Teacher Name: Nicole Dudik
Grade: 12

Materials: Digital Drawing
Dimensions: 1080 x 1080  pixels
Artist Statement: This is an interpretation I created, but with thick outlines. It has been mostly seen in cartoons throughout the 2000s and a small presents today. The character I used is myself in cartoon form-wearing a blue hoodie underneath the thin orange winter jacket, complemented with grey pant and pointy red shoes; for aesthetic reasons. Using an free art program called Krita (4.4.2) and a HUION Inspiroy H430P drawing tablet (good for a budget tablet, but had to repair the pen with tape). For the hair and body shadow, I use transparency to adjust what I see fits easily. Black dots on the hair, to be made aesthetically pleasing to the eye. And a base for the character to stand on – a nice ticking clock that doesn’t show no end of stopping. I feel like anyone can become an artist with low budget they have, all they need is brainstorming and creativity to be able to thrive on what they want to pursue. If you have trouble, look into different medias like I did. I know you can do it, thank you.
