Sheet music

Anonymous: Minor Progression

Shem Villacarlos: Pinocchio (Original)

Sheet Music

Daniel Koval: Minor Progression

A Virtual Musical Collaboration featuring the entire class!

Modern Rock Band: I Want You Back

Students with masks looking at camera

Solfege of Angel’s Story by Arthur H. Mann

Darion Fenner: My Love Won’t Let You Down (Cover)

Blurry picture of person smiling, laying on fabric. "I'd Give Anything Mandy Moore" in black script on top of the image

London Johnson: “I’d Give Anything” by Mandy Moore

Sofia Dimas: Orbit

A collaborative song!

Music Theory Sings: Eventide Solfege

Two people with headphones singing, and the syllables they are singing appear above them.

Somebody that I used to Know by Gotye featuring Kimbra as solfeged

Sheet music

Anonymous: Melody and Harmony

A 3 person collaborative song effort!

Natalie Ramirez-Amezcua, Sara Rivera Gonzalez, Bryan Barrera: Here Comes The Sun

Modern Rock Band: Are You Gonna Be My Girl

Sun rising over water

Leilani Alvarez: “Shallow” by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper

cat in front of a window

Gabriel Perez: “Savior Complex” by Phoebe Bridgers

Ezra Pruitt: Lost Feelings

Sheet music

Chole Kelly: Non-Chord Tones

Natalie Ramirez-Amezcua: Icarus

Modern Rock Band: Fix You

feet in the back window of an el car

Shem Villacarlos: You + City

Sheet music

Katherine Thompson: Half Cadence

Sofia Dimas: I Wouldn’t Mind (He is We Cover)
