinction Installation Artwork

Drawing of letters randomly placed around page in various colors

India Deadwiler: Just Imagine

Person working on a table with pictures on the wall

Angelina Lemke: Untitled

Two photos side by side, each has a large black heeled-shoe with polka dot socks made of paper mache displayed on a wood shelf. Left shoe has a banana sitting on the top of the ankle; right shoe has a small figurine on top. On wall behind shoes are images, photos and small drawings.

Daniela Loza: Trophy hunting

Azriel Villanueva: Coffee Break

Painting with clown split in half color wise, one side red and green, the other side blue and white. Featuring christmas hats, stripes, and splattered paint background.

Owen O: Holliday Holly

photograph of person standing in black shirt and pants in front of wall with graffiti and red sign

Aldo R: Untitled

a photograph of a house at night lit up by christmas lights

Joseph Gomez: The Christmas Before Thanksgiving

Photograph of a person waving into a puddle reflection

Liv Greenfield: Reaching Out

Photographic of Bahai temple from low vantage point, a flower in focus in the foreground.


Person raising a print up that matches the print on their shirt, and using the artwork to obscure their face.

Idris Castillo: Untitled

Digital Image of Person sitting on concrete block in park with refrigerated cart in front of him

Anonymous: El Sueño Americano

Black and white line drawing of person surrounded by their hair.

Taliyah Taylor: Hairitage

An image of a sail boat on lake Michigan

Anonymous: Sailing

Styrofoam skull

Anonymous: #Social

An embroidered bloomed rose with a yellow background.

Rita Abbinanti: Adulthood

girl scream

Camille Buren: Dog Will Hunt

Feline humanoid gazing into the distance at sunset.

Alessandra Montero: Sunset

Wooden board with dancer and flowers around her.

Jane Smith: Center Stage Roses

Photograph of person wearing lace top holding mask in front of face in the mirror

Addison G: Who?


Cindy Chen: Rocks in Stream

Tryptic sunset, outline of cityscape, and butterflies.

Gabriela Murcia: Murcia_Gabriela

digital painting of an elvish looking character with butterflies landing on her

Rita Ni: Meandering Journey

Person with purple skin, black and orange hair with 3 butterflies in the background.

Anonymous: Untitled

Mixed media with white background and abstract black lines painted on it. Red clay flower attached in middle of canvas

Aya M: Untitled

Arsen K: conflict.

abstract painting

Emaneyah Walker: Missing Pieces

watercolor painting of factory silhouette emitting emissions that form into a skeleton

Nicolas Cabrera: Untitled

Jamal Parnell: Untitled

Photograph of two people standing with backs to camera in front of lake and sunrise, hugging.

Anonymous: s2niorsunri5e

Photograph of a girl blowing out candles on a cake. The candles spell 18

Jocelyne Estrada: Adulthood-2

Drawing of landscape with trees and mountains.

Samuel Vite: I Want Wind To Blow

Photo from below of neon sign reading "RAINBOW ROOM" with each letter in different colors; sign is reflected in promotional poster for film screening

Angelica Arriaga: Over the Rainbow

clay sculpture of a slug with a human face

Anonymous: Sluggish

Portrait of a person with red hair

Robin Lockhart: Self Portrait

Black and white drawing of a face with dark hair and eyes. A color version of the face is reflected on the bottom half of the drawing.

Ashley Barrios: Mask

Woman laying in a body of water wrapped in vines

Illiana Torres: Bluebellvine

Multicolored drawing of back of person looking towards body of water with sunset. Within the watr there is multiple items on islands such as the planet earth, graduation cap, money, and a building.

Paulina A: Island of Dreams

Two old men sitting on a CTA with a grainy filter over top

Stephanie Mendoza: Antique Memories – Baldies

Colored pencil drawing of the front of a store with sign above door reading Valery's Resale with money flying out the door.

Anonymous: Valery’s Resale


Emma Lane: Coconut Worlds

Horizon view of a neighborhood

Adam Nawrocki: My Chicago 2

Surrealist image with person walking on road in front of large elephant emerging from mountain range.

Abby Balmaseda: Untitled

Abstract black and white linework and patterns with features of colors and lettering stating Poetic Rockstar

Mia B: The Definition of Poetic Rockstar

Valiant samurai on the back of a maip dinosaur

Nived Karthik: Maip Rider

Ceramic robot character standing on one foot

Michael Montgomery: Robot

Acrylic painting of a figure in shades of blue, nude and viewed from behind, holding up long, curly locks of blue hair, face turned to the side.

Kejaha Shelton: A Case of the Blues

Drawing of an eye and portion of face

Genesis Coffey: Caution

Black and white animation. Flashing scenes of a figure in hat chasing a bunny.


Photograph of a sunset over a football game

Amina Cutahija: Sunset

Black and white trees on a dusky desaturated blue sky

Christina Nasios: Traveling

Two women hugging in black and white photo

Serena Coleman: Untitled

Illustrative photograph of a family sitting around a table

Jasmine Camargo: Untitled

digital image of a person with finger to lips

Joseph Young: Sheep

drawing of a kitchen

Natalie Mora: La Cosina de los Moras; The Mora Kitchen (ENGLISH translation)

Person on their phone on the toilet with a scale, hair tie, towel, and hairbrush on the floor

Karina Vargas: Bathroom Break

Drawing of two hands hovering over a monarch butterfly with the words "a Inmigración" written below.

Nathalia Vazquez: La Inmigración

Red paper cutout with text reading Womens Rights are Human Rights with hearts and other shapes cut out.

Stephani A: Women’s Rights

colored drawing with one side dark with black background and moon stating fear doubt and regret. Other side of drawing is white, yellow and red with sun, stating just doing it, attempting it, achieving it.

Anonymous: Half

Jaritzi Villegas: PROVECHO!

Photograph of Waveland Ave. by Wrigley Field at night.

Maria Arce: Chicago during a global pandemic

Blue tones of a bedroom with toys

Miryam Garcia: Untitled

Painting of a face with butterflies layered over it

Evelynn Gamez: Rebirth

Photograph: Two large wooden doors separated by a stone column. On each door is signage with health guidance regarding COVID 19.

D’Marques Henry: doors

woman sculpture

Alyssa Perez: Untitled

Charcoal Drawing of a person with their hands in their face

Melissa Brito: Exposed

Anonymous: Eerie Clown of Souls

Photo of residential homes with a Ukrainian flag

Sofia Martyniuk: Slava Ukraine

View from above of two people in a canoe at night with fog

Trinity Mayfield: Open Waters

Groups of birds huddled together in a cage, one bird in the center is missing feathers

Molly Fitzgerald: Crowded

photo of a prism with a purple light

Kate Barbosa: spotlight

Black and green drawing of a young person

Sofia Aguilar: Study of Demsteader

Found poem with drawings and color to highlight prose

Romeo Pena: Untitled

oil pastel drawing of a gas mask

Caleb Sawyer: Untitled

still life of plant

Caroline Mpinganjira: Family Members

Skull with an apple peering out from the scalp set on a gradient pink background with a red border

Yrva Desormeaux: The “Perfect” Student

Anonymous: Lavender Willow

Illustration of a hand flipping a red coin on a purple/grey background

Anonymous: coinflip


Camille Buren: My Grandmother’s Couch

Sculpture. Water bottle on canvas painted over like ocean waves.

Lennie Knapp: Taking In

Juritcy Alvarado: Purple Mountains

Still life painting with a yellow and red cloth on table, glass vase with green and pink flowers, and dark beads draped in the vase.

Viviana Hernandez: Floral View

Black and white: Distorted clock

Irobun Igiehon: Untitled

3 story building

Ashley Calderon: Untitled

Yellow ceramic vessel with white rope

Tlaloc Rodriguez: Untitled

Vertical text in pencil, in Arabic and two other scripts.

Anonymous: Untitled

Four armed figure in grand attire stood against a radial backdrop.

Anonymous: Aeonian

A black dress on a dress figure.

Jack Kenney: DRESS

Person sitting with phone and iced coffee in front of a garage with style writing on it.

Myreliz Romero: Natural Habitat

Surreal landscape with a ghost on a bridge with a red moon.

Hikari Nakasone: A Dream

Photograph of cloudy sky with blue pink and orange

Natalie H: Cotton Candy Sky

book stuff

Gabriela Vargas: Desk

four photos showing different aspects of a clay sculpture of a green turtle

Argel R: Turtle

pen and crayon drawing of a west side residence with child-like drawn flowers around it

Mia Santoyo: West Side Innocence

Black and white photograph of the Chicago Theater Marquee

Alex Land: Home

photograph of two football players in red and black jerseys and helmets shaking hands

Mia Z: Untitled

Maxine Ivey: Pure Imagination

Lake with orange clouds.

Anonymous: Untitled

Collage of Moroccan scenery like billboards and buildings in purple and pink hues with the text "Morocco" superimposed across the right side

Esme Huynh: Morocco’s Colors

Brown papercut with words el Gobierno es Corrupto, and two shaking hands cut out

Jessuan S: El Gobierno Corrupto

Ceramic sculpture of three heads in pair of brown pants with feet and toes with black nail polish

Oswaldo C: Doug, Dougg, and Douggg

Black paper with multi-colored pencil drawing featuring road with trees in background, and person behind camera taking a photo of a person sitting on a bench under a street light

Gabriela M: Untitled

A strawberry

Alaina Martin: Strawberry

Picture of the heel of a black, white, and red Nike Air mid-top shoe.

Eric Diaz: project 1

Painting of a woman with blonde hair, a white shirt and a pink dress staring to her right. A brown background is behind her.

Maude Preston: Self

Jessica Jung: Blossoming Snow

two dragons facing each other in an arched window, resembling stained glass. The combination of the green and purple dragons beside each other, in front of a sky filled with blue lanterns, creates a sense of peaceful unity and balance.

Trissa Tsang: Mystical Flame

Photograph of seashell wind chimes in motion

Anonymous: The Ocean in a Different Form

Series of rings made of wire and blue and white crystals. Photographed on a circular mirror.

Olivia Andujar: Rings

Chloe Mitchell: Childhood Home

a photograph of an over the shoulder perspective of a basketball being shot into a basketball hoop

Chinwe Nkwocha: The One with the Oroma Ball

Eyeball with mushroom, butterfly and mouth piece.

Lyric Roy: Untitled

Ashley Quirarte: Stars

Karolina Kawula: Zagunie, Laszki

Colored pencil drawing. Still life of bananas, avocado, and apples on a brownish red surface with a red background.

Hong Nguyen: Untitled

A clay piece with a red crab outline on it.

Veronica Bastek: Crabby

photograph of red and yellow bird sculpture

Yasmyn S: Sunset Serenade

Mixed media collage of building showing under hole in denim fabric with fence pattern over the top

Taliya M: Urban Echoes

A cacophony of text, with phrases like "WHO REQUIRES" and "I WANT TO SEE" superimposed over one another.

Anonymous: a distortion

Blue light with orange background

Nicolo Valentino: Half and Half

Photograph of a girl standing and catching falling candy

Christopher Guzman: Studio Shot

lino cut of a female with a halo of symbols around head and body wrapped in ribbon and some bones exposed

Jo Olson: Help Yourself

Ethan Vazquez: Rinnegan

photograph of do not enter sign covered in stickers with city buildings in background

Anonymous: Perspective


Anonymous: Untitled

Two figures on a red and yellow background

Anonymous: Untitled

A stick with a butterfly on it.

Stefanie De La Cruz Aldana: Metamorfosis

Colored pencil image of person sitting with money falling around them and pile of money in front of them

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of soul food flowing through the African Baobab tree. A colorful blue, pink, and green background is behind.

Noah Demus: Universoul

pencil drawing of three people holding up large frame around them with bees on it

Saul H: Golden times

Drawing with multiple items on a plate.

Dannah Agno: Untitled

Black and white: Figure sitting in an illuminated room

Irobun Igiehon: Untitled

Black and white painting of a girl over the repeated text "remember to slay"

Emily Cuevas: Remember to Slay

Photograph of two toned red trinket dish shaped like an apple with green leaf at the top and white S shape

Anonymous: 18 PM

Painting of a lake and a small dock with a rainbow in the sky

Anonymous: Untitled

Graphite still-life of a succulent in a pot, a bluetooth speaker, and several drawing implements scattered around.

Romina Greco: Self Object Portrait

Anonymous: David Hockney Piece

Photograph of wave crashing with boats in the background

Breanna Gartley: Untitled

Drawing of a sliced watermelon.

Anonymous: Fruta y Bandera

painting of a young woman seated with a glass fish bowl on her head with goldfish swarming around her

Ana Nieves: Art Block

Abstract painting of a young woman's face

Mia Neiman: My Happy Girl

Dramatically lit still life of flowers and a mask.

Madison Grant: Windows to the soul

Digital Illustration of an Isometric room.

Josselyn Godos: MK’s Cozy Nook

Portrait of someone in a red hoodie sketching while seated in front of some drapery and string lights.

Miel Reyes: The Artist in The Art

Person in the middle with eyeballs all around in gray scale.

Azizah Amin: Behind The Shadow

A sculpture of white hands surrounded by plants.

Avery O’Brien: Reaching Out From the Closet

Amadi Jefferson: Abby x Axel

Portrait with broken glass.

Madeline Lensegrav: Shattered

Photograph of rain drops on a window

Anonymous: Focal Point (1 of 1)

Mixed media art made of blue and red marker and red sculptures depicting clasped hands, flowers, and other imagery

Karen A: Nectar of the Gods

Graphic design image of two people with afro hairstyle

Grace Hutcherson: Through The Fro

Black workpants with white printed letters "CDD", shown to be designed by "Geneva Studios".

Rafael Villasenor: Prosperity by Geneva Studios

Anonymous: Untitled

Graphic design for Perla's Postres. Logo with ice cream treat and drink; and pink food truck shown from all four sides.

Perla Reynoso: Perla’s Postres Logo and Food Truck

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a girl looking up at the stars.

Lauren Brogan: Girl and the Stars

Painting of outer space with two large planets eclipsed half in shadow. Planets are red, white and blue. Yellow and white stars dot the entire canvas.

Anonymous: Untitled

Oil pasted drawing of a large blue bird sitting in the middle of a clearing with black trees on either side. The sky behind the bird is blue and pink.

Monique Reed: Blue Bird

A dress made of plastic bags, recycled masks and other detritus, on a mannequin and an image of a person wearing the dress.

Maxwell Silverman: Trash Dress

still life of gum, cologne, and other objects

Jaime Serrano: My essentials as a High School Student

Geometric etchings of white and yellow against a background of reds and browns.

Micaela Martinez: Enter

Photograph from inside of vintage car

Arturo P: El Catrin

Several dice

Matthew Minczuk: Dice Depth of Field

Digital art with green warp and text coming out

Amari R: Untitled

Photo of sculptures including hinged box with stars and three other small star pieces

Eve O: Star collection

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