A student sitting atop a gigantic pile of textbooks and notebooks, reading a book that obscures their face

Bailey Harris: School Work

Drawing of person's head with red hatching on yellow paper

Edana Lynch: Woman in Red

Charcoal drawing of person with bun and flowered headband.

Mia Alvarez: Untitled

Black and white sketch of ankle length dress with short sleeves and a geometric design.

Miguel Villafuerte: Spirit

Bright warm light spilling out the window of a house into a dark blue night

Genecis Gomez: Untitled

A black-and-white photo of a light shining amidst an overgrowth of houseplants, next to a window facing an opposite apartment building.

Anonymous: Hidden Growth

A dress made of plastic bags, recycled masks and other detritus, on a mannequin and an image of a person wearing the dress.

Maxwell Silverman: Trash Dress

Two photos side by side, each has a large black heeled-shoe with polka dot socks made of paper mache displayed on a wood shelf. Left shoe has a banana sitting on the top of the ankle; right shoe has a small figurine on top. On wall behind shoes are images, photos and small drawings.

Daniela Loza: Trophy hunting

A close-up illustration of a face with blue eyes and hair, freckles, and highlighted rosy cheeks.

Sunshine Solin: Rose

Abstract drawing of lines and shapes in bright colors

Jason Acevedo Jr.: Untitled

Daniela Salgado: (Don’t) Leave Me Alone

View from above of two people in a canoe at night with fog

Trinity Mayfield: Open Waters

Photo of two people with long hair. Photo is blurred, and the images of the two bodies are layered on top each other. Background against a light purple wall.

Esperanza Rivera: Mama and me at 11.57.14 PM

Triptych portraits of two people and a teddybear.

Angelina Cofer: In the matter of Erica Deeman

Photograph of downtown Chicago, featuring fog over the tops of buildings and a prominent, blurred "L" train rushing by in the foreground.

Isabelle Snyder: Rushed

Embroidery of a doorway with tree, reflected vertically on quilt.

Lynn Tran: The Colors of Emotions

Cubist painting of a face in blues, purples and silver with mask and earrings; eyes and mouth rotated.

Khushi Chaudhary: Lapis earrings

person with knife staring birthday cake with lit candles.

Anonymous: Happy 18th Birthday (set 1)

Photograph of water running into a glass from a sink. There is out of focus black and white floral wallpaper in the background.

Disha Patel: Importance

Face in shadow, surrounded by blue flowers

Veronica Kozak: I feel blue

Painting of skull with horns on gray cloth to the left of a yellow flower.

Sophia Petrosino: Skulls are Forever

Photograph: in focus is a green toy truck on a road. In the background is a brick apartment building. Perspective is manipulated to give illusion the toy car is actually to scale of a real car.

Anonymous: Unavailable Parking Space

Charlesa Thompson: Parallel Opposites

Close-up image of a leaf and its reflection arched above it.

Huda Darbo: The Complexity of Nature.

Manga style drawing with a three-part sequence. Above a figure prepares a breath weapon, then a blast shoots out a large distance, and below smoke from the blast starts to clear.

Malachi Lynch: Halo Phoenix flare

Lyrics from Juan Gabriel stitched and drawn on canvas with a rainbow Pride flag in the lower right corner.

Lesli S Vargas: Pero Que Necesidad

Painting of a cow's face

Phia Morris: Convulsion

Painting of person laying face down with their right palm up in a pile of white, blue, and gray sheets.

Elijah Roberson: Dreaming for me is a dream for others

Photographic collage of a surreal scene, with two hands reaching out from a body of water flooding the mountains and the trees. The hands reach towards a window to another planet.

Desirae Brooks: Surrealism Collage

Photograph of a house darkened by the night sky with a warm light in the window. The picture is framed by foliage in the foreground.

Genecis Gomez: Untitled

Portrait of someone in a red hoodie sketching while seated in front of some drapery and string lights.

Miel Reyes: The Artist in The Art

Rows of painted red poppy flowers painted on a white background.

Anonymous: September 26, 2014

Abstract red and blue print

Estefania Pena: Worthpoint

Embroidery of the word "Empowered" on a pink background.

Lia Andrikopoulos: Empowered

Abstracted futuristic cityscape.

Anonymous: Travelposter

Close-up photo of fake nails painted pink with gem and moon patterns

Oluwatooke Elusanmi: Rachet, Ghetto, Beautiful (pt 2)

An Aseprite Animation

Donald Richard: Thundercat

Photo from below of neon sign reading "RAINBOW ROOM" with each letter in different colors; sign is reflected in promotional poster for film screening

Angelica Arriaga: Over the Rainbow

Painting of green and purple leaves.

Mahdi Yousef Muhamad: Green Blossom

Sonogram of a teenage figure as if still in the womb.

Christina Johnson: The Rebirth

Collage of Moroccan scenery like billboards and buildings in purple and pink hues with the text "Morocco" superimposed across the right side

Esme Huynh: Morocco’s Colors

black letters on a cream background

Ella Chambers: Remember

Two people sitting on the ground and leaning against a couch in a domestic space. Person on the left is wearing a white dress and person on the right is wearing black pants and a blue and white stripped shirt. There are teapots, teacups, oranges, candles, and a board game on the floor.

Francesca Neibel-Spruill: Spying on the Doubling Cube

Foil lit with purple and blue light. A hole in the foil has eyes peering out.

Amirah Ibrahim: Some may say I’m different

Painting with bottom 2/3rds a deep red and top in hues of blue and grey. What resembles the back of a head with long, dark hair rises up at the red horizon line and spills out onto the red.

Jordan Brown: see of red

Watercolor painting of 3 rectangles, left most shows partially showing a cup of blue liquid, bottom right shows purple grapes, and top right shows part of a tea bag.

Elijah Roberson: The things I love

Shadowy view of someone's feet stepping into a sliver of light on a public street.

Nathan Chan: Midstep

Skeleton like sculpture in a green box, screaming.

Cynthia Rivera: I’m the monster

Feline humanoid gazing into the distance at sunset.

Alessandra Montero: Sunset

Photograph of a rusted red metal door set into faceless concrete walls, partially obscured by bare branches and reeds.

Matthew Balber: What Lies Beyond

Natural colored canvas over the shoulder totebag with embroidery of person holding a jar on a blue background. Interior had "I'm adorable" painted in blue.

Gracey Niedzielak: I’m Adorable

Many wide-legged blue pants on a hanger, running on a yellow background.

Sara Lin: Pants!

Drawing of a t-shirt. Front depicting a doctor holding money outside a hospital while a potential patient calls for help out of frame. The back shows this patient in a red hoodie under a rain cloud asking for help and looking at a huge hospital bill.

Lizbeth Botello: Calling out America!

A face with long hair in a variety of bright colors, holding their cheeks with their hands as though in shock.

Amy Jasso: Thinking.

Painting of three people standing side to side in dresses.

Katia Gomez: Unidad

Chalk drawing of Breonna Taylor in a red sweater with blue background

Bailey Harris: Breonna Taylor

Interior view of Wrigley Field looking towards the bleachers and scoreboard

Victoria Greco: Bleacher Bums

Black, white, and red print of organic shapes with voids througout.

Laszlo Katona: Petri dish print #1 “multiplicities of fungus”

Painting of three figures on a grey steel bridge; two in the distance and one in the foreground, facing off against each other. A grey cityscape is seen far in the distance.

Conner Schmieg: Liberation

Portrait of person with dark, shoulder length hair wearing glasses

Victoria Mak: “Cheese”

Painting of strawberries with white mold

Fiona Lyons-Carlson: Molding Strawberries

Painting of George Stinney in a yellow shirt on a red, patterned bandana with folds and creases

Tyshaun Zollicoffer: Portrait Of George Stinney

Animation of person in purple top and yellow shoes turning and opening an umbrella.

Kiara Fufunan: rituals

Painting of a person smashing their face with their hands.

Mya Corral: Blink

Two photos of grayscale sides of buildings, framed with blue tiles in an abstract pattern linked between the two.

Kate Gallagher: Window to the City

Landscape scene of sunset, mountains, flowers and butterflies made with cut out shapes from construction paper and cardboard.

Karina Flores: My Dream Window

Spoon stirring cup of coffee

Christine Meinders: Sunday Kind of Coffee

Abstract sculpture featuring black spiral pattern, eyeball-shaped spheres with black dots and loops of green material tangled on top

Haneefat Amin: Untitled

Painting of upside-down figure with blue hair, white masquerade mask and red shapes above

Autumn Jackson: Can you hear my voice

winking snowman drinking hot chocolate

Anna Fedczuk: A Little Too Warm

Photo of a stone cherub opening a stone book with a light glowing from the center of the book, in front of a backdrop of fog.

David Toledo: Eyes That See All

A person looking at a snow glob on a table. A snowman and tree is in the snow globe.

Samantha Franco: Snow globe memory

Drawing of two hands hovering over a monarch butterfly with the words "a Inmigración" written below.

Nathalia Vazquez: La Inmigración

Abstract sculpture with white plaster base, rising up with wire, colorful plastic beads, ribbon and paper.

Annabel Multer: imagined paradise

Pink felt toy doll photographed with graphic design of doll.

Xenia Espinosa: Angelina Plushie

Person with face pressed against plastic, hand out, eyes closed, mouth open. Black and white photograph.


Drawing: large purple figure sits center on pink and yellow tiled floor. Pink and green plants grow from their head. A slightly open door is on the right of the drawing.

Daniela Loza: No smile No sorrow

Black and white animation. Flashing scenes of a figure in hat chasing a bunny.


Photo of a figure standing in a garden under a trellis, in a purple dress, raking leaves.

Frances Depke: Dressed for the occasion

Painting of a nude Black person with braided hair framed by leaves, colorful eyes, a large beetle and abstract shapes.

Oluwatooke Elusanmi: Regenesis

Digital drawing of brightly colored birds on a brown background. Three rows, each with four birds in flight, fill the page.

Owen Sims: The Progression Collage

Person in sweater on a charter bus reading a book with her feet up on the seat in front of her.

Victoria Mak: Molt

Portrait of person's face, their hand raised to chin, wearing a red flower in their hair, with yellow and pink flowers in front on a green background

Jasari Quince: Floral Essence

Painting of a giant snake coiled around a wood branch. The head is not visible, the top of it's body is green, the middle different shades of brown and the bottom grey. The tail is just the skeleton.

Elizabeth Curry: Dissection

An Aseprite Animation

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Everything Stays

Black and white drawing of a face with dark hair and eyes. A color version of the face is reflected on the bottom half of the drawing.

Ashley Barrios: Mask

Two figures, one red and one blue, with deep shadows paused in action while facing the viewer.

Zoë Gordon: The Elements of Purple

Large nude figure seated, drawn in yellow and green hues. Wearing a battle helmet, holding a spear in their right hand and a head of a person with their left arm. Other smaller figures are battling on horses at figure's feet.

Stev Simpson: Misfits Gambit

Embroidery of 4 computer windows, 3 with landscapes and 1 that reads "Error! Art Not Found."

Jade Bradley: Error!

Acrylic painting of clown with blue-painted eyes and a red hat among trees. Atop the painting, a bleeding heart sits with fake blood pooling on the painting's surface

Heidi L Wier: JWG

An Aseprite Animation

Eliya Torres: Oyasumi

Two-panel comic inset in a circle; first panel depicts neighbors waving to each other across a courtyard; second panel depicts one person in bed at night texting their neighbor about hosting a dinner party

Schantelle Alonzo: Can’t Wait

Dramatically lit still life of flowers and a mask.

Madison Grant: Windows to the soul

2 portraits, one in blue felt, one in purple felt.

Alyssa Argent: They Felt

Monochromatic orange photograph at a dramatic angle mainly of the subject's jawline and right ear.

Karen Hernandez: Untitled

Underwater view of a violinist reaching farther into the depths for a violin, with sheet music scattering in the water.

Nicholas Thomas: Sea of Music

Graphic design for Perla's Postres. Logo with ice cream treat and drink; and pink food truck shown from all four sides.

Perla Reynoso: Perla’s Postres Logo and Food Truck

Digital drawing of a person fully clothed in blue pants and a green teeshirt, surfing on the water. A bright sunset of yellow and pink hues and a giant blue outline of an upside-down triangle is in the background.

Henry De Luca: Elements – Tabitha

Painted sequence of 4 creatures, becoming larger and more monstrous from left to right. Gaping teeth, multiple eyes and a gaunt look, with a deep red background.

Veronica Timble: The Slow-Burn Evolution of a Twisted Psyche

Photograph of a person painting. They wear a red, white and grey stripped polo shirt. They hold a paint palette in their left hand and a paint brush in their right up to the canvas. The painting is of a street scene.

Vicky Plange: Village of Strokes

Four armed figure in grand attire stood against a radial backdrop.

Anonymous: Aeonian

A seven-panel vertical comic strip depicting a mother and child bringing laundry to a laundromat

Schantelle Alonzo: Laundry Day Snippet

Body behind a purple curtain – can only see the legs and left arm. A piano is to their left.

Isaac Perez: Temptation & Desperation

Person raising a print up that matches the print on their shirt, and using the artwork to obscure their face.

Idris Castillo: Untitled

Photograph of person standing with back turned to camera, wearing a shawl made by artist

Aniyah Harris: Yusef’s shawl

Four trains cross over and under each each-other, glowing with neon light. Three of the trains seem to float midair.

Roderick Elston: Green Line 2077

Drawing of a public building with silhouetted figures against an orange cityscape background.

Mario Saucedo Jr.: Public Building

Pink, green and blue painted paper napkins. Glued and collaged together.

Lizbeth Tafolla: Cannot Merge

Photograph of a baby's face. They are looking directly into the camera and holding a leaf to their mouth.

Anonymous: Mayaboti

Water marbled painting of a red rose curling into a slight spiral.

Asma Awass: Rose On Ice

Digital illustration of a skyscraper outlined in white on a black background

Carlos Garcia Jr.: Breathe In and Out

Painting of Latinx street vendor selling chicharrones

Mya Corral: Elotera

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