Teacher Name: Deidra Grimm
Grade: 11

Materials: Charcoal Painting
Dimensions: 12″ x 18″
Description: My project question was How can I use Mummies to explore Nightmares in my painting using charcoal? In order to do this I created my own version of the underworld with mummies as the main subject, this way I can include my version of nightmares. I put devils in the corner of the painting and surrounded it by pointy rocks, and within the middle I put mummies and fire. This accurately expressed my concept and ideas, I was able to portray my version of “hell” and nightmares while including mummies. I was able to do this because of my planning process, originally I was going to do a skull with the dark caving in. This was a decent idea, but after revisions and brainstorming, I was able to come up with my final plan and liked it much more. During the coloring/charcaoling process I used a blending tool and shaded in my drawing. I also added white charcoal on top to blend colors even more and add dimension. These incorporated my question because nightmares are closely related to darkness, charcoal is a darker material and shading helped bring in darkness.
Developing design throughout my project was tricky, in the beginning I just made 10 simply drawings, each different. Then I made four final sketch ideas, and lastly I made a final sketch. Then on my final paper I changed the idea to fit my question better by adding more areas for shading and more mummies. The background was charcoal shaded into white, the middle ground was the mummies and mummy tomb, and the foreground was the spikes/rocks and devils in the corner. I think the most successful part of my project was my shading on the black rocks/spikes, they added good dimension and soften the foreground so you could focus on the middle ground. One problem when working I encountered was the shading I had done previous on one part of my project, would bleed onto another. I fixed this by putting paper towels on the areas I was not working on. I overcame my struggle of adding details with this project, by asking the teacher for help and looking over every object in my painting. Overall, Hieronymus Bosch influenced my work the most, his piece “Christs Descent into Hell” was most inspiring. He created art between the late 1700s and early 1800s. His work was seen as very pessimistic and has many subjects portraying distress, this connects back to my nightmare theme.
Lastly, throughout class I used my time wisely and was able to reach all the deadlines, as well as stayed away from my phone. I thoroughly enjoyed this art process and project!
