Teacher Name: Alice Costas
Grade: Senior

Materials: Buff Clay, Glass
Dimensions: 9” x 9” x 2”

Artist Statement: My art work “Beautiful loneliness” represents how our society is under the impression that someone who is unhappy will also be surrounded by depressing things. However, as humans, we can be surrounded by the most beautiful scenery and still feel lonely in our thoughts. This piece displays a single person surrounded by a magnificent landscape yet overwhelmed with darkness and loneliness, which is represented in the black glaze choice for the person. My artistic process involved modeling buff clay into a recessed area that resembles a pond, and attach molded buff clay lily pads to the bottom. The person sitting down in the center of the pond and the rocks surrounding the pond were also molded using buff clay. During the firing process, I filled the recessed area with broken blue glass, which would melt to mimic water. I really enjoyed experimenting with melting glass in a bisque fired ceramic piece. It allowed me to mix different shades of blue, which created a more realistic pond. I decide to focus on this theme while reflecting on how the Coronavirus pandemic has affected people’s mental health. This work is important to me because I think it’s important that we should always treat each other with kindness and check-in on each other no matter how well someone seems to be doing.
