White house with yellow, corrugated cardboard roof. Grass yard with yellow popsicle stick fence.

Arianna Renteria: Home Sweet Home

Collage of ship at sea and rubber ducks.

Carolina Loja: Not all troubles are tragic

digital art blue self-portrait

Diego Lopez: My Self Portrait

black and white mixed media collage featuring different musical elements such as tapes, guitar picks, guitars, concert images, and images of people with long hair.

Michelle E: Untitled

Modeling clay sculptures of cats

Corinne Beerdeke: Cat City

close up photograph of person with dark hair, with both hands under chin with orange glow

Ainsley S: Colorful Portrait

Circular background with a centralized figure.

Kathleen O’Brien: Stuck

Mural with figure in yellow in front of mountains, next to a brick wall with large sunflowers & water

Studio 3 Mural

A collage of eyes and watercolor background

Giselle Ochoa: Wall of Terror

Valeria Padilla Ramirez: Untitled

Red dots and lines

Kiani Draper: Heart Star

Carter Palmer: Disney Mixer Cars – Showing Emotions

Colored pencil illustration

Alexander Hosking: Brightness over Darkness

SpongeBob with pineapple

Alexandra Taboada: My Childhood Character

person wearing dress falling into large hands

Jordan Allen: Day 14, Falling

Drawing of skeleton on fire

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: TheBarnOwl

two goldfish swimming, from above

Anonymous: Untitled

photograph of red and yellow bird sculpture

Yasmyn S: Sunset Serenade

Figures on a pink watercolor background

Anonymous: Untitled

Leandro Gonzalez: Winter Trees

An abstract sculpture with mixed materials of red, yellow, and blue

Natalie Mora: The Primary

Yueling Qian: Forest Fairy

ice cream sundae

Vance Lira: Day 8, Ice Scream

Figure in a red coat

Declan Briody: Krampus

sandwiches with chips, drinks, and condiments

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 4, Sandwich

A drawing of a deserted road with trees and land forms on both sides of the road.

Anonymous: Regeneration Rhythms

Drawing of shop interior with 3 shoppers and a store cat.

Max Mikunas: Downtown Market

A faux dungeons and dragons animated character sheet

Luis Martinez: Potomac Pine

Drawing of a flower with paint drops on it

Alexia Nunez: Alexia’s Flower

person with a 3/4 face mask

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 6, Mask

A Flamenco style dance number.

Dance: Intentaré Olvidarte

Red heart organ at the center of the art piece surrounded by lines leading to the exterior of the piece.

Anonymous: Untitled

Marker drawing of a lake with trees and a sunset in the background

Owen Gary: The Crack of Night

An ombre blue mountain is the background for a floral meadow scene with bright green trees and colorful flowers.

Anonymous: Mountain Meadow

Painting of a pineapple in florescent blues, reds, and purples.

Adela Lisca: Pineapple

Digital drawing of building with "LIV" on it in a dark sky

Marcus Daniel: LIV

Black and white digital drawing of patterns arrange in slices

Angel Zamora: Weird Zentangle Story

Anonymous: Still Life

Light colored button up shirt dyed with red, black, and yellow dye with a butterly outline on the back

Daisha Malone: Frankenstein Shirt

Anonymous: Untitled

Elephants under a sunset.

Anonymous: Untitled

watercolor drawing natural nature

Elsie Conwell: Untitled

A pencil drawing of stair cases going nowhere

Solome Abebe: Stairs

photography sports baseball

Leonel Chagolla: Untitled

Sahanna Myles: Untitled

black building silhouetted against a blue night sky

Anonymous: Blue Temple

Drawing of a purple and yellow two-horned creature with a big tail on a purple background

Anyah Thompson: Rhogar Myastan

Drawing of a puppy with long floppy ears lying down.

Jeremy Sanchez: Puppy Eyes

Primarily purple photograph of childhood toys

A’marion Kerr: Imagined Spaces (childhood)

alphabet on a rainbow background

Remy Lou Anderson: Rainbow Alphabet

two turtles swimming in blue water.

Emma Ramirez: Biscayne National Park

Graphic of a girl in the rain

Skye Wang: Girl in Rain

Sculpture of a tribal mask.

Anonymous: Tribal Mask

Black, red and white cardboard mask

Cervantes Alejandro: 2020

person's face outlined in red with arrows and writing all around

Anonymous: Untitled

Brooklynn Berten: George Rodrigue inspired Blue Dog in Space

Anonymous: Untitled

Colored pencil illustration

Aviva Gladstein: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Three dogs left is brown and laying down middle is laying down and has a splotchy black and white coat right is sitting up and has completely white fur

Eve Oppenheim: Felted Dogs

Painting of three floating heads blending together

Brenna Hurtado: Los Dios

Watercolor painting of a girl.

Anonymous: Surprise

A Raisin In The Sun By Christiana Blount - Walter Monologue

Christiana Blount: A Raisin In The Sun – Walter Monologue

charcoal illustration

Isabella Cozzone: Charcoal Singer

Detailed drawing with black pen. Face center with long hair and tears. A large lightbulb is in the upper right corner and another face blindfolded is bottom right. A tree spirals up from the bottom left. Clouds, moon and stars are present. Text is incorporated throughout the drawing.

Anonymous: Reality Inverted

Pencil drawing of face with hair swooped over right eye.

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a red own with stars and a moon

Farhan Rahim: Untitled

Red and yellow abstract drawing

Huma Ughratdar: The Unmasked Queen

A green, blue and purple watercolor painting of tropical leaves.

Anonymous: Leaves

A drawing of shops on a street, with a person figure lying on the ground with a red circle on their chest.

Janelle Delangel: Back of the Yards

Silhouette of a mom and her daughter in front of a sunset

Aarvi Vakharia: A Mother’s Love

The words "Just a little bit of your heart" make up the shape of a heart

Sandra Magdaleno: Valentine

Destiny Hogans: Bottleneck

Line drawing of a woman with bright painted shapes in the background

Anonymous: Colored black and white

Painting of a woman with flowers.

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a bright orange and red mountain with a yellow sky and a cactus.

Jorge Baez: Untitled

Abstract colorful drawing with a lot of random shapes

Leo Gonzalez: Star Knight

mountain landscape

Vance Lira: Weekend 1, Nature

Drawing of red and orange dragon

Anonymous: Fire Dragon

Portrait in red light

Brooklynn Rodgers: Red Light

Maya Avila: Lion With a Big Mane

Cartoon of a wolf sitting on a cliff looking at a sunset

Sophia Sherline: Routine

Photograph of orange hued rock formations.

Matthew Balber: Rockslide

Mountain cliffside with a tear in the middle exposing a red and black checkered pattern

Gabby Williams: Untitled

Collage of a doberman dog.

Zulfaiz Ahmed: Dobermann

Photograph of a rusted red metal door set into faceless concrete walls, partially obscured by bare branches and reeds.

Matthew Balber: What Lies Beyond

Black and white drawing with long curly hair. She wears a tank top and has her arms crossed.

Paloma Turner: Untitled

strong women

Eummani Galaviz: Celebrating Women of Color

person with mask coming off of their face

Alessandra Montero: Day 6, Mask

portrait of person wearing a hoodie

Joanna Steven: Charcoal Portrait

A collage of different imagery and pieces of writing.

Jenavieve Savoy: Home

Drawing of a two-horned, fire-breathing creature with big teeth on a pink background.

Veronica Timble: Rhogar Myastan

Pencil drawing of people in boxes

Anonymous: Claustrophobia

Drawing of 3 people with party hats wearing masks.

Anonymous: Playdate with Covid-19

Leslie Illescas: Uncovered Directions

Rebecca Leal: Together

photo of train car

Michael Carlson : Conrail Blue

Illustration of collage portrait images torn and rearranged together.

Talia Fidler: Uncovered

Paint and words to reveal black out poetry

Atlas Sturrock: Untitled

Black and white image of hills with black and white Japanese characters. There are many trees and a road and house.

Ronan Schnepff: Words in Context

dinosaur in tub

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 15, Dinosaur

Drawing of a person and a skeleton morphed into one.

Leila Ortiz: What Remains

Jessica Horne: Tear

Anonymous: Downfall

A robot sculpture

Evelyn Rocha: Recycled Object Robot

drawing of a group of women

Jessica Vazquez: Para Las Mujeres

2 animated characters, one is good one is evil

Leyi Wu: Hana + Miyu

Painting of white skyscraper

Amesyah Flowers: Perspective

drawing faces green blue

Peyton Warren: Untitled

mixed media piece

Astry Rodriguez: The Power of Your Voice

A pencil drawing of a raptor dinosaur

Anonymous: Raptor Dinosaur

A collage of Wednesday Adams at the center. The background has various paper cutouts in silver, black and purple. There are 2 safety pins. One is adhering a piece of black cloth.

Anonymous: Wednesday Addams

lighthouse drawn with small squares of yellow and black

Jacey Chen : Lighthouse

Anonymous: Smile Street

Face drawn on a patterned background

Tiara Rocio Salgado Padilla

Paint and words to reveal black out poetry

Atlas Sturrock: Untitled

clay sculpture

Isabell Rabadi: Untitled

Drawings of person sleeping, portrait, and floating face

Amesyah Flowers: Works in Series

Rose on green background

Alexis Jaramillo: Como La Flor

box trap with gold under a tree

Eliya Torres: Day 16, Trap

Woman with lipstick smeared over her lips with a white shirt in front of the camera.

Violet Payne: Chased

colored pencil drawing of a girl with a cat

Yessenia Martinez: Alebrijes

Embroidery of the word "Empowered" on a pink background.

Lia Andrikopoulos: Empowered

Realistic sculpture of cake

Aliya Segura: We Want Cake

Drawing of a young girl with brown hair wearing a pink dress

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a woman in a red dress

Anonymous: Hamilton

Animal silhouette stands in front of red and orange sky

Kayon Darling: Endangered Animal Silhouette

Digital collage of Beethoven with sheet music and musical notes within

Brock Richardson: Beethoven

Nayali Guzman: TRAUMA?

abstract art

Anonymous: Elephant

Pencil drawing of a giraffe with its head tilted

Lila Finegold: Grayscale Giraffe

Bagel and cream cheese made of clay

Anonymous: Bagel and Cream Cheese

Anonymous: Untitled

A drawing of a girl with black hair and a black face mask holding the peace sign

Alessandra Perez: Self Portrait

Photo of wooden fence with hanging flowers.

Sydney Curran: Sukkah

Emily Miller and Vidya Patel: Untitled

Kayla Beltran: Surreal landscape 1

the headless horsewoman

Anonymous: Headless Horesman

Mixed media artwork featuring pink haired mermaid under water with treasure

Anonymous: Treasure

sketch of person with dog and necklace

Fernanda Lemus: Sketch

Multi-colored pastel artwork with flames on one side and water on other, with person in middle, sun behind him, and bird above him.

Andres M: Sun Wukong

mask made of striped fabric and shoelaces

Anonymous: Untitled

Mix of music notes, feathers, scribbles with an eye in the center

Mia Morales: You is EYE

5 girls dressed in clothes for occupations stand on a globe with the label girls can do anything

Nyla Pancholi : Girls Can Be Anything

Estefano Sanchez: Monster Feelings

Anonymous: Card Player

Drawing of a two-horned, firebreathing creature with a big weapon on a white background.

Vance Lira: Rhogar Myastan

Drawing of three black women with a blue background and the words "Black is Beautiful" written above.

Vallesia Robinson: Black Beauty

9 images of the same cartoon character in sequential stages of growth.

Carolina Jimenez: Untitled

Anonymous: Revolution of a Broken Heart

Anonymous: Warm vs Cold

Room overlooking a river with a ying yang rug

Anonymous: Calebs Comfy Cozy Place

Painting of food in bowl and person sitting at table

Jocelyn Delgado: Works in Series

A necklace with different fruits like watermelon and blueberries

Anonymous: Fruit Necklace

Drawing of a blue snowflake cut out.

Avani Bang: Untitled

Arch made of colorful pieces on a gold platform

Natalie Saenz: Color Your World

Anissa Aguilar: Melo + Maceió

Copper colored bracelet and rings that resemble a tree branch

Seamus Moore: Tree Ring/Bracelet

Anonymous: Presidential Towers

Anonymous: Undefined

Sofia A: Whimsical Wonders

Girl wearing a mask in front of a curtain in a nike sweater

Jada Batts: Allison Monologue

90's video game cartoon image of a girl saying, "you should come check out my house!"

Itzel Saenz: Rowan’s Adventures

Parrot drawn in oil pastel

Katherine Uruchima: Untitled-Bird

Painting of a clear wine glass with a Corazon Loteria card inside, surrounded by two other Loteria cards and bird figurines

Caitlin Torres: Personal Still Life

Ink drawing of a girl crying

Anonymous: Sketch in Pencil

Pricilla Mercado: Tales from the Times of Covid Zine

A pink abstract picture of a fabriclike texture

Anonymous: Plastic Abstraction

Anonymous: Luck

Leyana Gavin: Untitled

Anonymous: Cherry Blossom Petals

Veronica Ortiz: Heroes Avisha And Liam And Villain Lilith

drawing of sugar skull with pinks, reds, and yellow teeth

Anonymous: Untitled

Claymation sculpture in front of a striped background

Anonymous: The Last Shot

Daniela Salgado: Autumn Sky

Anonymous: Haring Inspired Skeletons in Motion

Samantha Franco: Manon Road

Two trees lit up from within in a white box

Aidan Rodriguez: Simple Village

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of the Mexican flag with the name "Jullisa" written on top.

Julissa Martin: Untitled

Anonymous: Waterfall

A drawing of a black and white cat with smaller cats on top of its head and paw prints all around.

Anonymous: Russian cat nesting dolls

person with a locket with a black colored ghost leaving it

Itzel Saenz: Day 17, Spooky Locket

Camera with a symbol of Earth as the lens. There is flora attached to it. The backdrop with a sunset.

Kristiana Noble: Lens of Nature

Acrylic painting of a landscape during sunrise.

Anonymous: Beautiful Morning

Black paper with multi-colored pencil drawing featuring road with trees in background, and person behind camera taking a photo of a person sitting on a bench under a street light

Gabriela M: Untitled

A three part painting of blues and purples.

Addison Scott: Rainy Day

Elven person in green dress holding a bird, riding a stag in a dark forest.

Susan Zhao: Guardian of Nature

Drawing of a person

Kaline Adams : Gen Unknown

Eye crying

Vance Lira: Weekend 4, Hollow

Drawing of a cat in the middle of a bunch of flames.

Sofia Faisal: Flame Cat

collaged face of a man with blue green shirt on blue background

Jayveon Baskerville-Bolar : The Extinguisher

Calvin Kumler: Tornado

Portrait of a person in front of a colorful background

Kristin Herring: Untitled

hair wig digital art

Marsha Tate: Untitled

Face in a bubble with hands below

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 4, Sandwich

an s pink and green

Anonymous: Untitled

A mug with a black and white handle.

Anonymous: Self-Portrait Mug

Drawing of shelves and a table

Anonymous: Life Piece

Manga style comic

Fannie Yu: Cheap Labor

A clay piece with a red crab outline on it.

Veronica Bastek: Crabby

Eliya Torres: Tales from the Time of Covid

headshot 3/4 view of a spartan warrior wearing a blue helmet and yellow and blue armor

Ricardo Perez: spartan

Mixed Media of Muhammad Ali's face with tan and white background

Silverio Cervantes: Muhammad Ali

colored pencil illustration

Trinity McGruder: Where There is a Dismal Present, Several Futures Await

Print of many different colors of flowers overlaying each other in ink all over the page.

Son Nguyen: Sea of Flowers II

person with staff sitting on celestial backgroun

Alessandra Montero: Weekend 2, Night

Roxana Delaluz: Hojarsacas Cookies (Mexican Sugar Cookies)

Anonymous: Silly Soup & ABC

Robbie Austin: Drowning in Emotion

Abstract landscape painting with purple and pink sky

Anonymous: Landscape

A 3D sculpture of a large human-like figure standing on a platform. Everything is covered in mixed colors

Benjamin Calisoff: Alien Hunter

Animal Farm- Sliding Out Of Silence

Gabriel Morgan: Sliding Out Of Silence

Abigail Graff: Through the Window of Wonders

A bird with a pink flower and dew drops

Carmen Conner: Bird and Flower painting

Lake and blue sky

Anonymous: Untitled

A woman in a pink dress with a sunflower for a face.

Itzel Garcia: Love Her Face

Abstract painting with light colors

Fatima Choudhry: Was I your home?

Digital image of a young man in a red hoodie. Behind him are many different blue signs that would be seen on a street.

Anonymous: Street A

A collage that contains many images and the words Game Changer

Alexis Diggs: Red on You!

Alexis Alforque: 27 Cats

digital drawing of cat eyes and nose on black background

Anonymous: Blact Cat


Aria Carlson: Untitled

Drawing of a bare back with two hands on the shoulder.

CJ Gordon: Maman

Men in striped suits and mustaches doing acrobatics

Suha Kapadia: Untitled

Anonymous: Portraits

Character in the dark surrounded by neon shapes

Alexandra Buckingham: Lexi

Anonymous: Soulen

A pencil drawing of an eye with a rainbow iris

Olivia Hein: Eye

Ellie Glenn: Dragon’s Eye

Image of a building partially obscured by trees in the dusk.

Morrianna Catchings: Light

queen of hearts slay

Ava Ortiz: OTHER

Digital drawing of a girl with brown hair and a green shirt

Georgia Pooler: Untitled

sad person with wings

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 11, Wings


Abel Delgado: Untitled

Pencil drawing of city buildings

Anonymous: Shading work

Colorful abstract patterns.

Quinn Kemp: Untitled

Ceramic face with painted colors.

Amia Wade: Textured Face

line and drawing with color and ink

Edwin Sanchez: Release

silver chalice

Maria Byers: Study 2

Yellow and purple drawing of street poles, traffic cones, and more.

Cilia Conley: Untitled

Celeste Kaplan: It’s My Job to be Annoying

Drawing of two dolphins leaping over water

Sanvi Das: Jump for Joy

A green forest scene with a green girl sitting in a tree

Anonymous: Green Forest

A chalk drawing of a street scene with a house through bars.

Kayla Vargas: Rainy Day Drawing

Digital image or person in black pants and shirt with red hair floating in space above person standing on earth

Patricia H: Save

drawing of cupcake

Marlen Hernandez: Sweet Treats in Quarantine

three ice cream bars with different facial expressions

Carielis Granera: Day 8, Ice Scream

A naked human figure stands in front of an orange sun that forms a halo around their head

Lucille Kearns: Haloed

Watercolor piece of original character Tony.

Sara Martinez: Tony, Ate His Words

Gabriel Morgan, Jansel Perez, Patrianna Scales, and Lashae Wilson: Sketch 2

Alfonso Blas Simon: Forever Love

Painting of a giant snake coiled around a wood branch. The head is not visible, the top of it's body is green, the middle different shades of brown and the bottom grey. The tail is just the skeleton.

Elizabeth Curry: Dissection

A weeping face, covered by hands, superimposed over a close-up photo of blue butterflies and a wide shot of sunflowers in a field.

Claudia Oveido: Surrealist Identity

Colorful cartoon portrait

Maxamillian E. Till: This Is Me

mermaid in shell

Amelia Baurer: Conch and her Cave

Drawing of a blue gill fish

Anonymous: La Loteria Blue Gill

Drawing of two people shaking hands in front of a rainbow of colors

Anonymous: Rainbow Shake

Brianna Kokoszka: Comfort in Life

A painting of a clown holding a Des Plaines, IL Police Department sign. The clown is repainted in 4 different colors: purple, blue, red and green.

Anonymous: Killer Klown

Three abstract shapes: blue, green, and red

Alaina Finegold: Untitled

Pen drawing of A bouquet of flowers with a horror element.

Daniel Marchan: Untitled

A drawing of a girl doing her makeup and her reflection in the mirror

Anonymous: Morning Ritual

cityscape with black buildings and a yellow sky.

Anonymous: Sun Sky

watercolor lion

Kaylen Parks: The Lion #4

Black and white line drawing of person wearing a skirt with their back to the viewer. Person is in a library.

Anonymous: Original Character

Evelyn Mancilla: Untitled

three doors labeled not scary at all, scary, and very scary with blood

Eliya Torres: Day 10, Doors

Surreal drawing of a cityscape

Natalia Rojas Duran: Human Nature

Isaac Davila: Imaginary Creatures

Melting ice cream cone that looks like a skull

Tyson Madison: Day 8, Ice Scream

Sculpture with many symbols.

Anonymous: Reflections on Calm

painting with pink, yellow, blue , and red stripe

Anonymous: 4

skull with sword through it

Henry De Luca: Day 19, Over

Anonymous: Untitled

Charles Espinoza: The Scarlet Witch

Hand in a ring light.

Alex Chitnis: The World is in Your Palms

Cupcake with blue frosting and red wrapper.

Anonymous: Yummy Cupcake

self portrait illustration

Anonymous: Self Portrait

Emaiya McKay: New Horizon

A black and white photo of two peoples shadows holding hands

Liseika Moreno: Suicide Prevention and Awareness

Overlapping circles arranged in a color wheel

Hailey Messina: Color Wheel

house design illustration

Sebastian Valdivia: House design

Robbie Austin: Stages

An acrylic painting of a moon over a blue and red night sky. There are tree silhouettes at the bottom of the piece.

Anonymous: Coming Night

Ceramic smiling face painted with various colors.

My’Sonne White: Smile

Armani Ray: Somebody

3D sculpture of a creature with three curvy legs, a colorful pink and orange beak, and a white pattern on its back.

Anonymous: Untitled

Fox girl with a tail in between two trees

Anonymous: Fern

Emma Chung: White Noise

Anonymous: The Beginning of the Fight

digital drawing of a person in all black with a gray background

Anonymous: Self Portrait

Kevin Becerra: Untitled

thing with axe that has chopped another thing in half.

Tyson Madison : Day 3, Dungeon

person kicking out a row of dominoes

Donald Richard: Day 14, Falling

A graphite drawing of a person with glasses.

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

angel with wings

Alexa Lopez: Day 11, Wings

ceramic sculpture

Flor Shanchez: Alebrije

Sculpture of stairway with sun at the top

Anonymous: Untitled

color scheme

Trevon Jones: Color Theory (pic 2)

Empty ice skating rink with American flag & speaker

Smila Gaulkin: The Rink after Dark

yellow and black and white portrait

Jayla Monae: IMG-9374

Zoe Haritos: A Photo Memory

Daniela Salgado: Temporada

collage of person with cat ears in a cage

Rebecca Leal: Collage/Reframe

Multicolored drawing of a robot above "Zot" in in a spiky circle

Lucas Lazaris: Zot the Bot

sculpture of a squid

Anonymous: Squid

photo of a prism with a purple light

Kate Barbosa: spotlight

A photo montage of a mirror laying in the grass. The mirror shows dolphins floating in a cloudy blue sky.

Anonymous: Skyglass

Two dancers.

Kelsey Duong: Heartfelt REpose

Nina Figurelli: Untitled

A digital portrait of a guy with glasses and orange and blue triangles on either side

Joseantonio Magdaleno: Self Portrait

Portrait of Annamae done with watercolor.

Anonymous: Annamae

Photo of two young women with illustrated faces

Adele Weiss: Dripping Imagination

Lioness and cub

Carielis Granera: Weekend 1, Nature

Digital artwork of cartoon satellites in space

Eleanor M: SWIFT

Izekiel Diaz: Sound Poem

blue and green landscape with a rainbow and castle

Helen Zheng : Unicorn’s Home

Dark photograph of a teen holding a mask over their face

Jersey Benjamin: Untitled

Drawing of colorful desserts.

Amanda Kleit: Untitled

An abstract artwork with parts of a face showing including eyes and a mouth with leaves and purple detail

Chloe Hatcher: THIS IS ME

Four panels with bright colors and household furniture

Tony Cruz: Untitled

person with wings near their head

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 11, Wings

Valeria Huang: Kayan Woman

Monochromatic orange photograph at a dramatic angle mainly of the subject's jawline and right ear.

Karen Hernandez: Untitled

Self portrait of Delilah Whitlock snorkeling in an ocean setting.

Anonymous: Snorkel Self Portrait

A floating figurine trapped inside a glass mason jar with fake clouds overhead and a baby blue background

Mia Lewis: Imagined Spaces (trapped)

Abstract painting with thick brush strokes

Adrian Cieluch: 21st Century

Yudeski De Leon Garibo: Pambazos

Profile of person wearing a mask

Sophie Yanny-Tillar: Masked

Pencil dawing with text.

Nicodemus Drummond: Love Letter

Anonymous: Pizza

Fernanda Lemus: Office Plant

A mixed media artpiece of an American Flag with 1 star. There are written words around the star reading "In God We Trust."

Anonymous: In God We Trust


Amesyah Flowers: Study

Watercolor of reds and oranges with landscape drawn on top

Anonymous: African Sunset

Gianna Giammona : Inside My Mind

Two-panel comic inset in a circle; first panel depicts neighbors waving to each other across a courtyard; second panel depicts one person in bed at night texting their neighbor about hosting a dinner party

Schantelle Alonzo: Can’t Wait

White flowers in a pink patterned vase

Alexis Trammell: Pussy Willows

bloody wolf head on a locket

Tyson Madison: Day 17, Spooky Locket


Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 15, Dinosaur

Clear blue skies with a singular beige house in a grassy green field

Geneva Bradley: Death and dying

Joanna Steven: Sketchbook Doodles #2

Max Silverman: Untitled

Colored pencil multi-colored drawing with earth in middle surrounded with buildings, with chicago logos and flags surrounding.

Anonymous: Dreams

Pencil drawing of mushrooms with striped background

Ida Rendon: Psychedelic

Photo of a girl with a crown

Cora Star: Changing Power

Zain Arnold: Oh What A Feeling

Digital drawing of Goofy over a picture of a child.

Lennox Barnes: Goofy Inspired

A blue abstract form made from fabric and stuffing

Dashiell Hamalainen: Untitled

Anonymous: Organic Abstraction

Genesis Hale: Diary Film

A realistic watercolor drawing of the skull and antlers of an animal on a white background

Ruben Robledo: Bone

Colored life drawing of a woman's backside sitting in a chair with a cloth draped behind her

Elizabeth Curry: Seated Blue Nude

black figures surrounding a person drawn in black and white

Anonymous: Candle Night

Charcoal drawing of person with bun and flowered headband.

Mia Alvarez: Untitled

Black and white drawing of leaves.

LaJuan Williams: Evolution of Nature

Drawing of a bag of Jamaican Jerk Seasoning against a wall

Anonymous: Jerk

Photo: top half of a stone sculpture of a person holding a pencil with their right hand at chest. Photo is taken outside; tree branches in the background.

Mario Jimenez: A Good Writer Always Carries A Pencil

A bust of a student with curly hair.

Anonymous: Bust of Pax

Graham Gedey: Portrait

Drawing of a purple and yellow two-horned creature with a big club on a white background

Donald Richard: Rhogar Myastan

Animation of rat, mouse, and tree with cheese.

Anonymous: Molly and the Hungry Mouse

Digital drawing of 2 hands reaching for each other on a gray background.

Anonymous: UNTITLED (illusion of being with someone during lone times)

Four nesting dolls

Anonymous: Unwrapping Identity

Drawing of women with words

Andrea Barcenas: Untitled

Natalie Pate: Under the Sea

Painting of forest scene

Anonymous: Secrets of Nature

person with guitar holding a singing bird

Henry De Luca: Day 11, Wings

Simon Jose, Gingerbread Cookies

Sculpture of 3 people sitting in 3 different position

Anonymous: Untitled

A colorful drawing of a lady with a yellow face and blue dress

Eren Akdogan: 100th day of school

drawing of Godzilla in yellow and black

Henry Ellis: Godzilla vs. King Kong

Anonymous: Summer at the Weltons

large stone arch in blues and purples. "Arches National Park" in black in lower right corner.

Maya Grant: Arches National Park

Salim Cox: Heart of a Warrior

9 images of the same cartoon character in sequential stages of growth.

Nyssa Bridges: Untitled

Detailed color pencil drawing of a tiger.

Sadia Rodriguez: The Lion

Graham Boeder: Me, Owen and Liam


Ava Shirley: Bouquet

Vance Lira: Nobody

Blue and purple plants and flowers layered to create a wave.

Jessica Krklus: Wave

Illustration about being safe around Metra train tracks.

Anonymous: Taking the Metra

3 flower pots with eyes

Nathan Nevarez: Untitled

Naileyah Moran: Untitled

Ursula Kirkpatrick: Kuma

A pencil drawing of teeth surrounding the top and bottom part of the piece. An arm reaches out from the bottom holding a mirror reflection of a person screaming.

Anonymous: Screaming To My Orb

Fire sitting on a log in front of a bunch of marshmallows

Tyson Madison: Weekend 3, Fire

Charlesa Thompson: The Product of Wealth

A group of axolotls swimming in a pool of bright blue water

Kim Balbuena: Swimming Away

pencil geometric drawing of kitchen with cabinets fridge and oven

Hana W: Home

girl in black shirt colorful patterned back ground

Jessica Sarmina: Self-portrait

digital image of desert

David Estrada : The Beginning of the End

Two people talking to one another side-by-side

Theatre Arts: By The Way Meet Vera Stark Scene

Painting of a bridge with a boat inside a circle

Henry Bao: The Bridge, Cottage, and the Stream

Lego guy with drawn tree.

Eric Norstrom: The Happy Apple

Drawing of a blindfolded person with a gun to their head

Anonymous: A Silenced Captive

Sunset blankets the Argyle stop with orange, deep purple and blue hues

Anonymous: Argyle Stop

Visiting a character 10 years later...

Donald Richard: Icho

Two photos of grayscale sides of buildings, framed with blue tiles in an abstract pattern linked between the two.

Kate Gallagher: Window to the City

A drawing of orange yellow tulips with green leaves

Cameron Diaz: Spring Tulips

person in glasses shaving their head

Edana Lynch: Drawing from Photography

black and white photograph of dark skinned person with dramatic black makeup and white stars on face looking intensely into the camera

Jazell W: Out of this world

Hamsa hand with tassle made from embossed foil and yarn.

James Kilduff: Hamsa Hand

Painting of person in yellows and oranges, in an oval of pearls

MK Bedell: Self-Portrait in Drag

Anonymous: The Princess and Flowers.

A drawing of a grey creature with ears and a tail

Charlie Vagnieres: Stolem

Colorful embroidery

Anonymous: City Stones

colored drawing with one side dark with black background and moon stating fear doubt and regret. Other side of drawing is white, yellow and red with sun, stating just doing it, attempting it, achieving it.

Anonymous: Half

Colored pencil drawing of a shark head coming out of the water.

Anonymous: Jaws the Mighty

Red outline drawing of a boy with face paint

Kaatje Mitchell: Favorite Characters

Sheet Music

Daniel Koval: Minor Progression

Pink and blue watercolor painting of a house with trees

Yessenia Martinez: Home

Close up on a stuffed bear with a child holding it. In a lovely embrace, a pair of adult hands wrap around the childs hands

Dorothy Mason: Untitled

A 3 person collaborative song effort!

Natalie Ramirez-Amezcua, Sara Rivera Gonzalez, Bryan Barrera: Here Comes The Sun

figure sketches

Anonymous: Sketch

Angelique Umutesi: Scare Crow

A green yoshi is painted with very small dots. He stands in front of a black and blue background.

Anonymous: Pointillism Painting

Collage of child screaming with text bubble.

Skylar Burns: Shout

mixed media journal entry

Anonymous: Jac’s Journal 3

3D Ferris Wheel

Anonymous: Ferris Wheel

Photographic collage of a surreal scene, with two hands reaching out from a body of water flooding the mountains and the trees. The hands reach towards a window to another planet.

Desirae Brooks: Surrealism Collage

A Found Footage Video.

Sharon Braemer: Image & Sound

Collage of Moroccan scenery like billboards and buildings in purple and pink hues with the text "Morocco" superimposed across the right side

Esme Huynh: Morocco’s Colors

a key with a wilted flower growing from it

Anonymous: Hands did it

Long exposure of candles.

Leilah Jimenez: Cumpleanos

Print of abstract shapes on yellow, orange, blue, and green background

Anonymous: Untitled (orange circles)

A drawing of a girl with a rainbow shirt that has math problems written on it.

Temilade Adelusi: Self Portrait

Gabriel Cajamarca: Box

Anonymous: Heritage

Dog Drawing

Alexandra Vahl: My Dog

"Ha Ha!" in alternating red and blue letters in a yellow burst, comic book style.

Jessenia Davila: Ha Ha!

Triptych portraits of two people and a teddybear.

Angelina Cofer: In the matter of Erica Deeman

Photograph of girl painting outerspace

Stephany Ramoz Toquica: My Magical Reality

girl with purple background with pattern

Mariana Martinez: Self-portrait

Collage style portrait.

Reggie Winn: Self-Portrait

A blue woven piece with green leaves woven into the fiber. There is a red rectangle on the upper left corner.

Anonymous: Outwards

Collage on an orange piece of paper, body parts and swirly lines

Anonymous: So No Head

Colored pencil illustration

Grace Mendoza: In Your Eyes

Mask made of boning and red mesh

Anonymous: Untitled

A river running through mountains

Natalie Nguyen: Watercolor Landscape

Brianna Hargrove: Microscopic Vision

Sculpture with a drawing of a boy and kirby along with lots of other objects (game controllers, pokemon cards, etc.)

Anonymous: In Honor Of My Brother

Ellen Wallace: Inverted Shadows

Ocieann Davis: Still Life

Adalyn Wardell: Silhouette

Person with sword in dungeon

Henry De Luca: Day 3, Dungeon

Toilet paper tube sculpture of an owl

Willow Fumo: Owl

Victor Chavez: Fake Friends

Marker illustration

Georgia Pooler: what father calls me

A hand blown glass vessel with a white and light blue pattern

Anonymous: Flat Blue and Clear Wide Mouth Vase

initials metalwork copper. letters

Skylar Martin: Initials

Anonymous: A Lost Legacy

Clay sculpture of tribal mask.

Anonymous: Princess Mononoke Mask

Wood torso laser engraved with contours of the body and several holes

Amber Rogers: Untitled

A yellow, blue, and red dragon with wings

Anonymous: Phoenix Dragon


Nade Hayes: Sorrow

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of an eye with ramen in the center with colorful lines in the background.

Azul Nunez Suarez: Ramen

Vibrant painting with human figures and fire and city background.

Sarai Mata: Can’t Go Back

Painting of the city of Prague

Mary Kate Clancy: Prague in a Dream

Photograph of cloudy sky with blue pink and orange

Natalie H: Cotton Candy Sky

Meredith Andes: Cereal

Jocelyn Najera: Cube

Isamary Arenas: Untitled

Stove with a pot of boiling water and spaghetti noodles in it.

Virtual Kitchen: Magaly Escutia

photo of magnifying glass on wood table

Yesenia G: Magnifying Glass

Track hurdles blur together. They frame the center where a person is crouching down

Jacob Schomberg: Obstacles

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Carielis Granera, Vance Lira, Alexa Lopez: Corpse: Corpse 3

Sara Gitner: Discovering Stillness

Alondra Morales: The Painting

2 digital characters in black and white to be made into a vinyl sticker

Anonymous: Vinyl Sticker design

Anonymous: The Mystics of the Forest

Drawing of roman figures on a mountain side with an orange sky.

Auren Boynton: Rose Oil

mountains in red and pink under a pink night sky

Anonymous: Red Mountain

Digitally manipulated image of church

Adele Weiss: Barcelona Beauty

sketches of eyes

Donald Richard: Day 9, Eyes

abstract drawing

Yanika Chaurdhary: Inside

Avra Raman: Seaglass

person staring at phone while flying

Veronica Timble: Day 16, Trap

Portrait of person with curly hair wearing headphones

Breanna Shaw: Charcoal Portrait

Jansel Perez: The Battle

Drawing of trees with snow above them

Chad Petrolis: Winter Trees

Watercolor painting of fish and jellyfish underwater

Anonymous: Untitled

Person in white shirt standing at desk

Zain Arnold: Talk the Talk

Snake labeled with don't be afraid on its body. Multicolored circles in a dark brown background with a white organic border

Kelly Anderson: Don’t Be Afraid

Landscape painting on canvas

Anonymous: Bob Ross cottage inspiration

Digital collage of face showing cracks with an exposed brain & various items coming out of it

Anonymous: Untitled

Digital drawing of a character with brown vest and staff.

Anonymous: Karlov Avenue The 55th

A painting of trees and a fence.

Anonymous: My Chicago Polaroid

A digital painting of two peoples faces towards one another. The background has numbers and words that say what makes you human.

Anonymous: Untitled

3 buildings with blue sky

Ashley Calderon: Untitled

A 4 Part Composition.

Ava Martinez: 4 Part Composition

Drawing of a wine glass atop a wood table, with small strawberries growing on stalks inside the glass.

Evelyn Chen: 2020, I Raise My Glass to You

Miriam Ramirez: 1, 2, 3 Good Enough for Me

A Raisin In The Sun By Alondra Morales - Beneatha Monologue.mp4

Alondra Morales: A Raisin In The Sun – Beneatha Monologue

Photo of two flowers

Liza Pena: Image And Sound

Love is written in large, pink, artistic letters. It is surrounded by a black heart outline. Underneath the love says "Happy Valentine's Day."

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Arctic Settlement

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