Teacher Name: Linda Wojtowicz
Grade: 12th

Materials: 2D pencil crayons, markers on paper

Dimensions: 12” x 12″
Artist Statement: My artwork is focused on spreading a message to people to help save the Bees. Honey Bees are endangered, but we can do so many things to help them. Honey Bees are an essential part of the planet. Bees help plants grow, breed and produce food. Bees are responsible for pollinating nearly 85% of all food crops for humans, one third of the food we consume each day relies on pollination. If all Bees went extinct, it would destroy the delicate balance of the earth’s ecosystem and affect global food supplies. You can help save the Bees by planting native plants in your yard such as seed bombs. Skipping a week or two of mowing, avoid using pesticides. Build homes for Native Bees, go chemical-free for Bees, and most importantly by not killing Bees.
