Teacher Name: Sharon Finley
Grade: Senior

Dimensions: 9” × 9.5″

Artist Statement: In my artwork, I focus on mental health and how we are all human. I wanted to show people that we deal with the same curious mindset, mental illness and emotional feelings. I made my work to give people an example of a feeling so they understand that they are not alone in any way, someone is there to understand. The artwork I created were made when I currently was feeling the emotions that are demonstrated in the art piece. My preference of art is about being anxious, my anxiety, my anger or being forsaken, most of my mental health is involve also my curious mindset of gore related things. The main thing that inspired me was the fact that I never seen gore or vent art out there, as in a teenagers perspective. Something that I’m aware that all teens deal with. My artistic process was all over the place, I tried different styles into my liking, I didn’t like anything too basic or anything too overly complicated. I always tried to challenge myself and try to draw things I didn’t normally draw like different perspectives, more color, or even different media. My main materials be on paper with pencil, fine line pens and markers, I will sometimes mix in with color pencils. I’ve tried many other media of materials but that was up to my liking. I enjoyed using those materials because I knew I had control using a pencil like figure. Something that I started to getting used to as a kid, to an adult. My art means a lot to me. It’s a way to release whatever I have bottled in and sharing it to the world because I know that so many people are going through the same thing that I am experiencing at this very moment. I would love show my personal experience to the world on how you aren’t alone.
