Drawing of a two-horned, firebreathing creature jumping through the air on a white background.

Tyson Madison: Rhogar Myastan

Daniela Salgado: I Feel Pretty

Brianna Hargrove: Minds Concentrate

Many different steps in the process of making the animation

Tzitlalli Gonzalez: A ghostly halloween

Person saying "You're done for sweetheart. It's over for you."

Alexa Lopez: Day 19, Over

Maria Byers: Still Life

Person dressed in rabbit ears

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 2, Bunnies

two doors going into a door store

Tyson Madison: Day 10, Doors

A Documentary Short Film

Ramik Spencer: About Me

Robbie Austin: Perspective Shadow

Gael Zamudio: Flea Market Dreams

Colorful drawing of dog biting hand

Victoria Mak: Works in Series

Blue line drawing of person with crystals behind their head.

Vance Lira: Day 1, Chill

Animal Farm - Sliding Into Silence

Laylah Freeman: Sliding into Silence

person wearing glasses duplicated and painting of pink feathery object

Victoria Mak: Collage/Reframe

face sculpture made of natural materials

Ariana Winters: Ostracizing Time

Creature with large mouth with fangs

Veronica Timble: Day 5, Fangs

Visiting a character 10 years later...

Vance Lira: Estelle

A member of The Mighty 9!

Carielis Granera: Plainfield School The III

A modern contemporary style dance number.

Dance: Harmony

child with dinosaur on shirt

Eliya Torres: Day 15, Dinosaur

two portraits, one with a laughing flame

Jessica Horne: Portraits


Donald Richard: Day 10, Doors

portrait of female face

Rebecca Leal: Practice

spooky tree

Veronica Gipson: Weekend 1, Nature

person and dog with tall sandwich

Donald Richard: Day 4, Sandwich

person kicking out a row of dominoes

Donald Richard: Day 14, Falling

person standing in front of images of various doors

Itzel Saenz: Day 10, Doors

Daniela Salgado: Alone

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Vance Lira, Antonio Borobia-Casanova, Veronica Gipson: Corpse 7

stairs going up to doors

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 10, Doors

Dungeon door

Itzel Saenz: Day 3, Dungeon

Sketches of storyboards and figures

Terrence Kendricks: SCP 084

Roxana Delaluz, The Aquarium Cookie

b/w line drawing with scared people and a cemetery

Veronica Timble: Day 1, Chill

person in a cemetery

Veronica Timble: Weekend 1, Nature

A 4 Part Composition.

Julia Kim: 4 Part Composition

Lioness and cub

Carielis Granera: Weekend 1, Nature

Cookies drizzled with caramel on a rack

Jazmin Unzueta, Chocolate Stuff Shortbread Cookies with Caramel Drizzle

pencil work on portrait, full color portrait

Sophia Morris: Portraits

person with crown

Jordyn Washington: Sketchbook 3

Ice cream sundae

Veronica Timble: Day 8, Ice Scream

perspective landscape on brown paper

Anonymous: Perspective

Kenna Threatt: Still Life

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Alessandra Montero, Emily Steffen, Donald Richard: Corpse 17

two red apples

Samantha Franco: Study 2

Anonymous: Sharingan Sugar Cookie

Daniela Salgado: Temporada

4 people falling

Veronica Timble: Day 14, Falling

three doors labeled not scary at all, scary, and very scary with blood

Eliya Torres: Day 10, Doors


Carielis Granera: Day 5, Fangs

Jayla Pittman: The Isolated Soul

two wolves

Carielis Granera: Day 13, Oracle

infinite doors

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 10, Doors

mountain landscape

Jordan Allen: Day 18, Pride

Paintings of mouth and teeth

Liliana Nash: Works in Series

Person wearing hat and and saying Happy Halloween!

Itzel Saenz: Weekend 4, Hollow

Armani Ray: Beautiful Disarray

torso in gray, red, green, and purple

Ocieann Davis: Halloween Figure

sketch of person with dog and necklace

Fernanda Lemus: Sketch

person with a stick fighting a man-eating plant

Henry De Luca: Day 16, Trap

Sketches and images of characters

Dania Qazi : Who’s behind me?

Brownie Cookies

Latifat Bakare, Brownie Cookies

A Raisin In The Sun By Laylah Freeman - Ruth Monologue

Laylah Freeman: A Raisin In The Sun – Ruth Monologue

Weed monster

Kenna Threatt: Sketchbook

Jayla Pittman: Uncomfortable in this Skin

eyes looking through a crack in the door

Alexa Lopez: Day 10, Doors

colorful collage and painting of person in surreal setting

Kaitlyn Huante: Collage/Reframe

Brianna Hargrove: The Faintest Grin of a Black Man

A Found Footage Video.

Zhiaea Mitchell: Image & Sound

Shem Villacarlos: Pinocchio (Original)

person holding skull ice cream cone with bats around their legs

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 8, Ice Scream

sketch of faces

Edana Lynch: Sketchbook 3

four face combined and a person in a head wrap, mask, and yellow top

Tyler King: Portraits

photograph of a drawing of 3 people and 2 plastic wings

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 18, Pride

waitress falling with trays

Anyah Thompson: Day 14, Falling

a cat wearing glasses

Alexa Lopez: Weekend 2, Night

A Found Footage Video.

Natalie Garcia: Image & Sound

hooded figure with a plant behind it

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 13, Oracle

stairs leading down to a dungeon

Jordan Allen: Day 3, Dungeon

person with ears, long hair wearing a bow

Itzel Saenz: Day 5, Fangs

person standing in front of images of various doors

Jordan Allen: Day 10, Doors

A collaborative song!

Music Theory Sings: Eventide Solfege

Anonymous: Portraits

Cookie ingredients on a table

Maia Penn, Cheesecake Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies

Lashae Wilson: Sliding Out Of Silence

collage with mouth and flowers, painting of person and Donald Trump

Ashley Barrios: Collage/Reframe

Kenna Threatt: Still Life

Animal Farm- Sliding Into Silence

Annika Alfaro: Sliding into Silence


Veronica Gipson: Day 11, Wings

A Documentary Short Film.

Nnenna Baker: About Me

Armani Ray: Lured to Insanity

b/w line drawing of person in armor

Anyah Thompson: Day 2, Bunnies

A Found Footage Video.

Zain Arnold: Image & Sound

two people talking about a necklace

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 17, Spooky Locket

A 3 person collaborative song effort!

Natalie Ramirez-Amezcua, Sara Rivera Gonzalez, Bryan Barrera: Here Comes The Sun

Jala Dowd: Broadway

A Found Footage Video.

Jessenia Guzman: Image & Sound

Composite image of sketches and storyboards

Alyssa Jones: Beware of jack

Gael Zamudio: Auditory Isolation in Room

nurse with wings

Jordan Allen: Day 11, Wings

person with ice cream cone on sidewalk in front of her

Veronica Gipson: Day 8, Ice Scream

Broken racecar

Tyson Madison: Day 7, Accident

A 4 Part Composition.

Anonymous: 4 Part Composition

Eyes looking at a person

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 9, Eyes

Drawing of a purple and yellow two-horned creature with a big tail on a purple background

Anyah Thompson: Rhogar Myastan

pencil drawings of faces and magazines

Edana Lynch: Works in Series

box decorated with a halloween-like face

Vance Lira: Day 16, Trap

Drawing of singers and concert

Ashley Barrios: Works in Series

drawing of bird with eyes around it

Alexa Lopez: Day 13, Oracle

two portraits, one in profile

Amesyah Flowers: Portraits

A Raisin In The Sun By Patrianna Scales - Mama Monologue

Patrianna Scales: A Raisin In The Sun – Mama Monologue

A member of the Mighty 9!

Jordan Allen: Highland Woods

b/w drawing of person with large rabbit ears walking into a cemetery.

Veronica Timble: Day 2, Bunnies

Armani Ray: Conflicting Eyes

3 ghosts and an open locket

Anyah Thompson: Day 17, Spooky Locket

monster with mouth in its stomach eating its prey

Veronica Timble: Weekend 4, Hollow

Distraught person with fire on palms and above head

Henry De Luca: Weekend 3, Fire

Daniela Salgado: (Don’t) Leave Me Alone

snake with human face and body of rocks

Donald Richard: Day 12, Rock

Jennifer Lopez: 2face

Ice cream cone with angry face

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 8, Ice Scream

two people with plants sprouting from them

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 13, Oracle

A Raisin In The Sun By Christiana Blount - Walter Monologue

Christiana Blount: A Raisin In The Sun – Walter Monologue

robot holding child's hand

Amesyah Flowers: Untitled

Chocolate chip cookies on a cooling rack

Anonymous: Almond Cinnamon Chocolate Chip Cookie with Toffee

Sofia Dimas: I Wouldn’t Mind (He is We Cover)

Collage with faces and bright colors, painting with faces and muted colors

Selah Payne: Collage/Reframe

A member of The Mighty 9!

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Marquette Woodlawn

sketches of faces

Sophia Morris: Sketchbook

sketches of different eyes

Itzel Saenz: Day 9, Eyes

fox-like person falling

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 14, Falling

Jala Dowd: Forever Doesn’t Last

Vanessa Garcia: My Emotions

Leslie Illescas: Enchanting Omen

sketches of eyes

Donald Richard: Day 9, Eyes

Image of modeling figure and sketches

Melanie Avila: Moldable Identity

person wearing dress falling into large hands

Jordan Allen: Day 14, Falling

person kissing a fallen angel

Samantha Franco: In the Style of

Visiting a character 10 yesrs later...

Eliya Torres: Yui Yamamoto

Vanessa Garcia: Family Comic Album

Yenedith Sanchez: Still Life

3 birds

Anyah Thompson: Day 11, Wings

Chuck E. Cheese animatronic characters

Donald Richard: Weekend 2, Night

Images showing process of making video

Diamond White: Untitled

Three images of houses scupltures

Sasha Harper: Houses of 2020

A Raisin In The Sun By Annika Alfaro - Mama Monologue

Annika Alfaro: A Raisin In The Sun – Mama Monologue

snake with knives in its back

Vance Lira: Day 9, Eyes

An Aseprite Animation

Vance Lira: Strawberry Chase

painting of person sitting in front of skeleton

Ocieann Davis: Works in Series

person with long hair and fangs

Veronica Gipson: Day 5, Fangs

Taliah Thompson: Technical

Nevaeh Evans: Family & Friends

turtle like character with mushrooms

Alessandra Montero: Day 12, Rock

rat wearing mask

Alexa Lopez: Day 6, Mask

An Aseprite Animation

Eliya Torres: Oyasumi

Visiting a character 10 years later...

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Jangmi Moon

Four drawings with a desert theme

Anonymous: Works in Series

people popping out of floating doors

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 10, Doors

Brianna Kokoszka: Angel Takes a Falling

Brianna Hargrove: Pandemic

person in glasses shaving their head

Edana Lynch: Drawing from Photography

heart with keyhole and skull above it

Carielis Granera: Day 17, Spooky Locket


Alexa Lopez: Weekend 3, Fire

creature with fangs in front of broken fence and tree.

Tyson Madison: Day 5, Fangs

Orb on a street between buildings

Veronica Gipson: Weekend 2, Night

person reclining

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 18, Pride

A member of The Mighty 9!

Veronica Timble: Sawyer Altgeld

Pictures of 4 cookies decorated with musical themes

Javier Hernandez, Sugar Cookie

chair and table with spiderwebs

Alexa Lopez: Day 4, Sandwich

Drawing of a purple and yellow two-horned creature with a big club on a white background

Henry De Luca: Rhogar Myastan

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Veronica Gipson, Jordan Allen, Vance Lira: Corpse 14

sketch of person sitting on bricks

Maria Byers: In the Style of

Animal Farm-Sliding Out Of Silence

Christiana Blount: Sliding Out Of Silence

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Tyson Madison, Alessandra Montero, Abby Moon-Sarudi: Corpse 4

person punching

Veronica Timble: Weekend 2, Night

gold chalice against purple sheet

Ocieann Davis: Study

Collage with Statue of Liberty

Jessica Horne: Collage/Reframe

Leslie Illescas: Hollowed Past

person looking at candle

Anyah Thompson: Day 13, Oracle

woman with knife behind her back

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 16, Trap

Fernanda Lemus: Still Life

Person looking up at night

Itzel Saenz: Weekend 2, Night

Brianna Kokoszka: Natural Softness

Kamil Calmese, Red Velvet Cookies

drawing of person with their arm raised

Joanna Steven: Figure 2

wet floor sign

Itzel Saenz: Day 7, Accident

group of women in a grotto

Jordan Allen: Weekend 1, Nature

Gael Zamudio: Self as a RodeoGoer

person with camo mask

Veronica Gipson: Day 6, Mask

Jayla Pittman: The Roots of the Generation

Animal Farm- Sliding Out Of Silence

Jansel Perez: Sliding Out Of Silence

person standing in front of images of various doors

Anyah Thompson: Day 10, Doors

A Virtual Musical Collaboration featuring the entire class!

Modern Rock Band: I Want You Back

People with masks

Tyler King: Sketch

b/w drawing of rabbit with evil shadow

Henry De Luca: Day 2, Bunnies

b/w line drawing of a fantasy person with long hair, ears, and surrounded by rabbits.

Alessandra Montero: Day 2, Bunnies

Person with fire in their hands

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Weekend 3, Fire

charlie brown's ghost halloween costume

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 12, Rock

Images of blue mobile

Diamond White: Untitled

key locket with "spooky locket" written underneath

Donald Richard: Day 17, Spooky Locket

person with horns and sword in fire

Alessandra Montero: Weekend 3, Fire

Drawing of face and beetle

Sophia Morris: Works in Series

Eye crying

Vance Lira: Weekend 4, Hollow

figure sketches

Amesyah Flowers: Sketchbook 2

dinosaur with flippers flying

Henry De Luca: Day 15, Dinosaur

colorful painting of person sitting on chair

Alissandra Delgadillo: Sketch 1

Jennifer Lopez: Significant Objects

Eye with fire pupil

Jaidyn Barnes: Weekend 3, Fire

three people in party clothes eating ice cream cones

Anyah Thompson: Day 8, Ice Scream

6 BIPOC faces with "period." at the bottom

Donald Richard: Day 18, Pride

sketches of eyes

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 9, Eyes

Still life of Lysol and PPE

Tyler King: Still Life (Unfinished)

Alejandro Giron: Virgin Drink

Person wearing a large hat with a ? in their speech bubble.

Alessandra Montero: Day 7, Accident

Yudeski Deleon, Flower Sugar Cookies

Person with pink hair with "Missing" posters

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 19, Over

A Documentary Short Film.

Krystal Hernandez: About Me

A Found Footage Video.

Sharon Braemer: Image & Sound

Collage with animals and person with X over mouth

Kamily Corral: Collage/Reframe

2 portraits, one realistic and one abstract

Yenedith Sanchez: Portraits

person in skirt and tube top

Jordan Allen: Day 13, Oracle

person holding a pig

Ashley Barrios: Halloween

Robbie Austin: Generations

Kamily Corral: Still Life

person with hat, cape, and knives wearing anonymous mask

Anyah Thompson: Day 6, Mask

A member of The Mighty 9!

Alexa Lopez: Karlov Avenue The 55th

Collage with notes and painting with hands

Alissandra Delgadillo: Collage/Reframe

A Raisin In The Sun By Alondra Morales - Beneatha Monologue.mp4

Alondra Morales: A Raisin In The Sun – Beneatha Monologue

sad angel with wings

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 11, Wings

two portraits, one person is making a "bull horns" with their hand

Clare Krippner: Portraits

person with short hair, earrings, and a cigarette

Donald Richard: Day 13, Oracle

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Carielis Granera, Vance Lira, Alexa Lopez: Corpse: Corpse 3

Dragon over a cave with a witch.

Vance Lira: Day 3, Dungeon

fighter with eyeball for a head

Tyson Madison: Day 9, Eyes

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Alexa Lopez, Veronica Timble, Henry De Luca: Corpse 13

person dressing in samurai armor

Anyah Thompson: Day 18, Pride

person in messy kitchen

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 7, Accident

A Raisin In The Sun By Jansel Perez - Mama Monologue.MOV

Jansel Perez: A Raisin In The Sun – Mama Monologue

Sandwich eating a sandwich

Eliya Torres: Day 4, Sandwich

A Raisin In The Sun By Tarrance Turner - Ruth Monologue

Tarrance Turner: A Raisin In The Sun – Ruth Monologue

cat in a bubble helmet

Alessandra Montero: Day 16, Trap

two portraits, one person with glasses and one with horns

Kamily Corral: Portraits

sketch of face

Kamily Corral: Sketch

person staring at phone while flying

Veronica Timble: Day 16, Trap


Alessandra Montero: Day 11, Wings

angel with wings

Veronica Timble: Day 11, Wings

Collage and drawing of person's underwear

Edana Lynch: Collage/Reframe

A member of The Mighty 9!

Tyson Madison: Quincy Lasalle

angel with wings

Alexa Lopez: Day 11, Wings

Jessica Horne: Still Life

Person with a sword

Henry De Luca: Day 18, Pride

person holding onto a rope above alligators

Carielis Granera: Day 14, Falling

Painting of jellyfish and giraffe

Alissandra Delgadillo: Works in Series
