Photograph of man in traditional jewish dress lighting candle

Ari A: Jewish Identity

Haily Roman: End Human Trafficking

girl in black shirt colorful patterned back ground

Jessica Sarmina: Self-portrait

Anonymous: Nighty Night Sunset

Anonymous: Moxcina Eye of Midnight

Pencil drawing of a person with dark hair wearing a watch. His eyes are bright blue.

Anonymous: Ocean Eyes

Owl puppet with googley eyes and fuzz balls

Anonymous: Owl in Disguise

Lake and blue sky

Anonymous: Untitled

Graham Boeder: Me, Owen and Liam

Sculpture of mans face with cheek open showing gums and inside of mouth

Camila M: Blisters of Emotion

A charcoal still life drawing of a jar, helmet, rubber ducky and other miscellaneous objects.

Anonymous: Objects of Significance

Person holding up protest sign in front of lights.

Sandra Lara: Stop Separating Families

White sculpture of a white dragon's neck and face.

Niamh Hughes: Oilliphéist

Pink and black birthday cake

Cynthia Jimenez: Sweet Tooth

Clay sculpture of three people in different colors.

Sandra Le: Triple

Temilade Adelusi: Polar Bears

Chalk pastel drawing of a yellow cake on a platter. A piece of the cake is cut out to expose the purple and pink cake layers.

Anonymous: Cake Time

Taliah Thompson: Shimmer

Anonymous: Lizzy’s Colored Hair

Painting of a blue person with a black creature on their back

Jessica Correa: Trapped Between the Broken Shards

Photograph of orange hued rock formations.

Matthew Balber: Rockslide

This is a poster for Imagine Dragons, with a teddy bear and a toxic sign.

Anonymous: Gig Poster

Juniper Pingolt: Bird tea party

Painted fruit in a bowl on a blue table

Lailah Smith: Untitled

Digital drawing of a person cutting their hair with scissors

Kylin Thomas: R.I.P Dreads

Closeup self portrait in orange color with sunglasses

Ralph Lasalle: Self Portrait

A necklace with different fruits like watermelon and blueberries

Anonymous: Fruit Necklace

Skull with 3 humans and flowers.

Tam Tran: Invisible Danger

galaxy eye

Brooke Hayes: It Takes A Village

Amare’ Williamson: Frankenstein Montage

Drawing of a girl with a ghost behind her

Denyne Moncada: Untitled

Oli Fuentes: Music is Life

Photograph of white illustrations on dark rocks placed in sand.

Anonymous: Humble Abode

A portrait inspired by the style of the artist Basquiat, including the signature crown.

Dominic Pickering: Basquiat Inspired Portraits

Bright marker drawing of emoji with flowers hearts and a rainbow

Jennifer Diaz: Untitled

Painting of the city of Prague

Mary Kate Clancy: Prague in a Dream

radiating lines over shapes

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Weekend 2, Night

Day of the dead skull drawing with bright colors

Anonymous: Day of the Dead

A Black child standing in front of a Chicago row house, with two adult arms holding their shoulders, both pierced by bleeding bullet holes.

Tyshaun Zollicoffer: Untitled

Low-fi digital drawing of black cat in front of red and yellow striped wall

Anonymous: Cat

A bright pink and purple heart that is dripping on the bottom

Kelisiana Palmer: Hearts on Fire!

blue and grayscale portrait

Mya Burns: Lady B

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Antonio Borobia-Casanova, Tyson Madison, Itzel Saenz: Corpse 11

Natalie Pate: Under the Sea

person looking at a painting of an angel

Amesyah Flowers: Halloween

large rock formation against a sunset or sunrise

Samantha Kraus: Solitude

Two people with headphones singing, and the syllables they are singing appear above them.

Somebody that I used to Know by Gotye featuring Kimbra as solfeged

Anonymous: Abstract Mixed Media

Brianna Kokoszka: Reality Versus Illusion

A cat covered in designs facing the moon in the background and a tree on the side.

Bridget Boyd: Multi Media Zentangle Cat

Painting of trees with bright orange trees lined up over a night sky.

Rowan Raypole: Fall Night

Drawing of astronaut helmet breaking apart

Anonymous: Into Unbroken

Drawing of a doorway into a night scene.

Jose Guzman: Untitled

Anonymous: All is Perfect in Art and Theatre

Michelle Funk: Creek Sounds

Black and white drawing of person with dark hair, dark shirt, and large black glasses

Ivette Ramirez: Untitled

Colorful portrait of a person

Sophia Rosenthal: Untitled

Anonymous: Rattling

Cultural ceramic with a tea light and family photo inside

Aeledth Ramirez Tellez: Para ellos

four face combined and a person in a head wrap, mask, and yellow top

Tyler King: Portraits

Sherrie All: Mandarine Orange

Digital image of a female with black hair holding a bottle and crying

Emily Liu: Tears Soaked My Paper Face

Dyptic of two photos, one of exterior of Burger King, the other a scan of a hand-written birthday card

Imani Saucedo: Where My Dad Overdosed & Thank You For Loving Me

line drawing portrait and painted portrait

Ocieann Davis: Portraits

Drawing is split into a square grid. Each square has a different drawing like a letter, a smiley face, or a dragon.

Michael Aloysius: This is Me

4 seperate drwing in one pic

Anonymous: Positive Message Doodle

Yinu Wang: Color in darkness

Samantha Zhao: Bodies of Water

Painting of a girl's face in tones of blue.

Nathan Phuthaphan: Girl in Love

A drawing of a person with long hair

Nailah Faisal: Untitled

Image of mushrooms with Alice in Wonderland text on them.

Sophia Rosenthal: Eat Me

Portrait of a female face, in pencil.

Kaline Adams: Portrait of a Girl

A faux dungeons and dragons animated character sheet

Taylor Ward: Richards Marquette

Corner of building appearing as ripped paper.

Olivia Kluska: Full of Wonder

Cityscape made of paper

Wyatt Gilmore: City

Reyna Ladsariya: Diya

Anonymous: Let Us Pray

blue ceramic tile piece of a dragon

Jace Eisenberg: Dragon Sgraffito

A Documentary Short Film.

Natalie Garcia: About Me

B/w line drawing of a skeleton

Eliya Torres: Day 1, Chill

A set of 3 images, two of which are drawn faces and the third a photograph

Cyrine Sharif: Self Portrait

paper and glue black and white design chicago

Lucas Zhang: Chicago

A black and white scratchboard drawing of a mouse.

Anonymous: Tim the Mouse

painting of a winter portrait

Anonymous: Winter Portrait

Paper collage of color wheel using paint and marker.

Kaaviya Khorana: Color Wheels

"Secret" on cardbord, with the S, R, and E drawn in black and the E, C, and T cut out and overlayed on a green background

Isabelle Galvin: ETC.

Harper McDonald: Hip Hop-Inspired Fashion

Colorful painting on various abstract patterns.

Anonymous: Abstracted Leaf

A faux dungeons and dragons animated character sheet

Nyssa Bridges: Marquette St. Lawrence

perspective landscape on brown paper

Anonymous: Perspective

bird on cloud in front of earth

Vance Lira: Weekend 2, Night

Print of many different colors of flowers overlaying each other in ink all over the page.

Son Nguyen: Sea of Flowers II

Anonymous: Pollo

Anonymous: Family Portrait

A Raisin In The Sun By Patrianna Scales - Mama Monologue

Patrianna Scales: A Raisin In The Sun – Mama Monologue

Anonymous: A Spring Landscape

Anonymous: To the other side

Drawing of dragon.

Felix Higgins: The Dragon

Pen drawing of A bouquet of flowers with a horror element.

Daniel Marchan: Untitled

Fox girl with a tail in between two trees

Anonymous: Fern

Orange and pink painted background is covered with written numbers and letters.

Anonymous: Silly Soup and ABC

Arial view of workers in a field

Victoria Phan: Remembering the Lilies

Daniyah Scott: Untitled

2 people with fangs and a person in a bunny mask

Anyah Thompson: Day 5, Fangs

Emily Miller and Vidya Patel: Untitled

A portrait in front of a colorful background

Timothy Bozeman: Sunset and Winter Chills

Lake picture with black lines on the sky.

Isabella Flores: Untitled

B/w Abstract shapes with eyes inside.

Anonymous: Eye Plants

Painting of upside-down figure with blue hair, white masquerade mask and red shapes above

Autumn Jackson: Can you hear my voice

Watercolor with Sharpie people drawing

Anonymous: Action

abstract drawing

Anonymous: Untitled (Make Remake)

9 images of the same cartoon character in sequential stages of growth.

Nyssa Bridges: Untitled

person dancing on ground

Good Time

abstracted drawing with red lines and blotches

Yi Shen : Map to School

Self-portrait collage with food

Aya El Bissati: You Are What You Eat

Liza Pena & Carlos Alanis: Outside Projects

embroidered green circle with "the little prince" embroidered.

Anonymous: Untitled

snake with human face and body of rocks

Donald Richard: Day 12, Rock


Andre Mendoza: Pigeon Vogue

A pencil drawing of a hibiscus flower

Jovanni Carteno: Hibiscus

Surreal photo of neon objects, primarily blue

Anonymous: Imagined Spaces (neon)

Alejandro Giron: A Friend In Need

self portrait

Audrina Xie: Self Portrait #1

person looking up at crown saying "It's okay... it's over."

Jordan Allen: Day 19, Over

Drawing of a bare back with two hands on the shoulder.

CJ Gordon: Maman

Center: Drawing of a hand holding a phone with a male and female displayed. Surrounding: Flowers and book quotes

Blanca Cantu: At Ease

Abstract painting of sky at night

Naomi Makapedua: Starry Galaxy

abstract swirly lines

Nina Bonair-Agard: Untitled

black and white drawing of a punching fist surrounded by mosaic of broken, orange fragments

Kamaldeen Akorede: Limit Breaker

Two newspaper mache volcanos painted rainbow

Andy Gramajo: Newspaper Volcano for My Dinosaurs

landscape with a pink and purple sky and black and red ground.

Anonymous: Red Stones

crayon drawing of gumball machine on blue table

Jonas Ochonicki : My Gumball Machine

Henry Sparks: Pink

Marker drawing of T-Rex with lots of scribbled colors around it.

Kevin Rodriguez-Espitia: Untitled

Sharon Braemer: The Long Take

Natalie Garcia: Oh What A Feeling

A bird with a pink flower and dew drops

Carmen Conner: Bird and Flower painting

Charlesa Thompson: Chronic Vanity

Drawing of boy in red shirt

Solomon Brown: “Me”

Tarrance Turner: The Living Lyrics

sunset over a river with an elephant

Tyson Madison: My Cozy Comfy Place

Painting of white skyscraper

Amesyah Flowers: Perspective

waitress falling with trays

Anyah Thompson: Day 14, Falling

Abstract drawing with circles, lines, and color

Andrew Lockhart: Andrew’s Study of Senecio, By Paul Klee

Rebecca Leal: Together


Anonymous: Untitled

A bowl of pozole with an avocado and coca cola.

Alondra Castillo: Pozole de mi Abuela

A sculpture of a popsicle stick raft with a girl and turtle made of clay sitting on the raft.

Lily Estrada: Lily’s Raft adventures

Drawing of a teacher sitting at a half-circle desk.

Mabel Yates: Ms. Pruett

Anonymous: Grandma

Birthday cake with the number six and 3 figures.

Marlyn Carreon: Untitled

rocks with moss stacked on each other

Donald Richard: Weekend 1, Nature

Dot painting of rabbit and snail combination

Anonymous: Slow down


Anonymous: Top of locker

Cutout blue hand with a face

Steven Clay: Natural World

A Raisin In The Sun By Alondra Morales - Beneatha Monologue.mp4

Alondra Morales: A Raisin In The Sun – Beneatha Monologue

Mario Jimenez: Bicycle Atop Apartment Stairs

Jayla Pittman: Mind Overload


Anthony Aguilar: Untitled

Rapper Young Thug on two sides of the paper, one side he is upside down

Nkonyeasua Osamor: Same Thug

Devin Lowrey: Stained Glass BLM

line drawing of abstract shapes in black, white, and purple

Anonymous: Filled Blank

A member of The Mighty 9!

Carielis Granera: Plainfield School The III

Brianna Kokoszka: Openness of Self Reflection

Ayesha Khan: Quarantine

A bust of a girl with long hair and buttons for eyes.

Anonymous: Bust of Cynthia

Anonymous: Untitled

colored pencil illustration

Nate Anleu: El Flama

gun sculpture made of school supplies

Anonymous: How Many More

Paint and words to reveal black out poetry

Atlas Sturrock: Untitled

Dylan Henke: Starry-Eyed

pop art portrait, red head

Jessenia Davila: “I can’t believe you like Coca-Cola!”

person looking nervous wearing headdress

Veronica Timble: Day 9, Eyes

Green praying classroom sits at wood desk. Surrounded by wood furniture and yellow wallks

Michael Douglas: Bug House

Taliah Thompson: Drinks

drawing of cupcake

Marlen Hernandez: Sweet Treats in Quarantine


Hailey Rodden: 4 caras

Drawing of a skull with details around it including people

Anonymous: My dearest favorites at the time

Anonymous: Red Heart, Rainbow Hearts

pink exploding out of black vessel

Valentina Onofre : Los pétalos rosados que caen

Hands playing a piano from the top down

Beata Semeniuk: Untitled

mixed media piece

Henry Stensland: Untitled

A woman's face with her bones showing in her neck.

Emaan Khan: Alternate Self Portrait

Anonymous: Untitled

A picture of a person sitting on the ground in a cornfield with a pumpkin for a head

Anonymous: Scaredcrow

Yellow Champion hoodie with a floral arm


Drawing of a vitamin bottle with a rubik's cube in front

Yinyin Liang: Untitled

A portrait with a sun on an orange background.

Isabella Reid: Untitled

Digital collage of a dog in a tutu on a stage with a red curtain and audience shadows.

Aruba Awan: Untitled

Pencil drawing of Hogwarts castle

Benjamin Lacy: Hogwarts

abstract shapes in red, blue, and yellow with black lines

Terrance Sanders: DAB!

Drawing of a clock with a sunset face

Anonymous: Untitled

Wooden board with dancer and flowers around her.

Jane Smith: Center Stage Roses

Beckett Fox: Abstract Feelings

Anonymous: My imaginary and magical elephant!

Benjamin Wilson: Under the Sea

Black and white drawing of a boy in front of a house

Anonymous: Self Portrait

self portrait blue orange girl

Fallon Latin: Untitled

Rebecca Leal: Pen Still Life

Anonymous: Van Gogh’s Ear

Pencil drawing of a man grabbing his face

Gabriela Jacome-Quinteros: Untitled

Drawing of a mushroom house with a rabbit on a balcony waving at another rabbit on the ground

Anonymous: Mommy Bunny and Her Little Girl

Male in a body of water with eyes and mouth breathing.

Matt Brooks/Ross Vecchione: Just Breathe

Anthony Torres: Police Chase

Clalinda Davis: Two Best Friends

colorful painting of person sitting on chair

Alissandra Delgadillo: Sketch 1

Colorful portrait of dog with geometric patterns and flowers.

Siena Wong: Laurel Burch Dogs

Colored life drawing of a woman's backside sitting in a chair with a cloth draped behind her

Elizabeth Curry: Seated Blue Nude

snake around a spear

Veronica Timble: Day 18, Pride

Jermenia Harrison: Redlining

Picture of a sign that says "Warning: Abortion Victim Photos Ahead"

Anonymous: Warning

drawing of skeleton warrior

Eliya Torres: Day 3, Dungeon

A pen and color pencil illustration of a building, with people walking outside and the colorful word "Cuitzeo".

Giselle Zacarias: Mi Pueblito Magico

A surreal artwork with two large eyes that have colors dripping from them and two large mouths.

Brenda Dickerson: DOUBLE VISION

Marisol Camarillo: Gingerbread Madness

Anonymous: Jordans art assignment

firery halo with wings falling

Henry De Luca: Day 14, Falling

Multi-colored pastel artwork with flames on one side and water on other, with person in middle, sun behind him, and bird above him.

Andres M: Sun Wukong

Nevaeh Evans: City Walks

Watercolor painting of a macaw

Neena Agrawal: Macaw

Person dressed in rabbit ears

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 2, Bunnies

Anonymous: Untitled

Art piece with a silhouette of a person and mask with text.

Anonymous: Mask of Life

Drawing of building with smoke stack behind it

Anonymous: The Old Days

Yellow ceramic mug with smiley face wearing sunglasses. Cobalt blue interior.

Marleny Marquez-Ledesma: Emoji Mug

A yarn weaving with little lego heads beaded onto the yarn

Anonymous: Lego Wall

Blue background with an illustration of a subject created by a connected cut-out black paper

A’marion Kerr: Cut Paper Illustration

Movie poster.

Meka Tuma: Untitled

A demented drawing of sonic experiencing fear on a black background.

DiAngelo Rojas: Sonic Having Issues with Speed

Charlesa Thompson: The Product of Wealth

Black, white, and grey drawing of a CTA train on a curved EL track

Thalia Witkovsky: Around the Bend

Heart painted with watercolor on oil pastel in Jim Dine's style.

Leah Cabral: Jim Dine Heart

person with fangs and cut on cheek on red circle

Eliya Torres: Day 5, Fangs


Sergio Mathews: History

A painting of a view through an old window. There are 2 leaf patterned lawn chairs with grass behind them and a gray gate.

Anonymous: Untitled

Black and white photograph of people around a tree in a building courtyard.

Victoria Toledo: Arbol De La Vida

Figure in street clothes with angel wings, halo, holding umbrella with devil horns & tail

Kayla Booker: Devout Servant

Michael Rosales: Calavera nueva

Figure of a face with neck except face has fruits and vegetables over top.

Diana Castillo: Surreal Portrait

Terrence Kendrick: Tales from the Times of Covid Zine

Girl removing make up

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Nail Fashion

Melanie Bucio: Continuous Love

Zia Shah: Santa Claus is Here

ms uni

Jayla Davis: Ms. Uni

A collage of two women. The daughter's face is made of fruit. An eyeball as large as the sun shoots lasers behind them.

Samantha Jaimes: Mi Protectora

Solomon Murray: EYE OF AN OWL

Alissandra Delgadillo: Cuz

Photo of trees in the snow

Sadia Marshall: Snow in black and white

Anonymous: Frankenstein Montage

Detroit style pan pizza

Virtual Kitchen: Essence Bartlett

Acrylic paint on canvas flower flowers sun landscape

Zoey Armour: Sunny Day

Drawing of 3 people looking at themselves in a mirror, one with hair, one with a hat, one with no hair.

Mia Reilly-Yeh: reality? dream? reality.

A painting of a whale in water with a sunset sky

Anonymous: Happy Whale

House made of wood with words and symbols painted on.

Anonymous: Mind Palace

person whose face is in shadow, with a patterned yellow shirt

Francesca Jolly: Two Toned Portrait

Carlos Alanis: Outside Projects

Anonymous: Untitled

Buildings with red sunset

Safiya Rysbekova: Untitled

A painting of two tall pine trees with a colorful sky

Nicole Mulla: In the Forest

A collage of a vintage chaise and an old black and white photograph of a woman. Around the woman's head is a diamond ring and a butterfly.

Anonymous: Untitled


Anonymous: Sandpiper

Anonymous: Feelings on Creatures

Collage with road, sea, and seaside, with lamps in the water.

Kai Niederpruem: The Journey Home

Anonymous: Untitled

three portraits in colored pencil

Adele Roberts: Angle

Ice cream sundae

Veronica Timble: Day 8, Ice Scream

A drawing of a peacock on a pastel pink background

Sattery Tum: Peacock

illustration demonstrating the value of air

Tlaloc Ugarte: Gone

person wearing a fox-like mask

Eliya Torres: Day 6, Mask

Anonymous: Revolution of a Broken Heart

Self portrait of Delilah Whitlock snorkeling in an ocean setting.

Anonymous: Snorkel Self Portrait

Digital drawing of a kitchen

Anonymous: Kitchen

Black paper on white paper creating space through curves.

Anonymous: Kitty

Pearl Conlon: Conlon Pearl

Drawing of snakes

Anonymous: Untitled

David Nott: Creature Drawing

Anonymous: Profile of Astronomer, Benjamin Banneker

Abstraction of street and street light at night.

Anonymous: Destitution

Green and white lines, abstract painting

Atlas Sturrock: Untitled

Horse with eyes flying at them

Carielis Granera: Day 9, Eyes

White lines zig zag across an abstract image with honeycombs in the background.

Damian Catalan: El Jaqueton

A painting of a haunted house

Anonymous: Haunted House

Faustyna Turek: Ignite

Colorful drawing of a tree with flowers

Nova Hong: Magma Pond

dark photograph with lit up cta blue line train in center

Nathan U: Dark Night at the Blue Line

A dark face created from plaster with red dripping from the eyes and nose to represent blood.

Jonah Arnold: Untitled

Abstract illustration of shapes on a colorful background

Wendy Delgado: Colorful Geometric Shapes

Black and white cut out visual of figure piercing their ear and an upset figure in the background

Anonymous: Tell Me A Story

stairs leading up into dark.

Veronica Gipson: Day 3, Dungeon

Anonymous: El Ciervo Venenoso

Digital illustrations on a photograph of a bridge over the Chicago river.

Anonymous: Alien Invasion 2020

Santino Gonzalez: Dancing

Collage of cardstock with a baseball cap, lightning bolts, and other objects.

Alexa Rivera: Untitled

Keyon Garrett: My Good Artist

A Found Footage Video.

Krystal Hernandez: Image & Sound

A drawing of a girl wearing a white mask with a red circle with a line through it

Aaliyah Borges: Mirror of a City Girl

fighter with eyeball for a head

Tyson Madison: Day 9, Eyes

Toy child peeking into the left side of the frame

Group Compilation: Untitled

7 portraits of student's family and pets

Mabel Reyes: My World

Anonymous: Revolution of a Broken Heart Pt. II

Collage of feathers and various objects.

Fernando Alvarez: Untitled

Drawing of robot with his hand outstretched

Anonymous: Robot dreams

Blue pencil drawing a block character

Melissa Flores: How To Draw My Minecraft Character Tutorial

A flag with writing


Heaven Williams: We Are the World

Taliah Thompson: A Cold Morning

Picture of steam engine train.

Jennifer Carlson: Head in the Clouds

Illustration of clothes in a fitting room exploring the idea of self esteem and body image.

Daisha Malone: Untitled

Fall leaves on top of a curb-side sewer grate.

Gael Zamudio: Found Environment, Coladera

Body behind a purple curtain – can only see the legs and left arm. A piano is to their left.

Isaac Perez: Temptation & Desperation

The 3D outline of a horse is made of white thread. It is lofted on a wood block.

Angelica Gallegos: My White Horse in Indiana

fire breathing dino

Anonymous: Dinosaurio

Painting of hands reaching towards a door.

Rah’Shaurie Gasaway: Untitled

Students react to Corona virus-Thank you & Hope

Mayli Nunez: Thank You & Hope


Temoor: Untitled

Digital drawing of natural elements.

Huiyun Jiang: Journey through living


Patricia Malik: Untitled

Anonymous: Mom

Bright drawing of a tiger with leaves around it

Roberto Perez: The fierce tiger

Person wearing large goggle glasses

Anonymous: Two Toned Portrait

An open case filled with silver metal jewelry

Angélica Albárran Romo: Metales Prestados Series (Photo 1)

person in black and white dress holding a knife

Clare Krippner: Halloween

A naked human figure stands in front of an orange sun that forms a halo around their head

Lucille Kearns: Haloed

Cardboard sculpture of a room with stairs, a desk with computer, chairs, tables, and a closet.

JoseJaime Villagran: Untitled

Drawing of 3 people with party hats wearing masks.

Lea Vu: Playdate with Covid-19

Juritcy Alvarado: Purple Mountains

Alex Chitnis: Bubble Bath

digital photography

Yasmeen Quiñones: Ying Yang

Nnenna-Symone Baker: Oh What A Feeling

Camila Duran: Explosión!!

Drawing of figures and clothing.

Anonymous: Untitled

Digital drawing of a book cover with a girl and flowers

Anonymous: Once Upon a Time

Collage of color images

Tamyah Scott: Collage and Reframe

A pink abstract picture of a fabriclike texture

Anonymous: Plastic Abstraction

Digital drawing of two women jumping into a pool

Anonymous: Taking the Plunge

A photo montage of a mirror laying in the grass. The mirror shows dolphins floating in a cloudy blue sky.

Anonymous: Skyglass

Woman made up of drums, guitars, maracas, and other instruments is standing in a forest on top of early civilization drawings

Ja’Nya Davis: Body of Music

Taryn Landsberger: Pheasant’s Eye

Ocieann Davis: Patchwork

Manga style comic

Fannie Yu: Cheap Labor

Sculpture of a silver hand

Adrian Lemus: Untitled

black and white portrait and painted person sitting cross legged

Joanna Steven: Portraits

Drawing of face and beetle

Sophia Morris: Works in Series

Drawing of a woman with blue hair wearing a yellow dress with her hands on her hips.

Akiya Killins: Untitled

Illustration of fox diving into crowd at concert

Aaron Bergante: Fox, Rock N Roll, Thrill

painting of a diner

Jaclyn Manning: “A Lick of Childhood.”

green value scale

Anahi Jasso: Untitled

Arsen K: conflict.

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Haring Inspired Skeletons in Motion

A painting of a person looking off into the distance. The person has long curly hair and indigenous face paintings.

Anastasiia Semeriak: Untitled

a key with a wilted flower growing from it

Anonymous: Hands did it

Ceramic mug with white, pink, and yellow glaze

Alyssa Jones: Untitled

Swirls, with a remote control and 3:00 clock.

Anonymous: Bad Choices Teenagers Make

Charlesa Thompson: Realm Watching

Room overlooking a river with a ying yang rug

Anonymous: Calebs Comfy Cozy Place

Painting of green tree tops

Valeria Escobar: Forest Treetops

Pickachu with hat

Roberto Lopez: Pikachu as a Van Gogh Portrait

A drawing of.a green and black sneaker

Mauricio Rodriguez: My Shoe

White and blue jellyfish on a black background

Sophia Renee Macias: Electric Shock – Glowing Jellyfish in the Deep Sea

Sherrie All: Lemon

John Lopez: Just Head

Akeelah: Untitled Self Portait

A digital painting of a woman with drawn hearts beneath her eyes. The woman is looking towards the viewer.

Anonymous: The Girl With the Little Crown

Z and red background

Andrea Hernandez: Castillo de Andrea

Charlesa Thompson: Blue Daze

A painting of many faces with long necks on a colorful swirling background

Destine Evans: Filter Faces

3 people with weapons

Jordan Allen: Day 12, Rock

Digital artwork with red background featuring person with tail wings and long nails wearing black crop top and grey pants, boots and leather accessories.

Anonymous: I Wish It Was A Mirror

Anonymous: Selfie

Photograph of a man sitting on a blue bucket in the daytime.

Andres Mejia: Untitled

A line drawing of a building in two point perspective

Kaixi Ren: 2-Point Perspective

Pencil drawing of running shoes

Aarav Rajput: Untitled

Ashantania Fisher: The Yellow Umbrella

in my brain

Joaquin De Leon: In my Brain

Ashley Loera: The perfect day

Photo of orange leaf.

Malahni Segnstacke: Air

This is a sculpture of a tree with cicada shells.

Sofia Comas: Shells of the Self

Drawing of a castle

Brennan Metzger: Dark Castle Ruins

Yosef Borochov: Cactuses Together

black cat on starry night background

Katherine Uruchima: “Oh, what the cat sees”

Anonymous: A Wrinkle In Time

Nayelly Miranda: The Dream Continue

Eyeball with mushroom, butterfly and mouth piece.

Lyric Roy: Untitled

colored pencil and gel pen print

Yenedith Sanchez: Day Dream

Anonymous: Nawaal Artwork

Gabriel Morgan, Jansel Perez, Patrianna Scales, and Lashae Wilson: Sketch 2

Surreal drawing of 3 creatures

Maya Segar: Just a Dream

Photograph of Waveland Ave. by Wrigley Field at night.

Maria Arce: Chicago during a global pandemic

Drawing of shelves and a table

Anonymous: Life Piece

mosaic-style blue paper collaged to pink backing

Helena Zhang : Untitled

Starburst shape, three dimensional.

Xin Liu: Higabana 1

Series of rings made of wire and blue and white crystals. Photographed on a circular mirror.

Olivia Andujar: Rings

Multimedia illustration of the bond between humans and animals.

Cecilia Budzyn: Clare and Rodney

Anonymous: The Rappin’ Canines

Jansel Perez: The Battle

Red heart organ at the center of the art piece surrounded by lines leading to the exterior of the piece.

Anonymous: Untitled

Nightime photo of the Esquire Motel on Elston Avenue on the Northwest side of Chicago

Arianna Telles: Agony at the Esquire

Black dress on a dress figure.

Kai Kinds: Little Miss Cartoony

Edward Ayala: Birch Trees

Drawing of a turtle underwater, in colored pencil

Anonymous: Untitled

Julian Mervis: The Colorful Face

Several koi in a pond of swirling pastel colors

Julian Vallejo: Goldfish

House created with craft sticks and colorful paint.

Anonymous: Casa

Blue sculpture of a chair with pins sticking out

Anonymous: Thought

Green figure with pink flowers and vines.

Johanna Guerrero: Untitled

Girl with a pink dress and lights

Anthony Hernandez: Niece’s Birthday Party

fox-like person making "rock on" hands

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 12, Rock

poetry written

Charlotte Foster: Unsettled

collage of people with many faces, painting of person with many faces and green hair

Tyler King: Collage/Reframe

Zoe Haritos: A Photo Memory

Interior view of Wrigley Field looking towards the bleachers and scoreboard

Victoria Greco: Bleacher Bums

Digital painting of a girl with a heart scene in front of her

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of fish and clouds

Anonymous: Untitled

Alejandro Giron: Rattled

Photograph of a pinwheel in front of trees and a sky

Anonymous: Flightless Pinwheel

Emmanuel Arias Montoya: MANNY-ME-COLOR BLIND

Anonymous: Fruit Bowl

A student gives two thumbs up. To his left, a student looks to the left. To his right, two students look down to the right.

Anonymous: P R I D E


Eleny Rivera: Untitled

Painting of a dog stuffed animal with a brown background

Sasha Preuss: My best friend Biscuit

A painting of a clown girl with red hair, sad eyes and a checkered background

Anonymous: Face Paint

Animal Farm- Sliding Into Silence

Lashae Wilson: Sliding Into Silence

Zadie Beaty: America’s Faces

A drawing of a dragons face with large teeth

Anonymous: Dragon


Amelia Schmidt: Gadget Before and After

Bright marker drawing of a skull with a red outline

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of a tree with green leaves next to a flower with a yellow center and purple petals.

Anonymous: Flowers and Trees

Pencil drawing of a shoe

Anonymous: Untitled

sculpture of cigarette box and coffee.

Anonymous: Uncle Richie’s Breakfast

Henry Colehower: The Brightest Jellyfish

Artwork of a girl with glasses wearing a purple and pink shirt

Aliyah Cooks: Self Portrait

Julianne Martinez: Cat

Dot painting of mythical animal

Anonymous: Spirit animal

an s pink and green

Anonymous: Untitled

Painting of a woman behind two pillars. She has blond hair in a bun and braids and is inspired by greek mythology.

Alma Vega: Statue of Greek Times

Blue sky with brown tree

Viviana Ochoa: Spring Blossoms

Anonymous: Dia de la Muertos

Digital artwork of person laying on translucent purple surface in space with planet in background.

Jayrelene M: Dreams

Colorful abstract patterns.

Quinn Kemp: Untitled

two portraits, one person is making a "bull horns" with their hand

Clare Krippner: Portraits

Two people sitting on the ground and leaning against a couch in a domestic space. Person on the left is wearing a white dress and person on the right is wearing black pants and a blue and white stripped shirt. There are teapots, teacups, oranges, candles, and a board game on the floor.

Francesca Neibel-Spruill: Spying on the Doubling Cube

Mixed media of a man getting fed a pomegranate in front of a buffet of food

Angela Blanco: Untitled

A black and white abstract drawing of a city drawn from a lot of lines

Ana Soto: Chicago

Grocery store aisle with surrealist beavers

Eileen Bowey: Untitled

unicorn on pink

Valeria Hernandez: Paper-Quilled Rainbow Unicorn

A drawing of two houses and a tree

Leviel Walker: Window View

Anonymous: Four Seasons

camel following robot

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 16, Trap

Henry Naylon: J Park vehicle and background

abstract drawing

Kassandra Plata: Untitled (Make Remake)

A black and white photo of a girl smiling in the mirror with another faded face looking sad

Anonymous: Mental Health Awareness


Jake Dentino: Robots

digital photo of the inside of a vehicle wires exposed

Kiana Rodriguez: Broken

Louis Swingley: Broken Plate Pete

Anonymous: Audre Lorde

Collage of Moroccan scenery like billboards and buildings in purple and pink hues with the text "Morocco" superimposed across the right side

Esme Huynh: Morocco’s Colors

Photograph of two people with multi-colored fireworks going off in background

Marlon G: Crackling Lights

digital portrait of person with dark hair and multiple nose piercings

Anonymous: Focus

b&w dog

Rosaura Moreno: Untitled

Painting of a pineapple in florescent blues, reds, and purples.

Adela Lisca: Pineapple

Alya Brice: My Teachers

Brown, mostly vertical sculpture.

Anonymous: Wave

Overlayed instruments and musical symbols in many colors, ornamented with cubist style faces.

Tanmay Garg: Music=Life

sketch of faces

Edana Lynch: Sketchbook 3

Charcoal drawing of a hallway.

Anonymous: HALLWAYS

Person looking over their left shoulder.

Tamyah Scott: Charcoal Portrait

A wearable sculpture made of rainbow party beads and a white feather boa

Anonymous: IDENTITY

Drawing of a woman with "I am silenced" written across her face

Andrea Barcenas: Untitled

Joana Jovanova: Untitled

chalice and purple cloth

Jocelyn Delgado: Study

An abstract colorful painting with shapes

Nicole Mulla: Happiness

Beriel Moore: Untitled

An acrylic painting of a moon over a blue and red night sky. There are tree silhouettes at the bottom of the piece.

Anonymous: Coming Night

Dania Qazi: Tales from the Times of Covid Zine

Annika Alfaro: My Dream America

Robbie Austin: Drowning in Emotion

Adalyn Wardell: Silhouette

Bright detailed drawing of a person pushing buildings to the side and blowing through their mouth

Kehinde Oseni: Blown Out

Portrait drawing of a boy.

Katya Cocone: beomgyu digital art

bee nature photograph

Hope Wilson: The Last Bee

Anonymous: Partial 3D

Image of two girls smiling beside one another with lots of purple light

Lillianne Fratt: Girls Night Out

siloette in front of gray buildings

Alina Magana: Escaping Reality

Photo of a figure standing in a garden under a trellis, in a purple dress, raking leaves.

Frances Depke: Dressed for the occasion

A photograph of the silhouette of a person and buildings in the background.

Kimberly Olvera: Kiwi

A drawing of a tree with a blue background and grass

Katie Kaukialo: Happiness

Anonymous: You Belong With Me Take 2

Leslie Illescas: Hollowed Past

Person with long hair and bangs, wearing large necklaces and a septum piercing

Kaitlyn Huante: Two Toned Portrait

Sara Gitner: Cage

Photo looking down on two friends on stairs.

Kera Bryant: The Friends

Yolanda Perez and Evelyn Aguilar: Imaginary Fish

Drawing of a large tree trunk with large protruding branches.

Jeremy Sanchez: Strength as Strong as a Tree

tiny sculpture of a room in a bag

Anonymous: All American

watercolor of person with dark hair, a bun, and a mask

Anonymous: Self

Elise Lomeli: thing

Drawing of person's head with red hatching on yellow paper

Edana Lynch: Woman in Red

Anonymous: Lost Lake

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