CPS All-City Visual Arts Exhibitions
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Winter 2020
Tyler King: Collage/Reframe
Alexa Lopez: Day 13, Oracle
Selah Payne: Portraits
Robbie Austin: Perspective Shadow
Alessandra Montero: Day 17, Spooky Locket
Laylah Freeman: Sliding into Silence
Jordan Allen: Day 7, Accident
Fernanda Lemus: Halloween
Gael Zamudio: Stranger at Intersection
Kaitlyn Huante: Portraits
Jennifer Lopez: Lifestyle
Eliya Torres: Day 9, Eyes
Carielis Granera: Day 6, Mask
Ayanna Reeves-Woodson, Red Velvet Cookies
Tyler King: Figure
Henry De Luca: Day 15, Dinosaur
Alejandro Giron: My brother, Manny
Veronica Gipson: Day 13, Oracle
Anyah Thompson: Day 6, Mask
Armani Ray: Beautiful Disarray
Abby Moon Sarudi: Rhogar Myastan
Vance Lira: Day 9, Eyes
Donald Pieters: Sliding into Silence
Jayla Pittman: The Stem of the Generation
Samantha Franco: Still Life
Alexa Lopez: Karlov Avenue The 55th
Jordan Allen: Highland Woods
Eliya Torres: Day 4, Sandwich
Armani Ray: Lured to Insanity
Nevaeh Evans: Untitled
Vanessa Garcia: Jedi in Training
Lashae Wilson: Sliding Into Silence
Annika Alfaro: Sliding Out Of Silence
Sara Gitner: Painting With the Subconscious
Edana Lynch: Portraits
Laylah Freeman: A Raisin In The Sun – Ruth Monologue
Anyah Thompson: Weekend 3, Fire
Nevaeh Evans: Family & Friends
Jaidyn Barnes: Day 16, Trap
Victoria Mak: Collage/Reframe
Itzel Saenz: Day 9, Eyes
Amesyah Flowers: Sketchbook 1
Kevin Camacho: Sliding Out Of Silence
Jordan Allen: Day 4, Sandwich
Yenedith Sanchez: Works in Series
Alessandra Montero: Weekend 1, Nature
Alexa Lopez: Day 7, Accident
Vance Lira: Day 2, Bunnies
Eliya Torres: Day 17, Spooky Locket
Alissandra Delgadillo: Sketch 2
Veronica Gipson: Day 6, Mask
Leslie Illescas: Ethereal View
Itzel Saenz: Day 19, Over
Abby Moon-Sarudi, Henry De Luca, Carielis Granera: Corpse 6
Jessenia Guzman: Image & Sound
Anyah Thompson: Day 3, Dungeon
Brianna Kokoszka: Eternally Warped
Jala Dowd: Stunt
Jordan Allen: Day 18, Pride
Dania Qazi : Who’s behind me?
Tyler King: Sketch
Rebecca Leal: In the Style of
Itzel Saenz: Day 12, Rock
Eliya Torres: Oyasumi
Charlesa Thompson: Before I go
Jessica Horne: Still Life
Henry De Luca: Day 2, Bunnies
Terrence Kendricks: SCP 084
Samantha Franco: Collage/Reframe
Jaidyn Barnes: Day 3, Dungeon
Vance Lira: Day 12, Rock
Kenna Threatt: Figure
Victoria Mak: Portraits
Alyssa Jones: How I met music
Donald Richard: Day 16, Trap
Alexis Thomas: Image & Sound
Donald Richard: Day 15, Dinosaur
Sophia Morris: Collage/Reframe
Alexa Lopez: Weekend 3, Fire
Veronica Gipson: Weekend 2, Night
Jaidyn Barnes: Day 14, Falling
Donald Richard: Day 12, Rock
Alexa Lopez: Day 2, Bunnies
Tyson Madison: Day 17, Spooky Locket
Itzel Saenz: Weekend 4, Hollow
Victoria Mak: Works in Series
Selah Payne: Still Life
Itzel Saenz: Weekend 3, Fire
Alessandra Montero: Day 1, Chill
Clare Krippner: Halloween
Samantha Franco: Portraits
Armani Ray: Conflicting Eyes
Anyah Thompson: Day 4, Sandwich
Tabitha Wagner, Walnut Cups
Joanna Steven: Figure
Taliah Thompson: A New LookOut
Joanna Steven: Figure
Clare Krippner: Works in Series
Anyah Thompson: Day 11, Wings
Zhiaea Mitchell: About Me
Ashley Barrios: Halloween
Alissandra Delgadillo: Halloween
Robbie Austin: Everything But Face
Alexa Lopez: Weekend 2, Night
Donald Richard: Day 2, Bunnies
Anyah Thompson, Carielis Granera, Emily Forrest: Corpse 15
Donald Richard: Day 8, Ice Scream
Zhiaea Mitchell: Image & Sound
Kenna Threatt: Halloween, In the Style Of
Tyson Madison: Day 7, Accident
Kamily Corral: Sketch
Eliya Torres: Rhogar Myastan
Jordyn Washington: Sketchbook
Kaitlyn Huante: Collage/Reframe
Natalie Garcia: Image & Sound
Vance Lira: Estelle
Shem Villacarlos: Pinocchio (Original)
Anyah Thompson: Day 16, Trap
Alessandra Montero: Day 5, Fangs
Anyah Thompson: Weekend 2, Night
Henry De Luca: Day 6, Mask
Edana Lynch: Sketchbook 5
Jordan Allen: Rhogar Myastan
Veronica Gipson: Day 15, Dinosaur
Alexa Lopez: Day 19, Over
Veronica Timble: Day 7, Accident
Brianna Hargrove: Minds Concentrate
Jaidyn Barnes: Day 7, Accident
Yenedith Sanchez: Halloween
Fernanda Lemus: Mashup
Jessica Horne: Collage/Reframe
Taliah Thompson: Unboxing
Vance Lira: Day 16, Trap
Charlesa Thompson: Realm Watching
Charlesa Thompson: Reserved Moment in Time
Jaidyn Barnes: Day 15, Dinosaur
Eliya Torres: Yui Yamamoto
Tarrance Turner: A Raisin In The Sun – Ruth Monologue
Jordan Allen: Weekend 4, Hollow
Edgar Frutos: Image & Sound
Kamily Corral: Still Life
Vance Lira: Day 1, Chill
Eliya Torres: Day 1, Chill
Vance Lira: Day 14, Falling
Amesyah Flowers: Still Life
Edana Lynch: Halloween 1
Tyson Madison: Day 4, Sandwich
Abby Moon-Sarudi: Jangmi Moon
Jaidyn Barnes: Day 18, Pride
Nevaeh Evans: Clouded
Carielis Granera: Day 13, Oracle
Tyson Madison: Weekend 4, Hollow
Itzel Saenz: Day 1, Chill
Veronica Gipson: Day 8, Ice Scream
Terrence Kendricks: New growth, old days
Alondra Morales: Sliding into Silence
Jala Dowd: A Rose in Harlem
Alejandro Giron: Rattled
Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 10, Doors
Jordyn Washington: Sketchbook 2
Yenedith Sanchez: Still Life
Veronica Timble, Abby Moon-Sarudi, Alessandra Montero: Corpse 10
Jordan Allen: Day 16, Trap
Henry De Luca: Day 7, Accident
Brianna Kokoszka: Natural Softness
Christiana Blount: A Raisin In The Sun – Walter Monologue
Jordan Allen: Day 14, Falling
Tyson Madison : Day 1, Chill
Anyah Thompson: Weekend 4, Hollow
Henry De Luca, Veronica Gipson, Veronica Timble: Corpse 2
Ellen Campbell: 4 Part Composition
Veronica Timble: Day 16, Trap
Alejandro Giron: Too Many Horizons
Roxana Delaluz, The Aquarium Cookie
Alessandra Montero: Weekend 2, Night
Maria Byers: Study
Gael Zamudio: Self as a RodeoGoer
Jessenia Guzman: About Me
Itzel Saenz: Day 3, Dungeon
Robbie Austin: Stages
Alexa Lopez: Day 9, Eyes
Brianna Kokoszka: Comfort in Life
Alessandra Montero: Day 3, Dungeon
Fernanda Lemus: Portraits
Alexa Lopez, Veronica Timble, Henry De Luca: Corpse 13
Sophia Morris: Portraits
Ocieann Davis: Halloween Figure
Alexa Lopez: Day 14, Falling
Eliya Torres: Day 15, Dinosaur
Leslie Illescas: Friends with Chaos
Jordan Allen: Day 12, Rock
Charlesa Thompson: Blue Daze
Anyah Thompson: Day 13, Oracle
Kamily Corral: Halloween
Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 18, Pride
Jordyn Washington: Sketchbook 3
Maria Byers: Collage/Reframe
Jennifer Lopez: Anonymous
Jaidyn Barnes: Day 19, Over
Jordan Allen: Day 5, Fangs
Sara Gitner: Pamplemousse
Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 4, Sandwich
Veronica Timble: Day 1, Chill
Armani Ray: Between the Lines
Edana Lynch: Works in Series
Jaidyn Barnes: Rhogar Myastan
Robbie Austin: Generations
Samantha Franco: In the Style of
Alexa Lopez: Day 15, Dinosaur
Diamond White: Untitled
Alessandra Montero: Day 7, Accident
Carielis Granera: Weekend 1, Nature
Amesyah Flowers: Sketchbook 2
Tyson Madison: Day 10, Doors
Veronica Timble: Day 14, Falling
Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 10, Doors
Joanna Steven: Still Life
Guadalupe Pulido: 4 Part Composition
Itzel Saenz: Rhogar Myastan
Vance Lira: Day 4, Sandwich
Samantha Franco: Works in Series
DJ Murray: Reeks of Youth
Veronica Gipson: Day 3, Dungeon
Carielis Granera: Day 5, Fangs
Carielis Granera: Day 16, Trap
Eliya Torres: Day 7, Accident
Yudeski Deleon, Flower Sugar Cookies
Veronica Timble: Day 13, Oracle
Fernanda Lemus: Works in Series
Ramik Spencer: Image & Sound
Veronica Timble: Sawyer Altgeld
Melanie Avila, Sheltered
Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 8, Ice Scream
Veronica Timble: Day 9, Eyes
Carielis Granera, Vance Lira, Alexa Lopez: Corpse: Corpse 3
Donald Pieters: A Raisin In The Sun – Beneatha Monologue
Eliya Torres: Day 8, Ice Scream
Donald Richard: Weekend 2, Night
Henry De Luca: Day 16, Trap
Henry De Luca: Day 14, Falling
Tyson Madison: Day 9, Eyes
Vance Lira: Rhogar Myastan
Donald Richard: Day 5, Fangs
Henry De Luca: Day 5, Fangs
Sara Gitner: Mother Turns the Lens to See Her Other Self
Jayla Pittman: The Isolated Soul
Vance Lira: Weekend 4, Hollow
Ocieann Davis: Still Life
Ocieann Davis: Works in Series
Clalinda Davis: A Raisin In The Sun – Beneatha Monologue
Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Weekend 3, Fire
Jordyn Washington: Study
Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 16, Trap
Gael Zamudio: Visual Isolation in Hallway
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