Keith Haring figures

Santino Cantore: Untitled

Sophie Seo: Mouse in cheese

Photographic collage of a surreal scene, with two hands reaching out from a body of water flooding the mountains and the trees. The hands reach towards a window to another planet.

Desirae Brooks: Surrealism Collage

Heaven Williams: Black Man

digital photography

Ayanna Reeves-Woodson: Sparklers

Mia Kiefer: Duin

Vanessa Garcia: Youthful Innocence

Drawing of a hand that says "Be you, the world will adjust"

Chhaya Sharma : Spiraling Circles

Anonymous: Agya The Wasp

An Aseprite Animation

Donald Richard: Thundercat

Brianna Hargrove: Chicago 2003

Faces and grey building.

Anonymous: Xinjiang detention camp, China

Photograph of subterranean, concrete pedestrian passageway with mural art on left wall of an open mouth and people's faces. A person stands at the distant centered background in front of a flight of stairs.

Henry Stensland: Canyon of Concrete

image of a girl made with pixels

Anonymous: Life in Pixels

Purple ceramic bunny head

Aubriana Fitzgerald: Bunny bowl

Self portrait with colorful background.

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

Sculpture of a cityscape made out of the pages of a book

Hope Nolan: Paper Cityscape

drawing of skeleton warrior

Eliya Torres: Day 3, Dungeon

Anonymous: Lizzy’s Colored Hair

mixed media piece

Astry Rodriguez: The Power of Your Voice

A portrait representing two different identities

Anonymous: Untitled

A digital depiction of a church with some elements being "incomplete" by being rendered in white.

Kimberly Arroyo: Untitled

a cat wearing glasses

Alexa Lopez: Weekend 2, Night

A very colorful monster with line designs, white teeth, and big eyes.

Kurt Joritz: Line Monster

Three images of houses scupltures

Sasha Harper: Houses of 2020

house design illustration

Anonymous: House Design

A painting of many faces with long necks on a colorful swirling background

Destine Evans: Filter Faces

Digital drawing of skull decorated with flowers

Tanya Vazquez: Skull

Anonymous: Pattern Portrait

charcoal and painting of anatomical heart with personalized details

Krisha Pandey : My Values

Drawing of a woman with buttons on her skirt and a red shirt

Zoe Fowler: 100th day of school

A drawing of a person with long hair

Nailah Faisal: Untitled

Abstract illustration of shapes on a colorful background

Wendy Delgado: Colorful Geometric Shapes

Yellow hand grading itself in front of a background of hands

Veronica Timble: No Progress

Anonymous: Avant que je ne meure

crazy sonic

Chauncey Kennedy Jr.: Crazy Sonic

A child in a blue coat screams in a snow storm.

Anonymous: Too Much Snow

Blue sky morphs into budding tree on hill. Circles in sky of red, blue, and orange.

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

3 page comic

Anonymous: Untitled

screenprint of heart with lines around it. Blue.

Jessica Nunez: Symbolic Print

Digital illustration and collage

Sasha Gwinn: A Million Pieces in A Million Places: Wanted

pastel portrait of a young girl

Auttum Thomas: Magnified Love


Dilyn: Untitled

collage of person with purple background

Tamia Lofton: Untitled

Sara Gitner: Daughter Turns the Lens to See Her Other Self

drawing of person with long pigtails

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 3, Dungeon

Hannah Gazdziak: Joyful Spring

Trinity Rice: The Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

Edward Ayala: Birch Trees

Collage with text and image

Jacquelyn Murillo: Our Love Is Not Forgiven

Illustration of fox diving into crowd at concert

Aaron Bergante: Fox, Rock N Roll, Thrill

abstract collection of circles and shapes with a clock

Cora Hearn : Shapes and Dreams

Megan Trinh: Tapestry

Estefano Sanchez: Monster Feelings

A drawing of a black and white face sits in front of a bouquet of flowers. There is an eye patch on the face in the drawing.

Natalia Rose Yepez: Eyes in the dark

Flat dark artwork with holes in it

Dru Thigpen: Untitled

the unknown

Michael O’Neill: The Unkown

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Move

Drawing of three figures with cat ears.

Rubie Najera: Rock Out

paper sculpture with patterns yellow green blue pink purple

Zayn Sbuhamad : Spider

Drawings of person sleeping, portrait, and floating face

Amesyah Flowers: Works in Series

Graphite drawing of a girl's face up close

Anonymous: Duality

Sarah-Santi Taylor: Sunburst

Anonymous: Shells of the Self

Graffiti painting

Ramiro Romo: Untitled

Grace Kendzior: Henry the Hedgehog

Landscape scene of pink flowers in green flied in front of a grey and white mountain.

Jaya Diggs: Untitled

Brooklynn Berten: George Rodrigue inspired Blue Dog in Space

A dress made of plastic bags, recycled masks and other detritus, on a mannequin and an image of a person wearing the dress.

Maxwell Silverman: Trash Dress

Taliah Thompson: Innocence

collage with faces and Monopoly money, painting of face with spots in the background

Anonymous: Collage/Reframe

digital drawing of lips with a gold tooth and a rainbow background

Imani Ward: Fiercely Passionate

monkey on leaf with butterfly wings

Ava Ramirez : Dreams of Monkfly

Patrianna Scales: Rose from Fences

Foot with quote "out of a mountain of dispair there is a stone of hope" Martin Luther King Jr. B/w abstract illustrations around foot.

Anonymous: Stone of Hope

Animal Farm- Sliding Out Of Silence

Gabriel Morgan: Sliding Out Of Silence

Anonymous: Untitled

Photograph of doll sculpture with dark skin and large white bag. Doll is wearing pink shirt and denim skirt with accessories by their feet.

Anonymous: The Colorful Monster (Mini Me)


Ava Shirley: Bouquet

Lidia Vergara: Untitled

Ronald David: Yellow on Purple

Anonymous: Autumn Park

Drawing of an eye with three rectangles around it

Anonymous: Untitled

Mask with splatter paint.

Jaylen Wells: Messy Truth

Jessica Salinas Rodriguez: Buena Suerte Hija

A sunset over a lake.

Jax Johnson: Focused

Clay pinch pot

Anonymous: Pinch Pot

Alex Rojas: Conspiracy

Peyton Warren: Concealed

Sculpture of found materials

Nathanael Alnemri: Untitled

polar bear stencil painting

Anonymous: Polar Bear Stencil Painting

Karolina Kawula: Zagunie, Laszki

Photo of coach holding the head of a young football player on a football field.

Alyssa Young: Mentor

red and green figure on yellow background with red dots

Jasper Blackburn: Self Portrait

Dark blue storms with water.

Christina Nasios: Stormy Night

Anonymous: Bryan Park Utah

Individual sitting on a chair

Crystal Reyes: Untitled

Hot air balloons in the sky

Salma El Bissati: This is my hot air balloon race

Painting of trees with bright orange trees lined up over a night sky.

Rowan Raypole: Fall Night

Oil pastel drawing of a blue stuffed rabbit. It has been stitched together with black thread and looks slightly devilish.

Ashley Berrelleza: Bunny Nightmare in Blues


Anonymous: Sandpiper

b/w line drawing of person with beard wearing a helmet

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 3, Dungeon

fox and harts

Jason Rodriguez: Foxy

Jack Ekeberg: Untitled

Close up image of reflection of person in spoon

Scarlett T: Reflections

Photograph of blue sculpture with characters from spongebob and spongebob hat on top

Bryan M: Sponge Under The Sea

Jeremy Kole: Dog Sitting

Painting of a tree. Following its length leads to a bright blue sky.

Madison Madar: The Moon Tree

digital illustration

Itzel Vela: The Lemon

A Raisin In The Sun By Laylah Freeman - Ruth Monologue

Laylah Freeman: A Raisin In The Sun – Ruth Monologue

animation of lego face

Isaac Chan-Osborn: Self Portrait Video

A student sitting atop a gigantic pile of textbooks and notebooks, reading a book that obscures their face

Bailey Harris: School Work

A person's face. Curly short brown hair and a gray jacket.

Eoin McNamara: Alternate Self Portrait

Three dimensional piece of a TV with a chord and remote. The TV screen is opened up with visuals inside of the TV box.

Anonymous: Untitled

Creature with large mouth with fangs

Veronica Timble: Day 5, Fangs

black and white comic panels

Cheline Moncano: The Pandemic

A Found Footage Video.

Alexis Thomas: Image & Sound

Painting of woman with blonde hair and large cross necklace in white dress holding sword in front of face with blood on hands

Dayana H: Adieu Paramour

Taliah Thompson: Shimmer

Abstract psychedelic black and white art.

Lilah Dooley: Untitled

stairs leading up into dark.

Veronica Gipson: Day 3, Dungeon

Colorful drawing of portrait on chair.

Selena Castrejon: Stravinsky

Person laying on a desk

Arlette Sanchez: No Context

person wearing glasses duplicated and painting of pink feathery object

Victoria Mak: Collage/Reframe

Three pictures of a hanging sculpture that looks like a plant

Priscila Mercado: What Do You See?

Collage of shapes on a blue background

Anonymous: Untitled

Ella Breo: Untitled

Wire mobile with torsos of different body types.

Anonymous: Body Positivity Mobile

A green butterfly in is a white bird cage over a black canvas. The bottom of the cage is decorated with green flowers. The upper left corner of the canvas says "Hope."

Anonymous: Caged

Collage of teenage girls with sparkles over top. Over the images it says For you, I'm thankful

Di’Alianah Stokes: Card Project

Black and white drawing of folded paper.

Daniel Salgado: Untitled

Girl with black background with stars.

Laura Solis: Night Traveler

Anonymous: Rumpitur Plenos (Broken Pieces)

Mixed media including Vans shoes

Anonymous: Vans Custom Culture Entry Chicago

Painting of a cherry blossom tree in a park. There is a bench on a grassy area.

Inci Qasimli: Cherry Blossoms at the Picnic

Diamond Cross: RIP Boy

Anonymous: Reclaiming

embroidered green circle with "the little prince" embroidered.

Anonymous: Untitled

Ocean inspired painting design.

Anonymous: Untitled

multicolored crayon and pencil drawing of multiple people with extended limbs inspired by Ernie Barnes.

Madison Vasquez

Donald Trump holding a cage with a child inside

Fatima Tlatilpa: Stand Up For Immigrant Children

Portrait of a face with a gold halo around head.

Jomaris Rivera: Untitled

Pictures of 4 cookies decorated with musical themes

Javier Hernandez, Sugar Cookie

An abstract triptych with images of flowers and patterns in neutral colors


Various pieces of silver metal on a striped sheet

Angélica Albárran Romo: Metales Prestados Series (Photo 2)

figure in dark circle

Andrea Rodriguez: Andrea

Sculpture of a purple animal with a red ring behind it

Nicole Childers : Stuffed Sculpture

drawing of a frog

Tanijah Callahan: Frogmist

An abstract drawing of pastel colored blobby shapes

Adelis Carmean: Melty Rainbow

Portrait assembled with a variety of materials including paper, yarn, and pencils.

Kana R. Hutchens: Complicit

A digital illustration of a mouth with pink lips and white teeth

Anonymous: Mouth

Vance Lira: Nobody

Yellow Champion hoodie with a floral arm


Piper Sauder: Self-Portrait

Yellow fish that looks like a taco

Sophia Suluaga: Taco Fish

Anonymous: SLACK

Red and yellow abstract drawing

Huma Ughratdar: The Unmasked Queen

Self-portrait collage

Anonymous: Untitled

Fernando Rios Carmona: Untitled

Colorful water color painting of trees.

Loulou Sorenson-Cronk: Trees

Chicago River and 2 boats.

Alek Klee: Untitled

Collage of feathers and various objects.

Fernando Alvarez: Untitled

Pencil drawing of fighter jet on white paper

William Gremmels: F-35 Fighter Jet

Zoe Haritos: A Photo Memory

Digital drawing of a cartoon person crossing a river

Lucie Guenther: Fern!!!

Bruce Reinard: Chicago Skyline

Collage of trees upside down with colored pencils and clothes

Victor Berg: Untitled

person sleeping wrapped in wings

Eliya Torres: Day 11, Wings

Anonymous: Maeve Day

Charcoal drawing of black woman with the word "breathe" on her forehead

Anonymous: Breathe

Side profile illustrationn of boy

Andreen Marie Isidoro: Us vs. The World

Colorful torn paper collage

Anonymous: Springtime

Jala Dowd: Chicagoland Area

An image of a train on elevated tracks with buildings in the background.

Anonymous: The El

Colored pencil illustration

Darlene Guzman: A Reason

Colorful landscape with trees

Addison Bernhardt: Rainbow Walk

Anonymous: Snake

Embroidery on white fabric of 3 groups of people standing together

Anonymous: Fading

Portrait of person with a ponytail and glasses looking to the left.

Anonymous: Two Toned Portrait

Painting of a black house with a line protruding from it. There are birds on the line and flying in the orange, yellow, and pink sky behind.

Grace Kendzior: Birds on Lights at Dawn

Drawing using blue pencil. In the upper right hand corner, a male figure kisses the cheek of a female figure. Laid over those figures, a shirtless male figure holds a female figure in a bikini whose head is tilted back.

Mariana Medina: Despair

person in a mask

Itzel Saenz: Day 6, Mask

A still life drawing made with colored pencils on paper. There is a red background with a brown table. On the table are bananas, apples and avocados.

Anonymous: Still Life

Lashae Wilson: Sliding Out Of Silence

Photograph of woman with webbed hands and acrylic nails covering her face.

Anonymous: Hidden

Areli Garcia: Cerberus

A digital painting of a loteria inspired card with a bee on it. The words on the bottom say La Abeja.

Anonymous: La Abeja Loteria Card

Anonymous: doubleexposure2

Diamond Cross: The Ocean and the Sky

Drawing of a man playing the piano

Anonymous: Untitled

Girl with a pink dress and lights

Anthony Hernandez: Niece’s Birthday Party

Jennifer Lopez: Untitled

Bowl with painted blue outside and red inside.

Anonymous: Red on the Inside

A digital painting showing two women with a bike and a Mexican flag. The words on the piece read 95 La Chicana.

Anonymous: La Chicana Loteria

A graphite self-portrait drawing of a person with short hair and freckles.

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

Myles Flowers: Grandma Ida

White flowers in a pink patterned vase

Alexis Trammell: Pussy Willows

A colorful digital illustration with organic shapes and patterns. In the center of the piece is a person walking with a lavender top and yellow pants.

Anonymous: Ink Explosion

Black and white photo with tree.

David Bolotin: Untitled

Black and white photograph of person in crop field.

Stephanie Maldonado: Working on the Field

Anonymous: Untitled

Brianna Hargrove: Transatlantic Trade

Vibrant painting with human figures and fire and city background.

Sarai Mata: Can’t Go Back

Person on their phone on the toilet with a scale, hair tie, towel, and hairbrush on the floor

Karina Vargas: Bathroom Break

Painting of still life with dish, pearls, figurine

Nathan Dixon: Cupid’s Riches

paint on canvas

Clair DeYoung: No Rest For the Reluctant

two portraits, one with a laughing flame

Jessica Horne: Portraits

Photograph of an alley with a basketball hoop as the central aspect and houses in the background

Anonymous: Alley Shot

Abstract colorful shapes on black background

Anonymous: Focus

Kaya Song: Flower in Reverberating

Charlie Carroll: Untitled

Photo of a girl holding up a self-portrait

Marion Mueller: Self Portrait

Two red circle with black background.

Anonymous: Untitled

drawing of a girl by a rainbow and a flying unicorn

Anonymous: The Magic Star

angry monster making fists

Tyson Madison: Day 12, Rock

Portrait in red light

Brooklynn Rodgers: Red Light

Watercolor painting of a boat in a large body of water.

Anonymous: Boats in the Water

photograph of two football players in red and black jerseys and helmets shaking hands

Mia Z: Untitled

dark photograph with lit up cta blue line train in center

Nathan U: Dark Night at the Blue Line

Swirls, with a remote control and 3:00 clock.

Anonymous: Bad Choices Teenagers Make

Anonymous: Untitled

Molly Perez: Beauty in disguise

Sculpture of a sunset over water.

Anonymous: Waves of Time

Maria Byers: Still Life

b/w drawing of hand tied to rock.

Henry De Luca: Day 1, Chill

Charlesa Thompson: Chronic Vanity

ink image of a brain on face

Jazzaria Robles: Mindset Scramble

3 ghosts and an open locket

Anyah Thompson: Day 17, Spooky Locket

painting of hands playing dominoes

Anonymous: Untitled

A modern contemporary style dance number.

Dance: Harmony

Collage of sketches, texts, and other various materials

Heaven Carter: Mental Destruction

Graphite drawing of tomatoes with decorative circles around them

Anonymous: Tomato Vibes

black and white portrait and painted person sitting cross legged

Joanna Steven: Portraits

The design of red and blue letters that spell out the name "Marcel"

Demarcel Davenport: Who Am I?

Ceramic face painted with various colors (orange, green, yellow, red, and blue).

Alilyana Davis: Gretched

person's face outlined in red with arrows and writing all around

Anonymous: Untitled

digital illustration

Julia Davis: Take Some Time For Yourself

Image of young girl in snorkeling gear in the water among many fish.

Kiera Clark: Imaginary Swim

Anonymous: Freestyle Organic Shape Drawing

Abstract painting of a dinosaur

Nico Borovicka: Dianosaur

Colorful drawing of a tree with flowers

Nova Hong: Magma Pond

Ja’Niyah: Untitled Self Portrait

Still life of various objects in neutral palette

Sophia Clinard-Rubio: Temperature Still Life

Digital drawing of natural elements.

Huiyun Jiang: Journey through living

Photograph of a person painting. They wear a red, white and grey stripped polo shirt. They hold a paint palette in their left hand and a paint brush in their right up to the canvas. The painting is of a street scene.

Vicky Plange: Village of Strokes

Alejandra Ramirez Lopez: Lost In You

photograph of mcdonalds packaging floating in puddle with leaves

Anh H: Polluted Puddle

Photo of deep-red raspberries and dark blackberries in market cartons.

Anonymous: Fresh and Vibrant

A pink abstract picture of a fabriclike texture

Anonymous: Plastic Abstraction

Child in teal shirt wearing a hat of white paper with fronds and cut strips covering their face

Atul Shiwakoti: Crazy Jester Hat

A photo of a lake with a blue sky and clouds reflecting on it.

Anonymous: Hidden Lake

Female wearing a red scrunched up dress standing in a body of water

Charlotte Ochstein: Reef Bleaching Garment

Painting of snails on mushrooms

Alana Smith: Snails on Mushrooms

A painting with yellows and magenta with Arabic lettering in black.

Anonymous: Untitled

Eyeball that has a fish body drawn around it

Anonymous: Fish Eye

black and white scratchboard of people in trees.

Lorelai Rebbe: Unknown

Anonymous: Untitled

two wolves

Carielis Granera: Day 13, Oracle

A hand sewn plushie of a figure wearing an upside down ice cream cone on their head

Andrea Diaz: The One and Only Patrick

Abstract landscape painting with purple and pink sky

Anonymous: Landscape

Blue and green gemstones

Anonymous: Gemstone Cluster

A reoccurring photo of trees. The photos are tinted in different colors and stacked on top of one another in various sizes.

Anonymous: Untitled

Photograph of a man in a pool playing water polo

Michael Tenesaca: Twilight

Portrait of half a face in red and black watercolor paint.

Anonymous: Pain Everlasting

Taryn Landsberger: Pheasant’s Eye

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Carielis Granera, Vance Lira, Alexa Lopez: Corpse: Corpse 3

Digital painting of fruit in a bowl with a purple background

Kameela Williams: Bowl of Apples Still Life

John Lopez: Just Head

A painting of a girl with short hair and a question mark next to her head

Untitled: Self Portrait

Person with long black hair wearing a key necklace saying "looking for this?"

Alexa Lopez: Day 3, Dungeon

A graphic design with words creating the image of an earth on fire

Arturo Garcia: Our Changing World

Photo of stuffed animals: Bird and Panda

Elena Ulm: Bird House

person in messy kitchen

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 7, Accident

Painting of a lake and a small dock with a rainbow in the sky

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: grumbo jade


Diana Cervantes: American Dream

Ink Print on paper blue can cowboy hat

Anonymous: Cowboy Can

A marker drawing of a character with a green shirt and blue eyes.

Anonymous: Sam the Cat

Anonymous: Black History Through Music

black and white image of silhouette of someone walking down tunnel

Abraham W: Untitled

colored pencil illustration

Nate Anleu: El Flama

A Raisin In The Sun By Alondra Morales - Beneatha Monologue.mp4

Alondra Morales: A Raisin In The Sun – Beneatha Monologue

blue red yellow T

Soriah Hampton and Anonymous: Untitled

Sculpture. Water bottle on canvas painted over like ocean waves.

Lennie Knapp: Taking In

Painting of a river and forest

Sofia Stevanovic: The Feeling River

Drawing of nude life figure on a white cloth, arm behind back

Stephanie Simpson: Lounging Nude

Black and white paper houses

Benjamin Fox: Weekend Quarantine Project

Drawing: large purple figure sits center on pink and yellow tiled floor. Pink and green plants grow from their head. A slightly open door is on the right of the drawing.

Daniela Loza: No smile No sorrow

A pixelated colorful parrot

Anonymous: Macaw in pixels

sunny the sunflower

Kora Marshall: Sunny Sunflowers

Pencil drawing of a bee

Anonymous: BEE

Angry dog look down at bowl outlined in green with the words "Super Groovy" plastered in front

Daniel Salas-Alvarez: Don’t Bite the Hand that Feeds You

Kimberly Casales: Two sides of Alice


Barack: Untitled

Drawing of a person with red hair lying with back turned.

Azriel Mesa: Susanna and the Elders Figure Study

Abstract painting with circles, smears, and lines

Anonymous: Gold Circles #1 of 5

Digital drawing of person at a table in the dark with a sign that says "Don't Play with Ouija Boards" above them.

Kaley Kmiec: Don’t Play With Ouija Boards

Anonymous: Empathy Drawing


Dr Joanne Brown-Hicks: The Spotted Hyena #1

portrait of person in blue and green

Joanna Steven: Two Toned Portrait

Black and white drawing of person with long dark hair wearing a black hoodie.

Jizel Avila: Self Portrait

A drawing of a person with blue hair and a face mask with one half on a yellow background and the other half on a gray background

Esme Cuisia: Assumption vs Reality

Isabelle Garcia: Blue

Metal sculpture with pencils

Anonymous: Pencil Test


James Hagerty: Untitled

Geometric piece of art with a variety of colors.

Yesniea Garcia: Depth

pencil drawing of person with colorful eyes

Sierra Baldwin: Starry Eyes

Jennifer Lopez: Untitled

Taliah Thompson: Dust Bucket

Sharpie is used to black out parts of a book page. A figure crouches at the bottom of the drawing. "Screams" is written in yellow at the top of the drawing.

Emanuel Macias: SCREAMS

blue ceramic tile piece of a dragon

Jace Eisenberg: Dragon Sgraffito

A painting of a peacock

Siena Leinwand: The Peacock

Orange birds with hearts, sun, and moon

Elliana Glenn : Untitled

Painting of a pink bedroom.

Anonymous: Untitled

Ximena Vilegas: Untitled

Digital Art. A background of blue with pink eyes is interrupted by an ambigous orange and purple figure. On the figures upper chest, the words "No One is Safe" are listed.

Ronghe Chen: Eyes on the Influencer

Blue green sky with green trees

Michael Douglas: A City

Colorful portrait of dog with geometric patterns and flowers.

Siena Wong: Laurel Burch Dogs

Grey Shady: A Different Dimension

iPad drawing, Print

Anonymous: Secondary Me

Digital drawing with green shapes and lines

Anonymous: Untitled

portrait yellow shirt and micro phone

Karime Cardenas: Portrait

Jennifer Lopez: Homagee

Colorful ceramic taco/fish

Anonymous: Carlos’ Fish

Collage of a person on a landscape.

De’Jonnlove Ganbold: Untitled

Portrait of person with short, dark hair and glasses

Anonymous: Two Toned Portrait

word illustration

James Solis: Historical Hate

Liliana Nash: I Can’t Seem To Remember

Anonymous: Four Seasons

A black and white scratchboard drawing of a detailed bird.

Anonymous: Omen

abstract swirly lines

Nina Bonair-Agard: Untitled

digital art self-portrait boy green parakeet

Larry Richardson: Self-Portrait

Small child with dark eyes and hair looking at the camera with figures behind

Yaretzi Cornelio: Angles

Drawing of a human figure atop of a collage of smaller sketches

Giselle Raigosa: King’s Domain

Gabrielle K Diggs: Singing Flower

Anonymous: Untitled

Person leaning against a mirror.

Anonymous: Untitled

drawing marker robot character color

Humberto Zetina: Midnight Thoughts

portrait of person wearing a mask

Amesyah Flowers: Charcoal Portrait


Anyah Thompson: Day 9, Eyes

Marker drawing of 4 people of different races standing in a row beneath a rainbow with the word "diversity" above

Arhianna Melson: Diversity

color drawing of a fox in a triangle in a black and white landscape.

Allison Martineau: Moon Walk

Jala Dowd: Just the Material Things

Anonymous: Eerie Clown of Souls

Anonymous: The Scared and Forgotten

Abstract drawing of an eye ball and nose in blue clouds

Ashley Barrios: Darkness

A drawing of a girl wearing a white mask with a red circle with a line through it

Aaliyah Borges: Mirror of a City Girl

Anonymous: The Princess and Flowers.

Rendering of letters the spell QUARANTINE on a building

Fionn Hui: Quarantine Activities

black and white drawing of a torso surrounded by eyes

Cesar Fernandez: All Eyes On

Butterflies and a face with blue hair and cat ears

Matthew Jeffris: Untitled


Makayla Morris: Untitled

side view of crocodile head

Carmelo Munoz: Crocodile & Mosquito

Yellow and black stripes with floating sausages.

Shilo Gross: The Land of the Royal Sausages

Three abstract shapes: blue, green, and red

Anonymous: Untitled

Butterfly in the sky

Jonathan Carmelo: Butterfly Above the Sky

A digital mosaic of 3 pink flowers and leaves

Yadira Guaman: Digital Mosaic

Alissandra Delgadillo: Cuz

An oil pastel drawing of a cow

Anonymous: Cow

Samantha Franco: Pen Still Life

A girl with big ponytails

Dashawn Garner: Ponytails

Dog Drawing

Alexandra Vahl: My Dog

Drawing of an image and text.

Anonymous: Lost In Hurricane

Pink illuminated hazy image of a room.

Grace Woodson: Haze

Painting of jellyfish and giraffe

Alissandra Delgadillo: Works in Series

Drawing of the Eiffel tower in Paris with a colorful sky.

Anonymous: Paris Background

Watercolor painting of Wonder Woman on a green background.

Anonymous: Wonder Woman

scratch art

Jillian Coleman: Untitled

Drawing of a girl in a checkered turtleneck sweater standing in her room

Jazmin Gamez: Self-Portrait 2021

Anonymous: Procrastination

Cookies drizzled with caramel on a rack

Jazmin Unzueta, Chocolate Stuff Shortbread Cookies with Caramel Drizzle

Painting of a woman behind two pillars. She has blond hair in a bun and braids and is inspired by greek mythology.

Alma Vega: Statue of Greek Times

Daniela Salgado: Al Mercado

An abstract painting made of colorful dashes in a circular design.

Anonymous: Alma Thomas inspired Line Design

Self portrait

Braya Harris: Self portrait #1

Alexis Thomas: Storyboard

photograph portrait girl

Mila Gordon: Untitled

Video Production: The Chase and Lighting Challenge

Anonymous: Lost In Time

A mixed media collage of a fashion drawing of a white dress with ruffles around the seams. There are extra notes, fabric swatches, and drawings around the figure.

Tabitha Shaheen: Summer Waves Dress

Nevaeh Evans: Family & Friends

Self portrait

Sierra Fason: Self Portrait #4

Colorful ceramic taco/fish

Anonymous: David’s Fish

Still life painting with a yellow and red cloth on table, glass vase with green and pink flowers, and dark beads draped in the vase.

Viviana Hernandez: Floral View

clay sculpture of a slug with a human face

Anonymous: Sluggish

Collage of a person lounging

Charlotte Sindelar: The Picnic

Painting of an orange building net to a tree with green leaves. The sky above is a smear of blue and white.

Russel Noushad: A Bright Rainy Day

Anonymous: Untitled

A drawing of a girl with long hair facing the viewer.

Anonymous: Emily

Anonymous: Untitled

Abigail Graff: Through the Window of Wonders

Person with pink hair with "Missing" posters

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 19, Over

Circle cut in half with black seeds in the center, and a hot pink skin, with green leaves

Zaylah De La Torre: Speculative Vexillology

A drawing of the Statue of Liberty

Nash McBride: Ellis Island

A fox puppet fishing on a river.

Anonymous: Fishing Fox

Detailed drawing with black pen. Face center with long hair and tears. A large lightbulb is in the upper right corner and another face blindfolded is bottom right. A tree spirals up from the bottom left. Clouds, moon and stars are present. Text is incorporated throughout the drawing.

Anonymous: Reality Inverted

Digital illustration of sugar skull with bright celebratory colors and flower patterns throughout.

Alexis Ariza: Day Of The Dead

A drawing of an owl with a colorful background

Aria Boyd: Owl

Lola Dale: Yoshimi

Family of three with a blue silhouette of a father with a blue background colored in to mimic a child's drawing

Alexandra Force: Repressed Memories

Digital Drawing of color diamonds

Michael Myvett: Color Exploration

Pastel drawing of a person playing a saxophone on an empty street with a dog and a bike

Sana Nanlawala: Not So Lonely on an Empty Street

White and blue jellyfish on a black background

Sophia Renee Macias: Electric Shock – Glowing Jellyfish in the Deep Sea

Drawing of outdoor skateboarding scene

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Four trains cross over and under each each-other, glowing with neon light. Three of the trains seem to float midair.

Roderick Elston: Green Line 2077

Nevaeh Evans: Emotion1

Joanna Rosales: Untitled

sandwich illustration

Anonymous: Sandwich

Kimberly Aguilera: Artist Sketchbook


Yulisa Estela: Original

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Vast Possibilities

A digital drawing of a wolf with one eye

Anonymous: The Lone Star

Painting of a brown pirate ship on a dark blue sea with a black and white flag. Behind the ship is a blue sky with a bright yellow sun.

Anonymous: Pirate Ship

person with horns and sword in fire

Alessandra Montero: Weekend 3, Fire

Keyon Garrett: My Good Artist

An abstract drawing of lines on a black background

Isaiah Rivera: Mythical Universe

Blue background with an illustration of a subject created by a connected cut-out black paper

A’marion Kerr: Cut Paper Illustration

Painting of a person praying with rosary beads.

Angelie Bajilo: IN Reverence

Black and white drawing of a person, with red around the eyes. Person holding up hand with thumb, pointer and middle finger raised.

Fatima Tlatilpa: The rock n roll dream

person with eyes closed dancing

Yenedith Sanchez: Halloween

Photograph of the shadows of hands on a window with a cross between them

Anonymous: Y Con Tu Espiritu

Annika Alfaro: Mame from Radio Golf

Anonymous: Untitled


Anonymous: Untitled

Colored pencil drawing of a tree from above

Anonymous: The Biggest Tree

Drawing of a haunted locker room done with graphite pencil on paper.

Jeyson Martinez: HE’S WATCHING

A painting of a clown holding a Des Plaines, IL Police Department sign. The clown is repainted in 4 different colors: purple, blue, red and green.

Anonymous: Killer Klown

Anonymous: “All of Us”

Brianna Hargrove: Pandemic

Leg and foot with monster teeth spiraling across it

Isabella Wietrzak: Monster Mouth

Anime character creation

Yariancis Acosta: Untitled

Painting of a living room with a window and plant, beige couch and glass table in foreground.

Emmia Gearon: Nest

Painting of cucumbers cut and sliced in a red bowl

Jaqueline Garcia: Bowl Of Cucumbers

Black and white painting of a night with silhouette images: Barren landscape with some trees, upon which a child is singing. Dog, birds and moon in background.

Jennifer Rojas: Untitled

Jameson O’Malley: The Battle Over the Volcanoes

Monster with horns and flower crown

Eliya Torres: Weekend 4, Hollow

A photo of beekeepers working at the Chicago Botanic Garden.

Gianna Christensen: Honey, I’m Home

Galactic imagery juxtaposed on folded squares and triangles composing a larger piece.

Nathaniel Ramirez: Space Travel

Collage focused on large, red eyes

Breanna Shaw: Collage and Reframe

Digital drawing of 2 hands reaching for each other on a gray background.

Anonymous: UNTITLED (illusion of being with someone during lone times)


Shanieah Thornton: Untitled

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Tyson Madison, Alessandra Montero, Abby Moon-Sarudi: Corpse 4

Alejandro Ortiz: Continuity

This is a sculpture of a tree with cicada shells.

Sofia Comas: Shells of the Self

Madelyn Bursch: Tears of Joy


Emma Lane: Coconut Worlds

Robbie Austin: Generations

A painting of two trees

Adam Milic: Trees

Nicole Mulia- flower

Nicole Mulla: Flower

Eion Magana: Going Nowhere

Klimt's Scream in an ice pillar. "The Ice Scream"

Donald Richard: Day 8, Ice Scream

Black and white ink drawing of many different characters layered over each other.

Armani Ortega: Madness

Person in blue jacket and hat sitting at a picnic table holding an orange cat.

Enrique Meza: Family Portrait

A drawing of the earth that looks like a virus

Anonymous: El Mundo

Black and white print: recursive self portrait of artist with hand on forehead.

Kevin Cardenas: Endless Frustration

Mary Ogundipe: What Shouldn’t Be Seldom

A painting of an eye is surrounded by purple and black purple triangle whose tip is attached to the circular eye painting.

Anonymous: Seeing Through the Fragments of Life

b/w portrait and a face with paint drips

Maria Byers: Portraits

Jala Dowd: CocaCola

mixed media collage girl glasses color

Colin Ewald: Every Story

Collage of a garden of a house by a beach.

Anonymous: Spring Beach

Collage with a variety of colors and textures including a face.

Sofia Staudenmaier: Untitled

Drawing of a girl with mouths all around her

Anonymous: Smile

A photo of close up chains. In the background, there is a blurry empty grass field.

Anonymous: Untitled

abstract pencil drawing

Gad Qiang: Untitled


Sergio Mathews: History

bloody person in a black and white dress holding a knife

Kaitlyn Huante: Halloween

unicorn on pink

Valeria Hernandez: Paper-Quilled Rainbow Unicorn

Clalinda Davis: Behind the Curtain

Anonymous: Van Gogh’s Ear

A drawing of a boys face with blonde hair and blue eyes

Bruce Reinard: Self Portrait

Visiting a character 10 years later...

Alessandra Montero: Lupin

On the left painting of building exterior, on the right b/w drawing of a staircase

Yenedith Sanchez: Perspective

Anonymous: Into Night

Everett Hamm: World on Fire

A painting of a girl holding a Ukranian flag in one hand and an American flag in the other hand. On the left side there are flames. On the right side there is the Willis Tower and other Chicago buildings. She is facing the flames and city.

Anonymous: The New World

Girl sitting on bed

Anonymous: Safe Space

Colored pencil illustration

Matthew Hernandez: Solo Creadores

Leslie Illescas: Friends with Chaos

clay sculpture

Lilly Naples: Beauty in Darkness

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