repurposed 3D doll with added sculptural elements

Jeanette Atkins: Madam Pearl

A girl in a hat poses with a magnifying glass.

Jasmely Hollis-Gomez: Self-Portrait in Another Universe

Two old men sitting on a CTA with a grainy filter over top

Stephanie Mendoza: Antique Memories – Baldies

photograph of a set table with cutlery and a window view in the background

Ivette Montalvo: LeTour

Digital image of a playing card, numbered 2. In the center is an image of a pigeon with large feathers in the pack, a bow tie, top hat, and monocle. Underneath the bird it says " El Caballero"

Yailine Cano: Loteria Card “El Caballero”

Painting of a street in monochrome red

Adam Nawrocki: My Chicago 1

A charcoal still life drawing of a jar, helmet, rubber ducky and other miscellaneous objects.

Anonymous: Objects of Significance

heart with keyhole and skull above it

Carielis Granera: Day 17, Spooky Locket

Anonymous: Why’d the octopus cross the river?

Photograph: in focus is a green toy truck on a road. In the background is a brick apartment building. Perspective is manipulated to give illusion the toy car is actually to scale of a real car.

Anonymous: Unavailable Parking Space

Atlas Sturrock: Inside Outside 2

Photograph of two boys on a moving bus looking at the camera

Anthony Hotca: Focal Point

This is a poster for Imagine Dragons, with a teddy bear and a toxic sign.

Anonymous: Gig Poster

Photograph of a girl making a serve in volleyball

Michael Doan: Service in Motion

Dark photograph of a tire swing

Anonymous: Untitled

painting of snack foods opened up and laying on a table

Jasmin Melissa Rojas: Corruption

dark photograph of person with back to camera looking at computer screen wit headphones on and hand on mouse

Anonymous: Homebody

Mauve house with a grey roof and a bright green background

Daneely Mendoza: Afternoon in May

Colorful drawing of a girl with blue hair

Kenia Cardenas: Untitled

Photograph of two people standing with backs to camera in front of lake and sunrise, hugging.

Anonymous: s2niorsunri5e

Illustrative photograph of a family sitting around a table

Jasmine Camargo: Untitled

Buoy in the middle of a body of water surrounded by greenery

Maira Haseeb: Gone

Photograph closely cropped on a small purple bird house hanging on a tree

Owen Guenther: Bird House

Atlas Sturrock: If I Were a House 3

Painting of a Young Woman wearing earrings

Tiffany Delgado: Beaded Ears

Multi-colored pastel artwork with flames on one side and water on other, with person in middle, sun behind him, and bird above him.

Andres M: Sun Wukong

Illustration of fox diving into crowd at concert

Aaron Bergante: Fox, Rock N Roll, Thrill

Photograph taken from the lake facing the city with purple pink and blue sky above skyline

Anonymous: City Of Dreams

Mixed media collage of comic book pages with featured words POW BANG BOOM KAPOW and man in red costume in foreground

Fyona H: One Mans Story

Karolina Kawula: Zagunie, Laszki

Alter with Virgin Mary and candles.

Marlen Hernandez: Untitled

Photograph of a girl blowing out candles on a cake. The candles spell 18

Jocelyne Estrada: Adulthood-2

painting of a picture taken by me at the Harlem Green Line station

Adam Wheatley: Untitled

Image of young man in gradient blues in front of gradient pink/orange gradient. Made of many shapes.

Augustin Gund: Self Portrait

Photograph of seashell wind chimes in motion

Anonymous: The Ocean in a Different Form

painting of a woman's back with large eyes on it

Tatiana Espinoza: Self Repair

Photographic of Bahai temple from low vantage point, a flower in focus in the foreground.


Photograph of a teenager in front of trees in between a steel structure.

Baljot Singh: Parallel

A bowl of pozole with an avocado and coca cola.

Alondra Castillo: Pozole de mi Abuela

animal behind a spooky tree

Carielis Granera: Weekend 4, Hollow

A person with glasses and a mustache and medium length hair.

Mangion Gagan: Alternate Self Portrait

person wearing dragon mask

Carielis Granera: Day 18, Pride

photo of the interior of a mall

Mutahhar Asad: Mall Motion

Digital image or person in black pants and shirt with red hair floating in space above person standing on earth

Patricia H: Save

Anonymous: A Man

photograph of an empty playground

Jaymie Ferrer: Childhood

A digital image of a girl with a blue background.

Fyona Hernandez: Hello Fyona

Digital fantasy world artwork with knight sword and helmet in foreground

Khadijah S: The Dream of a Red Knight

Crochet vinyl with Black woman on the cover


A person's face. Curly short brown hair and a gray jacket.

Eoin McNamara: Alternate Self Portrait

Graphic design image of two people with afro hairstyle

Grace Hutcherson: Through The Fro

Multi-colored marker drawing of creature in long blue robews and hat surrounded by szwirling colors and other monsters

Anonymous: Torrent of circumstance

Photograph of a girl in front of trees

Anonymous: Thankful

Abstract drawing of anime figures an comic boxes featuring characters and strips of film frantically wrapping through

Anonymous: Haunting Memories

Sculpture of purple and blue treasure with wings and various colorful patterns. Wave-like body.

Anonymous: Untitled

photo of a young woman seated backwards in school chair wearing a face covering

Alenis Cuzco: Prisoner

Atlas Sturrock: Torn Up In Hunger

Anonymous: Untitled

Photograph of a flower with pink petals

Galilea Muniz: The Flower

abstract painting of the interior of a an el car

Adam Wheatley: Untitled

Vinyl record painted pink with flowers and koi fish

Anonymous: Koi Vinyl

Mixed media artwork with painting of pink flowers and brown and green birds, with clay wing attached

Aiden O: Untitled

Jada Batts: August Wilson Monologues

Anonymous: Riviera Theatre

A painting of bottles of jarritos.

Elaine Rodriguez: Cinco Jarritos

self portrait photograph of a student seated amongst the trees in a grassy spot

Wasim Choudhury: Colors of Nature

Drawings of the front and back of a dress.

Priyanshi Patel: Modern Yet Traditional

Playing card. Two cat heads morphed together. Background of stars and a moon over black.

Alan Velazquez: Loteria Card “El Gato”

Atlas Sturrock: Inside Outside 4

Photograph of sunrise over lake with two people in foreground

Anonymous: Morning Sky

Fish in a mason jar above the sea.

Jenifer Peña: Aquatic Dreams

Illustration of a person sitting inside of a green bonsai tree

Jeanette Atkins: Bonsai

Painting of Otavalo Market in Ecuador. Inside a vendor tent, the seller is laughing while a prospecting buying holds one of the many textiles hanging behind them.

Saskya Lema Lema: Otavalo Market

Abstract blurry photograph of dark street illuminated by streetlight with bright green trees

Anonymous: Late Night Trip

Digital Image of Person sitting on concrete block in park with refrigerated cart in front of him

Anonymous: El Sueño Americano

A girl looks to her left as she stands by a brick wall.

Brittany Hernandez: My reality in a different dimension

Anonymous: Lavender Willow

Painting of purple butterfly on pink flower with "La Mariposa" written below.

Lizzet Zumba: Untitled

Digital illustration of a white sports car with the number 44 on it.

John Gutama: Untitled

Max Mikunas: Brawl Outside a Convenience Store

Image of mother typing on a laptop with a child in her lap

Jazlyn Ojeda: Work Load

A polaroid of a painting of apples.

Anonymous: Market Apples

A table filled with food and a family surrounding it.

Saskya Lema Lema: Ofrenda

photograph of do not enter sign covered in stickers with city buildings in background

Anonymous: Perspective

photograph go young girl in the dark, with Christmas lights hanging around her

Rex Speyer: Gaze Aglow

An oil pastel drawing of a person with a green and red necklace and a purple top. There are water waves behind.

Anonymous: Siren’s Call

Horizon view of a neighborhood

Adam Nawrocki: My Chicago 2

A cartoon character with an expression for every hour on the clock.

Carielis Granera: Untitled

Person sitting with phone and iced coffee in front of a garage with style writing on it.

Myreliz Romero: Natural Habitat

A person drawn with red hair. Many smaller drawings surround them like a blue cats, many stars and other blue lines and shapes.

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

Photograph of a baby's face. They are looking directly into the camera and holding a leaf to their mouth.

Anonymous: Mayaboti

Atlas Sturrock: Cake Walk 2

drawing of rabbits holding guns

Carielis Granera: Day 2, Bunnies

photograph of a red bird decoration in a back yard, night lighting

Sebastian Millan: DOFapp

Close up image of reflection of person in spoon

Scarlett T: Reflections

a photograph of an over the shoulder perspective of a basketball being shot into a basketball hoop

Chinwe Nkwocha: The One with the Oroma Ball


Carielis Granera: Day 5, Fangs

A man in an orange hat is with a small child.

Anonymous: Oliver


Diana Cervantes: American Dream

Digital drawing of person with an upside down jack o lantern on their head.

Anonymous: PumpkinHead

Photograph closely cropped on a glass with condensation and a leaf

Emaan Khan: I Finished My Drink!!!

Atlas Sturrock: Ancient Relic 2

Oli Fuentes: Music is Life

person holding onto a rope above alligators

Carielis Granera: Day 14, Falling

Photograph of three disco balls on wood floor reflecting

Anonymous: Disco

Perspective of a Chicago street at night

Sofia Bush: Old Town Silence

A girl staring at a flower.

Afwanah Chaudhry: Blazing Gift

Room overlooking a river with a ying yang rug

Anonymous: Calebs Comfy Cozy Place

Photograph of blue sky and ocean view with tall green grass in foreground

Anonymous: California scenery

A photo montage of a mirror laying in the grass. The mirror shows dolphins floating in a cloudy blue sky.

Anonymous: Skyglass

Photograph of a matryoshka (nesting) doll on a blue background

Nicole Kubecki: матрёшка

Carielis Granera: Bats At Sunfall

black and white photograph of preson standing on rocks

Abigail L: Boy in the wild

Anonymous: Untitled

Acrylic painting of coral reef and an anchor

Jonathan Julian Castaneda Soto: Untitled

black and white photograph of back of a person in jersey number 77 and helmet standing with hands on hips

George H: Dog Days

Anonymous: Untitled

photograph of woman in lace top and large brown skirt with lights shining from underneath

Aliza S: Shameem

Audrey Hancock: Am I ‘other?’

A subject with decorations in her afro hairstyle, and party decorations laid out around her hair.

Ty-Carmel Elsa: Hair deco

Photograph of a light circle around two people

Caleb Mendez Toomey: MotionWeb

Photograph of a metal structure from below

Ange-Marie Nifasha: Different Perspective

a photograph of a young woman holding up a Puerto Rican Flag

Jazlyn Martell: Boricua

Multi-colored painting of small chick in hand of tan skinned person in lap showing orange clothing with pink and orange stripe adorning bottom. Background is blue patterned.

Suha K: Tranquil

Slow 10 MPH under a bridge

Jonathan Pedraza: Pedrazaslow

painting of two legs wearing strapped slip on shoes

Tiffany Delgado: Walking Culture

A girl floats in a bathtub. She is surrounded by flowers.

Anonymous: Flower Bed

Up close photograph of a red plank of wood

Anonymous: Spikes

Girl removing make up

Anonymous: Untitled

Jada Batts: Get to Know Me

3 people wearing red Chicago Teacher Union clothes, chanting. One with a bullhorn and sign that says "On strike against unfair labor practices."

Gabriel Mejia: Shut It Down

Photograph of a girl standing and catching falling candy

Christopher Guzman: Studio Shot

Paper cut out of pink and blue girl

Galia Quezada: Untitled

photograph of two football players in red and black jerseys and helmets shaking hands

Mia Z: Untitled

Photograph of sconce that is out of focus.

Anonymous: pic2

Colorful illustration of two characters fighting

Christopher Rodriguez: Untitled

A portrait of a man's face with a goatee.

Tristan Workman: Alternate Self Portrait

Digital artwork of person with long brown hair smoking a cigarette

Swaleha Y: Smoke

Photograph of plant looking up at blue sky

Catherine Correa: Flower

A digital painting showing two women with a bike and a Mexican flag. The words on the piece read 95 La Chicana.

Anonymous: La Chicana Loteria

Adele Wallner: Untitled

photograph of a girl laying in the green grass

Violet Payne: Basking in the Lakes Breeze

Digital collage of a dog in a tutu on a stage with a red curtain and audience shadows.

Aruba Awan: Untitled

Photograph of a man in a pool playing water polo

Michael Tenesaca: Twilight

repurposed 3D doll with added sculptural elements

Jeanette Atkins : Lait Sucre (Doll Custom)

Person laying on a desk

Arlette Sanchez: No Context

Horse with eyes flying at them

Carielis Granera: Day 9, Eyes

Photograph of inside of vintage car with blue and white interior, large steering wheel, and light under dashboard

Anonymous: Behind the wheel

Photograph of dark haired younger girl laying in grass on stomach with head in hands and leaf covered background

Anonymous: My Little Sister

Collage of a window view of a vespa outside, with indoor elements of a helmet on a table.

Elena Gerick: Bedroom View

Two men, one facing out one facing in in the same outfit with the words "Trash Panda" in the center

Albert Boongaling: Trash Panda Fashion Design

Lioness and cub

Carielis Granera: Weekend 1, Nature

A painting of a lake with weeds

Kostandina Goritsan: Untitled

A painting of trees and a fence.

Anonymous: My Chicago Polaroid

painting of a person at a gas station, low vantage point. two cars, one red one blue.

Galia Quezada: Untitled

Woman with lipstick smeared over her lips with a white shirt in front of the camera.

Violet Payne: Chased

Drawing of a man in special suit. He wears a blue glove and points a finger.

Anonymous: Untitled

Digital drawing of porch with hammock

Carielis Granera: My Cofy Cozy Place

Photo of coach holding the head of a young football player on a football field.

Alyssa Young: Mentor

Atlas Sturrock: Cake Walk 3

Person wearing black hoodie and hat throwing a baseball at the photographer. Baseball is in focus, rest of image is not.

Sebastian Fernandez: Baseball Catch

photograph of a young person behind a wall of colorful light

Jesus Abelar: Light Show

drawn portrait of young girl looking into shattered mirror with fragments of paint keys, mic, musical notes, food.

Mariya Walker: Untitled

photoshopped softened photograph of a family seated at a long table sharing a meal

Jasmine Camargo: Entre Familia

Digital art with green warp and text coming out

Amari R: Untitled

rabbit jumping on eagle

Carielis Granera: Day 19, Over

Older woman sewing designs on fabric

Saskya Lema Lema: Warmi Awana

Illustration of a reptile in front of a green and red background

Aman Montgomery: Untitled

Genevieve Carlozo: Wounds in Healing

Multicolored sunrise with back of people in foreground

Mya J: Last Sunrise


Anonymous: Top of locker

Photograph of a person wearing day of the dead makeup

Anonymous: Mis Raices

Photograph of a lounge area through the glass of a window, a neon paw above a couch.

Ayden Cao: Comfort Area

Abstracted futuristic cityscape.

Anonymous: Travelposter

3D sculpture of a creature with three curvy legs, a colorful pink and orange beak, and a white pattern on its back.

Anonymous: Untitled

A child holds his face in pain as his skin has lesions.

Anonymous: Zombie Me

Photograph of rain drops on a window

Anonymous: Focal Point (1 of 1)

Anonymous: bye

photo of a young woman smiling while wearing a pink scarf and her hands are covering her eyes

frida tejada: life

Jaritzi Villegas: PROVECHO!

Photo of residential homes with a Ukrainian flag

Sofia Martyniuk: Slava Ukraine

Surrealist image with person walking on road in front of large elephant emerging from mountain range.

Abby Balmaseda: Untitled

bear on a unicycle

Carielis Granera: Day 16, Trap

deer in front of doors in forest

Carielis Granera: Day 10, Doors

A cabin on a lake with mountains behind.

Angela Han: Watercolor Landscape

Atlas Sturrock: Inside Outside 3

Anonymous: Untitled

Person feeding a small campfire

Javier Martinez: Urban

Sculpture of mans face with cheek open showing gums and inside of mouth

Camila M: Blisters of Emotion

Atlas Sturrock: Cake Walk 1

Photograph taken at dusk of electric facility

Anonymous: Untitled

Atlas Sturrock: If I Were a House 1

Photograph of water running into a glass from a sink. There is out of focus black and white floral wallpaper in the background.

Disha Patel: Importance

Graphic design for Perla's Postres. Logo with ice cream treat and drink; and pink food truck shown from all four sides.

Perla Reynoso: Perla’s Postres Logo and Food Truck

Surreal landscape with a ghost on a bridge with a red moon.

Hikari Nakasone: A Dream

Image of young girl in snorkeling gear in the water among many fish.

Kiera Clark: Imaginary Swim

painting of a fish bowl looking out, someone with a camera taking a photograph of the fishes in the bowl.

Amelia Carpenter: Untitled

photograph of person shooting a basket wearing blue shirt and shorts

Heorhiy K: Hoops of Hope

Photograph of swing with sun and trees in background

Nida L: Beginning

Close-up Photograph of person with dark hair looking down smiling in orange shirt

Maximus M: Smile

A black woman surrounded by shards of color.

Ange-Marie Nifasha: Jewel of Congo

Original painting on the left, student recreation of woman wearing pink hat and vest on the right

Gabryelle Harmon: Reenacting Woman Painting by Amrita Sher Gil

two wolves

Carielis Granera: Day 13, Oracle

Photograph of a car pulling out a driveway

Baljot Singh: Singh. Uncles Car

Atlas Sturrock: Ancient Relic 1

close up image of small child in polka dot shirt and bike handle with streamers

Adriana T: Youth

Photograph of tree with house covered in ivy in the background

Anonymous: Untitled

person with a claw hand with levitating rocks

Carielis Granera: Day 12, Rock

oil pastel painting of young girl with glasses

Sharline Reblando: Relaxation

Picture of the heel of a black, white, and red Nike Air mid-top shoe.

Eric Diaz: project 1

Multicolored mixed media artwork with multiple characters and various accessories

Brittany H: Dramatic Entrance

Sunset over the North Branch of the Chicago River, surrounded with trees and natural plants. Two kayakers are on the river, with people walking on adjacent path.

Ty Villanueva: A Wednesday Afternoon On Earth

A lake with a dock and rippling waves.

Kiera Clark: Watercolor Landscape

dinosaur with feathers and long tail

Carielis Granera: Day 15, Dinosaur

b/w drawing of dragon

Carielis Granera: Day 3, Dungeon

Close-up of a face looking up with DNA double helixes as veins in the eyes

Kostandina Goritsan: Hellenic DNA

Silhouette of person with ponytail in front of dark blue lit window.

Adela Velic: Feeling Blue

Surreal landscape with red river, Chicago skyline, transparent face, and shoreline.

Joshua Aco: Still Lying Down

image of tree and traffic light

Jordan S: Tree/traffic light

photograph of mcdonalds packaging floating in puddle with leaves

Anh H: Polluted Puddle

A woman's face with her bones showing in her neck.

Emaan Khan: Alternate Self Portrait

Painting with multiple kitchen appliances on a counter against a patterned wall.

Vanessa Villegas: Baudelia’s Kitchen

Person in blue jacket and hat sitting at a picnic table holding an orange cat.

Enrique Meza: Family Portrait

Two figures on a red and yellow background

Anonymous: Untitled

A woman in a slim white gown in a dark forest with black tree bark and greenish blue water

Genessis Garcia: Llorona

wolf with sheep on its back

Carielis Granera: Day 6, Mask

Boulders overlooking a lake and pine needle branches.

Gloria Chavarin: Watercolor Landscape

A black and white photo of a city light post.

Anonymous: Totem

A young hand reaching towards a blank white drink amongst detailed black and white renderings of different drinks.

Edwin Santana: Untitled

a photograph of the top of a building set against a clear blue sky

Claudine Buda: Blue Wall

Man with a lit wand facing out of the page in the night with a moon in the background.

Albert Boongaling: Mage

Atlas Sturrock: If I Were a House 2

Drawing of a purple and yellow two-horned creature with a big weapon on a grey background

Carielis Granera: Rhogar Myastan

Atlas Sturrock: Inside Outside 1

A river running through mountains

Natalie Nguyen: Watercolor Landscape

Black background with printed trees and accented green leaves with the focus on a print of a woman in the center covering her eyes.

Sadia Sultana: Shakchunni

person with sandwich head

Carielis Granera: Day 4, Sandwich

A drawing in colored pencil of a kid and their grandparent, eyes surrounding them in the background.

Kostandina Goritsan: Generational Eyes

Skull like figure in suit and red tie wearing hat, surrounded with flowers and pops of colors.

Anonymous: Deadpop

Lian Mawi: A Hoih Mah Diam For Our Body?

Photograph of a necklace

Anonymous: Motion (1 of 1)

A painting of snakes with their skins.

Galia Quezada: Shedding My Skin

Various images of faces screaming on a blue and purple tinted outdoor background

Anonymous: The Scream

Atlas Sturrock: Cake Walk 4

Crystalline butterflies litter a pale blue castle landscape with large hills and moutains

Khadijah Shaikh: The Northern Duchy

A digital drawing of a smiling person with long hair. They are wearing a light green shirt. The background is a red to green gradient.

Anonymous: Rosy Face

Digital photograph of man in mirror with red and blue glowing hearts across the image

Farhan A: Water and Fire moon

photograph of a young person emerging from a black background with red curly hair, wearing a blue hat

Mariana Ortiz: Studio Portrait

Photograph of a rundown car surrounded by a tent, trees, and an American flag

Eddie Roche: Aftermath

A digital painting of a loteria inspired card with a bee on it. The words on the bottom say La Abeja.

Anonymous: La Abeja Loteria Card

A student poses with a small airplane.

Henry Darlage: Highway to the Danger Zone!

Carielis Granera: Tales from the Time of Covid

Several dice

Matthew Minczuk: Dice Depth of Field

River with a plant in it

Anonymous: Focal plant

A digital photomontage of tulips and bubbles in Times Square.

Anonymous: Whimsical City

A digital portrait of a person in long hair. They are looking back at the viewer. The background is a geometric blue and green pattern.

Anonymous: Vector Portrait

Person working on a table with pictures on the wall

Angelina Lemke: Untitled

digital artwork of young child and older man behind wheel of boat with american flag in background

Erin Z: New Adventures

Alayna Avila: Loading Screen

Neon purple lights in a wave behind person looking at camera.

Edmond Abraham: Psychedelic Selfie

Photograph of a man sitting on a blue bucket in the daytime.

Andres Mejia: Untitled


Carielis Granera: Weekend 2, Night

A photograph of a person holding a bat at night walking away from the viewer on a road.

Anonymous: Seeking AnswersOli Fuentes:

Carielis Granera: Grey

Digital illustration of man in gray suit painting, storefronts, a baseball card, and script text reading "El Mafioso."

Bianca Datro: The Italian Mobster

Photograph of a woman washing an air fryer with sud filled water

Isabella Reyes: delically

Photograph of a person painting. They wear a red, white and grey stripped polo shirt. They hold a paint palette in their left hand and a paint brush in their right up to the canvas. The painting is of a street scene.

Vicky Plange: Village of Strokes

Yellow, green and red bandana with the word "AFLOAT" repeated

Paolo Trovato: Untitled

Blue line drawing of people in warn hats and coats recording something on their cell phones.

Gabriel Mejia: Nothing Makes a Crowd Like a Crowd

A person playing a bagpipe.

Eoin McNamara: The Uilleann Piper

b/w line drawing of person sitting in lawn chair drinking from a can.

Carielis Granera: Day 1, Chill

Photograph of tiny yellow flowers

Ena Ramovic: Flower Focal Point

Photograph of a sunset over a football game

Amina Cutahija: Sunset

Abstract drawing with a girl depicted on the top right with various shapes (butterfly, spider) drawn in the surrounding.

Rayah Saleh: Underwater Mishap

Pastel drawing of a cabin in dense yellow and green grass

Abigail Bucio: I’ve seen this place in a dream

Small child with dark eyes and hair looking at the camera with figures behind

Yaretzi Cornelio: Angles

A member of The Mighty 9!

Carielis Granera: Plainfield School The III

three ice cream bars with different facial expressions

Carielis Granera: Day 8, Ice Scream

Sunset blankets the Argyle stop with orange, deep purple and blue hues

Anonymous: Argyle Stop

90s videogame start screen with a pronounced crow.

Carielis Granera: Skip’s Journey

Image of long grass in foreground with blue sky and powerlines in background

Kirk L: Power Lines

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