Grade: 12

Materials: Digital on Canon EOS REBEL T5
Dimensions: 3700 × 2480 pixels

Artist Statement: Over the past Summer, I took part in a photography program with the Chicago Transit Authority and Marwen. I was very inspired by the CTA as a medium because people often don’t pay much attention to their daily commute, but there’s a real beauty to be found on Chicago’s trains and buses. I also enjoy capturing convergent lines and shapes in my photography, and the CTA infrastructure has many complex forms to explore. I took the photos on a Canon EOS REBEL T5 while riding around the CTA during the program, and then edited using Photopea. I tend to take as many photos as possible of anything around that looks like it could be visually interesting, and then filter through them after the fact to find ones that stand out to me. My process has allowed me to get some very interesting shots because the subject matters are not inherently attention-grabbing, but how they are lit or framed by their surroundings creates something unique and engaging. As a regular patron of the CTA, I enjoy taking moments to absorb and appreciate my surroundings during my commute. I try to make my photos reflect that by capturing the beauty of relatively typical scenes.

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