Grade: 12

Materials: Digital Media
Artist Statement: This year, I decided to take digital imaging. I learned about making art with pictures online and editing them to certain extents. It was something new to me, and it was fun trying it out for the first few times. Every-time we do an art assignment in class, I always try to have a vision. Sometimes, I think about the past, as if it was the 50’s and everything was black and white. Maybe, I think about the future, where technology will likely be almost everywhere, and we get closer to living in a reality of science fiction. Lastly, I could think of the present, where I want to express the current stuff that I appreciate. I like nature, and I like simple things, or things that I find funny. In a way, I sometimes think it would be interesting to combine the old and the new and create something different. I think by making something out of the ordinary there can be lots of good ideas that could make a difference in the art. What I like about making art is the idea of experimenting with different ideas, or different visions and making them a reality. It’s a good way to see how far dreams, imagination, and creativity can go to create something new and fascinating.

