Teacher Name: Elizabeth Osbourne
Grade: Senior

Materials: Procreate pens and brushes, spray paint
Dimensions: 13” × 19”

Artist Statement: I made these artworks to express myself as well as topics I am passionate about. My inspiration simply sprouted from the world around me and social issues occurring. It usually takes me some time to come up with my artwork, sometimes I listen tp music or use other people to inspire me. I love to create my artwork digitally, most times I sketch everything out first then I use Procreate or Photoshop to bring the sketch to life. Some of my artworks are surrounding the idea of colorism or mental health because I feel these topics don’t get the recognition they deserve. Some of my works are also just things I created by letting my imagination run free. I love to include many variations of colors and shapes in my work to appeal to different emotions. I enjoy digital drawing because there are many ways you can edit or create things virtually rather than the traditional drawing and painting.
