Teacher Name: Ms. Faletto
Grade: 12

Materials: Aluminum foil and polymer clay

Dimensions: 6.5” x 3.5” x 2.5
Description: This sculpture is inspired by the Oilliphéist which is a sea dragon-like monster in Irish mythology that was believed to inhabit many lakes and rivers in Ireland and there were many stories of heroes trying to fight it. The name comes from the Gaelic word oll meaning “great” and the Gaelic word peist meaning “fabulous beast.” It was said that St. Patrick chased Oilliphéist away after he banished all the snakes from Ireland.

Artist Statement: I wanted to experiment with different art mediums in my portfolio to challenge myself and develop my artistic and creative skills. I created artwork that was meaningful to me relating to my Irish heritage, the city I grew up in, Chicago, as well as stories and objects I admired growing up. My artistic process begins with a brainstorming of themes and when I decide on a theme I make word maps and research what I want to create. I then make a plan and decide on the materials I want to use. The materials highlighted in my portfolio include polymer clay, acrylic paint, pencil, copper, and lino. My inspiration often comes from topics I’m interested in learning more about and things around me. I love greek mythology, Chicago and Ireland are the places where I grew up, and I cherish the objects I have acquired on my travels. All these experiences and the knowledge I have gained inspire me to create. Every piece I make is meaningful to me and is a reflection of my identity and what makes me, me.

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