Teacher Name:
Grade: 12

Materials: Lino
Dimensions: 10” × 12”
Description: My very first print on body positivity along with mental health. It’s important to be healthy mentally and physically.

Artist Statement: Emotion is a large contributor to my pieces. The emotion of a story, the tragedy behind a piece, the gleaming joy shown through the crease of a brow, or the highlight of a glass, are what determine the liveliness of my work. This is why I enjoy having people as the subject of my work. I can show so many different emotions by changing just a small feature, which is a beautiful and powerful skill. I choose not to draw or paint myself in my work because I reflect who I am in every piece, I reflect my mind, sometimes it’s a simple, calm space flowing perfectly on a canvas, and other times it’s a maximalist mess that never wants to stop sketching itself. In my artworks, I don’t have just one style, or just one way of creating, I represent what I am feeling at a certain moment, in a piece. To me, art is representational of the artist, and I feel that no one style or media represents me. Although I love pencil drawings and painting, a part of me wants to explore every type of art: sculpture, textiles, and the list goes on. I’m still young, but even now I sit and stare at my artworks. I know I can learn about all art styles of this world, but I will not truly understand them until I experience them myself.

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