photograph neon lights dark

Skye Mueller: Psychedelic Hanging

photo of magnifying glass on wood table

Yesenia G: Magnifying Glass

Watercolor painting of a house with the sunset reflecting from the windows

Samantha Berger: His Life’s Work

Painting of a dog.

Paige Meegan: Daisy

digital image of the side profile of a person with green stars on shirt

John Eichten: Stars Aglow

Large magenta tulips overhanging a small crayon-doodle image of the same flower

Olivia Kluska: Projections

A person drawn 3 times. One is facing forward holding an art tool. Another one is facing the right side holding an Ipad and stylus. The last one is facing the right side holding another art tool.

Anonymous: 150 Hours

A color scheme green and blue painting of an exterior door with glass in the shape of a semicircle.

Anonymous: Color Scheme Painting

Digital image of a water drop surrounded by greenery

Anonymous: Undisturbed

metalwork flowers

Nicole Ramos Rodriguez: Tribloom

Mixed media collage of different parts of greek statue

Sadie M: Aphrodite

Tall figure curing with city.

Katie Kaukialo: Solitude Creates Peace of Mind

Anonymous: Reclaiming

Digital drawing of girl's head

Simone McKenzie: Brunette3

Anonymous: Creativity

Jonathan Walker-Moses: Hanging Lanterns

A still life created with chalk on paper. A white sea shell is drawn on the bottom right corner with a small bird standing on top of it. There is green and gray fabric behind.

Anonymous: Untitled

A photo taken from a dark environment indoors, showing the silhouettes of a line of people against a window that gives a view to trees outside.

Eliana Frost: Birds on a Wire

A person with long hair looks down at the screen of their camera hanging around their neck

Anonymous: Untitled

A photograph of the inside of a building looking down from a top floor

Anonymous: Water Tower

Areli Garcia: Fished Out

Blue masked with hands opening up the eyes.

Camille Daley: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a person sitting in a chair with rabbits around them

Grecia Lopez-Macias: Cuentos de Conejos: Rabbit Tales

Close up photo of an orchid

Julia Stuenkel: Ghost Orchid

Watercolor and pencil art depicting headphones, cup and other personal items

Yumalahi C: Highschool essential

A seven-panel vertical comic strip depicting a mother and child bringing laundry to a laundromat

Schantelle Alonzo: Laundry Day Snippet

Photograph of a person with a white hat next to a white line drawing

Holly Murphy: Self Reflection

Digital Artwork of woman holding a candle

Vivian S: Growth

photograph leave concrete ground

Sam Frank: Untitled

Photograph of a set of brown eyes.

Anonymous: Pretty Brown Eyes

Photo of person in winter gear with a red hat, scarf, & glovesdrawing on the rear window of a car with marker

Sydney Curran: For my Safety

Chalk art on cement of an earth that is half blue and half brown

Angie Wyrwas: The Future

Dark figure with grey background.

Anonymous: Untitled

women in front of green eyes

Elizabeth Lenczowski: Brown Eyes, Green Eyes

Photograph of a dark figure in front of a yellow glowing halo surrounding their head.

Sinead Bunting: Halo

Photograph of what appears to be two men in masks. One holds the other across the shoulder and white flowers pass over both of them.

Nicholas Lalowski: Satori’s Dullness

Portrait illustration of a figure surrounded by red curving lines and eyes.

Zoë Gordon: Pretium

A photo of a person sitting on pavement with wire curved around the side of their body.

Anonymous: Untitled

Oil pastel drawing of 3 figures in blue, green and pink. There is tulip flower on top of the blue figure.

Anonymous: But Which One is You?Aneliz Cuji:

A photo of a side of a house with a forest background.

Aaron Bacon: Untitled

Cats shown inside of the windows of a rocket in space, with planets and stars in the distance.

Amy Diamond: Extra-fur-estrial

Series of photos of famous women with their famous quotes.

Erin Brunell: What She Needed To Hear

Painting of a beach.

Paige Meegan: Daytona Beach

Photo of an alley behind houses at night. A light illuminates a ghostly figure in a white sheet.

Anonymous: Empty End

metalwork heart barbed wire cross

Sandy Garcia: Untitled

Black and white ink drawing

Anya Tvrtkovic : Untitled

A colorful digital illustration with organic shapes and patterns. In the center of the piece is a person walking with a lavender top and yellow pants.

Anonymous: Ink Explosion

Close-up photo of fake nails painted pink with gem and moon patterns

Oluwatooke Elusanmi: Rachet, Ghetto, Beautiful (pt 2)

photography chicago city sunset

Jane Kim: The Walk Home

Camille Daley: Ghosting

Mixed media collage with silhouette of two people holding hands walking to the right

Chloe M: Polyscape Project

queen of hearts slay

Ava Ortiz: OTHER

Erin Brunell: didn’t know who to be

photograph city aerial people

Myah Shakom: Untitled

An image of a sail boat on lake Michigan

Anonymous: Sailing

A skull that is screaming.

Anonymous: Screaming Skull

Oluwatooke Elusanmi: Mother

A round metal with mountains, trees and a bear.

Niamh Hughes: Chasing the Peaks

Leaves in forefront of playground

Andres Lino: See Through

initials metalwork copper. letters

Skylar Martin: Initials

A digital piece of a woman standing in water with her eyes closed and hair flowing upwards.

Anonymous: Lifted

black and white high contrast photo of side of persons face backlit by large ring light

Samuel J: Silhouette

blue painting of a teapot

Jaclyn Manning: Teapot Blue

Painting of blue girl with blond hair and a hole in her chest

Olivia Kluska: Lost Potential

Digital drawing, abstract with yellow, purple and red

Marius Pescador: Until We Reach the Light

Digital art with sharp straight lines featuring buildings and CTA train

Landra R: Lightlines Cityscape

Photoshopped photo of a portrait of boy, glitched filter.

Stella Carroll: Split Up

A digital painting of a woman with drawn hearts beneath her eyes. The woman is looking towards the viewer.

Anonymous: The Girl With the Little Crown

A metal necklace with a round shape

Anonymous: Parzenica Necklace

Nightime photo of the Esquire Motel on Elston Avenue on the Northwest side of Chicago

Arianna Telles: Agony at the Esquire

Chalk drawing of Breonna Taylor in a red sweater with blue background

Bailey Harris: Breonna Taylor

Photograph of downtown Chicago, featuring fog over the tops of buildings and a prominent, blurred "L" train rushing by in the foreground.

Isabelle Snyder: Rushed

Digital illustrations on a photograph of a bridge over the Chicago river.

Anonymous: Alien Invasion 2020

Painting of silver piggy banks.

Jemma Wygodny: Pigs

digital photograph of blue orange and yellow sunset with person and lighthouse in the foreground

Maddsen F: Discovery

Jaylene Caneda: Cruisin’ Kuma

Anonymous: Compadres

Digitally manipulated image of church

Adele Weiss: Barcelona Beauty

photograph silver medal

Lilia Calka: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Photograph of man in traditional jewish dress lighting candle

Ari A: Jewish Identity

Digital artwork. A wood and rope ladder rises from desert sand up to a blue three dimensional square floating in a black sky.

Isabel Pamatian: Haven

Digital artwork collage of buildings a large rubber duck and other overlapping images

Anonymous: Time Collision

A dress made of plastic bags, recycled masks and other detritus, on a mannequin and an image of a person wearing the dress.

Maxwell Silverman: Trash Dress

Anonymous: Untitled

Person on their phone on the toilet with a scale, hair tie, towel, and hairbrush on the floor

Karina Vargas: Bathroom Break

Portrait of woman in black dress with brown hair looking over her shoulder.

Asha Westrope Pellot: Portrait of Diana

Picture of a black metal heart shaped choker.

Jack Kenney: CHOKER

A colorful drawing of a brain with a lot of different characters on top of it

Isaac Danielson: Only One

Areli Garcia: Cerberus

Cabinet with representations of different rooms inside

Macy O’Donnell: Rooms

Groups of birds huddled together in a cage, one bird in the center is missing feathers

Molly Fitzgerald: Crowded

Anonymous: Nawaal Artwork

Kaleigh Cordero: The World Passes By

A black print of a skeleton with a tree in the background

Anonymous: Untitled

Photograph of orange hued rock formations.

Matthew Balber: Rockslide

painting of a blue teapot

Jaclyn Manning: Teapot Blues

Photograph of reflection showing clouds buildings and poles

Jovial R: Self Reflection

Digital drawing of man with no facial features and the text "her"

Mirza Mehmedagic: her

Lake Michigan at shore with Planetarium

Anonymous: Lake Michigan

A yellow, blue, green and black linocut reduction print of a pair of glasses. Inside the glasses view is an Addison street sign and a teddy bear. There is a sun in the background corner and eyes that are open and shut.

Sharon Oladapo: Untitled

Erin Brunell: red

Wide, symmetrical view of a room in the Chicago Cultural Center, with a photographer in the center on the ground facing up, taking a photo.

Nicolo Valentino: A Green Aura

Mixed media sculpture of hand pulling blue haired doll out of other page

Alexandra K: Escape Her

photograph closely cropped of rusty chains

Isabelle Garcia: Weathered Links

Photograph of a person waving into a puddle reflection

Liv Greenfield: Reaching Out

Illustration of cats as humans riding the train.

Schantelle K Alonzo: Untitled

Alyssa A: Self Portrait

Digital drawing of two women jumping into a pool

Anonymous: Taking the Plunge

Copper colored bracelet and rings that resemble a tree branch

Seamus Moore: Tree Ring/Bracelet

Illustration of a small person wearing a backpack

Ava Ortiz: Other

Many black and white ink drawings of various subjects overlay each other.

Mayrav Bader: Inktober 2022

Black and white photograph of a CTA train cart with a man's reflection in the window.

Carlos Carretero: Untitled

Photograph of trees on edge of ocean

Ethan Longman: The precipice

Painting of moon setting over the ocean

Anonymous: Luna

Zoe Haritos: A Photo Memory

Red based digital artwork of person pointing weapon at large monster with flames in background

Mia U: Adelita

Photograph of an amusement park surrounded by palm trees.

Ella Sharba: Palm Palette

Photo of wooden fence with hanging flowers.

Sydney Curran: Sukkah

Digital drawing of a girl at her desk facing a turquoise wall

Grace Rodriguez: One of those days

Drawings of cartoonish people on a grey background

Schantelle K Alonzo: Untitled

a fisheye view of the viewer looking down on a remote in the middle of a large city with skyscrapers

Emily Valova: Untitled

Painting of a woman in a dark, brown shaded room. She sits at a table in front of a large window.

Sharon Oladapo: “Automat” By Edward Hopper

Blue light with orange background

Nicolo Valentino: Half and Half

Anonymous: Maeve Day

A rounded oval clay piece with a white angel.

Anonymous: Untitled

Painting of a calm landscape

Daria Williams: Tranquil Oasis

Paintings on various cut canvases that depict peoples' faces alike to ones they make in mirrors.

Jemma Wygodny: Mirrors

One point of perspective of a street from the point of view as a driver. The sky is a dark blue and the streetlights are illuminating a wet street

Asha Westrope Pellot: Blue Dawn

Abstract close up photograph showing layers of circles

Holly Murphy: Frozen in Time

Anonymous: Untitled 1

Multicolored print depicting various shapes in red green blue and yellow layered colors.

Victoria A: Visobelo

A black and white portrait of Anthony Bourdain

Maia Palomar: Parts Unknown

Mixed media art of framed portrait of red and orange toned person surrounded by flowers

Andrew B: Celebration of Life

Collage with road, sea, and seaside, with lamps in the water.

Kai Niederpruem: The Journey Home

Anna Jackson: macaw parrot

Photograph of a country road

Anonymous: Country Road

A student sitting atop a gigantic pile of textbooks and notebooks, reading a book that obscures their face

Bailey Harris: School Work

A photo of close up chains. In the background, there is a blurry empty grass field.

Anonymous: Untitled

Close up on a stuffed bear with a child holding it. In a lovely embrace, a pair of adult hands wrap around the childs hands

Dorothy Mason: Untitled

Gif of person laying on a bed screaming AAAHHHH

Olivia Kluska: Constant Pain

Anonymous: Urban Chaos

Silhouette of a cat with a body made up of yellow words

Anonymous: Kitty Cat

Forest with fire

Lucia Urbaszewski: Burning Forest

A drawing of a tree with a blue background and grass

Anonymous: Happiness

Drypoint illustration of rooms.

Macy O’Donnell: Rooms

Watercolor painting of a red & blue figure intertwining their pinky fingers

Anonymous: Pinky Promise

Photograph of a black shoe stepping into a puddle that splashes out from under the foot.

Seamus Moore: Step

Maya Bernal: Tarot Cards of Fear

A black dress on a dress figure.

Jack Kenney: DRESS

Black and white lino print

Violet Gee: Fast Fashion

lino cut of a female with a halo of symbols around head and body wrapped in ribbon and some bones exposed

Jo Olson: Help Yourself

A copper necklace resembling angel wings

Anonymous: Angel Bracelet

Sun drenched photo of a city street and two people talking

Lucia Urbaszewski: Sunset

Marjorrie C. Custodio: Hold On

Digital Image of a Woman working on a robot

Sui Yee Tam: Robotic Intentions

Black and white photo with tree.

David Bolotin: Untitled

Alex Chitnis: Am I Going Crazy?

Eyeball with mushroom, butterfly and mouth piece.

Lyric Roy: Untitled

Anonymous: Church

watercolor pencil colorful orbs circles

Rachel Sick: I Won’t Make You Wait

Two figures, one red and one blue, with deep shadows paused in action while facing the viewer.

Zoë Gordon: The Elements of Purple

Pink digital design with a silhouette of a girl and "THE FUTURE IS FEMALE" repeating behind it.


Woman looking into a mirror with a purple hair dye bottle and brush and splotches of dye over self

Anonymous: Midnight Salon

Collage of Moroccan scenery like billboards and buildings in purple and pink hues with the text "Morocco" superimposed across the right side

Esme Huynh: Morocco’s Colors

image featuring hands holding a white mask repeating

Celia F: Many Faces

Anonymous: Untitled 3

Neon smiley face on a black background

Anonymous: Mellow

Corner of building appearing as ripped paper.

Olivia Kluska: Full of Wonder

Photograph of person wearing lace top holding mask in front of face in the mirror

Addison G: Who?

Lucia Urbaszewski: Untitled

photography sports baseball

Leonel Chagolla: Untitled

Anonymous: Rooms

Back of yield sign with stickers highlighted in color against black and white building.

Scott Phan: Untitled

A girl stands at the beginning of a crosswalk. The viewer looks down on the dim street which is otherwise empty.

Vivian Schoeppach: Lonely Girl

Cicada and net.

Cosmi Roudebush: Cicada

A large white circle figure has a face and stars sorrounding it

Rhea Mae Bayan: Star of Change

Illustration of a many men with umbrellas.

Anonymous: Falling?

Skeleton version of the Birth of Venus Painting

Amanda Smithivas: Birth of Venus

Photo of the Summer Palace in China. Redesigned in Photoshop, adding lines and details onto the building itself. Low angle perspective, structure rises against a dark background.

Aiyana Hernandez: The Summer Palace

An empty hallway of a theater leads to a door with sun beaming in

Jennifer Rodriguez: Untitled

Two red circle with black background.

Anonymous: Untitled

painting of a diner

Jaclyn Manning: “A Lick of Childhood.”

Anonymous: Untitled 2

Train line with buildings from above view

Arthur Hajnos: Chicago Blue Line

Photograph of two people with multi-colored fireworks going off in background

Marlon G: Crackling Lights

A black-and-white photo of a light shining amidst an overgrowth of houseplants, next to a window facing an opposite apartment building.

Anonymous: Hidden Growth

Digital drawing of a person drawing on an iPad

Anonymous: Untitled

An origami swan.

Anonymous: Shiny Origami Swan

photograph portrait girl

Mila Gordon: Untitled

Drawing of skull with flowers growing out of it

Alexis Moreno: Welcome Home

Skateboard with Greek Mythology elements

Janelli Garcia: Helios

Relief print in pink, purple, & blue of 2 buildings with the El train in the front

Niamh Hughes: Neon City

Camille Daley: Better Together

Digital artwork of the character Baraka from Mortal Combat. A figure with arms crossed over chest, spears attached to arms. Figure is smiling with sharply pointed teeth.

Ann Duong: Baraka

Upside down city.

Nicholas Laird: Hyde Park Upside Down

Photograph of a rusted red metal door set into faceless concrete walls, partially obscured by bare branches and reeds.

Matthew Balber: What Lies Beyond

painting mixed media bird tarot color

Julia Zhuravel: Untitled

Bright yellows, oranges, reds, and blacks used to show a cat sitting amongst different ingredients.

Ruby Reddy: Sous-Chef

Areli Garcia: Old reflections

Disembodied hands hold up a crinkled paper inside a ring of bright white light.

Alex Land: The Mirrored Map

Five potrait panels in color.

Jemma Wygodny: Mirrors

Digital image of a female with black hair holding a bottle and crying

Emily Liu: Tears Soaked My Paper Face

A photo of beekeepers working at the Chicago Botanic Garden.

Gianna Christensen: Honey, I’m Home

Large deep ocean creature approaching a small fish in front of a stark white background.

August Santoro: Prey

Graffiti with the word "bloodstain" in a black and green gradient

Lee Morales: Bloodstain

A naked human figure stands in front of an orange sun that forms a halo around their head

Lucille Kearns: Haloed

A photograph of an ornate Tiffany dome from below

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: City Green

Lev Kaplan: Obsidian Oasis

sculpture of a structure with ladders and platforms made from pages of text

Anonymous: Visions of Zenobia

Anonymous: Kandi

Anonymous: Raccotter

Bird eating a nut on dirt with round grey stones in the background

Amri Rodriguez: Survival

Nina Figurelli: Untitled

Abstract painting with purples and browns in the background, white images and writing on top

Areli Garcia: A Journey With a Long Way to Go

Anonymous: Untitled

photograph through a glass

Stefany Garcia: Untitled

Upside down umbrella in leaves puddle.

Anonymous: Untitled

Shield shaped crest with bird.

Emma Corbett: The Corbett Crest

Oluwatooke Elusanmi: RACHET

Anonymous: Two Gauntlets, One Goal

fiber art image of buildings in Chinatown, Chicago.

Izumi Phuah: Chinatown

Photograph of a Rose Inside of Fallen Leaves

Julia Stuenkel: Fall out of Focus

A pen and ink drawing tribute to chance the rapper. Chance the rapper is draw on the top left with a tape cassette, Kanye west and Mufasa below. The drawing has surrounded by words written down.

Anonymous: Blessings – Chance the Rapper

Three individuals in a mirror with reflected

Skylar Martin-DeHerrera: Untitled

Downtown street with bus stop.

Anonymous: Untitled

August Santoro: Wendigo

Painting of a girl having a picnic with her dog. A pickaxe is lying next to her.

Olivia Kluska: Imaginary Escape

painting of reflective vessel on dinner table with two people in the background, and ocean view. another piece adjacent to it showing a crop of the reflection on the vessel.

Jemma Wygodny: Vessel

Photo of eyeglasses in front of sidewalk & trees. We are looking through the glasses to see the scene as a digital drawing

Lilja-Aino Boley: Through My Eyes

Anonymous: Black History Through Music

metalwork spider

Bridget Bates: Spider

Multimedia illustration of Robin Williams.

Maia Palomar: Formerly Known as Williams

Mario Jimenez: Bicycle Atop Apartment Stairs

An abstract photograph of symmetrical shapes like an inkblot

Anonymous: Detatched

Portrait with broken glass.

Madeline Lensegrav: Shattered

A pink abstract picture of a fabriclike texture

Anonymous: Plastic Abstraction

Julia Stuenkel: Train Grime

skateboarding photography chicago downtown

Lyric Roy: Skate

A drawing of a tree with a blue background and grass

Katie Kaukialo: Happiness

Abigail Graff: Through the Window of Wonders

Three dimensional piece of a TV with a chord and remote. The TV screen is opened up with visuals inside of the TV box.

Anonymous: Untitled

Digital portrait of a woman in front of a pink background.

Leslie Navarro: Low Poly – The Woman

Photograph over a persons shoulder holding a mask with spikes sticking out

Christopher M: Psychological 4

A close-up illustration of a face with blue eyes and hair, freckles, and highlighted rosy cheeks.

Sunshine Solin: Rose

Photograph of hands holding up flowers with tan and orange background

Anonymous: The Offering

A painting of two girls laying together among bushes and plants

Ava Ortiz: A Kiss

Anonymous: Planetary rings

Multimedia piece of a bathroom being used as an artist studio with collage images.

Kareema Godhrawala: Bathroom as an Artist Studio

A black and white print of miscellaneous imagery: an eagle, candle, bird, crown, sea shell, butterfly.

Niamh Hughes: Miscellaneous

sculpture of a squid

Anonymous: Squid

Zoe Haritos: Sweeter Than Candy

Painting of outer space with two large planets eclipsed half in shadow. Planets are red, white and blue. Yellow and white stars dot the entire canvas.

Anonymous: Untitled

Brick wall with opening.

Aaron Gordon-Vera: Aqueduct

Pixelated portrait of a person

Anina Alpert: Shifted Faces

Photo of ocean in color with black & white boxes

Erin Brunell: dont let the tide come and wash us away

Isabelle Garcia: Blue

Illustration of a city and mountain landscape with bright colors.

Daniella Xu: Dusk

Motion shot of train passing by

Sam Matznick: Mirror on the Train

A black and white picture with a baseball in the background

Anonymous: Baseball

taft high school football black and white photograph

Diego Valenciana: Untitled

frog green

Kevin Romero: Untitled

Painting of a person holding a bag of oranges

Stephanie Santiago: Loud Places

Photograph of blue glass sculpture of octopus with orange and yellow spots

Quinn F: Glass Octopus

Anonymous: Queen RiRi Grime

Photograph of bench in autumn with tall yellow leaves behind it

Anonymous: Autumn Bench

Scene from Venice embroidered on blue fabric. Orange and red buildings line a blue canal on either side with a boat in the center.

Mayrav Bader: Trip in Venice

Erin Brunell: as powerful as a man

felt pokemon character

Jack Oetter: Untitled

Sculpture of a cityscape made out of the pages of a book

Hope Nolan: Paper Cityscape

Photograph of white illustrations on dark rocks placed in sand.

Anonymous: Humble Abode

Anonymous: Untitled

A person wearing a white dress with the Chicago skyline in the back.

Yousra Sadiq: Champagne Velvet Dress

Oluwatooke Elusanmi: Gyaru

Self portrait illustration.

Sarah Lim: Self Portrait

Kate Barbosa: out of this world koala

Photo of two young women with illustrated faces

Adele Weiss: Dripping Imagination

Gabriela Weffer: Jack and Sally

bee nature photograph

Hope Wilson: The Last Bee

Black and white photograph of the Chicago Theater Marquee

Alex Land: Home

A ornate miniature room with a door open letting in light

Anonymous: The Throne of Minautures

Photo of aquatic animal in water looking toward camera.

Aaron Bacon: Untitled

Backpack put into a shopping cart on a field of grass

Seamus Moore: Absurd

A metal piece that reflects Aztec symbolism and myth, with a red patina.

Melody Dorantes: El Poder del Amor (The Power of Love)

Image of a young person with their head down and eyes closed

Alexis Strong: Untitled

Anonymous: Under the Branch, View 1

A dark photo of white and orange glowing cubes

Anonymous: Hockney Joiner Lanterns

portrait of woman with wall full of pictures of clocks in the background

Jaclyn Manning: Time Constriction

Painting of a woman skiing down a mountain

Anonymous: Paradise

Two-panel comic inset in a circle; first panel depicts neighbors waving to each other across a courtyard; second panel depicts one person in bed at night texting their neighbor about hosting a dinner party

Schantelle Alonzo: Can’t Wait

Photo: top half of a stone sculpture of a person holding a pencil with their right hand at chest. Photo is taken outside; tree branches in the background.

Mario Jimenez: A Good Writer Always Carries A Pencil

Alex Chitnis: Bubble Bath

photo of a prism with a purple light

Kate Barbosa: spotlight

A blue yarn sculpture work with a ruffled texture.

Yousra Sadiq: The Rainforests of the Seas

close up photograph of person with dark hair, with both hands under chin with orange glow

Ainsley S: Colorful Portrait

Hand gripping a small bird in its palm

Molly Fitzgerald: Grasp

White sculpture of a white dragon's neck and face.

Niamh Hughes: Oilliphéist

Colorful abstract photography.

Alex Chitnis: Rainbow Breeze

Digital blue and pink skin on male and female.

Alexander Bon Yabes: Untitled

A blue and purple illustration of a floating building with lights

Anonymous: Alien Hangout

Anonymous: “Drifting”

Painting of a nude Black person with braided hair framed by leaves, colorful eyes, a large beetle and abstract shapes.

Oluwatooke Elusanmi: Regenesis

Anonymous: Food Spread

A sculpture of a hybrid between a raccoon and an otter.

Macy O’Donnell: Raccotter

Hand in a ring light.

Alex Chitnis: The World is in Your Palms

Tissue paper collage

Anonymous: best friends, soulmates, twin flames, better halves

Anonymous: Untitled

Black and white photogaph of busy street between tall buildings

Anonymous: Life

Cereal style box art of person with blond hair and a bowl of cereal. They have a green band-aid on their nose. Yellow, emjio like, smiley faces surround them.

Kayla Meza: Liquid Laugh

Ocean inspired painting design.

Anonymous: Untitled

dark photograph with lit up cta blue line train in center

Nathan U: Dark Night at the Blue Line

Photograph of an alley with a basketball hoop as the central aspect and houses in the background

Anonymous: Alley Shot

Sui Yee Tam: Ristretto

Photo of face bathed in red light

Vanessa Rivera: Red Light

metalwork crown

Natalia Hernandez: Untitled

Photograph of the orange line "L" train

Delaney Kirk: TrainIMG

Graphic style drawing in black and white. A woman resting her cheek in her hand, surrounded by repeated text spelling "bored"

Maya Bernal: BORED

Luxury room with large window, sunlit.

Mateo Matila: Luxury

Painting of an orange in front of a mountain background

Anonymous: Blood Orange Sunrise

Skeleton blowing bubble in an office

Alexis Moreno Torres: Remembrance

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