collage of people with many faces, painting of person with many faces and green hair

Tyler King: Collage/Reframe

drawing of bird with eyes around it

Alexa Lopez: Day 13, Oracle

Two portraits on a green background

Selah Payne: Portraits

Robbie Austin: Perspective Shadow

person with horns and claws holding a squid tentacle

Alessandra Montero: Day 17, Spooky Locket

Animal Farm - Sliding Into Silence

Laylah Freeman: Sliding into Silence

person with eyes looking at them

Jordan Allen: Day 7, Accident

drawing of person sitting, looking at the ground

Fernanda Lemus: Halloween

Gael Zamudio: Stranger at Intersection

pencil and color portraits

Kaitlyn Huante: Portraits

Jennifer Lopez: Lifestyle

Pyramid wearing top hat and bow tie with an eye, and eyes around it.

Eliya Torres: Day 9, Eyes

wolf with sheep on its back

Carielis Granera: Day 6, Mask

5 decorated cookies on purple background

Ayanna Reeves-Woodson, Red Velvet Cookies

sketch and final drawing of person crouched in desk chair

Tyler King: Figure

dinosaur with flippers flying

Henry De Luca: Day 15, Dinosaur

Alejandro Giron: My brother, Manny

older person wearing pillbox hat and sunglasses

Veronica Gipson: Day 13, Oracle

person with hat, cape, and knives wearing anonymous mask

Anyah Thompson: Day 6, Mask

Armani Ray: Beautiful Disarray

Drawing of a purple and yellow two-horned creature with a big club on a white background

Abby Moon Sarudi: Rhogar Myastan

snake with knives in its back

Vance Lira: Day 9, Eyes

Animal Farm- Sliding Into Silence

Donald Pieters: Sliding into Silence

Jayla Pittman: The Stem of the Generation

Samantha Franco: Still Life

A member of The Mighty 9!

Alexa Lopez: Karlov Avenue The 55th

A member of the Mighty 9!

Jordan Allen: Highland Woods

Sandwich eating a sandwich

Eliya Torres: Day 4, Sandwich

Armani Ray: Lured to Insanity

Nevaeh Evans: Untitled

Vanessa Garcia: Jedi in Training

Animal Farm- Sliding Into Silence

Lashae Wilson: Sliding Into Silence

Animal Farm- Sliding Out Of Silence

Annika Alfaro: Sliding Out Of Silence

Sara Gitner: Painting With the Subconscious

two portraits, one in color.

Edana Lynch: Portraits

A Raisin In The Sun By Laylah Freeman - Ruth Monologue

Laylah Freeman: A Raisin In The Sun – Ruth Monologue


Anyah Thompson: Weekend 3, Fire

Nevaeh Evans: Family & Friends

woman with knife behind her back

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 16, Trap

person wearing glasses duplicated and painting of pink feathery object

Victoria Mak: Collage/Reframe

sketches of different eyes

Itzel Saenz: Day 9, Eyes

figure sketches

Amesyah Flowers: Sketchbook 1

Animal Farm- Sliding Out Of Silence

Kevin Camacho: Sliding Out Of Silence

sandwich with a person standing on it

Jordan Allen: Day 4, Sandwich

Four drawings of people with pops of color

Yenedith Sanchez: Works in Series


Alessandra Montero: Weekend 1, Nature

Person with a cracked egg on their head.

Alexa Lopez: Day 7, Accident

portrait of person with small rabbit-like ears.

Vance Lira: Day 2, Bunnies

open locket with bones inside

Eliya Torres: Day 17, Spooky Locket

sketches of faces

Alissandra Delgadillo: Sketch 2

person with camo mask

Veronica Gipson: Day 6, Mask

Leslie Illescas: Ethereal View

Girl with horns saying "I'm Over it."

Itzel Saenz: Day 19, Over

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Abby Moon-Sarudi, Henry De Luca, Carielis Granera: Corpse 6

A Found Footage Video.

Jessenia Guzman: Image & Sound

drawing of person in a dress shackled to the wall

Anyah Thompson: Day 3, Dungeon

Brianna Kokoszka: Eternally Warped

Jala Dowd: Stunt

mountain landscape

Jordan Allen: Day 18, Pride

Sketches and images of characters

Dania Qazi : Who’s behind me?

People with masks

Tyler King: Sketch

person reaching towards a glowing moon

Rebecca Leal: In the Style of

electric guitar

Itzel Saenz: Day 12, Rock

An Aseprite Animation

Eliya Torres: Oyasumi

Charlesa Thompson: Before I go

Jessica Horne: Still Life

b/w drawing of rabbit with evil shadow

Henry De Luca: Day 2, Bunnies

Sketches of storyboards and figures

Terrence Kendricks: SCP 084

collage of faces and painting of people in green and red

Samantha Franco: Collage/Reframe

Line drawing of box with planks and shovel

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 3, Dungeon

a weeping rock

Vance Lira: Day 12, Rock

sketch of person sitting on office chair

Kenna Threatt: Figure

pencil drawing and marker drawing of person with glasses

Victoria Mak: Portraits

Twelve painted ornaments

Alyssa Jones: How I met music


Donald Richard: Day 16, Trap

A Found Footage Video.

Alexis Thomas: Image & Sound


Donald Richard: Day 15, Dinosaur

collage of hands and magazines, drawing where person has hair of newspaper

Sophia Morris: Collage/Reframe


Alexa Lopez: Weekend 3, Fire

Orb on a street between buildings

Veronica Gipson: Weekend 2, Night

shape falling in spotlight

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 14, Falling

snake with human face and body of rocks

Donald Richard: Day 12, Rock

b/w drawing of a person with long hair kneeling.

Alexa Lopez: Day 2, Bunnies

bloody wolf head on a locket

Tyson Madison: Day 17, Spooky Locket

Person wearing hat and and saying Happy Halloween!

Itzel Saenz: Weekend 4, Hollow

Colorful drawing of dog biting hand

Victoria Mak: Works in Series

Selah Payne: Still Life

Person with fire above their fingertip

Itzel Saenz: Weekend 3, Fire

B/W line drawing of a person's face and their long hair.

Alessandra Montero: Day 1, Chill

person in black and white dress holding a knife

Clare Krippner: Halloween

Samantha Franco: Portraits

Armani Ray: Conflicting Eyes

animals eating sandwiches

Anyah Thompson: Day 4, Sandwich

Recipe card with flowers at the top

Tabitha Wagner, Walnut Cups

person with blue skin and closed eyes, dancing

Joanna Steven: Figure

Taliah Thompson: A New LookOut

sketch of person sitting on office chair

Joanna Steven: Figure

pencil drawing of eye, torso, ring and lighter

Clare Krippner: Works in Series

3 birds

Anyah Thompson: Day 11, Wings

A Documentary short film.

Zhiaea Mitchell: About Me

person holding a pig

Ashley Barrios: Halloween

Person in striped shirt holding a pig

Alissandra Delgadillo: Halloween

Robbie Austin: Everything But Face

a cat wearing glasses

Alexa Lopez: Weekend 2, Night

b/w drawing of a cat-like person wearing heart shorts with a bat.

Donald Richard: Day 2, Bunnies

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Anyah Thompson, Carielis Granera, Emily Forrest: Corpse 15

Klimt's Scream in an ice pillar. "The Ice Scream"

Donald Richard: Day 8, Ice Scream

A Found Footage Video.

Zhiaea Mitchell: Image & Sound

people made of abstract shapes

Kenna Threatt: Halloween, In the Style Of

Broken racecar

Tyson Madison: Day 7, Accident

sketch of face

Kamily Corral: Sketch

Drawing of a purple and yellow two-horned creature with a big club on a white background

Eliya Torres: Rhogar Myastan

person with sunflowers

Jordyn Washington: Sketchbook

colorful collage and painting of person in surreal setting

Kaitlyn Huante: Collage/Reframe

A Found Footage Video.

Natalie Garcia: Image & Sound

Visiting a character 10 years later...

Vance Lira: Estelle

Shem Villacarlos: Pinocchio (Original)

fox in a cage

Anyah Thompson: Day 16, Trap

person with fangs and claws

Alessandra Montero: Day 5, Fangs

Person wearing a crop top at night

Anyah Thompson: Weekend 2, Night

bird in hood in front of skull

Henry De Luca: Day 6, Mask


Edana Lynch: Sketchbook 5

Drawing of a two-horned creature with a big club on a white background.

Jordan Allen: Rhogar Myastan


Veronica Gipson: Day 15, Dinosaur

Person saying "You're done for sweetheart. It's over for you."

Alexa Lopez: Day 19, Over

messy closet

Veronica Timble: Day 7, Accident

Brianna Hargrove: Minds Concentrate

person in messy kitchen

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 7, Accident

person with eyes closed dancing

Yenedith Sanchez: Halloween

perspective drawing of buildings

Fernanda Lemus: Mashup

Collage with Statue of Liberty

Jessica Horne: Collage/Reframe

Taliah Thompson: Unboxing

box decorated with a halloween-like face

Vance Lira: Day 16, Trap

Charlesa Thompson: Realm Watching

Charlesa Thompson: Reserved Moment in Time

dinosaur in tub

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 15, Dinosaur

Visiting a character 10 yesrs later...

Eliya Torres: Yui Yamamoto

A Raisin In The Sun By Tarrance Turner - Ruth Monologue

Tarrance Turner: A Raisin In The Sun – Ruth Monologue

person with curly hair walking down a road of hearts

Jordan Allen: Weekend 4, Hollow

A Found Footage Video.

Edgar Frutos: Image & Sound

Kamily Corral: Still Life

Blue line drawing of person with crystals behind their head.

Vance Lira: Day 1, Chill

B/w line drawing of a skeleton

Eliya Torres: Day 1, Chill

snake with wings zooming down

Vance Lira: Day 14, Falling

Amesyah Flowers: Still Life

sketch of person sitting on office chair

Edana Lynch: Halloween 1

Hamburger, hoagie, and sandwich with a hand reaching for them.

Tyson Madison: Day 4, Sandwich

Visiting a character 10 years later...

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Jangmi Moon

king with a spear

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 18, Pride

Nevaeh Evans: Clouded

two wolves

Carielis Granera: Day 13, Oracle

Humanoid with a piece out of their face

Tyson Madison: Weekend 4, Hollow

b/w line drawing of person wearing sunglasses, drinking from a can with a straw

Itzel Saenz: Day 1, Chill

person with ice cream cone on sidewalk in front of her

Veronica Gipson: Day 8, Ice Scream

Sketches of mobile

Terrence Kendricks: New growth, old days

Animal Farm- Sliding Into Silence

Alondra Morales: Sliding into Silence

Jala Dowd: A Rose in Harlem

Alejandro Giron: Rattled

stairs going up to doors

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 10, Doors

person with lighter

Jordyn Washington: Sketchbook 2

Yenedith Sanchez: Still Life

A 3v person collaborative drawing.

Veronica Timble, Abby Moon-Sarudi, Alessandra Montero: Corpse 10

bleeding person looking at a dragon

Jordan Allen: Day 16, Trap

person with spider on their hand

Henry De Luca: Day 7, Accident

Brianna Kokoszka: Natural Softness

A Raisin In The Sun By Christiana Blount - Walter Monologue

Christiana Blount: A Raisin In The Sun – Walter Monologue

person wearing dress falling into large hands

Jordan Allen: Day 14, Falling

b/w line drawing of anthropomorphized frosting

Tyson Madison : Day 1, Chill

jack 'o lantern

Anyah Thompson: Weekend 4, Hollow

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Henry De Luca, Veronica Gipson, Veronica Timble: Corpse 2

A 4 Part Composition.

Ellen Campbell: 4 Part Composition

person staring at phone while flying

Veronica Timble: Day 16, Trap

Alejandro Giron: Too Many Horizons

Roxana Delaluz, The Aquarium Cookie

person with staff sitting on celestial backgroun

Alessandra Montero: Weekend 2, Night

red applies

Maria Byers: Study

Gael Zamudio: Self as a RodeoGoer

A Documentary Short Film.

Jessenia Guzman: About Me

Dungeon door

Itzel Saenz: Day 3, Dungeon

Robbie Austin: Stages

Eyes looking at a person

Alexa Lopez: Day 9, Eyes

Brianna Kokoszka: Comfort in Life

b/w drawing of dragon looking down on people

Alessandra Montero: Day 3, Dungeon

two portraits, one in color

Fernanda Lemus: Portraits

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Alexa Lopez, Veronica Timble, Henry De Luca: Corpse 13

pencil work on portrait, full color portrait

Sophia Morris: Portraits

torso in gray, red, green, and purple

Ocieann Davis: Halloween Figure

person with wings raising their hand in the dark

Alexa Lopez: Day 14, Falling

child with dinosaur on shirt

Eliya Torres: Day 15, Dinosaur

Leslie Illescas: Friends with Chaos

3 people with weapons

Jordan Allen: Day 12, Rock

Charlesa Thompson: Blue Daze

person looking at candle

Anyah Thompson: Day 13, Oracle

person crouching on the ground and their face is a black oval.

Kamily Corral: Halloween

photograph of a drawing of 3 people and 2 plastic wings

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 18, Pride

person with crown

Jordyn Washington: Sketchbook 3

Collage and painting of people and a gun

Maria Byers: Collage/Reframe

Jennifer Lopez: Anonymous

Person crying while texting

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 19, Over

warrior person with long hair

Jordan Allen: Day 5, Fangs

Sara Gitner: Pamplemousse

Face in a bubble with hands below

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 4, Sandwich

b/w line drawing with scared people and a cemetery

Veronica Timble: Day 1, Chill

Armani Ray: Between the Lines

pencil drawings of faces and magazines

Edana Lynch: Works in Series

Drawing of a two-horned, scaly creature with a big club on a white background.

Jaidyn Barnes: Rhogar Myastan

Robbie Austin: Generations

person kissing a fallen angel

Samantha Franco: In the Style of

person holding dinosaur in front of them

Alexa Lopez: Day 15, Dinosaur

Images showing process of making video

Diamond White: Untitled

Person wearing a large hat with a ? in their speech bubble.

Alessandra Montero: Day 7, Accident

Lioness and cub

Carielis Granera: Weekend 1, Nature

figure sketches

Amesyah Flowers: Sketchbook 2

two doors going into a door store

Tyson Madison: Day 10, Doors

4 people falling

Veronica Timble: Day 14, Falling

people popping out of floating doors

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 10, Doors

Joanna Steven: Still Life

A 4 Part Composition.

Guadalupe Pulido: 4 Part Composition

Drawing of a two-horned creature with a big club on a grey background.

Itzel Saenz: Rhogar Myastan

many sandwiches with a hand above

Vance Lira: Day 4, Sandwich

Drawing of table, skeletons around an oven, and decaying face

Samantha Franco: Works in Series

Fluffy white frame and tall sculpture

DJ Murray: Reeks of Youth

stairs leading up into dark.

Veronica Gipson: Day 3, Dungeon


Carielis Granera: Day 5, Fangs

bear on a unicycle

Carielis Granera: Day 16, Trap

Person with red on their hands and face like blood

Eliya Torres: Day 7, Accident

Yudeski Deleon, Flower Sugar Cookies

person looking in mirror. On their face is written "Isn't Bright"

Veronica Timble: Day 13, Oracle

drawing of faces and collage of drawings of faces

Fernanda Lemus: Works in Series

A Found Footage Video.

Ramik Spencer: Image & Sound

A member of The Mighty 9!

Veronica Timble: Sawyer Altgeld

3 images of flower sculpture around ceiling fan

Melanie Avila, Sheltered

person eating with a spoon

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 8, Ice Scream

person looking nervous wearing headdress

Veronica Timble: Day 9, Eyes

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Carielis Granera, Vance Lira, Alexa Lopez: Corpse: Corpse 3

A Raisin In The Sun By Donald Pieters - Beneatha Monologue.mp4

Donald Pieters: A Raisin In The Sun – Beneatha Monologue

Ice cream cone with face and knife

Eliya Torres: Day 8, Ice Scream

Chuck E. Cheese animatronic characters

Donald Richard: Weekend 2, Night

person with a stick fighting a man-eating plant

Henry De Luca: Day 16, Trap

firery halo with wings falling

Henry De Luca: Day 14, Falling

fighter with eyeball for a head

Tyson Madison: Day 9, Eyes

Drawing of a two-horned, firebreathing creature with a big weapon on a white background.

Vance Lira: Rhogar Myastan

person with fangs and claws

Donald Richard: Day 5, Fangs

creature with large eyes and fangs

Henry De Luca: Day 5, Fangs

Sara Gitner: Mother Turns the Lens to See Her Other Self

Jayla Pittman: The Isolated Soul

Eye crying

Vance Lira: Weekend 4, Hollow

Ocieann Davis: Still Life

painting of person sitting in front of skeleton

Ocieann Davis: Works in Series

A Raisin In The Sun By Clalinda Davis - Beneatha Monologue

Clalinda Davis: A Raisin In The Sun – Beneatha Monologue

hand coming out of fire

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Weekend 3, Fire

still life with bottles

Jordyn Washington: Study

startled fox-like person

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 16, Trap

Gael Zamudio: Visual Isolation in Hallway
