CPS All-City Visual Arts Exhibitions
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AAP Creative Arts + Ceramics
Zitaly Zuniga Mena: Perfectly Pink Finds
Terrence Kendrick: Tales from the Times of Covid Zine
Sasha Harper: Houses of 2020
Priscila Mercado: What Do You See?
Dru Thigpen: Untitled
Atlas Sturrock: Untitled
Jacquelyn Murillo: Our Love Is Not Forgiven
Melanie Avila Martinez: Artist Sketchbook
Alyssa Jones: Beware of jack
Dru Thigpen: The Bigger Picture
Atlas Sturrock: Untitled
Atlas Sturrock: U
Atlas Sturrock: Untitled
Diamond White: Untitled
Dru Thigpen: Untitled
Kimberly Aguilera: The little witch
Dru Thigpen: Untitled
Dania Qazi: the day of the dead (dia de los muertos)
DJ Murray: Reeks of Youth
Atlas Sturrock: Untitled
Diamond White: Artist Sketchbook
Atlas Sturrock: Untitled
Terrence Kendricks: New growth, old days
Dania Qazi: Artist Sketchbook
Diamond White: Untitled
Tzitlali Gonzalez: Artist Sketchbook
Melanie Avila: Moldable Identity
Ariana Winters: Leo’s Day Out
Alyssa Jones: Tales from the Times of Covid Zine
Priscila Mercado: Revenge
Luke Rydel : the terror of trick o treating
Jaden Williams: Untitled
Kimberly Aguilera: Artist Sketchbook
Alyssa Jones: How I met music
Jacquelyn Murillo: Untitled
Tzitlalli Gonzalez: Pollution against humanity
Alyssa Jones: Child Like Wonder
Pricilla Mercado: Artist Sketchbook
Ariana Winters: Ostracizing Time
Dania Qazi: Tales from the Times of Covid Zine
Abisai Luis: The Grave
Alyssa Jones: Untitled
Terrence Kendrick: Artist Sketchbook
Ariana Winters: Tales from the Times of Covid Zine
Alyssa Jones: Artist Sketchbook
Tzitlali Gonzalez: Tales from the Times of Covid Zine
Atlas Sturrock: Untitled
Jaden Williams: Untitled
Sasha Harper: Reflection
Alyssa Jones: Pink
Jaden Williams: Bouquet
Jacquelyn Murillo: Untitled
Melanie Avila, Sheltered
Jacquelyn Murillo: Untitled
Jaden Williams: Untitled
Zitlaly Zuniga Mena: Blurred Beauty
Ariana Winters: Artist Sketchboook
Dania Qazi : Who’s behind me?
Tzitlalli Gonzalez: A ghostly halloween
Abisai Luis: Artist Sketchbook
Kimberly Aguilera: Tales from the Times of Covid Zine
Kimberly Aguilera: The story behind social media
Terrence Kendricks: SCP 084
Melanie Avila Martinez: Tales from the Times of Covid Zine
Pricilla Mercado: Tales from the Times of Covid Zine
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