Teacher Name: Marjorie Boyles
Additional Teacher: Alex Goldin and Miriam Socoloff
Grade: 12

Materials: Watercolor and color pencil
Dimensions: 7 X 10 inches

Artist Statement: What inspires me is a sense of curiosity and wanting to help. What am I able to do and how much can I grow in my artistic skills? I feel inspired by pieces that cause emotions, whether it’s by the images they depict or just by use of colors or techniques. I want to become a great artist so I can then be an even better art teacher. I enjoy learning and developing my skills in art, so the idea of being able to help others who also want to learn and develop their art skills makes me happy. I’m appreciative of my art teachers and After School Matters instructors who helped me in my art journey. I want to follow in their steps and become an educator.

My process begins by finding subject matter I could use to depict a story or type of emotion, almost like you are experiencing what is happening in the piece in real time. First, I play with the composition, deciding what I would like to emphasize. Then, I consider what textures and colors would go best with what I’m trying to portray. I’ll often paint on top of my composition drawings to see if I would enjoy that color scheme or another. Once I have finished deciding, I work on the final piece. In my watercolor and colored pencil piece, I made it so you could see the child looking into the snow globe, stretching their hand out to touch it. I wanted it to come across like this is a moment you and her are sharing from across the table.

I like working with a mix of materials. It’s fun for me to try out different mediums as a type of challenge. However, I prefer working with materials I can be messy with in the beginning of a piece and later clean up. My favorites are acrylic paint, watercolor, chalk pastel and charcoal.

I’d like to be able to learn about art and its connection to education, while being able to enjoy the creative space classrooms make.
