Talayah Rogers: Untitled

Anonymous: Silly Soup and ABC

Self portrait

Braya Harris: Self portrait #1

An ombre blue mountain is the background for a floral meadow scene with bright green trees and colorful flowers.

Anonymous: Mountain Meadow

abstract shapes

Anonymous: Excitement

Anonymous: Donut

Unique Kidd: Outdoor Sky

Small rectangles of color appear to drip down an aqua painted background.

Anonymous: Dripping

Letters and numbers are written in purple over an orange and purple watercolor background.

Anonymous: Silly Soup and ABC

Avika Agarwal: Plant More Trees, Save Earth


Aletheia Yuen: Untitled

Anonymous: Sponge Bummer

Drawing of a child with a shirt on that says "Baby."

Blake Egwele: Untitled

sunny the sunflower

Kora Marshall: Sunny Sunflowers

Abstract shapes of gold, blue, and white on an indigo background.

Anonymous: Area 51

Shapes created by watercolor are turned into characters with arms and legs. There are many on the page.

Anonymous: Untitled

Sculpture of a red motorcycle lofted up on a wood block.

Samuel Ortiz: Red and Fast

Drawing of a girl looking at a mermaid in a pond with sea creatures and dolphins around them, and birds on the shore.

Anonymous: The Mermaid

Anonymous: Dragon

in my brain

Joaquin De Leon: In my Brain

Tyler Powell: Self Portrait

Stephanie Arroyo: Family of Mice

Emily Garcia: Untitled

Helena Mucha: Hot & Cold Hands

Anonymous: Birthday Cake

Heaven Williams: Untitled

Anonymous: Jakucho’s Psychotic Outburst

Circles lay on different color squares. Each circle is shaded differently.

Zoe Barnett: The Universe of Circles

Anonymous: Legally Elle Woods

Edward Ayala: Birch Trees

A rainbow mackaw sits on a branch overlooking a blue sky and green background below.

Anonymous: The Rainbow Macaw

Anonymous: JB8UCW FAMU Cohort Shirt Design

Evelyn Barcenas: Alebrije en Africa

An orange cat stands under a blue sky with white clouds.

Anonymous: It’s a Cat, Cat, Cat

Salim Burris: Untitled

An eye is modeled out of blue clay. There is a blue base, blue eyelids, a blue clay pupil, and blue eyelashes.

Anonymous: See and Saw


Annabelle Liang: Untitled Notan Design


Michelle: Untitled

A shark with two people in a boat.

Anonymous: Shark Tank

Digital drawing of a green plant in a brown pot. The plant is in front of a background with many blotches of bright colors.

Anonymous: Plant

Painting of a lava lamp filled with blue lava and bits of purple lava. Background is yellow and purple stripes.

Anonymous: Purple Rain Contained


David: Untitled

Melanie Bucio: Continuous Love


Yashvi Mundhra: Untitled

Drawing of a green dragon standing on the mountain. Its tail wraps around the whole mountain as it breathes out a bit of red fire.

Anonymous: Dragon Mountain

Anonymous: Self Portrait

Anonymous: A Spring Landscape

A person crying with creatures and eyes surrounding them.

Daniella Kleyman: Trapped

Anonymous: Self-Portrait with an Orange Personality Type

Emily Luna: Untitled

Anonymous: Spooky Self

A skull is drawn atop a naked doll body. It is surrounded by pink and white abstract shapes.

Ana Rodriguez: Barbie Does Not Understand My Culture


Sujei Vasquez: Untitled

Crystel Tovar: Untitled

Joshua Oh: Imagination

Mustafa Sadiqi: POP Chicago

landscape with a pink and purple sky and black and red ground.

Anonymous: Red Stones

Mixed media drawing of a girl done with oil pastel and crayon on paper.

Camila Lopez-Toribio: Untitled Mixed Media Image

Felix Harper Higgins: A Purple World Through My Eyes

Anonymous: Unlocking Her Susanoo

line drawing of abstract shapes in black, white, and purple

Anonymous: Filled Blank

Anonymous: Organic and Geometric Shape Study

3d city scape of many houses on a road in different colors with a colorful, blended, chalk pastel background.

Anonymous: Citylife

Vivian Escobedo: Blue Iris

Charlette Mandela Pangan: Ripples

Anonymous: Untitled

watercolor of person with dark hair, a bun, and a mask

Anonymous: Self

Ahrmani Glover: Untitled

Hannah Gazdziak: Joyful Spring

Anonymous: Soleil

Gray animal with big ears and blue eyes

Lalyla Smith: Smile

Anonymous: Untitled

Abstract painting of sky at night

Naomi Makapedua: Starry Galaxy

Joserrith: Valentina+Onofre+1

Anonymous: Haringoween

Marker drawing of T-Rex with lots of scribbled colors around it.

Kevin Rodriguez-Espitia: Untitled

Anonymous: Anime Box

Anonymous: Todd

A grey colored pencil seal is in blue water and meats and orange lion on the land to the right of it.

Elizabeth Ho: Seal and Lion Together

person surrounded by green lines

Anonymous: What are you thinking about?

Adalyn Wardell: Silhouette

Black and white ink drawing of many different characters layered over each other.

Armani Ortega: Madness

Avery Amoo: Winter Portrait

Anonymous: Self Portrait

Mixed media piece depicting a cat with a spider hanging from its tail.

Anonymous: Element of Art Study

Lia Patino: Untitled


Camrynn Dion: The Illusion

Anonymous: Pigeon in Paris

Face with math symbols and tools for eyes, nose, mouth, etc.

Gene Tcheng: Self-Portrait

Colorful landscape created with torn paper.

Anonymous: Torn Paper Landscape

Drawing of baby yoda holding a pink heart with multiple red hearts beside him. Diamonds are drawn above him.

Anonymous: Baby Yoda with Hearts and Diamonds


Hailey Rodden: Rainbow Nails

Anonymous: Peony

A series of objects appear to be orbiting around a small cute animal. Objects orbiting include the Mexican flag, a volleyball, and a computer.

Elise Espinoza: Untitled

Painting of a plane with different scenes and text around it.

Alison Severin: Untitled

Raymon Buchanan: Ray Ray


Samuel Adams: Sunflowers

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

A large dinosaur walks behind a much smaller person.

Anonymous: Weight and Height

Self portrait of Delilah Whitlock snorkeling in an ocean setting.

Anonymous: Snorkel Self Portrait

gifted and proud

Ra’Drell Jenkins: Proud

Eleanor Frey Reschly: The Unstoppable

Red winter cardinal drawing done with oil pastel and watercolor.

Anonymous: Winter Cardinal

Sa’Miyah Robertson: Untitled

Lee Rowland: Rainbow Star

Anonymous: Dance Family


Leonel Martinez: F.U.N(Freaky Unsafe Nonsense)

Paper mache mask painted with different imagery and symbols.

Anonymous: My Chicano Life Identity Mask

Anonymous: Pattern Portrait

Drawing of loteria card.

Anonymous: Loteria Card in My Mind

Portrait of half a face in red and black watercolor paint.

Anonymous: Pain Everlasting

Anonymous: Steph Curry Turkey

Anonymous: Transparency Painting

Anonymous: Into Night

Watercolor painting of a boat in a large body of water.

Anonymous: Boats in the Water


Meera: Untitled

repeating pattern of purple and yellow flowers and a brown and white mushroom.

Ellie Stone: Mushroom Flower Pattern

Acrylic painting portrait of Alicia Keys.

Anonymous: A Lovely Face

Anonymous: Me

person in white on a red background with ink patterning.

Anonymous: Keith with Ermine

The 3D outline of a horse is made of white thread. It is lofted on a wood block.

Angelica Gallegos: My White Horse in Indiana

Anonymous: You Thought You Were Alone But You Not

Sarai Garcia: Untitled


Aaron: Untitled

A green butterfly in is a white bird cage over a black canvas. The bottom of the cage is decorated with green flowers. The upper left corner of the canvas says "Hope."

Anonymous: Caged

Drawing of a long, tall bear. Behind the bear are shapes outlined in black painted orange, pink, or blue.

Anonymous: Watercolor Bear

Anonymous: Claygaroo

Anonymous: Ballet Dream

A unicorn dancing in a colorful setting.

Londyn Lee: Dancing Unicorn

Anonymous: Evil Eye

portrait of a person with short brown hair and a blue shirt on a green background

Anonymous: Self Portrait

Anonymous: Robbie’s Room

Anonymous: Bull

Jasper McGloin: My Stop Motion Movie

Silhouette on a colorful background sky.

Noomi Norton: Reflection of Life

Drawing of a girl standing in front of the words "Drama Queen."

Ian David Mendieta: Drama Queens Be Like

Watercolor painting of a woman.

Anonymous: Mi Amor

MarShawn Tolliver: Naruto!

Daleyza Merlos: Flower


Julius: Untitled

Self portrait

Sierra Fason: Self Portrait #4

Anonymous: Untitled

Khamayra Davis: Action Painting


Anonymous: Sandpiper

Painting of a black house with a line protruding from it. There are birds on the line and flying in the orange, yellow, and pink sky behind.

Grace Kendzior: Birds on Lights at Dawn

Haneen Abed Al Qader: Pumpkins

Anonymous: Sela Lara

Anonymous: Organic Shapes

Red flower on a red to orange gradient with grey swirls and glitter around it.

Anonymous: Untitled

Pink, blue, orange, and yellow drawing with the name "Fabian" in the center and a football above.

Fabian Vara: Untitled

Painting of a cherry blossom tree in a park. There is a bench on a grassy area.

Inci Qasimli: Cherry Blossoms at the Picnic

Santino Lentine: My Serious Smile

color scheme

Trevon Jones: Color Theory (pic 2)

boom box kitty

Anonymous: Boom Box Kitty

Jacob Campos: Recurating Nick Cave

Kimberly Osuji: Untitled

animal name

Hailey Rodden: Animal Grafitti Name


Ava Allen: Easter Breeze

Anonymous: Krishvi+Nishanth+1

Anonymous: Untitled

A drawing of a black and white face sits in front of a bouquet of flowers. There is an eye patch on the face in the drawing.

Natalia Rose Yepez: Eyes in the dark

Drawing is split into a grid of squares. Each one contains a different drawing, symbol, and background. There is a square with a taco, a square with the state farm logo, and more.

Jake Botensten: Jake Short

A snowman making a snow angel in a pool setting.

Anonymous: Tako the Snowman

Kevin Becerra: Untitled

Painting of a blue flower over a navy blue background.

Julissa Gomez: Untitled

Anonymous: Peaceful Japan

Anonymous: We All Scream For…

Giada Costello: Silly Selfie

Juniper Pingolt: Bird tea party

painted heart on a colorful background

Prayaan Ram: Heart full of love

Black and white drawing with long curly hair. She wears a tank top and has her arms crossed.

Paloma Turner: Untitled

on a island

Anonymous: Untitled

A digital piece of a person sitting at a table working on a laptop. The person's brain is filled with different images. There are 2 plants beside the table.

Anonymous: Untitled


Juliana: Untitled

Anonymous: Panther

Anonymous: Amethyst

two goldfish swimming, from above

Anonymous: Untitled

child's eye

Maridell Clair: Child’s eye


Jierre Grant: Mo Pigeon

Violet Sparks: Starry Night Two

Black ink print on colorful paint.

Alejandra Pareja: 6th Grade Print

Anonymous: Nail Fashion

Anonymous: Dog Puppet

Bodies drawn in Haring's style using color markers.

Anonymous: Haring Bodies in Motion

Small pieces of water color painting are turned into many colorful characters on the page.

Anonymous: Watercolor Characters

Anonymous: Street

Anonymous: Sunny Days and Play

Drawing of a suspension bridge entering into a mountain.

Saul Ambriz: Untitled

Anonymous: Rooster Mama

Jaiden Demus: Ocean Mystica

Ja’Niyah: Untitled Self Portrait

Mayerly Villalva: Untitled

Liliana Santos: Cardinal

Deonna Johnson: Untitled

Anonymous: Snow Family

Anonymous: Happy Pig

Drawing of a person with long hair, slanted eyes, and a big smile done. The person has a scar on their forehead.

Anonymous: Untitled

Spongebob's pineapple home is made out of green, yellow, and black washi tape.

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Calm

landscape of water and land in neon pink and black.

Anonymous: Pink Sky

Anonymous: Forms in Space

Mia Patino: Untitled

Alyra Neely: Happy Lady

Colorful "Viv"

Anonymous: Pop-Art by Viv

Digital illustration of a man.

Sara Martinez: Untitled Digital Image

Ryan Ebinger: Silly Soup & ABC

Drawing of an eye with ramen in the center with colorful lines in the background.

Azul Nunez Suarez: Ramen

Anonymous: Untitled

DiAngelo Rojas: Sonic Having Issues With Speed

Anonymous: Vast Possibilities

Bright colored shapes and characters overlap across the canvas. Many are blue or purple and each section is outlined in black.

Ronan Goto: Untitled

Ceramic face with painted colors.

Amia Wade: Textured Face

Anonymous: The Day and Night Tree

Adara Trivedi: Autumn Colors

Anonymous: This is a picture of ME!

Anonymous: Street Mountains

tree with blue leaves

Anonymous: Resting

Drawing with many squares of different objects. Squares in a diagnol line read "THI."

Thi Nguyen: Untitled

Anonymous: Calm

Drawing of a woman with wings crying.

Anonymous: Sink and Drop

JoJo Sherman: Silly Soup & ABC

Anonymous: Warm Cool Fish


Susie Kirkwood: THE SPHERE

Portrait of Annamae done with watercolor.

Anonymous: Annamae

Joseph Hagerty: Silly Soup & ABC

A colorful drawing of two children in a school hallway with doors in the background.

Anonymous: The First Day of School

Alim Mitchell: Ultimate Duel

Anonymous: Zipper Button

Sarai Garcia: Untitled


Timothy Lewis-Jordan: Masquerade

Anonymous: Just One Line

Brown buildings on a hillside overlooking water

Anonymous: Greece

Abstract painting.

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Line Study

Shadai Washington: Ice Cube

Anonymous: Keith Haring Project

Anonymous: Watching Blue’s Clues

food memory

Kayla Kuang: Untitled Food Memory 2016


Nara Zadok Litan: The big flower

Anonymous: Flower Necklace

black figures surrounding a person drawn in black and white

Anonymous: Candle Night

Thomas Brice: Fire Breathing Dragon

Anonymous: Charizard

vertical wavy lines of different colors

Helen Jackson: Rows

Circles, triangles, and squares colored in multiple colors

Anonymous: Shaped Freedom

Pastel drawing of kappa, a creature from Japanese folk tales.

Kurumi Koziarski: Kappa

Enisa Khan: Untitled

Keyon Garrett: My Good Artist

Ashley Berrelleza: Bunny Nightmare in Blues

painting of chameleon

Anonymous: Chameleon Colors

Anonymous: Under the Pepsi Moon

Joanna Rosales: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Diana Choloquinga and Angel Bautista: La expectativa de un pez 3D

Anonymous: Snow Queen

Anonymous: Spooky Self

Anonymous: Untitled

Foot with quote "out of a mountain of dispair there is a stone of hope" Martin Luther King Jr. B/w abstract illustrations around foot.

Anonymous: Stone of Hope

Patrick Brazel: Silly Soup & ABC

top view of 2 golden koi in blue water

Kateryna Hordieieva: Koi Pond

dentist offce

Hailey Rodden: Dream Dentist Office

Abstract piece with small drawings scattered across the paper including a heart and the word "emo."

Anonymous: Emotional Graffiti

Jacob Meilinger: Watercolor Characters

Realistic heart with purple flowers and leaves growing out of it.

Antara Warltier: Growth

Drawing of a rocket flying through planets and stars in outer space.

Scarlett Raypole: The Un-Estimated

Alexandra Serafin: Waves

Painting of a purple, orange, and blue sky with a bright yellow crescent moon. Under is a being flying through a green background.

Anonymous: Dreams, Fantasies, and Life


Zoe Price: Untitled


Hailey Rodden: Me

Painting of Rubeus Hagrid. He has long brown hair and a long brown beard. His face is painted in shades of pink.

Anonymous: Rubeus Hagrid

Drawing of a war done with crayon.

Kun Zhao: Stop The War

Emma Villalpando: Night and Day

Antionae Jackson: Landscape


Madeline Simpson: Skater Bag

Anonymous: Silly Soup & ABC

A red elmo toy is covered by a white, day of the dead head.

Kenya DeLeon: Elmo on Day of the Dead

Nivian Ellison : My Papa, the Welder

drawing of a blue waterfall and pine trees

Evelyn Martineau: Colorado Waterfall


Sean Cunningham: Untitled

Anonymous: VIDAS

Naomi Hernandez: Zebra

Paper is divided into many small shapes which are colored black or bright colors.

Anonymous: Freddy’s

Pencil study of half of a person's face.

Anonymous: Eyes of a Warrior

Roxana Perez: A Little Smile

Watercolor painting of a girl.

Anonymous: Surprise

Self portrait of Kimberly Quiahua done with crayon and color pencil.

Kimberly Quiahua: Self Portrait

Anonymous: The Mighty Thor

Grace O’Shea: Peace

Columns of watercolor shapes turned into characters. From left to right, columns of red circle characters, orange triangle characters, yellow triangle characters, green triangle characters, and blue circle characters.

Anonymous: Watercolor Characters

Riley McDonald: Untitled

colored pencil

Nivansi Ojha: Untitled

Ataveon Gabriel: Untitled

portrait of chadwick Boseman in black, on a red background

Anonymous: Chadwick Boseman

A succulent sits in a purple and pink pot on a brown surface in front of a coral background.

Anonymous: Untitled

Skeleton is drawing wearing a skirt. She stands in front of a blue background and has a monkey on her shoulder.

Julissa Villalba: Frida Power – I Can Buy Myself Flowers

Tess McGuane: Silly Soup & ABC

Anonymous: Space

Anonymous: Ready to Learn

Anonymous: Bill’s Rizzi City

A painting of 3 bananas on a red table.

Anonymous: Untitled


Kahlee Tomlin: Untitled

Green clay is molded to create two eyes, a nose, and a mouth with a tongue sticking out of it.

Anonymous: Facial Features

Black background. Person wearing a sideways baseball hat and a shirt with a face on it is outlined in white.

Anonymous: Self Portrait

soaring eagle

Siena Schnur: Soaring Eagle

interior space

Ronin Chow: Untitled Interior Space

Anonymous: Nature Doodle

Collage of a garden of a house by a beach.

Anonymous: Spring Beach

B/w Abstract shapes with eyes inside.

Anonymous: Eye Plants

 Alice Manipakorn: Zentangle on Watercolor

Painting of a cactus and a bird on a blue sky background with a sun, with the text MEXICO in front.

Valentina Vega: Untitled

Heart drawn with crayon and watercolor in Romero Britto's style.

Anonymous: Romero Britto Heart

Anonymous: Personal Map

Anonymous: Warm vs Cold

PLush animals in a pile

Anonymous: Plushies

weaving of multiple colors

Anonymous: A Beautiful Mess

Anonymous: Moxcina Eye of Midnight

Sculpture of a red mushroom with white spots.

Dutchess Holdens: Eyeless Mushroom Mask


Suri: Untitled

Grid style drawing with each square of the grid containing a different drawing. Many grids show two characters interacting with eachother in various ways.

Amy Le: Myself

pink face and green face in stars with white string making the star on top

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Warmth

boy in cubs shirt and hat on green and black background

Londyn Little: TH3 B0Y !N BLU3

Text "Love is Everywhere" with a heart in space.

Anonymous: Untitled

Ceramic smiling face painted with various colors.

My’Sonne White: Smile

Oliva Wilson: Spooky Self

Alondra Ramirez: Untitled

Jade Stone: Hi, It’s Me!

Iris Rivera: The tunnel


D’Shaunte Rowser: African Landscape #2

Anonymous: Self-Portrait


Makayla Morris: Untitled

Colorful portrait of half of a person's face.

Anonymous: Strength


Alejandro Rivera: Untitled

Drawing of a vampire and bats made with marker, pencil, and thin pen.

Loulou Sorenson-Cronk: Vampire

Melanie Boone: Greek Roman Figure

Snowman with northern lights drawn with chalk pastel.

Livia Adolfo: Snowman at Night

Anonymous: Partial 3D

embroidered green circle with "the little prince" embroidered.

Anonymous: Untitled

Amber Green: A Plant’s Love

Abstract marker drawing. Page is split into geometric sections which are each colored in vibrant hues.

Anonymous: Self

Anonymous: All Dogs Go To Heaven


Ava Scott: Untitled


Ellen Wallace: Comet the Cat

Anonymous: House

Veda Mathur: A Unicorn by a Pond

Grid drawing with each square showing a different image drawn including a frappecino and the BRATZ doll logo.

Aya Mansouri: Aya’s Life in Art

Yolanda Perez and Evelyn Aguilar: Imaginary Fish

Anonymous: Dog Puppet

Anonymous: Mixed: A Colorful Story

Isabella Boehm: Bella3

Watercolor study of various colors.

Vianney Torres: Colors

Abstract colorful shapes on black background

Anonymous: Focus

Asiya Mohamed Yasin: Winter Portrait

A cartoon-like face with big eyes

Anonymous: Grumpy Guy


Sariah Reyes: Untitled

black building silhouetted against a blue night sky

Anonymous: Blue Temple


Chloe: Untitled

Painting of a person with various symbols around them.

Anonymous: My Weirdness

Mixed media piece with various materials to create a dinosaur on a colored background.

Anonymous: Grrrr!

Vinny LaPalermo: Watercolor Characters

Vivienne Golden: The Sunset on Tuesday

Drawing over a pink and orange backgrounds with many separate drawing pieces including headphones, boba tea, and a volleyball.

Julianne Ramos: Self Identity Project

Anonymous: Tree of Life

Foreshortening study done in pencil sketch.

Anonymous: Foreshortening Sketch

Colored drawing of creatures and characters.

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Hamster Wheel

person's face outlined in red with arrows and writing all around

Anonymous: Standards

Shamond Butler: June

Desmond Stephens: Mae Jemison Pop Art Portrait

Alejandro Valadez: Spooky Self

Self portrait with colorful background.

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

anime stuff

Kahlee Tomlin: Untitled

Emily Ochoa: Untitled

Ceramic sculpture of cinnamon swirls.

Anonymous: Cinnamon Swirls

Maeve Murnane: Silly Soup & ABC

Anonymous: Rocketship

Drawing of a haunted locker room done with graphite pencil on paper.

Jeyson Martinez: HE’S WATCHING

Heaven Kendrick: Meow House

April Espino: What May Be Dead Is Alive

Nicole Mulia- flower

Nicole Mulla: Flower


Devin Ocasio: Untitled

Drawing of a brain surrounded by thoughts, drawn with pencil and marker.

Mind: Irene Romero

Parker Lu: Chinese Zodiac


Yaroslav Holub: Apple

Circles made with colorful watercolors are turned into characters with eyes. The circles are all over the page and overlap.

Anonymous: Watercolor Characters

Drawing of a forest and bubbles with trees in them floating away.

Anonymous: Forest

black and white drawing of lines converging in the middle

Anonymous: Optical Illusion

Anonymous: In the Shadows

Eva Cortes: Like a Dream

Pencil drawing of pioneer village with homes in the backgorund and people trading in the foreground.

Sasha Preuss: Historic Jamestown

Red and white lighthouse looking over blue ocean

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: The Siren

Anonymous: Ronaldo Headbutts the Ball Into the Goal


Sophia Ruiz-Magdaleno: Untitled

Anonymous: Alebrijes

Pencil drawing of a rat in a cowboy hat with a bandanna tied around its neck.

Joselyn Ramirez: Untitled

Anonymous: Hamburger and Fries

Anonymous: Heart x Lonely Broken

Snowy scene of a red bird on a barren brown tree branch.

Anonymous: Sitting Bird in the Snow

Lucas Mora: Rainbow Lines

Anonymous: Superhero

Collage of rainbow colors makes a unicorn. On the rest of the page, pieces of blue and green construction paper are layered.

Anonymous: Unicorn Paper Collage

eye of the tiger

Cathy Rodriguez: Eye of the Tiger

Self portrait done in Picasso's style.

Anonymous: Picasso Self Portrait

Multiple self portraits on colorful backgrounds.

Anonymous: The Me’s

Painting of trees with bright orange trees lined up over a night sky.

Rowan Raypole: Fall Night

Shelf with colorful trees and decorations to represent forests.

Adriel Aguilar: Untitled

abstract painting with red and black shapes

Anonymous: Rage


Anja Jongsma: Untitled

two purple and teal corgis looking at a swirling blue sky.

Jeremy Sanchez: Van Gogh Corgis

Anonymous: Winter Blue

Anonymous: Purple Calm

Nia-Skyy Taylor: RISE & SHINE

Kai Fallon Berg: Tusken Raider

Anonymous: My Beach

Drawing of the Eiffel tower in Paris with a colorful sky.

Anonymous: Paris Background

scratch art

Jillian Coleman: Untitled

Anonymous: Dove 4 the people

Anonymous: Robo

Drawing of an anime character wearing green. Something white is projecting from his eyes.

Anonymous: Untitled

Several koi in a pond of swirling pastel colors

Julian Vallejo: Goldfish

Angelique Umutesi: Scare Crow

Painting of many people shaped figures overlapped over each other. Some are pink, yellow, or blue.

Aliah De La O: Untitled

Taniyah Bell: Black and White Bowties

A young woman wearing a grey hoodie and white glasses is illustrated in front of a brown background with white polka dots. She wears a blue badge on her sweater.

Anonymous: Community Superhero

Anonymous: Community Superhero

Anonymous: Me and My Shadow

Mac Tue: Mac+Tue+2

Anonymous: There Was An Old Monster

black and white drawing of light house and sail boat

Luke Berana: Acadia National Park

Anonymous: You Can’t Hide

Nohemi Lopez-Moran: Untitled


Shree Rege: Untitled

Anonymous: Surrealism

Jillian Warner: Untitled

Colorful collage with different cut out elements and images.

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Henry Sparks: Pink

Morgan Weathers: An Interesting Place

Colorful hotel in a setting with trees and a sky.

Anonymous: Paisaje con el Hotel

Anonymous: Fox

Sophie Dillon: Spooky Self

Anonymous: White House


David Alvarez-Olmos: The Cheetah #5


JayVon Jones: The Legacy Jaguar

Geoffrey Stoddart: Northern Lights

Ana Rodriguez: Barbie Does Not Understand My Culture

"Ronnie" in big, colorful letters on an abstract background

Anonymous: Ronnie Pop

Damion Black: Me

Malcolm Walker & Jazmariyah Dowd: Untitled

mountains in red and pink under a pink night sky

Anonymous: Red Mountain

Page is split into squares through black lines that make rows and columns. There is a green clover painted in the middle of the page and other colors surround it.

Anonymous: Stained Glass Four Leaf Clover

Ceramic face painted with red and black.

Alyssa Alvarez: Untitled

colorful concentric circles

Kensington Glover: Delightful Circles

Fernando Rios Carmona: Untitled


Jarem Ortega: Untitled

Anonymous: Card Player

Shaelan Wallace: My First Friends

Anonymous: Monster

Anonymous: Duck

Black paper on white paper creating space through curves.

Anonymous: Kitty

Colorful flowers on a blue background.

Anonymous: Kandinsky Flowers

Katherine Angeli Villena: A Tower on Neon Planet

A house created with colorful paint and craft stick with a blue sky background.

Anonymous: Casa de Formas

Pumpkin drawn with markers in Kusama's style.

Anonymous: Kusama Pumpkin

Anonymous: Community Superhero

London Wedston: People Reflected in Water

Anonymous: Dark Castles

Green clay is used to make an eye. There is a ball in the center and strips of green make the eyelashes. Underneath is an outline of a nose.

Anonymous: Eye See

One point perspective of a city street.

Lelany Rayas: Untitled 1-Point Perspective Drawing

Keira Devaney: Fruit Bowl

Akeelah: Untitled Self Portait

Anonymous: Knowledge to the Stars

Dongyu Bao: Rabbit Lantern

Amethyst Davis: 4 Aesthetics


Clemente Carrillo: Untitled

Paper is put together to shape a rocket and colored different colors.

Anonymous: Rocket

buildings of triangles and squares with a sun in the upper right corner

Darren Washington:Chicago

patterns and colors

Max Bell: Color Theory

Woven piece created with cotton yarn.

Shanelly Ridley: Weaving

My’joi Robinson: Untitled

Anonymous: Circle Prints

Oil pastel drawing of a blue stuffed rabbit. It has been stitched together with black thread and looks slightly devilish.

Ashley Berrelleza: Bunny Nightmare in Blues

Leaf with many colors around it.

Anonymous: Hoja de los Colores


Dilyn: Untitled

Hilde Shapiro Braddy: Hamantashen for Purim

Person wearing headphones with abstract backgrounds with red, black, yellow, and glitter.

Eliana Huertas: Thoughts

Anonymous: Tennyson+Lovis+1

Odin Esparza: Watercolor Characters

A child in a blue coat screams in a snow storm.

Anonymous: Too Much Snow

A graphite self portrait.

Anonymous: Self Portrait

Dylan Terrazas: Untitled

Abstract painting with many colors and shapes.

Ella Wright: Paint My Mind

Sawyer Elkhatib: Zentangle Tree


Rafael: Untitled

Boats painted in Monet's style with watercolor and oil pastel.

Anonymous: Monet Boats

Orange and pink shopping bags with symbols on them on a grey background.

Anonymous: Ayana’s Identity

Half of a butterfly with yellow and green wings on a pink background

Harper Sims: Cute Butterfly

Anonymous: Smile Street

Figures floating on a watercolor pastel background.

Anonymous: Move
