Black and white drawing of a pumpkin, a skull, and a wooden M on a table.

Le Huang: Untitled

a fisheye view of the viewer looking down on a remote in the middle of a large city with skyscrapers

Emily Valova: Untitled

Floral bust with squirrel

Ava Zaentz: Spring

Black and white self portrait of a young man.

Frank Fregoso: Self Portrait

A cut paper with the words "Ni Una Menos" with a fist inside the female sign in the middle.

Marilyn Gomez: Artivism

Shield shaped crest with bird.

Emma Corbett: The Corbett Crest

Green praying classroom sits at wood desk. Surrounded by wood furniture and yellow wallks

Michael Douglas: Bug House

Five potrait panels in color.

Jemma Wygodny: Mirrors

Drypoint illustration of rooms.

Macy O’Donnell: Rooms

Michael Samson: Welcome to Chicago

Photo of coach holding the head of a young football player on a football field.

Alyssa Young: Mentor

Individual sitting on a chair

Crystal Reyes: Untitled

Black and white lino print

Violet Gee: Fast Fashion

Spring break, outer space, person sitting at waterfall

Sky Asamoah: Tranquilty

Drawing of a man in special suit. He wears a blue glove and points a finger.

Anonymous: Untitled

Aaron Munoz: Maceta

double exposure photograph

Nicodemus Drummond: Drummond, Madre y Hijo

Love Banner with image in the woods with water

Camari Bains: Untitled

A portrait of a person with a long and flowy gold dress

Semaj Harrison: Donna Summer

A 3D sculpture of a large human-like figure standing on a platform. Everything is covered in mixed colors

Benjamin Calisoff: Alien Hunter

Collage in red , black, and white with different words like "Eat your heart out" and "believe it" as well as images like of a candle and fake teeth.

Kassandra Plata: Eat Your Heart Out

Black and white photogaph of busy street between tall buildings

Anonymous: Life

Inspired by album cover of SZA's, figure sits on a platrom overlooking blue space. Shades of blue composed of individual pieces of yarn.

Trenton Rowell: 7

Image of young man in gradient blues in front of gradient pink/orange gradient. Made of many shapes.

Augustin Gund: Self Portrait

A landscape of a lake surrounded by pine trees and a mountain in the background

Jordan Brown: Serene Skies

Mina Zargi: Look Into My Eyes

Sculpture of purple and blue treasure with wings and various colorful patterns. Wave-like body.

Anonymous: Untitled

Contrast of two kitchen tables with food on the table.

Midhath Khan: Contrast

A metal necklace with a round shape

Anonymous: Parzenica Necklace

Hand holding wrist of fist. Blue highlighted.

Livi Williams: FTP

Scratchboard of city

Daniel Echeverria: pasted image 0

Black and white photograph of people around a tree in a building courtyard.

Victoria Toledo: Arbol De La Vida

Portrait in red light

Brooklynn Rodgers: Red Light

ring and bracelet

Anonymous: Ring and Bracelet

Black and white photo with tree.

David Bolotin: Untitled

Painting of many logs stacked on top of each other, their rings clear. A sparrow looks down from atop one of the logs at the others.

Kiana Pan: My Forest, My Home

Pink background with abstract white, red and black splatters and lines overtop.

Adrianna Sumler: Abstract Expressionist Painting

A face is split into three components: the eyes, nose, and mouth. Flowers divide each component in differing shades of black and grey.

Ortencia Meza: Untitled

Paper, glue and acrylic figures playing jazz on a blue background.

Kendall Wallace: Unknown

Sofia Aleman: Reminiscence of Childhood

Photo of brown and blue drawing of characters. Light reflects off paper.

Anonymous: On the Cartoony Plant

Image of an offrenda with many skulls, marigolds, and candles surrounding larger skull image.

Angela Casas: I Love You Beyond Death


Amelia Schmidt: Gadget Before and After

Photo of two football players in red sliding toward each other on wet field. Lots of water comes out of the field.

Anonymous: Splash Zone

A large cat-like figure is in the forefront. Behind, a human figure floats in large lines of color passing around the frame.

Huiyun Jiang: Escape

Anonymous: Cyclamen Flowers

Olivia Donahue: Wash Away Your Sins

Black and white image of hills with black and white Japanese characters. There are many trees and a road and house.

Ronan Schnepff: Words in Context

A photo of close up chains. In the background, there is a blurry empty grass field.

Anonymous: Untitled

Mixed metals over layed to create a bear in front of three trees.

Eve Oppenheim: Bear in the Woods

Brick wall with meter.

Jonathan Joseph: Multi

A group of axolotls swimming in a pool of bright blue water

Kim Balbuena: Swimming Away

Kaleigh Cordero: The World Passes By

Image of young girl in snorkeling gear in the water among many fish.

Kiera Clark: Imaginary Swim

Pen and ink drawing. Mirror image of city buildings and trees.

Emily Esquibel Morales

Two sided image. On one side, a woman in a pink hijab cries with her head in her hands, a war scene behind her. On the other side she looks determined with a serene, natural background behind her.

Tayler Brooks: Untitled

Jasmine Cline: Peace of Mind

Photo of aquatic animal in water looking toward camera.

Aaron Bacon: Untitled

Pink and black birthday cake

Cynthia Jimenez: Sweet Tooth

Close up of black woman's face and hair. Her eyes are closed and she wears a headband. Real weave is used for hair and comes out of the paper.

Sharai Brooks: Queen

Black and white ink drawing

Anya Tvrtkovic : Untitled

Collage with road, sea, and seaside, with lamps in the water.

Kai Niederpruem: The Journey Home

Figure of a face with neck except face has fruits and vegetables over top.

Diana Castillo: Surreal Portrait

Mixed media collage with watercolor, linoprint, wire, CDs, and CTA train

Anonymous: Psychosis

Black and white photo of male figure taken from below. Trees glow behind him.

Anonymous: From Above

Clay sculpture of three people in different colors.

Sandra Le: Triple

Image of two figures dancing. One figure in large hat is dipping woman in many skirts.

Christopher Limon: Latino Heritage Month Performance

A colorful drawing of a brain with a lot of different characters on top of it

Isaac Danielson: Only One

Anonymous: Milano

Painting of a woman in a dark, brown shaded room. She sits at a table in front of a large window.

Sharon Oladapo: “Automat” By Edward Hopper

5 people surrounded by stacks of books. Blue and yellow.

Rhea Rhoswen Rivera: Power

Image of a girl with threads covering her face and draping over her raised hands.

Anonymous: Disorientation

Two faces on a purple background

Cilia Conley: Unflattering

Circular background with a centralized figure.

Kathleen O’Brien: Stuck

Central focus on orange dressed indivifual with yellow bow

Sarah Shaweabkeh: Untitled

Frame and man running away.

Clark Kiolbassa: Guilt

A painting of a blue axolotl on top of a rock framed by green plants

Anonymous: True Colors

mixed media piece with lace, blue, and plastic

Heidy Bautista: Spiritual Vision

Downtown street with bus stop.

Anonymous: Untitled

Myah Farrow: Un Selfie

Overlayed instruments and musical symbols in many colors, ornamented with cubist style faces.

Tanmay Garg: Music=Life

Drawing in red ink of a hibiscus flower, an arm crushing a pomegranate in its wrist, and a anatomical heart.

Karen Aleman: Nectar of the Gods

Digital art

Rein Phone: Lost Connection

Henry Pyskacek: End It at Home

Three individuals in a mirror with reflected

Skylar Martin-DeHerrera: Untitled

A dove sits on a tree branch surrounded by orange and pink web shaped figures behind.

Casey Pureco: Untitled

A girl stands at the beginning of a crosswalk. The viewer looks down on the dim street which is otherwise empty.

Vivian Schoeppach: Lonely Girl

Green strants come out of the surface, ornamented with yellow pieces and smaller pink flecks.

Raelynn Bosley: Untitled

A mixed media collage of a fashion drawing of a white dress with ruffles around the seams. There are extra notes, fabric swatches, and drawings around the figure.

Tabitha Shaheen: Summer Waves Dress

Pencil dawing with text.

Nicodemus Drummond: Love Letter

Isabelle Garcia: Blue

Painting of a person in a blue shirt with a red background. Painted in gouache.

Jesse You: Dauntless

Portrait of woman in black dress with brown hair looking over her shoulder.

Asha Westrope Pellot: Portrait of Diana

Anonymous: Untitled

black and white scratchboard of people in trees.

Lorelai Rebbe: Unknown

3D sculpture of a creature with three curvy legs, a colorful pink and orange beak, and a white pattern on its back.

Anonymous: Untitled

Embroidered black thread on white fabric of face and shoulders. Figure has embroidered blue eyes.

Angela Guillen: Xavier


Calistoga M Freker: DSC_1287-min

Painting of city with person

Kael O’Conor: Kael+OConor+2

A blue mask of a catrina figure with gold spikes coming out the head.

Giselle Zacarias: La Reina

Black and white digital drawing of a face hovering above a wood floor.

Anonymous: Self Portrait

Charlette Mandela & Ligutam Pangan: You Can Go Anywhere

Drawing split into quadrants forming one figure.

Reagan Herron: Modern Renaissance

Digital image of a playing card, numbered 2. In the center is an image of a pigeon with large feathers in the pack, a bow tie, top hat, and monocle. Underneath the bird it says " El Caballero"

Yailine Cano: Loteria Card “El Caballero”

Photograph and digital editing

Jacob Scott: Falling

Collage of papers, people, and music

Cailin Stallone: Child’s Play

Corner of building appearing as ripped paper.

Olivia Kluska: Full of Wonder

Playing card. Two cat heads morphed together. Background of stars and a moon over black.

Alan Velazquez: Loteria Card “El Gato”

A ornate miniature room with a door open letting in light

Anonymous: The Throne of Minautures

profile of a portrait on mixxed collage.

Cinthya Urgilez: Tell Your Story

Two dancers.

Kelsey Duong: Heartfelt REpose

Anonymous: Untitled

A realistic watercolor drawing of the skull and antlers of an animal on a white background

Ruben Robledo: Skull

Green and white visual text.

Daniel Salas: Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

Amani Mohammad: Untitled

Isabella Campos: Asleep in the Kitchen

Self portrait of person wearing colored shirt with shoulder length curly hair and glasses. Words written in background. black and white.

Alex Villasenor: Untitled

Thadeo Portillo: Bloom

Painting of a candle with a red background

Olga Jatziry Gomez R: Bailarina en la luz

A naked human figure stands in front of an orange sun that forms a halo around their head

Lucille Kearns: Haloed

Ebunoluwa Adesida: Dis_tor_tion

Napolean Dynamite with flowers

Zofia Poczatek: Whatever I feel like I wanna do! Gosh! (Napoleon Dynamite)

Portrait with flower on mouth.

Arline Mendoza: Portrait by Sam

Overlayed instruments and musical symbols in many colors, ornamented with cubist style faces.

Tanmay Garg: Music=Life

Painting of a person praying with rosary beads.

Angelie Bajilo: IN Reverence

Kenya Perez: La Banda Del Carro Rojo

Luxury room with large window, sunlit.

Mateo Matila: Luxury

A photograph of an ornate Tiffany dome from below

Anonymous: Untitled

beauty magazine images, roses

Betsy Angulo: What is Beauty

Leaves in forefront of playground

Andres Lino: See Through

A black and white abstract drawing of a city drawn from a lot of lines

Ana Soto: Chicago

Photo of train station with train passing, skyline behind.

Michael Carlson: Outside Looking In

A person drawn with red hair. Many smaller drawings surround them like a blue cats, many stars and other blue lines and shapes.

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

A copper necklace resembling angel wings

Anonymous: Angel Bracelet

Jaquelin Rios: Untitled

Back of yield sign with stickers highlighted in color against black and white building.

Scott Phan: Untitled

Portrait with front braids and necklace

Anonymous: Confliction

Several CDs, each with unique designs, are layered on top of each other. Several are sparkly and luminescent.

K’Tiana McMillion: CD Art

Pencil drawing of several different types of houses (5) lined up next to each other on a sidewalk.

Hana Waegner: Stayed

Landscape image in shades of green, blue, and tan. A stream flows through plant covered buildings.

Mi Ei Ei San: Reclaiming

Drawing of girl sitting on a beach in front of blue water with a dark blue sky and clouds above

Wisdom Boyden: The Woman Watching Over Me

A large white circle figure has a face and stars sorrounding it

Rhea Mae Bayan: Star of Change

Leyana Gavin: Untitled

Green and pink paper build of a cactus.

Kimberly Rojas: Cactus Splendor

sculpture of a squid

Anonymous: Squid

Blue hand reaches up, boy in beaning, eyeballs, and purple half face all overlay eachother.

Anonymous: Composition

A pink abstract picture of a fabriclike texture

Anonymous: Plastic Abstraction

An empty hallway of a theater leads to a door with sun beaming in

Jennifer Rodriguez: Untitled

Anonymous: Looking Back at Me

Lake Michigan at shore with Planetarium

Anonymous: Lake Michigan

Older person in front of green background. Back ground is ornamented with faux red and white flowers.

Anonymous: Margarita

Wooden mannequin dropping letter blocks. Blue and purple background.

Oscar Guerrero: Drop

Peyton Warren: Concealed

A person with long hair looks down at the screen of their camera hanging around their neck

Anonymous: Untitled

Bella Koska: MARIAH & HONORA

Cicada and net.

Cosmi Roudebush: Cicada

Anonymous: Money Magician

Collage of person

Kyle Felicio: Pleading

Anthony Perez: Untitled

Anonymous: Seaside

Ink pen drawing in black of many swirling, layering, tube shaped figures. Each is textured differently.

Anonymous: The Symphony Of The Swans

Photo of a basketball player celebrating. His mouth is open in clear passion on the court.

Anonymous: All In

Starburst shape, three dimensional.

Xin Liu: Higabana 1

Young man in white shirt with blue head covering stands in front of a blue background.

Anonymous: Blue

Anonymous: City Green

A black and white picture with a baseball in the background

Anonymous: Baseball

Gloria Abolade: Tranquil

Clay head sculpture with fake grass

Daphne Vasquez: Astral Projection

Liani Bonilla: IMG_7244

A realistic watercolor drawing of the skull and antlers of an animal on a white background

Ruben Robledo: Bone

Digital image of a few puffy pancakes with toppings and a smiling face.

Cindy Liang: Sweet Paradise

A collage of a Vogue Magazine cover with a hamster on the front

Emily Lach: Look at this little model

A white mask of a Catrina figure with a blue paper crown

Gabriela Murcia: La Catrina

Mehin Qasimov: Untitled

Painting of a lily with red specks over top a green grass background with pink spots.

Delilah Perez: Flower in Field
