Grade: Senior
Dimensions: 2048x2048px

Artist Statement: I create my work based on how I feel. I enjoy using vibrant colors, and drawing curves/soft brushes. Sometimes it’s the complete opposite and I use sharp dark brushes. There are a lot of factors as to why I draw something, but the main ones are to express emotion, a sense of fashion or simply because I like adding to my collection. I enjoy drawing both digitally and traditionally, but if I had to chose I would pick digitally. I really enjoy being able to manipulate tools the way I like, and getting a certain effect on something. Things like music, celebrities, emotion, and fashion inspire me to create. My favorite thing about drawing something, is deciding an outfit. I love putting together outfits and creating personalities along with them. My process begins when I feel energized. This usually happens if I see other artists, see fashion posts on social media, or when I feel like expressing my emotional status. I’ve enjoyed art since I was little, and plan to enjoy it for much longer.
