Anonymous: Untitled

Close-up image of a leaf and its reflection arched above it.

Huda Darbo: The Complexity of Nature.

Oil pasted drawing of a large blue bird sitting in the middle of a clearing with black trees on either side. The sky behind the bird is blue and pink.

Monique Reed: Blue Bird


Veronica Gipson: Day 11, Wings

woman with knife behind her back

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 16, Trap

photograph city aerial people

Myah Shakom: Untitled

Itzel Saenz: Tales from the Time of Covid

a hybrid butterfly and human creature

Peyton Warren: The Transformation

Oil painting - glass vase with flower with eye in the center

Genevieve Desch: Untitled

Shamrock drawing with shapes around it

Crystal Diego: Stained Glass Shamrock

Three Loteria game cards inserted into a holder shaped as a hand, surrounded by figurines and a red drape

Celia Hannan: Personal Still Life

Drawing of pink flowers and green trees in colored pencil.

Anonymous: Untitled

person with ghosts around their head

Alessandra Montero: Day 8, Ice Scream

Anonymous: Molly Costello Dreams

portrait of person in blue and green

Joanna Steven: Two Toned Portrait

A painting of many faces with long necks on a colorful swirling background

Destine Evans: Filter Faces

person kicking out a row of dominoes

Donald Richard: Day 14, Falling

pink, purple, yellow, red, blue stripes with stick figure family

Annaliah Garcia: A Rainbow House for my Family

Dark photograph of a chair with pillows

Martina Munoz: Grandma’s Chair, After She Passed Away

person with a stick fighting a man-eating plant

Henry De Luca: Day 16, Trap

Anonymous: Revolution of a Broken Heart

Ink Painting This represents the cycles of human life

Madisyn Starr: Untitled


Anonymous: Apex Sound

photograph of woman in lace top and large brown skirt with lights shining from underneath

Aliza S: Shameem

Self portrait with complementary colors

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of sugar skull with marigold around it.

Anonymous: Untitled

person whose face is in shadow, with a patterned yellow shirt

Francesca Jolly: Two Toned Portrait

Anonymous: Untitled

Thadeo Portillo: Bloom

Multi-colored painting of small chick in hand of tan skinned person in lap showing orange clothing with pink and orange stripe adorning bottom. Background is blue patterned.

Suha K: Tranquil

Daja Jackson: Untitled

A drawing of purple and blue hearts

Kokomi DeLoney: Untitled

Abstract and colorful crayon drawing

Anonymous: Misplaced Colors

Orange and pink shopping bags with symbols on them on a grey background.

Anonymous: Ayana’s Identity

A girl floats in a bathtub. She is surrounded by flowers.

Anonymous: Flower Bed

Mixed media

Jennifer Villasana : Societys standards

Pink flower made from a paper plate, paper, and yarn.

Madison Garofolo: Flower Weaving

Gabriel Morgan: Playwright Statement

Blue abstract self portrait.

Binh Dinh: Blue Self

Graphite drawing of a street with buildings on the side and a person walking down the middle

Anonymous: New York

light house and seagul

Anonymous: Moon Light House

A painting of a black woman with words written on her body

Brenda Dickerson: Dear Black Women

Painting of dead seal with trash

Sofia Aleman: Save the Seals

Collage of a person lounging

Charlotte Sindelar: The Picnic

Double exposure image of 2 people

Esperanza Rivera: Mom and Me

Jermenia Harrison: Redlining

Armani Ray: Balancing Act

Anonymous: Untitled

A collage of a womans face with big earrings and blue hair

Khushi Chaudhary: Khushi

Digitally manipulated image of church

Adele Weiss: Barcelona Beauty

Dark pencil drawing of a face, focused on the eye

Anonymous: Abstract 1

Tess Vega: Mindscape

Downtown street with bus stop.

Anonymous: Untitled

Person with a cracked egg on their head.

Alexa Lopez: Day 7, Accident

felt pokemon character

Jack Oetter: Untitled

Lucia Urbaszewski: Untitled

Jordyn Washington: Sisters

Men in striped suits and mustaches doing acrobatics

Suha Kapadia: Untitled

Anonymous: Line Study

Three images of houses scupltures

Sasha Harper: Houses of 2020

Drawing of people with a colorful banner in front.

Peyton Kravitz: Untitled

Graphite still life drawing of various objects

Anonymous: Still Life

Anonymous: Calm

Line drawing of box with planks and shovel

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 3, Dungeon

Xenia Espinosa: Angelina Jumping

Two faces, one purple and the other red with yellow eyes and black hair

Anonymous: ??? (Aka to murasaki)


Mason Hines: Untitled

Drawing of buildings and hearts

Bruno Salinas: The City of Faces

Red page with image of two hands touching each other and "painting a new black image" in black letters.

Anonymous: Douglass Self-Image Makers Group Slide Presentation

Mask with yellow and orange triangles

Jersey Benjamin: Hamsa

food being picked over

Rachel DeVeyra: Picky Eater

bunny in spring

Mark Borsos: Bunny in Springtime

Photograph of a staged crime scene.

Katia Gutierrez: I Didn’t Want to Die

Drawing of a sun and moon

Sherlyn Rodriguez: Untitled

portrait of person with short hair, red light coming from the person's right.

Anonymous: Two Toned Portrait

Anonymous: Landing on Your Feet

Drawing of a man in special suit. He wears a blue glove and points a finger.

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Circle Prints

desert landscape

Anyah Thompson: Day 12, Rock

watercolor drawing natural nature

Elsie Conwell: Untitled

Room overlooking a river with a ying yang rug

Anonymous: Calebs Comfy Cozy Place

Drawing of James Harden, basketball player, with a fishing gnome in his beard.

Anonymous: Untitled

Painting of a hand with "more than a vote" written on it

Anonymous: Black Lives Matter.

Watercolor painting of crying figure with several eyes and the symbols for male & female in the background

Anonymous: Watching

two wolves

Carielis Granera: Day 13, Oracle

Anonymous: Untitled

person with horns and claws holding a squid tentacle

Alessandra Montero: Day 17, Spooky Locket

A colorful cartoon portrait with text in background.

Jimena Loera-Herrera: Stravinsky

Drawing of the Chicago Skyline with a CTA train in front

Steven Jiang: Chicago

A painting of two dogs, one done with warm colors and the other with cool colors

Ottilie Forster: Warm vs Cool

Person in the middle with eyeballs all around in gray scale.

Azizah Amin: Behind The Shadow

scratch board cub

Anonymous: Cub

Painting of cucumbers cut and sliced in a red bowl

Jaqueline Garcia: Bowl Of Cucumbers

Bright drawing of flowers on a blue background with a snake

Anonymous: Art work

Person with eyes closed holding a stuffed toy to their chest

Breanna Shaw: Two Toned Portrait

Mixed media collage of a girl with yellow on her eyes and people in the background

Roxana Servin: Matriarchy

pink, green, blue, and black stripes acrylic lines on canvas

Anonymous: Northern Lights

Daleyza Merlos: Flower

photograph of person behind lattice with plants

Rachel Deveyra: Plant

Anonymous: Overcome the Obstacles!

A person looking into a broken mirror

Sam Meece-Potowski: Fractured Portrait

Digital elements drawn on top of a photo of a sketchbook with drawings next to a manga novel.

Jae Mccallum: EXml

Abstract marker drawing. Page is split into geometric sections which are each colored in vibrant hues.

Anonymous: Self


Hana Ellis: Untitled

Anonymous: Selfie

Painting of green and purple leaves.

Mahdi Yousef Muhamad: Green Blossom

Kaitlyn Huante: Pancakes

Foil lit with purple and blue light. A hole in the foil has eyes peering out.

Amirah Ibrahim: Some may say I’m different

Colorful drawing of four beautiful people on top of one another

Anonymous: A Court of Beautiful Bodies

chicago migration

Kadeemah Razaaq: Chicago Migration

Photograph from inside of vintage car

Arturo P: El Catrin

Arsen K: conflict.

Colored pencil drawing. Still life of bananas, avocado, and apples on a brownish red surface with a red background.

Hong Nguyen: Untitled

Pencil drawing of a variety of weapons, including swords and nunchucks

Carter Wong: The Japan Armory

Sketch drawings of various objects on a black background

Anonymous: I feel like the world is…

found images collaged on the left, drawing of person opening their head on right

Amesyah Flowers: Collage and Reframe

Paper mache avocado

Sofia Staudenmaier: Untitled

Close up on a stuffed bear with a child holding it. In a lovely embrace, a pair of adult hands wrap around the childs hands

Dorothy Mason: Untitled

Collage focused on LGBTQIA+ identification

Silva (Daniel) Flores: Collage and Reframe

girl with yellow shirt

Kaylan Sims: Crazy for Myself

Philipp Ulyanov: The Kraken and The Boat Mug

Mysterious painting of a portion of a womans face with blue and tan colors and dark shadows.

Sophia A: Lost in Blues

Mask of face with large, red lips and shoulder-length brown hair

Nicole Saavedra: Mask

close up image of small child in polka dot shirt and bike handle with streamers

Adriana T: Youth

Center: Drawing of a hand holding a phone with a male and female displayed. Surrounding: Flowers and book quotes

Blanca Cantu: At Ease

Anonymous: Someone I Admire

Desmond Stephens: Mae Jemison Pop Art Portrait

Crystalline butterflies litter a pale blue castle landscape with large hills and moutains

Khadijah Shaikh: The Northern Duchy

Paint over a page obscuring letters to reveal a poem

Jaden Williams: Untitled

Animated drawing of a surreal face and elongated tongue

Anonymous: Venom

illustration demonstrating the value of air

Tlaloc Ugarte: Gone

Person holding a paper sign with tape over mouth.

Yadira Dominguez: Mental Health Looks Different on Everyone

black and white drawing of light house and sail boat

Luke Berana: Acadia National Park

Found images collaged with drawings

Anonymous: Collage and Reframe

Photograph of orange hued rock formations.

Matthew Balber: Rockslide

Anonymous: Untitled

A large white tree in front of a very colorful background with green grass and a large orange and yellow sun.

Jack Jaeger: Cool and Warm Tree

Anonymous: Fractured Skull

On the left, city block from above, on the right b/w pencil drawing of a dining room.

Anonymous: Perspective

Black squiggles on red, yellow, and blue squares

Elias Castaneda: Mondrian Madness

A bowl of pozole with an avocado and coca cola.

Alondra Castillo: Pozole de mi Abuela

Alyssa A: Self Portrait

Painting of forest scene

Anonymous: Secrets of Nature

Lia Patino: Untitled

Person laying on a desk

Arlette Sanchez: No Context

Jermaine Byrd: Martin Luther King Jr.

An abstract photograph with hot pink colors and bright light.

DaJanae Hester: Untitled

Two sided image. On one side, a woman in a pink hijab cries with her head in her hands, a war scene behind her. On the other side she looks determined with a serene, natural background behind her.

Tayler Brooks: Untitled

Ezzat Naya Casiano: The Windy Day

Vanessa Garcia: Family Comic Album

sketch and final drawing of person crouched in desk chair

Tyler King: Figure

Mandala of blue and red triangles and circles

Alexis Ariza: Mandala


Kierre Turner: Self Portrait Chicago

mixed media image

Anonymous: Untitled

Zoe Crooks: Torn Away and Stuck Together

A three dimensional piece of a bust with plants around it.

Anonymous: The Beauty of Femininity

Image of young man in gradient blues in front of gradient pink/orange gradient. Made of many shapes.

Augustin Gund: Self Portrait

Edana Lynch: Kills

Digital illustrations on a photograph of a bridge over the Chicago river.

Anonymous: Alien Invasion 2020

Alebrije sculpture

Audrey Bagnall: Alebrije

Brick wall with meter.

Jonathan Joseph: Multi

Drawing of a person in profile with cells in the background

Anonymous: Untitled

Clear blue skies with a singular beige house in a grassy green field

Geneva Bradley: Death and dying

An abstract drawing of lines on a black background

Isaiah Rivera: Mythical Universe

Photograph of plant looking up at blue sky

Catherine Correa: Flower

Anonymous: Untitled (red)

Yaneisy Chagala: Mountain View

Clare Krippner: Hand

Abstract colorful shapes on black background

Anonymous: Focus

perspective drawing of buildings

Fernanda Lemus: Mashup

A painting with a purple sky and a large moon with its reflection on the water.

Jameela Kahleen Sanchez: Purple

Painting of a playing card with a woman's face in the middle

Yinyin Liang: Untitled

Painting of a cherry blossom tree in a park. There is a bench on a grassy area.

Inci Qasimli: Cherry Blossoms at the Picnic

Samantha P. Geister: Untitled

Drawing of an owl on a tree trunk

Adam Milic: Snowy Owl

paper and glue black and white design chicago

Lucas Zhang: Chicago

Nicholaus Asiyanbi: Degenerate’s Paradise

Drawing of a person surrounded by cats in front of a pyramid

Anonymous: Frida

Natalie Garcia: Storyboard

Blue and green gemstones

Anonymous: Gemstone Cluster

animation of black converse high tops walking

Alejandra Ramirez Lopez: Not the Time

Leg and foot with monster teeth spiraling across it

Isabella Wietrzak: Monster Mouth

Cardboard sculpture of a room with stairs, a desk with computer, chairs, tables, and a closet.

JoseJaime Villagran: Untitled

Maleah Garcia: Courageous Mindset

Sculpture of pinecones and leaves in the shape of a bat

Anonymous: Bat Hanging From a Tree

Black and white reflection of triangles

Nina Grice: Untitled

sketches of people in chairs

Tyler King: Sketch 2

Painting of a purple, orange, and blue sky with a bright yellow crescent moon. Under is a being flying through a green background.

Anonymous: Dreams, Fantasies, and Life

Drawing of cupcake

Katarina Monroe: Untitled

Hannah Kong: Untitled

Alissandra Delgadillo: Looking Up

Jasper McGloin: My Stop Motion Movie

Nevaeh Evans: Winter Home

abstract mixed media piece with geometric shapes and lines.

June Kuta: Lines

Ice cream cone that doesn't want to be eaten being handed to a person

Itzel Saenz: Day 8, Ice Scream

Chalk pastel drawing of a man looking to the side

Anthony Gawenda: Working Class

Sofie Yang: A Lion’s Tale

Azul Saavedra: Azul

Two panel illustration of two people talking on the phone

Ruby Grant: Untitled

A painting of a grey sky with stars and the chicago skyline with the lake

Navika Balaganesh: Windy City

Face in a bubble with hands below

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 4, Sandwich

Photo of a girl standing by a lantern

Melanie Canales: Retrospective Frames

Digital image of three fictional characters

Anonymous: Meditation in Death

A Raisin In The Sun By Patrianna Scales - Mama Monologue

Patrianna Scales: A Raisin In The Sun – Mama Monologue

Painting of a skeleton girl with evil eyes in the background

Anonymous: Divine Being

Mixed media of someone flexing with yellow burst behind it

Anonymous: The Peoples Vaccine

sculpture of triangular shapes with spray painted colorful circles

Anonymous: Day at the Circus

portrait of female face

Rebecca Leal: Practice

rainbow oil pastel still life of a guitar.

Carson Jarrett: Untitled

fabric and paint mixed media body red orange yellow

Soren Hurley: Mx. Guts

Photo of young woman with half of her face desaturated

Sophia Severance: Ignorance is Bliss

Anonymous: Edwin’s Favorite Media

Painting/ drawing with many symbols including an ancient pyramid, Our Lady of Guadalupe, and others. Colorful and overlapping.

Anonymous: Viva la Raza

metalwork crown

Natalia Hernandez: Untitled

Kenna Threatt: Still Life

Jennifer Lopez: Mexico

Painting of a girl in an aquarium

Danielle Hester: Aquarium

Jayla Pittman: Broken Figure Who Couldn’t Try

Ariana Rendon: Pay It No Mind!

Barbie is colored in like a skeleton and wears a blue and grey dress.

Genesis Carvajal: Barbie Re-Designed for My Culture

Victoria Huang: Spikey Fish

Abstract digital drawing of muted colors

Anonymous: My Design

A faux dungeons and dragons animated character sheet

Luis Martinez: Potomac Pine

b/w line drawing of person with short hair

Anonymous: In the Style Of…

A black and white design of figures standing with symbols instead of faces

Maia Mar: Eleanor Rigby

Yolanda Perez and Evelyn Aguilar: Imaginary Fish

Anonymous: Loneliness in the city

A portrait painted with black and red

Zander Graves: Coolio

person with blue skin and closed eyes, dancing

Joanna Steven: Figure

Anonymous: Abstract Mixed Media

Painting of person on a landscape with a grave.

Anonymous: Untitled

Julieta Ricaurte Cuello: Polar Bears on Ice

Still life including glasses on a book

Stepheny Jade: As the World Spins the Pages Turn

patterns and colors

Max Bell: Color Theory

Manga inspired character drawing.

Marquise Reed: Unknown Character

Colored pencil drawin gof a city in the winter, moon in the sky and a road in the front

Trevor Olson: Winter in the City

A drawing of a small animal with big glasses

Anonymous: Misses applebee

A drawing of Dr Martin Luther King Jr

Anonymous: Dr. King

A red figure dips their hand in a water tank. In the background is the galaxy.

Jae McCallum: No touching

Anonymous: Self Portrait

Digital drawing with green shapes and lines

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Eyes

Cicada and net.

Cosmi Roudebush: Cicada

Blue, pink, red, and yellow sunset is painted on four quadrants of cardboard.

Sofia Cancio: Magical Sunsets

mixed media collage girl glasses color

Colin Ewald: Every Story

Camille Daley: Ghosting

Pendants hanging in a school classroom

Ariana Winters: Image And Sound

hooded figure with a plant behind it

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 13, Oracle

Dylan McLaughlin: Rainbow Tiger

Ariana Winters: Artist Sketchboook

Landscape of a pink and orange sky, a road, a grassy area, and a mountain. The word "Bye " is painted overtop the sky.

Gael Rodriguez: Untitled

Collage work of a abstract snake.

Evelina Poole: Frozen by Fear

deer in front of doors in forest

Carielis Granera: Day 10, Doors

Anonymous: TheBarnOwl

Drawing of a boy in a red shirt giving a double peace sign

Anonymous: Awesome Andy

Nevaeh Evans: The Darkroom

Illustration of dancers

Moriah Mesa: Dance Chicago

person wearing skull on their head with a staff

Henry De Luca: Weekend 1, Nature

Gabriela Rojas: October Bandaids

Photo of a profile of girl in silhouette

Denise Heath: Untitled

A faux dungeons and dragons animated character sheet

Veronica Ortiz: Jackson Western

Anonymous: Untitled

Portrait with red and blue, devil and angel imagery

Oscar McDowell: Torn

Green tiles in a square shape

Brianna Rangel: Warm Flooring

sketch of person sitting on office chair

Kenna Threatt: Figure

Clay doll house with windows and a candle.

Teresa Geschrey: Dollhaus

Collage with images and handwriting

Jacquelyn Murillo: Untitled

Valiant samurai on the back of a maip dinosaur

Nived Karthik: Maip Rider

Anonymous: The Screamrona

A pencil drawing of teeth surrounding the top and bottom part of the piece. An arm reaches out from the bottom holding a mirror reflection of a person screaming.

Anonymous: Screaming To My Orb

Anna Jackson: macaw parrot

A person listening to music through earbuds facing the night sky.

Sarai Salinas: Home

David Nott: Creature Drawing

Cristian Vicente: Untitled

A painting of a view through an old window. There are 2 leaf patterned lawn chairs with grass behind them and a gray gate.

Anonymous: Untitled

colored pencil illustration

Naomi Colquitt: Untitled

Painting of a rabbit with a red background

Sasha Preuss: Bianca

Jazmin Unzueta: Tacos de Nopales

A pencil drawing of a female character with facts written around her and a moon

Anonymous: Emma

An abstracted drawing of a face with blue cracks coming from it

Anonymous: Unlimited Beauty

Nevaeh Evans: Nights

A young woman wearing a grey hoodie and white glasses is illustrated in front of a brown background with white polka dots. She wears a blue badge on her sweater.

Anonymous: Community Superhero

Lounging figure

Xenia Espinosa: Lounging Blue Nude

Face drawn on a patterned background

Tiara Rocio Salgado Padilla

Anonymous: Peace Party

Sherrie All: Chocolate Dipped Strawberry

Ronald David: Cactus Jack

Alicia Pletchetero: Hasta la Muerte

Dog smiling on a carpet.

Jillian Jung: Timber

Samuel Vite: The Glow, Pt. 2

A painting of a mummy with a gold background

Victoria Huang: Mummy King

Anonymous: Window

Mixed media chicago landscape.

Collaborative: Untitled

Elephants under a sunset.

Anonymous: Untitled

Hand holding wrist of fist. Blue highlighted.

Livi Williams: FTP

Collage of Lin Manuel Miranda in Mary Poppins lighting the lamps

Ana De Leon: Lux ex Tenebris

Leslie Illescas: Friends with Chaos

Yellow Champion hoodie with a floral arm


A photograph of tree bark and trees in the background

Anonymous: Untitled

an s pink and green

Anonymous: Untitled

portrait and sketches of face

Alissandra Delgadillo: Portraits

Black background. Person wearing a sideways baseball hat and a shirt with a face on it is outlined in white.

Anonymous: Self Portrait

Four rectangles in the four corners of the painting: 1. Top left: A baby as a doctor with the words "La Doctora" on the bottom 2. Top right: A girl drawing on a wall with the words "La Soñadora" on the bottom 3. Bottom left: A woman clutching her throat with the words "La Decepcion" on the bottom 4. Bottom right: A female painting a fish on a wall that extends to the the center of the four depictions with the words "La Paz" on the bottom

Anonymous: Loteria

Collage with Statue of Liberty

Jessica Horne: Collage/Reframe

Anonymous: Horses

hair wig digital art

Marsha Tate: Untitled

Colorful abstract painting.

Anonymous: Untitled

A faux dungeons and dragons animated character sheet

Angela Dong: Madonna Lombard

A painting of a man looking surprised and a mythical half man half beast creature.

Spencer De La Riva: The Number of the Beast

owl with blue sky and stars

Kaylee Zhang: Untitled

Mixed media piece depicting a cat with a spider hanging from its tail.

Anonymous: Element of Art Study

A painting of pastel colored butterflies

Anonymous: Dancing Butterflies

Cut paper fish swimming on a blue background

Stephany Flores and Lysette Reynoso: Glasses Lost at Sea

Chai-Ling: SenDa+Mei+3

Digital illustration and collage

Sasha Gwinn: A Million Pieces in A Million Places: Wanted

Birthday cake with the number six and 3 figures.

Marlyn Carreon: Untitled

2 animated characters, one is good one is evil

Leyi Wu: Hana + Miyu

Colorful drawing of a turtle and Skittles

Anoymous: Skittle Turtles

Anonymous: Sometimes Ghosts Like Walking

Colorful drawing of a girl and paper airplanes.

Hotaru Koziarski: Me

Graphite drawing of a woman in a mask

Dania Perez-Cux: Untitled

Cartoon drawing of girl in orange dress holding a snake.

Anonymous: Girl + Snake + Teddy

Painting of a stream, mountain, and trees with the Simpsons in the foreground

Robynn Willis: Untitled

9 images of the same cartoon character in sequential stages of growth.

Taylor Ward: Untitled

painting of building with yellow backlighting

Kaili Hill: Perspective

Image of male sitting in the middle of a field in a chair, topless, and with face blurred

Irobun Igiehon: ANGST (Igiehon_Irobun)

Klaus Kirkwood: The Painting

Brooklynn Berten: George Rodrigue inspired Blue Dog in Space

Vanessa Garcia: Narrow Sound

Evigan Marcos: Identity

feet in the back window of an el car

Shem Villacarlos: You + City

Interactive square shaped portion of the epidermis with various red pimples

Anonymous: Pimple

Colored pencil illustration

Matthew Hernandez: Solo Creadores

Anonymous: A New City

Elven person in green dress holding a bird, riding a stag in a dark forest.

Susan Zhao: Guardian of Nature

A painting of late great opera/jazz singer Marian Anderson. She is wearing a black dress with pink and red flowers. She is looking off to the distance.

Anonymous: Marian Anderson

Drawing of a puppy with long floppy ears lying down.

Jeremy Sanchez: Puppy Eyes

A skeleton dressed in a cowboy hat and blue shirt is painted holding a coke bottle.

Elijah Garcia: Mi Abuelo y YO en Jalisco

A painting of a girl up close and also farther away wearing a red hoodie in half of the image and black clothes in the other half

Layla Stacker: Help and Loss

Taliah Thompson: Tell of My Story

person standing in front of images of various doors

Itzel Saenz: Day 10, Doors

Watercolor of animals under water

Alexandria Flowers: Untitled

Mixed media print. A black silhouette of a person is centered on the page. All around the page printed in red is the quote "No, another social outcast".

Amelia Dolly: No, another social outcast

Digital self-portrait of a girl with lines and dots coming off her face

Anonymous: Digi Self Portrait

Digital painting of a tree bank under a big cloud.

Deniana Clemente: Fenced In

collage of people and abstract painting

Kenna Threatt: Collage/Reframe

a fisheye view of the viewer looking down on a remote in the middle of a large city with skyscrapers

Emily Valova: Untitled

Photograph of a rusted red metal door set into faceless concrete walls, partially obscured by bare branches and reeds.

Matthew Balber: What Lies Beyond

a walk in the forest

CLAIRE MUN: A Walk in the Forest

Emma Didricksen: Finding My Voice

Landscape painting on canvas

Anonymous: Bob Ross cottage inspiration

Photograph of a rundown car surrounded by a tent, trees, and an American flag

Eddie Roche: Aftermath

Painting of blue spades.

Mohamad Rafiq: Untitled

imaginary friends

Kyrie Curry: Untitled

Paint over a page obscuring letters to reveal a poem

Dru Thigpen: The Bigger Picture


Grace Daway: The SUNFLOWERS 

Anonymous: Buenos Amigos

An ombre blue mountain is the background for a floral meadow scene with bright green trees and colorful flowers.

Anonymous: Mountain Meadow

Neon purple lights in a wave behind person looking at camera.

Edmond Abraham: Psychedelic Selfie

Mostly black and white painting of a laughing baby, sitting surrounded by pillows against a purple wall.

Patricia Malik: Oh Baby Girl

An oil pastel and marker drawing of a hand holding a love letter from a secret admirer addressed to Pearl.

Anonymous: Unknown Love Letter

Valeria Rios: Possibilities

person wearing white top on a green and blue collaged background

Kaili Hill: Collage and Reframe

An oil pastel drawing of a person with a green and red necklace and a purple top. There are water waves behind.

Anonymous: Siren’s Call

Jillian Berry-Clyde: Hidden Truth

Cole Ham: Toucan

Depiction of scene from the movie "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"

Isabelle Fabila Dizon: Untitled

Self-portrait collage

Anonymous: Untitled

An Aseprite Animation Project

Itzel Saenz: Never Met

Anonymous: Untitled

Pencil drawing of pioneer village with homes in the backgorund and people trading in the foreground.

Sasha Preuss: Historic Jamestown

Yellow ceramic mug with smiley face wearing sunglasses. Cobalt blue interior.

Marleny Marquez-Ledesma: Emoji Mug

Graphite drawing of a girl's face up close

Anonymous: Duality

Isabella Romero: Slime Drop

Pink and pencil outlined Hello Kitty world. A blue sky with white clouds is behind.

Anonymous: Linescape

mermaid in shell

Amelia Baurer: Conch and her Cave

David Chavez: Untitled

food memory

Kayla Kuang: Untitled Food Memory 2016

Faces and grey building.

Anonymous: Xinjiang detention camp, China

The shape of a face with the word vote

Anonymous: Get Out The Vote Poster

A brown and yellow eye is drawn on a red background. The brown eyebrow is above the eye and extends down the page.

Eli Shelly: Red Eye

Melanie Bucio: Continuous Love

Illustration of green handheld console

Andreen Marie Isidoro: GameGirl

Emmanuel Medina Gayon: Eternal Frost

Michaela Marino: Untitled

red panda

Hailey Rodden: Red Panda

Vanessa Garcia: My Decision

A digital drawing of an original character with mint green hair

Mia Espinoza: Out in the Flesh

Blue and purple painting of a field

Claire Mun: Spring

Black and white drawing of leaves.

LaJuan Williams: Evolution of Nature

2 photos, one of a dog, one of a cat

Anonymous: Thankful

Kamily Corral: Still Life

Person wearing large goggle glasses

Anonymous: Two Toned Portrait

Marker drawing of Koi Fish

Yacqueline Chimal: Koi Pond

Visiting a character 10 years later...

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Jangmi Moon

Surrealist image with person walking on road in front of large elephant emerging from mountain range.

Abby Balmaseda: Untitled

Drawing of a clown with a red balloon

Ariana Alpuche-Gutierrez: Untitled

photograph of two football players in red and black jerseys and helmets shaking hands

Mia Z: Untitled

Alondra Mateo: Portrait

Painting of city block from afar

Yenedith Sanchez: Perspective

Animal Farm- Sliding Into Silence

Patrianna Scales: Sliding Into Silence

drawing of rabbits holding guns

Carielis Granera: Day 2, Bunnies

A painting of skyscrapers against a dark red sky and light colored water down below

Zhian Bayran: The Heart of New York

Painting of a fall landscape.

Anonymous: Untitled

Black and white stylized illustration of a princess

Kaely Ascencio: Guess the Princess

Digital design of figure drinking, laptop computer loading, cute monsters & flowers.

Jessica Flores: Untitled

red and blue r

Anonymous: Untitled

A digital drawing of a bulldog with spots of color on its face

Daniel Alvarez: Bulldog

Mustafa Sadiqi: POP Chicago

Portrait of Annamae done with watercolor.

Anonymous: Annamae

Colorful torn paper collage

Anonymous: Springtime

Tissue paper collage

Anonymous: best friends, soulmates, twin flames, better halves

Abstract painting with light colors

Fatima Choudhry: Was I your home?

Two red circle with black background.

Anonymous: Untitled

A subject with decorations in her afro hairstyle, and party decorations laid out around her hair.

Ty-Carmel Elsa: Hair deco

Anonymous: There Was An Old Monster

Ceramic face with painted colors.

Amia Wade: Textured Face

Kevin Becerra: Untitled

jack 'o lantern

Anyah Thompson: Weekend 4, Hollow

shark and whale with wings

Tyson Madison: Day 11, Wings

Annika Alfaro: Behind the Curtain

still life of gum, cologne, and other objects

Jaime Serrano: My essentials as a High School Student

Leslie Illescas: Anxiety of Death

Painting of a person lying down, fully clothed in a bathtub. They are wearing a scarf around their head, sunglasses and reading a book. The tub is filled with gym shoes.

Selah Payne: We are Luxury

Aylan Garcia: Untitled

Madeline Dunne: Awareness

a weeping rock

Vance Lira: Day 12, Rock

Auttum Thomas: Still Life


Amesyah Flowers: Study

Drawing of Homer Simpson with a donut and green tie

Anonymous: Homer Simpson

Painting of a living room with a window and plant, beige couch and glass table in foreground.

Emmia Gearon: Nest

thing with axe that has chopped another thing in half.

Tyson Madison : Day 3, Dungeon

black figures surrounding a person drawn in black and white

Anonymous: Candle Night

Paper artwork depicting wings and an eye.

Anonymous: Untitled

Overlayed instruments and musical symbols in many colors, ornamented with cubist style faces.

Tanmay Garg: Music=Life


Anonymous: Sandpiper

A ceramic hand with a closed fist holding a rose and stem of small flowers

Annabella Lau: A Choking Endeavor

Circular drawing of a mouth with roses around

Valeria Rivera: Pretty in orange

Anonymous: snake

digital drawing of cat eyes and nose on black background

Anonymous: Blact Cat

Isyss Whittmon: Mood Swings

Watercolor study of various colors.

Vianney Torres: Colors

Grace Kendzior: Henry the Hedgehog

Nayelly Miranda: The Dream Continue

b/w line drawing of person wearing rabbit ears thinking of a sword

Itzel Saenz: Day 2, Bunnies

Anonymous: Untitled

A painting of a fish with colorful scales on a brown background

Morgan Monagan: Untitled

Drawing of a woman in a red dress

Anonymous: Hamilton

drawing pencil map

Atticus Grede: Dangerous Adventure Path

portrait digital art blue headphones girl

Angelica Gonzalez: Portrait

Color wheel that looks like a pizza

Carlos Reynoso: Color Wheel Pizza

clay sculpture of a slug with a human face

Anonymous: Sluggish

A charcoal still life drawing of a jar, helmet, rubber ducky and other miscellaneous objects.

Anonymous: Objects of Significance

Lola Dale: Yoshimi

chalk pastel leaves

Anonymous: Fall Leaves

Young man standing in front of a door on a red carpet

Jayden Patel: Untitled

Drawing of a brown vessel with black and white pattern on the exterior

Yingqi Jiang: Boba

Orange fish in a blue ocean

Vera Bistolarides: Warm Fish, Cool Ocean

Three abstract shapes: blue, green, and red

Alaina Finegold: Untitled

Anonymous: Pattern Portrait

A person crying with creatures and eyes surrounding them.

Daniella Kleyman: Trapped


Addy Gendron: Noah

Still life with candles, cards, and pomegranate on red fabric background

Jessica Vazquez: Personal Still Life

Photo of an alley behind houses at night. A light illuminates a ghostly figure in a white sheet.

Anonymous: Empty End

Painting of a tree. Following its length leads to a bright blue sky.

Madison Madar: The Moon Tree

city block illustration

Anonymous: Untitled

Camron Palmer: Dragon Ball Z Characters

Black and white drawing of a family

Tennyson Lovis: Family of 5

Animation of Mario walking and going into a tube

Niko Hristoforatos: Mario Challenge

Parker Lu: Chinese Zodiac

3D Ferris Wheel

Anonymous: Ferris Wheel

Artwork with blue and tan background done in pastels with back of body in center adorned with flowers in black ink

Anonymous: Fragile

Alejandro Giron: Wrangler

Toilet paper tube sculpture of an owl

Willow Fumo: Owl

fox and harts

Jason Rodriguez: Foxy

Anonymous: Untitled

Isabella Yan: Pops of James Baldwin

Anonymous: Ebony

Drawing of a person holding a pencil with a purple background

Kenia Perez: La Reforma Educativa

Photo of ballerina in the rain

Ella Bullock: Rain Dance

A painting of flowers with a colorful, abstract background.

Anoushka Arun: The Garden of Color

Anonymous: Untitled

print of blue circles and red stripes

Anonymous: Untitled (red, blue, yellow)

Anonymous: Deflated Cube Vase

b/w pencil drawing of streetscape with homes and trees on the bottom half, descending staircase on top half

Anonymous: Perspective

Blue embroidery of flowers

Anonymous: Flower Mesh

Colorful abstract piece of a mans portrait.

Maya Villabona: Untitled

Person with purple skin, black and orange hair with 3 butterflies in the background.

Anonymous: Untitled

person who spilled coffee on the front of their shirt.

Anyah Thompson: Day 7, Accident

Portrait of person in purple

Anonymous: Rihanna in Blue

Cheerios on a plate in the shape of a face

Anonymous: My Cheerio Portrait

Kamily Corral: Baby Sleeping

Converse shoes underneath a school desk

Julian Alarcon: Stay if You Don’t Mind

Digital drawing of a book cover with a girl and flowers

Anonymous: Once Upon a Time

iPad drawing, Print

Anonymous: Secondary Me

A colorful Chinese new year lion

Chloe Jones: Chinese New Year Dancing Lion

Illustration of 3 pink mushrooms at night

Humza Ahmed: “Magic Mushrooms”

Anonymous: Winter Blue

Improvisation-Acting Edition: Park Bench

3 knights and person wearing classes and hat

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 6, Mask
