A brightly colored drawing of a person smiling wearing a yellow shirt

Anonymous: Glowing in the Dark

Little butterflies on a pastel background

Anonymous: Dancing Butterflies

The letters reading "love yourself" in white on a very colorful background

Jayleen Urquiza: Love Yourself

A drawing of a strawberry shortcake with pink frosting

Judith Vasquez: Strawberry Shortcake

Anonymous: Naruto

Karla Russell: Veteran Teacher Tackles 1st Day of Remote Learning

An abstract drawing of lines on a black background

Isaiah Rivera: Mythical Universe

A drawing of a train with a moon and stars

William Velasquez-Quezada: William’s Train

William Velasquez Quezada: Happy Train

An abstract drawing with lots of lines on a black background

Christian Bustos: A Sunny Day

A painting of pastel colored butterflies

Anonymous: Dancing Butterflies
