Abstract drawing of a person with purple hair

Grace Kendzior : Purple Girl

A painting of a rainbow colored sky and two figures look out at the sky

Farrah Rafidi: Friendship

multicolored origami spiral

Aj Yeh: Transforming Ninja Star

A simpsons character with a purple shirt

Mia Lietz: Simpson Self-Portrait

Charlette Mandela & Ligutam Pangan: You Can Go Anywhere

A drawing including depictions of a bat, a dragon, a sky, a cat, and a shark, all colored with blue

Bennett Pangan : Blue Everywhere and in Anything

A drawing of a bright blue sky with some clouds, green grass, and a small animal on the ground

Sienna Rafidi: Lola and Monty

Grace Kendzior: Ocean Friends

A red, squat, glass blown vessel

Anonymous: Brick Red with White Chunk Black Lip Squat Jug

Grace Kendzior: Henry the Hedgehog

A hand blown glass vessel with a white and light blue pattern

Anonymous: Flat Blue and Clear Wide Mouth Vase

A yellow and black translucent hand blown glass vessel.

Anonymous: Yellow and Black Tiger-Stripe Squat Jug

Antoinette Nehru Pangan: Under The Burrow

Painting of a black house with a line protruding from it. There are birds on the line and flying in the orange, yellow, and pink sky behind.

Grace Kendzior: Birds on Lights at Dawn

drawing of dog in three sitting positions

Mason Yeh: My dog Cali in Three Positions

rainbow colored abstract

Vincent Vargas: Random
