Painting of a dog.

Paige Meegan: Daisy


JayVon Jones: The Legacy Jaguar

Assortment of different colored tape forming a loose circle that increasingly focuses on the center like a hurricane

Nathaniel Lewis: Hurricane

Anonymous: Tree of Life

Robot with green rectangle head, brown body with purple arms, three orange buttons

Azul Jimenez: Mixed-Media Robot

Khamayra Davis: Action Painting

People holding Ukrainian flags in front of "Cloud Gate"

Christina Poprych: Support Ukraine

Grid style drawing with each square of the grid containing a different drawing. Many grids show two characters interacting with eachother in various ways.

Amy Le: Myself

A painting of a man in a yellow jacket and blue hat holding a baby

Anonymous: Gift From Heaven

Painting of a cheetah with glasses

Katia Gomez: Alter ego

Digital painting of fruit in a bowl with a purple background

Kameela Williams: Bowl of Apples Still Life

Christopher Argueta: Caldo de Res

Julianne Martinez: Cat

Mac Tue: Mac+Tue+2

red and blue abstract painting

Janiya Latson: The Binary and Fluidity between Pink and Blue

Portrait of girl with black hair and green bangs on a black blackground with large pink flowers

Isabel Fettes: Untitled

Love is written in large, pink, artistic letters. It is surrounded by a black heart outline. Underneath the love says "Happy Valentine's Day."

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Repressuation

Luca Macri: The Heart of Peace

Disembodied hands hold up a crinkled paper inside a ring of bright white light.

Alex Land: The Mirrored Map

sculpture of a giraffe next to a plant

Anonymous: Giraffe

pencil and color portraits

Kaitlyn Huante: Portraits

3d city scape of many houses on a road in different colors with a colorful, blended, chalk pastel background.

Anonymous: Citylife

A photograph of the inside of a building looking down from a top floor

Anonymous: Water Tower

Anonymous: Untitled

This is a sculpture of a tree with cicada shells.

Sofia Comas: Shells of the Self

Leaves in forefront of playground

Andres Lino: See Through

Emileny Bustamante: Untitled

person with long hair and a monocle

Alessandra Montero: Day 14, Falling

pi in the sky

Grace Guski: Pi in the Sky

Yosef Borochov: Cactuses Together

Drawing of a two-horned, fire-breathing creature with big teeth on a pink background.

Veronica Timble: Rhogar Myastan

Mixed media abstract artwork featuring multi-colored sunrise background with silhouette in foreground wearing large hat with another person kneeling on the brim

Anonymous: Untitled

Lyrics from Juan Gabriel stitched and drawn on canvas with a rainbow Pride flag in the lower right corner.

Lesli S Vargas: Pero Que Necesidad

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: doubleexposure2

drawing of skeleton warrior

Eliya Torres: Day 3, Dungeon

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

Drawing of a woman with ribs exposed

Anonymous: Open lies

Detailed black paper cut outs layered over white paper.

Madeline Trinh: Untitled

drawing of heater

Jacob Serrano: Heater

Painting of a skyline with mountains, water, and a small city.

Teresa Tikoo: Hardiwar

Alexa Lopez: Tales from the Time of Covid

abstract shapes of red, orange, and gold.

Aubrey Ewing: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Emmett O’Donoghue: One Snowyday at Christmas

Anonymous: Compadres

A simpsons character with a purple shirt

Mia Lietz: Simpson Self-Portrait

circle of dots that says "elevation"

Donald Richard: Elevation

Pencil drawing of three dragons on white paper

Alisha Mukherjee: Untitled

Marker drawing of Koi Fish

Yacqueline Chimal: Koi Pond

Black and white drawing of fabric

Isabela Torres: Entwine

Snow sculpture of bear

Anonymous: Polar Vortex

detail of needles on pine tree

Giselle Navarrete: Peace in Nature

Anonymous: My Mind Map

Bedroom scene with floral wallpaper

Arlo Schafman: Fridge Day

McCord Brown: Color

Painting of a purple, orange, and blue sky with a bright yellow crescent moon. Under is a being flying through a green background.

Anonymous: Dreams, Fantasies, and Life

Anonymous: Untitled

Two pastel owls and a heart on butcher paper.

Anonymous: Untitled

Lucy Brown: Animal Planet

A smiling cat is drawing with many bright colors. Purple and orange line exude from the cat.

Anonymous: A Cat of Many Colors

Nathan Nevarez: Parasitnun

Juniper Pingolt: Bird tea party

digital photography

Yasmeen Quiñones: Ying Yang

Carolina Jiminez: Bernadette + Zakhar

patterned seahorse

Anonymous: Life is Pattern

Graphite drawing depicting concave view from grocery store corner convex mirror

Alyiah O: Untitled

Drawing of a skull and teddy bear

Anonymous: My Childhood Comfort Bear

Chuck E. Cheese animatronic characters

Donald Richard: Weekend 2, Night

Paintain of a lantern with flowering trees in the surrounding and a yellow and white swirled background.

Sernaya McGee: The Light

Painting of Quetzalcoatl

Anonymous: Quetzalcoatl

Pastel blue butterfly sits on light purple and pink flowers

Thadeo Portillo: Mariposa

Photograph of two people standing with backs to camera in front of lake and sunrise, hugging.

Anonymous: s2niorsunri5e

Paper artwork depicting wings and an eye.

Anonymous: Untitled

Ivy Nordlund: Sun Catcher

person's face outlined in red with arrows and writing all around

Anonymous: Untitled

Dylan McLaughlin: Rainbow Tiger

digital photography

Wesley Orr: In the Times of Covid

R rainbow background

Anonymous: Untitled

Watercolor with Sharpie people drawing

Anonymous: Action

Anonymous: The Scared and Forgotten

person holding skull ice cream cone with bats around their legs

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 8, Ice Scream

Group of objects in red, orange, yell, green, blue, and purple.

Samantha Faris: Musical Art

Rocks playing instruments and singing

Eliya Torres: Day 12, Rock

A photograph of a phone, a shoe, and other objects being balanced by someones feet.

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a toucan

Dana Fellows: Toucan

Arial view of workers in a field

Victoria Phan: Remembering the Lilies

two portraits, one person drinking from a straw

Ashley Barrios: Portraits

metalwork heart barbed wire cross

Sandy Garcia: Untitled

Mixed media house

Kylie Frayn Burciaga: House

hand sewn denim jeans

Juan Gasca: Jeans

Abstract illustration of people stuck in orbs with viruses in the background

Anonymous: Untitled

Set of 3 apartment complexes with a human female torso coming out of the top of the second building. Al in a monochromatic red color scheme

Nico Stafford: bodycomplex

Anonymous: Calm

Two-tone portrait of Kevin Cole with paint splatter and squiggles in the background

Juliana Tong: Kevin Cole

Jessica Jung: Blossoming Snow

A watercolor painting of a dragon embracing a heart organ. There is a cigarette close to the dragon as it embraces the heart.

Anonymous: Health

Digital drawing of porch with hammock

Carielis Granera: My Cofy Cozy Place

Anonymous: unnamed

Anonymous: Avant que je ne meure


Donald Richard: Day 6, Mask

Leslie Illescas: Honest Man Defined

Bright oil pastel drawing of a sun with skeleton hands

Anonymous: Untitled


Reed Burgei: Untitled

Anonymous: Full Size Render

Anonymous: Ice Cream Cried

The word hope written in a cursive font and a rainbow gradient.

Anonymous: Hope


Donald Richard: Day 16, Trap

Painting of two giraffes in an enclosure

Mahdi Muhamad: Beautiful But Caged


Nade Hayes: Sorrow

Self Portrait with complementary colors

Anonymous: Untitled

Bowl with painted blue outside and red inside.

Anonymous: Red on the Inside

Clay head sculpture with fake grass

Daphne Vasquez: Astral Projection

Matthew Hanson: Night Bus

Digital illustration of 2 figures in motion

Anonymous: Untitled

waitress falling with trays

Anyah Thompson: Day 14, Falling

Nayary Delgado: Cherry Blossom Petals

Amari Gholston: Random Fashion Inquiry

In front of an apartment complex, a group of white people sit in front, fading from dark to light. In red text it says not welcomed.

Michael Samson: Unwelcomed

A collage of a cat with hearts in the background

Anonymous: Dolphin

Jennifer Lopez: Long Time

Oluwatooke Elusanmi: Gyaru

Drawing of a happy looking bat with blue eyes and long, green eyes.

Anonymous: Locket the Leaf-Nosed Bat

photo of pier stretching out into foggy ocean

Anonymous: Boardwalk into the Fog

Person with a sword

Henry De Luca: Day 18, Pride

Pink, green and blue painted paper napkins. Glued and collaged together.

Lizbeth Tafolla: Cannot Merge

Annabel Multer: Bread Turtle

Drawing of 3 people looking at themselves in a mirror, one with hair, one with a hat, one with no hair.

Mia Reilly-Yeh: reality? dream? reality.

Photograph of a woman scratching her chest

Lucile Gama: Gender Dysphoria

abstract art

Anonymous: Elephant

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a person on a playground with a Rubik's cube head

Samara Torres Contreras: Octavo

Self portrait a boy with a neutral facial expression on white paper.

Anonymous: Self Portrait

dinosaur with flippers flying

Henry De Luca: Day 15, Dinosaur

Anonymous: Landscape Study

Watercolor of a night sky with trees

Kaylee Johnson: Melancholy Night

Klaus Kirkwood: The Sphere

person wearing a door dash teeshirt

Alessandra Montero: Day 10, Doors

Drawing of a castle on a cloud.

Nova Hong: Untitled

Anonymous: My Used To Be Reoccurring Biking Location

Abstract black and white linework and patterns with features of colors and lettering stating Poetic Rockstar

Mia B: The Definition of Poetic Rockstar

Drawing of a green dragon

Daniel Song: Korean Dragon

Collage of Moroccan scenery like billboards and buildings in purple and pink hues with the text "Morocco" superimposed across the right side

Esme Huynh: Morocco’s Colors

A painting of a white cat against a blue background

Sophie Padilla: Blissful Feline

Drawing of glasses stacked in front of a building with an American flag on it

Carolina Carchi: Untitled

Painted fruit in a bowl on a blue table

Lailah Smith: Untitled

A red figure dips their hand in a water tank. In the background is the galaxy.

Jae McCallum: No touching

Abstract painting red, yellow and blue

Luca Federighi: Chicago’s Vibe

Warm colors with large figure

Joel Overstreet: People at the Beach

Faustyna Turek: Ignite

Black and white portrait of a character with glasses and black hair

Anonymous: Untitled

3 seperate figure drawings

Jo’Quan Keys: Dudes, Representation

Collage of blue, red, yellow, and white cut paper with person standing over a nun

Clark Kiolbassa: Hijinks

sphere and stripes

William Rogers: Falling Sphere

Art piece with a silhouette of a person and mask with text.

Anonymous: Mask of Life

Red organic shapes surround a black ball with white lines

Ashley Quiarte: Sound Poem

Person wearing a large hat with a ? in their speech bubble.

Alessandra Montero: Day 7, Accident

Collage of a blue cat with red shoes playing the guitar.

Ella Roeger: Untitled

colored pencil illustration

Sophie Yanny-Tillar: Colorful Creativity

train speeding towards hole with a person sitting on top

Veronica Timble: Day 19, Over

Spacial design of an imagined green and natural scene

Kallisti (Al) Kupferer: Imagined Spaces (landscape)

beauty magazine images, roses

Betsy Angulo: What is Beauty

Painting of Chicago downtown buildings & the Picasso sculpture

Anonymous: Chicago Collection #2

A colorful, abstract painting with splattered colors.

Andrea Rodriguez: Expressive Painting Sadness to Happiness

Embroidery on white fabric of 3 groups of people standing together

Anonymous: Fading

Green dog on brown couch.

Anonymous: green eyed dog

Green meadow with wildflowers. Yellow sky behind.

Anonymous: Meadow

Blue line drawing of person with crystals behind their head.

Vance Lira: Day 1, Chill

A river running through mountains

Natalie Nguyen: Watercolor Landscape

Anonymous: Luck

Carlos Alanis: Final Film

b/w line drawing of person sitting in lawn chair drinking from a can.

Carielis Granera: Day 1, Chill

A paper construction, creating the word "hello" with other elements above.

Kamiyah Miles: Untitled

Mixed media landscape with moon

Zoe Gang: Twilight

A sculptural piece of a person with a flower head sitting cross-legged.

Emely Ramos: Ceramics

Kosta Kovacevic: Untitled

mixed media collage girl glasses color

Colin Ewald: Every Story

Anonymous: Selfie

Sara Gitner: Dazed

A shark with two people in a boat.

Anonymous: Shark Tank

A grey colored pencil seal is in blue water and meats and orange lion on the land to the right of it.

Elizabeth Ho: Seal and Lion Together

Photograph of a sidewalk colored with chalk with chalk pieces on top of differently colored rows.

Anonymous: Walking Chalk

Anonymous: Untitled

Mixed Media flag, red white and blue

Jacquelin Borreguero: Untitled

Clay sculpture of a squirrel.

Patrick O’Connor: Untitled

A colorful painting with hand prints and foot prints and letters surrounding the word "legend"

Legend Allen: Untitled

Drawing of a fire ladder truck

Anonymous: Fire Truck

Drawing of a dog. ON his skin are holes which reveal various body parts like teeth and eyes

Mina Miranda: Demon Dog

Art piece of American flag with a bird.

Sebastian Sorrondeguy: God Shed His Grace on Thee

Person wearing a crop top at night

Anyah Thompson: Weekend 2, Night

Yenedith Sanchez: Godspeed

Anonymous: Haring Inspired Skeletons in Motion

Julissa Acevedo: Self-Portrait

Sculpture of purple and blue treasure with wings and various colorful patterns. Wave-like body.

Anonymous: Untitled

A folded paper with writings and small symbolic drawings

Arturo Garcia: BLM Zine

Isabella Guzman: Amate

Digital self portrait of a girl with a gradient background

Shams Tobaigy: Digi Self Portrait

Woman with green hair and a purple dress holds a globe over a purple background.

Mehin Qasimov: Mother Nature

5 girls portraits on pink blocks background

Brooke Darland: Self-portrait

Photograph of a person in an auditorium

Stepheny Jade: The Girl With a Dream

Canvas is covered in paint. Abstract with colors peach, brown, blue, and green.

Anonymous: She Sees

electric guitar

Itzel Saenz: Day 12, Rock

Anonymous: Jake-Reedy

A digital illustration of a woman with her face painted like a Dia del los Muertos skull

Yoselin Mata: Day of the Dead

A Found Footage Video.

Zain Arnold: Image & Sound

Yamilet Valdez: Bear Friends

person reclining

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 18, Pride

Anonymous: Dreamscape

A smiling Elmo peaks out behind a black and white skull.

Kenya De Luna: Elmo says Hello to Dia de Los Muertos

Painting of green and purple leaves.

Mahdi Yousef Muhamad: Green Blossom

Sketchbook with pine tree drawn in pencil with orange streak behind it

Anonymous: Arctic Shine

brightly colored abtract feild

Jorai Harris: Feeling of Emotions

Wings and abstract paintings

Martina Munoz: Brown Pelican Wings and Polluted Aftermath

investigating the corruption of governments

Norma Calderon: Accountant by Day, Bringer of Justice by Night

Grace Kendzior: Ocean Friends

Purple ceramic bunny head

Aubriana Fitzgerald: Bunny bowl

Painting of a skull.

Anonymous: Untitled

red apples

Ocieann Davis: Study 2

A blue flower in the center of an orange, yellow and red circle with blue, green and purple background

Emma Hein: Venom Flower

Noemi Woo: The Flowers and the Tadpoles

Photo of stuffed animals: Bird and Panda

Elena Ulm: Bird House

lady face

Corinne Windham: Always perfect

Emerson Conway: Untitled

pencil drawing with a cube in the middle

Kevin Wilson: Unfolding Dimensions

Pastel drawing of an artichoke on a red background

Celia Rivera: Untitled-Artichoke

A faux dungeons and dragons animated character sheet

Leyi Wu: Princeton Confucius

Anahi Alcala: El Zorro

A black and white drawing of a creature

Demarcel Davenport: What Can They Say?

A photograph of an ornate Tiffany dome from below

Anonymous: Untitled

This is where we come from

Amalachukwu Okoye: Mother Africa

Anonymous: Masked & Unmasked

View of someone holding up a camera through a public bike rack

Jathen Roman: View of Art

Painting of a cherry blossom tree

Anna Stangel: Cherry Blossom Tree

Jonathan Walker-Moses: Hanging Lanterns

Circles lay on different color squares. Each circle is shaded differently.

Zoe Barnett: The Universe of Circles

four face combined and a person in a head wrap, mask, and yellow top

Tyler King: Portraits

A rainbow zebra collage

Yaretzy Marquez: The Colors of Nature

person with long red braids in a pink dress and hat

Vance Lira: Strawberry Scare

3 white dogs with red and white polka dot bandanas around their necks.

Hannah Gatz: Four Legged Friends

Grey Shady: A Different Dimension

Zoe Haritos: A Photo Memory

Anonymous: Mermaid

Complex drawing of many white skulls surrounding a larger red skull in the center. Lines connect all the calls over a multi-toned blue background.

Anonymous: I Hope My Bones Are In There

creature with fangs in front of broken fence and tree.

Tyson Madison: Day 5, Fangs

Carlos Fernandez: Goku and Vegeta

patterns and colors

Max Bell: Color Theory

pencil illustration

Jazmin Valle: Self Portrait

Canvas, clay, paint, mod podge, markers, glue

Sierra Fason: Discombobulated Brain

Taliah Thompson: Innocence

Clay rhino and clay elephant ram heads together on top of a canvas. Both animals are covered in the color purple.

Jake Maartens: Rhino-Elelphant

A monochromatic pink painting of one eye with a thin tree placed in front of it.

Anonymous: Eye Watcher

digital tablet drawing of anglerfish

Bennett Trinh : Football Anglerfish

black and white image of silhouette of someone walking down tunnel

Abraham W: Untitled

Clalinda Davis: My Dream America

Yellow roses are bundled up with blue paper, tied with a red ribbon. The word "Flowers" is written to the right of the bouquet.

Anonymous: Flowers

pencil drawing of face

Kaline Adams : Gen Unknown

An Aseprite Animation

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Everything Stays

Jessica Horne: Tear

Photo of a person holding an umbrella.

Kendall Hobbs: Purple Rain

Armani Ray: Beautiful Disarray

digital image of an old Spanish style building

Carolina Jimenez : Bernadette’s Campus

Paper mache sun & moon

Eddie Carrillo: Sol Y La Luna

Starburst shape, three dimensional.

Xin Liu: Higabana 1

A drawing with five characters hanging upside down over the word "vitality".

Drew Hogan: Vitality

Bird with pink beak and green eyes.

Anonymous: Serious side-eye

Pencil drawing of a girl standing in a field looking into a portal.

Anonymous: Another World

Crayon drawing of a butterfly

Anonymous: The Hungry, Hungry Butterfly

Collage with hand, heart, flowers, and people

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Cryptids of Chicago

Anthony Perez: Untitled

Sculpture of bright colored cut paper

Anonymous: Bursting With Flavor

A make-up look with blue hair resembling supernatural imagery.

Kevannah Berry: Alien superstar

Mixed media

Jennifer Villasana : Societys standards

pink, green, blue, and black stripes acrylic lines on canvas

Anonymous: Northern Lights

Crayon drawing of a girl and a dragon

Winnie Miller: Princess Cimorne

A girl and her brother play together

Nyailah Burnette : Me and My Brother

A black and white scratchboard drawing of a fox.

Anonymous: Foxy

Complex drawing with lots of layers

Oscar Lassus: Artist’s Business: Thinkin’ Like a Maniac

marker drawing of a yellow bridge over a purple river

Benjamin Huss: Chinese Bridge

red and green portrait of girl with mask

Silvia Cervantes : Flying Spirit

Emmanuel Arias Montoya: MANNY-ME-COLOR BLIND

blue painting of a teapot

Jaclyn Manning: Teapot Blue

Green tiles in a square shape

Brianna Rangel: Warm Flooring

Ocieann Davis: Eyes

sculpture of cigarette box and coffee.

Anonymous: Uncle Richie’s Breakfast

Anonymous: Untitled

Portrait of a person.

Terriel Ranson: Self-Portrait


Eion Magana: Aswang

Person with beard looking at phone.

Ramik Spencer: Talk the Talk

Drawing of an anime style girl with long pigtails, a short dress, and high socks.

Mia Perez: Untitled

Alissandra Delgadillo: Jello Stripe

Drawing of dolphins jumping over water in front of sunset

Gabriella Rodriguez: Untitled

Joanna Steven: Sketchbook Doodles #2

Gel pen on paper drawing

Adella Bernotas: Colors of People

Bird eating a nut on dirt with round grey stones in the background

Amri Rodriguez: Survival

Skateboard with Greek Mythology elements

Janelli Garcia: Helios

Pencil drawing of pioneer village with homes in the backgorund and people trading in the foreground.

Sasha Preuss: Historic Jamestown

pencil drawing of three people holding up large frame around them with bees on it

Saul H: Golden times

Colorful drawing of character.

Anonymous: Boys Dont Cry

Painting of trees with bright orange trees lined up over a night sky.

Rowan Raypole: Fall Night


Sergio Mathews: History

Cultural ceramic with a tea light and family photo inside

Aeledth Ramirez Tellez: Para ellos

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Homemade Garden Remedy

Foot that says "Self-esteem means knowing you are the dream. -Oprah Winfrey" surrounded by colorful patterns

Suncelia Lilley: You Are The Dream

Artwork with blue and tan background done in pastels with back of body in center adorned with flowers in black ink

Anonymous: Fragile

Candle with brown background

Mick Kaplanoglu: Untitled

Painting of dead seal with trash

Sofia Aleman: Save the Seals

A photo taken from a dark environment indoors, showing the silhouettes of a line of people against a window that gives a view to trees outside.

Eliana Frost: Birds on a Wire

Blue background with a kaleidoscope design. Buildings in the foreground with one tall one in the middle of the image.

Norige Attarifi: Casablanca

Soccer player on an indoor field

Triantafilos Tottas: Soccer

Portrait of a female face, in pencil.

Kaline Adams: Portrait of a Girl

Wooden mannequin dropping letter blocks. Blue and purple background.

Oscar Guerrero: Drop

Maya Avila: Lion With a Big Mane

Grey background with polka dots. Three sections with a Nintendo 64, Spongebob, and a red box

Kennedy Cole: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled 2

Nazera Bailey: Slap

A Documentary Short Film.

Natalie Garcia: About Me

One-point perspective drawing of a city

Parker Gunther: My One-Point Perspective City


Mason Hines: Untitled

3 page comic

Anonymous: Untitled

Photograph of woman with webbed hands and acrylic nails covering her face.

Anonymous: Hidden

Juliana Moreno: Unreal Vision

Diamond Cross: The Ocean and the Sky

Image of a girl with threads covering her face and draping over her raised hands.

Anonymous: Disorientation

A drawing of a tree with a blue background and grass

Katie Kaukialo: Happiness

Person with 1/2 blue, 1/2 red face, wearing glasses with white eyes.

Silva (Daniel) Flores: Two Toned Portrait

Portrait of a woman with her hair in a bun against a neutral background

Mia Wynacht: Searching

Anonymous: Scarecrow in the night

Painting of skull with horns on gray cloth to the left of a yellow flower.

Sophia Petrosino: Skulls are Forever

Modern Rock Band: Are You Gonna Be My Girl

A black and white photo of a girl smiling in the mirror with another faded face looking sad

Anonymous: Mental Health Awareness

porch and trees

Rebecca Leal: Perspective

child's eye

Maridell Clair: Child’s eye

Sharpie portrait of Frida Kahlo's head and neck drawn over a green and red floral background.

Anonymous: Portrait of Frida Kahlo


Sujei Vasquez: Untitled

Drawing with color pencil with several items in a room

Kellyn Chavez: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

b/w line drawing with scared people and a cemetery

Veronica Timble: Day 1, Chill

Anonymous: Rotting Woods

Night time scene with people entering a home in traditional Japanese clothing

Alexandra Serafin: Japanese Study

A drawing of Frida Kahlo and flowers in the background

Lea Montanez: Frida

Video of a man pointing with headphones in

Anonymous: Internship

A black and white scratchboard drawing of a cow eating hay in a field. There is a fence in the backgound.

Anonymous: Timmy the Cow

Abstract drawing of a city

Hazel Coleman: My City

Three abstract shapes: blue, green, and red

Anonymous: Untitled

Digital collage of a cat on the white house with a circus out front

Ariadna Avalos: False Promises

Black clock adorned with red roses

Mila Carosella: Untitled

Abstract painting with many colors and shapes.

Ella Wright: Paint My Mind

Digital drawing of a person fully clothed in blue pants and a green teeshirt, surfing on the water. A bright sunset of yellow and pink hues and a giant blue outline of an upside-down triangle is in the background.

Henry De Luca: Elements – Tabitha

A drawing of a girl with long hair facing the viewer.

Anonymous: Emily

Leslie Illescas: Goals of Creation

A digital illustration of a portrait of a guy listening to music

Anonymous: Self Portrait

variety of lines to create optical illusion

Maurice Causey: Swirls

Blindfolded angel with scales, painted in shades of reds, white, and black

Lauren Wu: Nemesis’ Balance

Rainbow with "Over the" above

Anyah Thompson: Day 19, Over

Irish and British flag merged on top of each other

Andrew Irving: Untitled

Anonymous: Interdimensional

Drawing of colorful desserts.

Amanda Kleit: Untitled

Black paper on white paper creating space through curves.

Anonymous: Kitty

Anonymous: Rainbow Rectangle

Khristo Reyes: Urban Shark

Pencil drawing of person with long hair

Makayla Harley: Self-Portrait

person in glasses shaving their head

Edana Lynch: Drawing from Photography

Visiting a character 10 years later...

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Jangmi Moon

Mixed Media mask

Oscar Aquirre: Untitled (Mask)


Amesyah Flowers: Study

sketch of person sitting on office chair

Kenna Threatt: Figure

A rectangle of cardboard with a green "neck" string, carboard wrapped with red paper and 3 black stars.

Tenzin Madonna: Family Phone


James Hagerty: Untitled

Person with b/w blobs surrounding them

Je’talia Brown: Insight

Sara Gitner: Fulton Market Gentrified

Brooke Darland: Brainstorm

older person wearing pillbox hat and sunglasses

Veronica Gipson: Day 13, Oracle


Aletheia Yuen: Untitled

Portrait of half a face in red and black watercolor paint.

Anonymous: Pain Everlasting

Anonymous: Bird

Dragon walking over person hiding under bench

Tyson Madison: Day 19, Over

A strawberry

Alaina Martin: Strawberry

Anonymous: Contour line

Digital design, layered faces

Abram Luna: Divided

Photograph of Waveland Ave. by Wrigley Field at night.

Maria Arce: Chicago during a global pandemic

Tree with crayons, and natural materials around it.

Calla Lily Parrilla : Colorful Scene with Cherry Blossom Tree

Mask with many colors and white spiral

Alex Steve: Mask

Image of a small portion of someones face.

Destin Edwards Blending In

Anonymous: campi di ferro e grano (fields of iron and wheat)

Marcelo Guzman: Finally

Drawing of inside of train.

Anonymous: Untitled

Grettel Guzman: Master Chef

person with mask coming off of their face

Alessandra Montero: Day 6, Mask

Drawing of an eye crying

Mariana Perez: Life

Paper is divided into many small shapes which are colored black or bright colors.

Anonymous: Freddy’s

gumball machine sculpture

Oscar Mendoza: Gumball Machine

Star night with yellow moon and text

Sarai Roman: First Love/ Late Spring

Person wearing grey hoodie and scoop neck shirt putting their hands through their hair

Tamia Criss: Tay

painted abstract face

Feytimisola Falodun : See Me

Ellie Glenn: Dragon’s Eye

Watercolor and pencil self-portrait

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

Blue abstract self portrait.

Binh Dinh: Blue Self

person kneeling in front of a checkered wall

Edana Lynch: Sketchbook 2

Jennifer Lopez: Abstraction

Digital drawing of girl's head

Simone McKenzie: Brunette3

mountain landscape

Vance Lira: Weekend 1, Nature

Anonymous: Buenos Amigos

Valiant samurai on the back of a maip dinosaur

Nived Karthik: Maip Rider

Hannah Boegen-Stork: Rainbows

3 panel comic b&w 2 kids in 3rd panel

John Shalinath: Magical Adventure

Drawing of dragon.

Felix Higgins: The Dragon

Kamily Corral: Cool Baby

Light brown horizon with a dark brown foreground, a shape on the horizon sending off a smoke signal

Owen Somers: Sound Poem

Anonymous: Untitled

A picture of a person with rainbow colored silhouettes stretching out from the figure

Maia Mar: Rainbow Shadow

Alternating black and white curving Vs around a black rectangle.

Yvonne Williams: Untitled

Birch, spruce, and oak forest with a large path in the middle. A big orange sun with the words Through the Woods are on the horizon

Jazalle Adams: Through the Woods

abstract scene in black and white.

Anonymous: Under the Sea

digitally manipulated photo

Faith Craig: Untitled

Joslyn Colon: Myself

Anonymous: Abstract Mixed Media

Digital image of mountains and gradient on black background

Talia Fidler: Sound Poem

Mabry Rapp: Texture Turtle

Person leaning against a mirror.

Anonymous: Untitled

Amrita Graves: Untitled

Painting of an orange building net to a tree with green leaves. The sky above is a smear of blue and white.

Russel Noushad: A Bright Rainy Day

Ashley Barrios: Society

Anonymous: Garden Teapot

Kayla Beltran: Surreal landscape 1

A girl with big ponytails

Dashawn Garner: Ponytails

A landscape of a lake surrounded by pine trees and a mountain in the background

Jordan Brown: Serene Skies

Anonymous: Untitled

This is a painting of a basketball net and a fence against a sunset sky.

Anonymous: Basketball in Sunset

crayon drawing of owl with blue and purple feathers on a branch agains a yellow full moon

Andrea Carchi : The Owl

person dancing on ground

Good Time

Marionette doll of person with long blonde hair wearing a blue dress with white sleeves and collar

Anonymous: Hopeful Mask

Anonymous: Dia de la Muertos

Talia Harbert: Untitled

Collage of paper and stickers

Meadow Meza: Shawnee

Painting of a skeleton girl with evil eyes in the background

Anonymous: Divine Being

Stylized pencil drawing of a sports car with soft lines, large wheels and gradual curves

Anonymous: Primevere Elara

Painting of a playing card with a woman's face in the middle

Yinyin Liang: Untitled

9 images of the same cartoon character in sequential stages of growth.

Nyssa Bridges: Untitled

Multicolored mixed media artwork with multiple characters and various accessories

Brittany H: Dramatic Entrance

Collage of found images with ripped image of nudes on top

Anonymous: Collage and Reframe

turtle like character with mushrooms

Alessandra Montero: Day 12, Rock

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Donald Richard, Itzel Saenz, Anyah Thompson: Corpse 5

A painting with a purple sky and a large moon with its reflection on the water.

Jameela Kahleen Sanchez: Purple

Paper flower sculptures

Julia Rodriguez: “Springtime Flowers”

Colorful drawing of animals and patterns

Lindsay Johnson: Untitled

Anonymous: Nature Doodle

Black and white digital drawing of a face hovering above a wood floor.

Anonymous: Self Portrait

Anonymous: Untitled

Colored portrait of a person.

Anabel Perez: Self-Portrait

digital illustration

Lilian Gragert: Lilys Comfy Cozy Place

"Ronnie" in big, colorful letters on an abstract background

Anonymous: Ronnie Pop

Digitally manipulated image of church

Adele Weiss: Barcelona Beauty

Drawing of a girl with long hair, pursed, small lips, and large eyes. She wears a top with a collar.

Anonymous: Untitled

Person with long hair and bangs, wearing large necklaces and a septum piercing

Kaitlyn Huante: Two Toned Portrait

Armani Ray: Drowned Out

Person looking at social media on their phone

Krystal Hernandez: Talk the Talk

Painting of a tree with pink and purple leaves.

Anusha Banerjee: Pink Purple & Red

Anonymous: Sound Poem

Sculpture of a house with a lawn

Howie Paulsen, Abram Fisher, and Everett Chrisler: Playdate

Collage of a person with one big eye and multiple eye cutouts pasted behind colorful background

Anonymous: Untitled

Anahi Alcala: A Starry Night Past New Home

A Found Footage Video.

Ramik Spencer: Image & Sound

Detailed graphite drawing of city with smoke rising and dark grey background

Anonymous: CITY ILLU

Colorful drawing of person with long pink hair walking through flowers with purple and pink sky

Jeannie B: Celestial Tranquility

Sofie Yang: A Lion’s Tale

Drawing of a scary carved halloween pumpkin

Anonymous: Scary Halloween Pumpkin

Photo of pair of hands laid on-top one another with rings, bracelet, and watch in view

DeAndrea Carr: Hands

Portrait of a man.

Anonymous: Portrait of David

Two women hugging in black and white photo

Serena Coleman: Untitled

Image of young girl in snorkeling gear in the water among many fish.

Kiera Clark: Imaginary Swim

Felicja Sadkowski: Thoughtsrz

Drawing of landscape with trees and mountains.

Samuel Vite: I Want Wind To Blow

Illustration of mountain at sunset

Ramona Scott: Ramona Scott

Colorful 3D paper sculpture

Kenneth Villalobos: Untitled

Abstract sculpture of a gray monster.

Emily Lach: Pinch Pot Monster

A Flamenco style dance number.

Dance: Intentaré Olvidarte

two women dancing

Anyah Thompson: A Pretty Girl is like a Melody

Painting of a girl's face in tones of blue.

Nathan Phuthaphan: Girl in Love

Abstract colorful lines

Macie Emerson: Alma Thomas Inspired Abstract Lines

Black and white portrait of a boy with black hair

Azizah Amin: These Two Windows

Anonymous: Antique Ambiance

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