Teacher Name: Amy Diamond
Grade: 12

Materials: DSLR camera and Adobe photoshop
Dimensions: 12 x 10 inches
Description: For this project I took a photograph that I had taken at the Summer Palace and drew lines over it so only part of the photo would show through. In my piece, there are a lot of black spaces in the photo. These spaces represent how I have yet to experience all the places I want to travel to and I’m excited to fill in those spaces with new experiences from all over the world. If you look closely at the photograph, the Palace has been turned into a puzzle-like object. The pieces that have been filled in represent places and people that I met in my travels.

Artist Statement: Traveling has always had a significant impact on my life. In December 2019, I took my first big vacation ever and got to go to Beijing, China to visit my sister who was studying abroad. To be in a country that is completely new to you, where you don’t speak the language, is very scary but also beautiful. I got to meet many new people and try exotic and delicious foods. I saw ancient temples in the middle of a huge modern urban city and explored remote places, including the Great Wall of China.

Being immersed in a new culture taught me a lot about myself as well as others. Going on this trip made me realize that if I could do one thing for the rest of my life it would be to see how much the world has to offer. I want to be able to go to a completely unknown place, get lost, and find my way back. I love doing puzzles and finding my way around a new place is like putting one together successfully. I am also very passionate about expressing what I love through art. Art has given me an outlet where I can make anything myself and feel free of judgement.

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