Teacher Name: Sharon Finley
Grade: Senior

Materials: black pen, watercolor, color pencils
Dimensions: 17” × 14”

Artist Statement: Through my work, I explore what it is like to navigate the mind of an artist. My art is based on how an artist’s imagination, creativity, and experience of life in general allows us to create pieces that reflect on our state of mind. I take influence from surrealism and combine it into my interest in portraits. For every piece, you’ll find that I include some sort of repeated detail that plays a role of symbolism. Whether it’s an animal, a plant, a doodle, or anything else, these details allow me to bring my work to life and explain a theme, without the use of written words. In order to achieve synthesis, I use black ink because it allows me to make my image bolder and bring attention to the details that I want to be noticed. By using watercolor paint, I can create the colors I want to use in order to set a mood or emotion, all while avoiding covering up the black ink. Finally, through colored pencils, I can provide further details in my piece, and make certain areas appear more vivid and bold.

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