Watercolor and pencil self-portrait

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

Black ink print on colorful paint.

Alejandra Pareja: 6th Grade Print

Print with Ink on paper paper blue red orange pizza

Anonymous: Pizza

Self portrait of Kimberly Quiahua done with crayon and color pencil.

Kimberly Quiahua: Self Portrait

John Lopez: Just Head

Crayon on Paper the letter E colorful repeated

Anonymous: The Letter E

Watercolor study of various colors.

Vianney Torres: Colors

3D sculpture squid pink cardboard

Anonymous: Squid Golf

red mushroom character 3D Pen/ Plastic

Anonymous: Flat

Woven piece created with cotton yarn.

Shanelly Ridley: Weaving

watercolor, self-portrait

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

3D popsicle red white and blue

Anonymous: Summertime

paper and colored pencils name nickname pink and brown

Anonymous: Sweets

Ink Print on paper blue can cowboy hat

Anonymous: Cowboy Can

Black ink print on painted background.

Julio Venegas: Print

Laura E. Povsner: Crayola diversity
