Ximena Vilegas: Untitled

Fernando Carmona: Untitled

Anonymous: Pair of Lips

Elora Cuisia: Untitled

Acrylic paint on canvas flower flowers sun landscape

Zoey Armour: Sunny Day

Eli Shelly – My Dog is a Cow

Dragon with figure

Leo Paris: Peace and Flames

Sydney Sarris: Washed Away

Jessica Maartens: Field of Calm

Madison Gaynor – Untilted

Kennedy Beckon: Angel

Carlie Hernandez – Untitled

Brown bunny

Anonymous: A Rainy Bunny

Sasha Preuss: Where Did Her Childhood Go?

Sloane Zaleski – Switch

Paper, Marker, Ink, Pencil Chicago Sunset Cityscape buildings

Natalia Lavick: Untitled

Green wire with black limbs

Genesis Torres: Test Tube

Anonymous: Continuous Flourishing Ideas

Gabriela Fiumefreddo: Untitled

Gallery with wood floor and night stars

Edwin Ochoa: All About Me Exibition

Anonymous: Feelings on Creatures

Rose Joan Hynes – Eiffel Tower

Jack Ekeberg: Untitled

Anonymous: Amigo Jul

Anonymous: Arctic Settlement

Brian Chavez: Untitled

colored pencil, pen, marker on paper bright

Felix Gael Acevedo: Bright

Ruby Rosado – Swirly Snowman

Carving of plant and words onto old acoustic guitar.

Evelyn Basken: Orion

Anonymous: Untitled

Clay pinch pot

Anonymous: Pinch Pot

Anonymous: Untitled

pencil, pen, graphing paper, young girl winking

Mia Perez: The Idol

Autumn Higgins: Neon Lips that Pop

Ellie Scrivner: Untitled

Yanet Garcia – Dorothy

Carlos Fernandez: Goku and Vegeta

brown building with black sign and 2 windows

Major Taylor: Beautiful Town

Ella Lewis : POP

Valeria Huang: Kayan Woman

Elena Abundis – Untitled

Kayla Capshaw – Jordans

Anonymous: Color Quadrants

Lillian Blake – Untitled #2

Hen Shanabruch: Untitled

black sky with green grass

Jilberto Espinoza: Boo!

Surrealist Cityscapes Colored Pencil on Drawing Paper

Joshua Abudayeh: Under Earth

Anthony Torres: Police Chase

Anonymous: Gigantic Hand

Radial Name Design marker on drawing paper

Olivia Bronkema: Olivia B.

Madelyn Bursch: Tears of Joy

Pencil still life drawing of blind folded man holding a guitar.

Roman Shevchenko-Kuznetsov: Untitled

Meredith Andes: Cereal

Enyelber Rojas: Corazon Amarillo

Marker on Drawing Paper Radial Name Design

Pearl Chen: Pearl C.

Anonymous: I am ME

Buildings with red sunset

Safiya Rysbekova: Untitled

Ayane Anderson – Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Samantha Rocca: Untitled

Pencil drawing of a tree with leafs.

Sebastian Paz: Maple Leaf Rag

drawing Ameer Muhammad anime character

Anonymous: Untitled

drawing pencil map

Atticus Grede: Dangerous Adventure Path

Ophelia Lassandrello – Tribute to Bowie

Rita Travers – Untitled

Lincoln Eby – Axolotl

Juan Martinez: Untitled

Colorful building with blue sky and clouds

Anonymous: Little Village

Anonymous: Happiness is the Path

black circles with color

Natesha Anderson: Eclipsed Colors

Gabrielle K Diggs: Singing Flower

Israel Padilla – Jen Stark

Myles Flowers: Grandma Ida

Sofia Ramirez: Stay as You Are

Finley Phillips – Untitled

abstract mixed media piece with geometric shapes and lines.

June Kuta: Lines

Collage of child screaming with text bubble.

Skylar Burns: Shout

Annette Paldy: The Annette

painting tree green

Anonymous: Angry Tree

Afsheen Shaik – Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Ceramic bowl with spiral patterns made from coils.

Siena Franklin: Coil Bowl

Jonathan Alanis – Secret Alphabet

Skylar Burns – Burns

West Shady: My Planet

Miley Hu: Untitled

Laiza Colon – Hello Kitty

Kenya Barnes: For My Uncle

Lyla Chairez: Home is Anywhere

collage side profile of skeleton dog with heart background.

Anonymous: Skeleton Dog

Isabel Wood: The Glaring Eyeball

Selena Kupiec – Untitled

Victoria Casales – Untitled

Anonymous: Cat and Mouse

Exhibition with Solar Eclipse

Anonymous: Exhibición de Angel

Melodie Louise Grause: Untitled

rainbow oil pastel still life of a guitar.

Carson Jarrett: Untitled

Anonymous: The Beginning of the Fight

Hannah Gazdziak – Summer Beach

Joshua Torres: Untitled

A Landscape Blockprint – Iyla Forbes

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Blue fish with brown back

Hassan Johnson: Untitled

Isaiah Abad – Self Portrait

Anonymous: Untitled

Michael Rosales: Calavera nueva

Ella Bradenburg – Untitled

Rainbow lines

Kairi Chiakulas: Rainbow Colors

Anonymous: Untitled

Nixon Larsen: Cat in The Garden

Watercolor painting of bird on a branch with snow and hills in the background.

Anonymous: Chickadee

Emma Gonnissen: Untitled 1

Drawing of plants and an animal with antlers with geometric shapes and patterns.

Neala Dunneback: Madhubani

Blue sky with black trees

Tremaine Morris: The Forest

paint, cardboard, plastic on canvas, yellow ducks on water

Emma Orozco: Ducks

Anonymous: The Yard

Anonymous: Wolf at Night

Colorful water color painting of trees.

Loulou Sorenson-Cronk: Trees

Buster Wawrzaszek – The Happy Solar System

Multi media collage with fabric, paper, and cardboard.

Siobhan Tran: Music and art

Elise McCarthy: Bend Back the Moon

Brenda Ortiz-Dominguez: Sunset

Kali Beckon – Excited Kitty

Naomi Cobbs: If I Could Fly

Faith Ringgold Story Quilt Squares Collage and Colored Pencil on Drawing Paper

Elijah Feliciano: In the Sky

Tree with warm colors

Anonymous: Sunset Trees

Anonymous: Untitled

Portrait of Jesus

Antonio Watts: Jesus

Anonymous: Untitled

Blue sky with brown tree

Viviana Ochoa: Spring Blossoms

watercolor, self-portrait

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

Watercolor background with black tall tree

Brian Corona: Watercolor Tree with Birds

Pepper Wilson: Birch Trees

painting green monet lily pond

Anonymous: Bridge over the Lily Pond

Sofia Semenchuk – Secret Message

Ink Print on paper blue can cowboy hat

Anonymous: Cowboy Can

Penelope Bauer – The Watchful Eye

Ana Smadiyar-Tefft: Dolly Parton Doll

Juniper Fletcher: Untitled

Anonymous: Sadness

Anonymous: Silly Animals

Drawing Little Girl

Anonymous: Little Girl

drawing two people dad and daughter sitting on dock overlooking water flamingo

Aadheya Dogra: Dad & Me

Ink Painting This represents the cycles of human life

Madisyn Starr: Untitled

Watercolor and pencil self-portrait

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

Evelyn Braun-Gawronski: Griffin Castle

Maya Grant – Lovejoy

Matira Nakasena: Untitled

White background with letters and shapes

Nariyah Chambers: Abstract with Letters & Numbers & Shapes

Emmanuel Arias Montoya: MANNY-ME-COLOR BLIND

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: My Mind Map

Julian Mervis: The Colorful Face

Leilani Garcia – Untitled

Cristian Vicente: Untitled

Nashyla Price: Welcome

Niy’la Durry – My Thoughts…Niy’la Durry –

Eloise Sikorski: Mr. Picture

Isabella Porter – Doodles

Sunset painting with shadow cacti and birds.

Ari Metzl: Cactus Sunset

Warm colors with large figure

Joel Overstreet: People at the Beach

Narrative Collage Mixed Media Paper Collage

Amy Le: Buddies!

Yellow sun flowers

Genesis Ramirez: Interpreting Van Gogh

Owen Guerra: Untitled

Colorful swirl lines

Leanne Menenses: Jazz from the Harlem Renaissance

Brown tree with pink sky

Miriam Quib-Caal: Trees with Watercolor

Adeline Maher: Three Red Roses

sunset with tree

Generson Blanco Vidal: Tree Silhouette at Sunset

drawing girl crayon

Anonymous: Sad Girl

Mixed media diagram of waterfall with greenery inside of cardboard box.

Dylan Mitchell and Inci Qasimli: Dragon Tuesday

Canvas, clay, paint, mod podge, markers, glue

Sierra Fason: Discombobulated Brain

drawing pencil

Anonymous: Pencil

Lucas Gazdziak: African Animals

Antonio Chavez – Untitled

Pink flower made from a paper plate, paper, and yarn.

Madison Garofolo: Flower Weaving

Watercolor calf cow sun landscape

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Abstract Mixed Media

Yuv Parmar: Untitled

sugar skull mask 3d sculpture

Anonymous: Untitled

Andrea Farias Blanco: She Looks Dashing

Caroline Kenny: Theresa

A monochromatic, cozy, Chicago park in the Fall. Acrylic Paint

Olivia Sawyer: Untitled

Anonymous: Save The Earth

Yves Nijadiyan: Untitled

SpongeBob with pineapple

Alexandra Taboada: My Childhood Character

Anonymous: Mom

Print with Ink on paper paper blue red orange pizza

Anonymous: Pizza

Model Magic & Tempera Paint pink pumpkin

Anonymous: Kusama inspired Infinity Room

mushroom with rainbow

April Mendoza: Untitled

Z and red background

Andrea Hernandez: Castillo de Andrea

Anonymous: Untitled

Wendell Felton – Untitled

Anonymous: A Toy Story Of Many Woodys

Egyptian inspired side profile drawing and collage with shiny background and border.

Cora Nolin: Egyptian Profile

Card stock and pastels black and colorful monster dark

Jordan Moskal: Monster in the Dark

Samantha P. Geister: Untitled

Oil Pastel and Watercolor Collage Laurel Burch-Inspired Cats

Matheos Vellios: Girl Holding Cat

When the day ends, you have time to see the sun Charcoal pencils on paper

Lucas Bautista: Reflections

Anonymous: It’s a Worm

Section faces of color

Jonathan Licea: Cubist Portrait

Soleil Rivera – Shoot For the Stars

Josiah Beckon: Squid Life

Efstathios Saltis: Christmas The Chicago Way

Sloan Mackey: Untitled

One point perspective collage using magazines, colored pencils, and markers.

Julia Pijanowski: One-Point Perspective Shapes

Anonymous: Cool and Warm City

index card, sticky notes, marker and crayon mansion house

Nolan Valentine: Mansion

Vera Lee: My Home

A-S with yellow triangles

Allison Cuyuch: Abstract with Letters & Numbers

Anonymous: Untitled

figure in dark circle

Andrea Rodriguez: Andrea

Red dots and lines

Kiani Draper: Heart Star

Anonymous: Realization


Celia Magdalin: Untitled

red mushroom character 3D Pen/ Plastic

Anonymous: Flat

Sanchi Bansal: Vibrant Chicago

Yenderson Aguilar Bonilla – Neon Bear

Anonymous: Bird & Tree

Alex Magill: Mountain Lake

Itzayana Diaz Espino: Me and My Flowers

Anonymous: Untitled

Pencil sketch on notepad girl outline

Chrisette Armour: Untitled


Anonymous: A Nice Side

Anonymous: Butterfly

Adam Zapata: Meliodas is King.3

Emily Miller and Vidya Patel: Untitled

Pink eclipse

Evelyn Lagunas: Colors Escaping the Eclipse

Ursula Kirkpatrick: Kuma

Josh Andrew Berana – Night Time Landscape

Anonymous: Fall

Evelyn Mancilla: Untitled

Candle with brown background

Mick Kaplanoglu: Untitled

Marionette Character Puppet Bristol Board, Colored Marker, Metal Fasteners

Daniel Jamroz: Webs Out!

Pickachu with hat

Roberto Lopez: Pikachu as a Van Gogh Portrait

Noah Dinnegan: Noah Dinnegan

Jonathan Alanis – ZOO WEE MAMA

Emma Gonnissen: Untitled 2

Anonymous: Chicago’s Unicorn

Watercolor Hear with black outline

Anonymous: Hearts of Passion

Anonymous: Bubble Gum

Franklin Fine Arts – 6th Grade Collage

3D sculpture squid pink cardboard

Anonymous: Squid Golf

Calvin Kumler: Tornado

Crayon on Paper the letter E colorful repeated

Anonymous: The Letter E

Michelle Funk: Creek Sounds

comic Nathaniel Wickware Up dog

Nathaniel Wickware: Up Dog

Paper collage of color wheel using paint and marker.

Kaaviya Khorana: Color Wheels

Green background with video game equipment

Liam Wyder: Untitled

owl with blue sky and stars

Kaylee Zhang: Untitled

3D popsicle red white and blue

Anonymous: Summertime

Drawing of person standing next to a building using markers and glitter glue.

Misa Nomura: Untitled

Jameson Duke – Untitled

Paige Sowa – Jordans

Naomi Rivera: Landscape

paper and glue black and white design chicago

Lucas Zhang: Chicago

Ivy Nordlund: Sun Catcher

Oil Pastel and Colored Pencil Collage of a cat in a garden

Nixon Larson: Cat in the Garden

Multimedia illustration of memories.

Jhugo Catugal: Memories

Owl with blue sky

Aoi Yaku: Untitled

Girl with curly hair and soccer balls

Anaya Thakkar: Untitled

Blue green sky with green trees

Michael Douglas: A City

Hamsa hand with tassle made from embossed foil and yarn.

James Kilduff: Hamsa Hand

Colorful portrait of dog with geometric patterns and flowers.

Siena Wong: Laurel Burch Dogs

drawing sonic hedgehog

Anonymous: Untitled

paper and colored pencils name nickname pink and brown

Anonymous: Sweets

rainbow back with hearts

Maribelle Hoover: Untitled

Amina Lowe: Medieval Village

ink on paper black tree

Anonymous: Black Tree

Elizabeth Franco: Untitled

Lidia Vergara: Untitled

Michaela Marino: Untitled

multicolored crayon and pencil drawing of multiple people with extended limbs inspired by Ernie Barnes.

Madison Vasquez

Adriana Milunovic: Scissors

Makayla Lopez – Rainbow Converse

Anonymous: For My Uncle

Kaden Mindock – Green tie guy

Naleyah Long-Smith: Try to Be a Rainbow

Harper Higgins – Untitled

Anonymous: Salish Matter

Pencil drawing of a person with extended limbs inspired by Ernie Barnes.

Mateo Flores: Untitled
