Grade: 12

Materials: Crochet hook and acrylic yarn
Dimensions: 58” x 38”
Description: This piece was inspired by vintage vinyl albums. My goal with this inspiration is to demonstrate women are not being valued, unheard, and overlooked through the symbolism of a broken vinyl record.

Artist Statement: I created the following pieces to raise awareness of the continuing injustice against women and uncloak the suffering women face on a day-to-day basis. Each piece of my artwork is crocheted, and the medium is called crochet pixel. I decided to crochet these artworks because crocheting is a form of yarn art that’s mainly a woman’s craft or occupation. But truthfully, I enjoyed crocheting and wanted to experiment with my crochet skills to create 2-D art with yarn. I don’t regret challenging myself to make art out of crochet because it helps send the message and the reasoning behind my pieces to the audience. This journey all started with seeing the unethical choice of the Supreme Court to take away women’s reproductive rights. I felt hurt and fear that I was not valued or significant enough to be protected by my country. I wanted to express my opinions and emotions through my crocheted piece to spread awareness and create connections with other women to show that they aren’t alone. Before I start crocheting my pieces, I have to map out how many stitches are in each row, the number of rows, and the colors of each stitch using the software to pixel my draft. Pixelling out my drafts helps keep track of my stitches when I crochet and shows me what my crochet pixel artwork will look like when it’s complete. In simpler terms, I have to draft my work twice, one out of pencil and the other in pixel art, to start crocheting the art piece.
