photograph of person shooting a basket wearing blue shirt and shorts

Heorhiy K: Hoops of Hope

Black paper with colored pencil drawing of football field with trees in background and Brazil flag in front

Anonymous: Untitled

Photograph of dark haired younger girl laying in grass on stomach with head in hands and leaf covered background

Anonymous: My Little Sister

image of tree and traffic light

Jordan S: Tree/traffic light

Red based digital artwork of person pointing weapon at large monster with flames in background

Mia U: Adelita

photo of magnifying glass on wood table

Yesenia G: Magnifying Glass

digital artwork of young child and older man behind wheel of boat with american flag in background

Erin Z: New Adventures

blue based photograph with vignette effect of six people sitting on edge of concrete ledge facing lake and city

Anonymous: From here moving forward.

Abstract drawing of anime figures an comic boxes featuring characters and strips of film frantically wrapping through

Anonymous: Haunting Memories

colored drawing with one side dark with black background and moon stating fear doubt and regret. Other side of drawing is white, yellow and red with sun, stating just doing it, attempting it, achieving it.

Anonymous: Half

Mixed media artwork of a blackout poem on bookpage with cutouts of vintage photographs of women, and callout words

Lila C: A Feminine Experience

Colored pencil image of person sitting with money falling around them and pile of money in front of them

Anonymous: Untitled

Mixed media art with pink background and 3 dimensional cake with blue icing, and yellow inside on a white plate

Niyah-Li W: Is it fake or cake?

Blue based drawing of shapes similar to a shooting star with highlights of orange yellow and white

Cilia C: Memories

Sculpture of deer head with flowers near ears

Marjorie M: Untitled

Pencil and graphite drawing of small airplane

Mihajlo S: Untitled

dark photograph with lit up cta blue line train in center

Nathan U: Dark Night at the Blue Line

digital artwork or puppet being held up by large hand

Daniel R: Untitled

Photograph of swing with sun and trees in background

Nida L: Beginning

Digital abstract artwork of pillars and water

Julian W: Placid

Pencil and marker drawing of window surrounded by bricks

Crystal C: My Window

Photograph over a persons shoulder holding a mask with spikes sticking out

Christopher M: Psychological 4

Artwork of young person with pink bow and pink and blue shirt

Ja’Niah L: Journee

Mysterious painting of a portion of a womans face with blue and tan colors and dark shadows.

Sophia A: Lost in Blues

Mixed media art of american flag with altered portions showing different patterns and phrases, burns, and bullet holes, including text "Tread Lightly" and "Consent of the Governed"

Alyssa A: Tread Lightly

Abstract black and white linework and patterns with features of colors and lettering stating Poetic Rockstar

Mia B: The Definition of Poetic Rockstar

mixed media sculpture of plate with fork, knife, and flowers growing

Nina F: Overconsumption

Photograph of three disco balls on wood floor reflecting

Anonymous: Disco

Digital image or person in black pants and shirt with red hair floating in space above person standing on earth

Patricia H: Save

Photograph of blue glass sculpture of octopus with orange and yellow spots

Quinn F: Glass Octopus

Anonymous: Bird

Mixed media collage featuring different cut outs of pop up window from computer, bunny, and person standing with back to us in front of snowy street.

Anonymous: Untitled

black and white high contrast photo of side of persons face backlit by large ring light

Samuel J: Silhouette

Photograph of two people standing with backs to camera in front of lake and sunrise, hugging.

Anonymous: s2niorsunri5e

Textile artwork made up of red black grey and white fabric. Grey border with red and black stitches, and black center with wolf like face in middle, with red mouth and white teeth and eyes.

Aleksandra F: Pup

image featuring hands holding a white mask repeating

Celia F: Many Faces

Marionette doll of person with long blonde hair wearing a blue dress with white sleeves and collar

Anonymous: Hopeful Mask

Photograph of cloudy sky with blue pink and orange

Natalie H: Cotton Candy Sky

Watercolor and pencil art depicting headphones, cup and other personal items

Yumalahi C: Highschool essential

photograph of red and yellow bird sculpture

Yasmyn S: Sunset Serenade

Mixed media artwork with painting of pink flowers and brown and green birds, with clay wing attached

Aiden O: Untitled

Mixed media sculpture of hand pulling blue haired doll out of other page

Alexandra K: Escape Her

Digital fantasy world artwork with knight sword and helmet in foreground

Khadijah S: The Dream of a Red Knight

Digital Artwork of woman holding a candle

Vivian S: Growth

Mixed media painting on wood depicting abstract faces and bodies

Lauren W: Birth

Pencil drawing of cartoon duck

Anonymous: Stuffed Duck

Multi-colored marker drawing of creature in long blue robews and hat surrounded by szwirling colors and other monsters

Anonymous: Torrent of circumstance

Marionette Sculpture of astronaut

Adali F: Nitta

photograph of woman in lace top and large brown skirt with lights shining from underneath

Aliza S: Shameem

Mixed media collage of building showing under hole in denim fabric with fence pattern over the top

Taliya M: Urban Echoes

Yellow background mixed media collage with various people faces and shapes

Simon M: Whatta Mess!

Abstract artwork green pink and red

Ortencia M: Faith

Digital artwork of cartoon satellites in space

Eleanor M: SWIFT

Multi-colored mask with feathers and gold accents

Xiao Jun C: Icarus

Vinyl record painted pink with flowers and koi fish

Anonymous: Koi Vinyl

Red paper cutout with text reading Womens Rights are Human Rights with hearts and other shapes cut out.

Stephani A: Women’s Rights

Close-up Photograph of person with dark hair looking down smiling in orange shirt

Maximus M: Smile

Close up image of reflection of person in spoon

Scarlett T: Reflections

Photograph from inside of vintage car

Arturo P: El Catrin

Colored pencil drawing of the front of a store with sign above door reading Valery's Resale with money flying out the door.

Anonymous: Valery’s Resale

Digital art of person with box head sitting in robe in arm chair with dog and fireplace next to them

Crystal R: Good Hunting

white tile with black image of skull with adornments

Jonathan M: Aztec sgraffito tile

pink paper cutout of womans face with words Tonantzin at top

Eliezer P: Tonantzin

Ceramic sculpture of three heads in pair of brown pants with feet and toes with black nail polish

Oswaldo C: Doug, Dougg, and Douggg

Portrait of man in black and white sketch strokes

Julius S: Withering Thoughts

Sofia A: Whimsical Wonders

Anonymous: Eerie Clown of Souls

Detailed graphite drawing of city with smoke rising and dark grey background

Anonymous: CITY ILLU

Multicolored drawing of back of person looking towards body of water with sunset. Within the watr there is multiple items on islands such as the planet earth, graduation cap, money, and a building.

Paulina A: Island of Dreams

Painting with yellow background of person with dark skin toned red with curly hair and glasses, wearing a blue shirt and jacket

Matthew W: My eyes

Digital artwork with red background featuring person with tail wings and long nails wearing black crop top and grey pants, boots and leather accessories.

Anonymous: I Wish It Was A Mirror

Photograph of two multi-colored sculptures shaped like mushrooms with rain coming down and puddles underneath. The sculptures are orange with stars on the top and underside, but blue with clouds on the rim and bottom.

Hannah G: A Clear Shower

Photograph of hands holding up flowers with tan and orange background

Anonymous: The Offering

Photograph of two people with multi-colored fireworks going off in background

Marlon G: Crackling Lights

abstract ink drawing featuring many shapes and marks

Anonymous: Untitled

black and white photograph of person sleeping with head back on train

Claire D: Train Sleeper

dark photograph of person with back to camera looking at computer screen wit headphones on and hand on mouse

Anonymous: Homebody

Multicolored mixed media artwork with multiple characters and various accessories

Brittany H: Dramatic Entrance

Painting with split sides, one red and yellow toned, and the other blue and black toned

Jefferson E: Untitled

Brown papercut with words el Gobierno es Corrupto, and two shaking hands cut out

Jessuan S: El Gobierno Corrupto

Photograph of blue sculpture with characters from spongebob and spongebob hat on top

Bryan M: Sponge Under The Sea

Abstract blurry photograph of dark street illuminated by streetlight with bright green trees

Anonymous: Late Night Trip

Painting with clown split in half color wise, one side red and green, the other side blue and white. Featuring christmas hats, stripes, and splattered paint background.

Owen O: Holliday Holly

Marionette sculpture of clown in black dress

Anonymous: Untitled

Alyssa A: Self Portrait

Abstract multi-colored artwork depicting the stress of homework and applying to college

Aiva H: Untitled

Photograph of ceramic sculpture of red guitar body with black features

Vivian T: Stuffed Duck

black and white image of silhouette of someone walking down tunnel

Abraham W: Untitled

Digital art with green warp and text coming out

Amari R: Untitled

Mixed media collage with cardboard background and layered images of a dessert, cactuses, a woman with blonde hair in blue dress with hands on hips, and man getting out of police car showing lights on top

Anonymous: Your Reno 911 Piece

black and white photograph of back of a person in jersey number 77 and helmet standing with hands on hips

George H: Dog Days

Graphite drawing depicting concave view from grocery store corner convex mirror

Alyiah O: Untitled

Digital artwork collage of buildings a large rubber duck and other overlapping images

Anonymous: Time Collision

Mixed media collage of different parts of greek statue

Sadie M: Aphrodite

Mixed media artwork featuring pink haired mermaid under water with treasure

Anonymous: Treasure

Pencil drawing of young monkey with finger near mouth

Makenna C: Ignorance Is Bliss

Multi-colored painting of small chick in hand of tan skinned person in lap showing orange clothing with pink and orange stripe adorning bottom. Background is blue patterned.

Suha K: Tranquil

Black paper with multi-colored pencil drawing featuring road with trees in background, and person behind camera taking a photo of a person sitting on a bench under a street light

Gabriela M: Untitled

Clay sculpture cup with checkerboard handle and body made of two faces resembling clowns

Oswaldo C: A Cup Half Fool

four photos showing different aspects of a clay sculpture of a green turtle

Argel R: Turtle

Multi-colored paper fold-out with heavy black coloring contrasted by pastel abstract art

Hannah P: Untitled

Mixed media collage with varying size film cutouts

Maxime S: Clubs In Catalogs

Blue and purple toned digital artwork of backlit person surrounded by squiggly lines

Anonymous: Mocha Final choice project

close up photograph of person with dark hair, with both hands under chin with orange glow

Ainsley S: Colorful Portrait

photograph of person standing in black shirt and pants in front of wall with graffiti and red sign

Aldo R: Untitled

Photograph of sunrise over lake with two people in foreground

Anonymous: Morning Sky

Mixed media art made of blue and red marker and red sculptures depicting clasped hands, flowers, and other imagery

Karen A: Nectar of the Gods

Pencil drawing on white paper of frog with party hat on, muscles, and standing on two feet, among other unnatural features

Brian A: Dream

Photograph of jellyfish floating in water

Kyo H: Space Jellyfish

Multi-colored painting with pink background of person with red hair braids, headband, and long eyelashes, holding phone up as if taking a photo in a mirror.

K’Tiana M: Y2K Gurl

black and white photograph of preson standing on rocks

Abigail L: Boy in the wild

Artwork with blue and tan background done in pastels with back of body in center adorned with flowers in black ink

Anonymous: Fragile

Red pink and orange abstract drawing of womans body with crown as head and mouth off to the side.

James F: Pain

Mixed media with white background and abstract black lines painted on it. Red clay flower attached in middle of canvas

Aya M: Untitled

Colored pencil multi-colored drawing with earth in middle surrounded with buildings, with chicago logos and flags surrounding.

Anonymous: Dreams

Colorful drawing of person with long pink hair walking through flowers with purple and pink sky

Jeannie B: Celestial Tranquility

pencil geometric drawing of kitchen with cabinets fridge and oven

Hana W: Home

Photograph of blue sky and ocean view with tall green grass in foreground

Anonymous: California scenery

Photograph taken from the lake facing the city with purple pink and blue sky above skyline

Anonymous: City Of Dreams

Photograph of doll sculpture with dark skin and large white bag. Doll is wearing pink shirt and denim skirt with accessories by their feet.

Anonymous: The Colorful Monster (Mini Me)

Fold out multi-colored artwork with black lines across folds featuring blues greens pinks and yellows blended together

Kelly A: Fold Out Book

Painting of woman with blonde hair and large cross necklace in white dress holding sword in front of face with blood on hands

Dayana H: Adieu Paramour

Photograph taken at dusk of electric facility

Anonymous: Untitled

Green sculpture of face surrounded by multi-colored flowers

Leyana G: Acquiesce To The Natural World

pencil drawing of three people holding up large frame around them with bees on it

Saul H: Golden times

photograph of two football players in red and black jerseys and helmets shaking hands

Mia Z: Untitled

Digital art with sharp straight lines featuring buildings and CTA train

Landra R: Lightlines Cityscape

Photograph of reflection showing clouds buildings and poles

Jovial R: Self Reflection

photograph of mcdonalds packaging floating in puddle with leaves

Anh H: Polluted Puddle

Painting of sunset on canvas with black sculpture and foliage in foreground

Ricardo P: Dark

Sculpture of mans face with cheek open showing gums and inside of mouth

Camila M: Blisters of Emotion

Multicolored sunrise with back of people in foreground

Mya J: Last Sunrise

Photograph of tree with house covered in ivy in the background

Anonymous: Untitled

Digital artwork of person laying on translucent purple surface in space with planet in background.

Jayrelene M: Dreams

painting of two young children in blue dresses sitting on ground in front of brown background, one crying

Anonymous: Tata & Nana

Mixed media artwork of skeleton with multicolored ribs and butterfly rings

Sheila L: Dia de Los Muertos, Transforma

Anonymous: The Tree of life

Marionette Doll sculpture of person in pink dress, crown, and pink shoes.

Guadalupe F: Celeste

Meta N: bows

Digital layered artwork with blue and purple tones of anime girl with blue hair surrounded by various beach items

Shakira D: Ultra Mega Beach-Splosion!

Photograph of stained glass ceiling at the Chicago Cultural Center

Isabella C: Immerse

Digital photograph of man in mirror with red and blue glowing hearts across the image

Farhan A: Water and Fire moon

Mixed media art of framed portrait of red and orange toned person surrounded by flowers

Andrew B: Celebration of Life

Photo of sculptures including hinged box with stars and three other small star pieces

Eve O: Star collection

Digital artwork of anatomical heart with split coloring of red and white

Anonymous: El corazon

black and white photograph of dark skinned person with dramatic black makeup and white stars on face looking intensely into the camera

Jazell W: Out of this world

Mixed media artwork with black background of white face with pink lips screaming and plastic over the top

Anonymous: Self-inflicted

black and white mixed media collage featuring different musical elements such as tapes, guitar picks, guitars, concert images, and images of people with long hair.

Michelle E: Untitled

Arsen K: conflict.

Mixed media artwork with multi-colored background and person in middle with felt texture attached in large pink hair eyebrows and sweater.

Anonymous: Doll Hair

close up image of small child in polka dot shirt and bike handle with streamers

Adriana T: Youth

White abstract artwork with black designs including a woman with black hair and various other creatures in the background

Anonymous: Untitled

Mixed media collage of comic book pages with featured words POW BANG BOOM KAPOW and man in red costume in foreground

Fyona H: One Mans Story

Mixed media collage with silhouette of two people holding hands walking to the right

Chloe M: Polyscape Project

Photograph of person wearing lace top holding mask in front of face in the mirror

Addison G: Who?

digital photograph of blue orange and yellow sunset with person and lighthouse in the foreground

Maddsen F: Discovery

Digital artwork of person with long brown hair smoking a cigarette

Swaleha Y: Smoke

Photograph of two toned red trinket dish shaped like an apple with green leaf at the top and white S shape

Anonymous: 18 PM

Multicolored print depicting various shapes in red green blue and yellow layered colors.

Victoria A: Visobelo

Photograph taken across the street from a bus stopped at a crosswalk at night

Anonymous: Empty

Digital Image of Person sitting on concrete block in park with refrigerated cart in front of him

Anonymous: El Sueño Americano

Multi-colored mixed media artwork of jellyfish floating with colored bubbles and glitter in tentacles

Anonymous: Jelly of the world

mixed media sculpture of cigarette box and small cigarettes made of paper with messages written inside

Ta’Kirah K: Urn pt.1

Painting with blue background and title Every Empire Has A Downfall across top in white text featuring multiple different crying faces of people with red white and blue rope tied around their mouths.

Alyssa A: Stripped and Striped

Clay sculpture of anatomical heart with snake wrapped aroun it being held up by stand covered in gold gems

Anonymous: Strangled

Photograph of bench in autumn with tall yellow leaves behind it

Anonymous: Autumn Bench

Photograph of man in traditional jewish dress lighting candle

Ari A: Jewish Identity

Photograph of inside of vintage car with blue and white interior, large steering wheel, and light under dashboard

Anonymous: Behind the wheel

Image of multi-colored sculpture with yellow body and pink had with hat on

Anonymous: Heart of Food

Painting of person with brown hair in blue and white dress with pink and orange shrug over shoulders

Anonymous: Saint Cecilia

Image of long grass in foreground with blue sky and powerlines in background

Kirk L: Power Lines

Black and white abstract drawing of persons face with heavy sketch strokes and flowers around her

Ezra G: Purity

Mixed media abstract artwork featuring multi-colored sunrise background with silhouette in foreground wearing large hat with another person kneeling on the brim

Anonymous: Untitled

Multi-colored pastel artwork with flames on one side and water on other, with person in middle, sun behind him, and bird above him.

Andres M: Sun Wukong

Multicolored painting of Lionel Messi

Kevin C: Messi Pintura

photograph of do not enter sign covered in stickers with city buildings in background

Anonymous: Perspective
