Teacher Name: Ms. Drake
Grade: 12
Materials: Ceramic, Steel, and Acrylic Paint
Dimensions: 10×12 cm
Artist Statement: My piece consists of a ceramic plate, steel utensils, and acrylic paintings. In order to develop this piece I had to break a ceramic plate into shards and spray paint my utensils white. Afterwards, I positioned my pieces on a canvas exactly where I wanted them. Then, I painted lily flowers and weeds in between the cracks and crevices of the shards. The lilies are a representation of growth and new beginnings that grow from something that is broken. Each shard contains a word, which contributes to the overall message of the piece. The shards read “Don’t let your roots eat you away”. The significance of this sentence emphasizes the theme of new beginnings and letting go of the past. These themes are represented by the juxtaposition of the broken plate and fresh growing flowers. The fork and knife further represent the idea of getting eaten away by the past.