Grade: 12

Materials: Pencil, india ink, colored pencil

Artist Statement: My earliest memory of art is from back in preschool, drawing all the different shapes with my 24-pack of crayons. I always had an attraction to being able to create things on my own and I would love copying the world around me. My mom would take me to the art museums and I would sit on the benches and copy the works of art I would see in my small sketchbook. I would sit at the dinner table with my dad and we would just draw. Although these drawings were not the prettiest, it was my way of showing my admiration for art. In elementary school, we did not have enough art teachers for everyone to take art classes, so at the beginning of the school year, we would gather in the auditorium and see if we got chosen to take art that year. During my last year at my elementary school, I finally got chosen to take art. I was so excited and that was the year I discovered my love for creating different types of art. In my art I like to express the thoughts and feelings I am not able to express in words. I like being able to show my interests and likes and also my dislikes. Art for me can vary from just a fun pastime to a way to let out my emotions. I see myself continuing art throughout my life and I can see it as a potential career. Even if I don’t pursue art as my career, I will always continue to enjoy making art in my spare time for my own enjoyment.
