Teacher Name: Ms. Novak
Grade: 12

Artist Statement:

I’ve always been intrigued by photography. I’d play with the editing tools on the photos in my moms camera roll, changing the saturation on the photos to make my selfies look funny when I was younger. My young self’s mind was blown that I could look at myself through a picture that I had just taken.

This past summer I purchased a Polaroid camera for the first time. I loved how I could take a picture and physically hold it in the moment. I started to become interested in and try to get the best lighting possible for my pictures and became interested in what made photos look good.

Going into my photography class my senior year I was excited to finally use a digital camera. I wanted to learn how to edit and how to use the camera itself. Once the school year started, in short, I was hooked. I loved using the camera during class and would forward to our days where we would get to shoot.

The photos from my portfolio are a few of my favorites that I have taken during the school year thus far. I wanted to see what I’ve been able to create in a short time period with my little experience in editing and shooting with a digital camera. To put it simply, I wanted to see what my joy of using the camera could produce in a short time.

Looking through my shots from the year so far I’m proud of what I’ve put together. When I’m taking pictures I relax. I allow myself to be as creative as possible by having nothing else on my mind. I don’t see my passion for photography fading anytime soon and I plan to continue experimenting with new methods to express myself in.
