Teacher Name: Megan Greene
Grade: Senior

Materials: Colored Pencil
Dimensions: 15.0 inches by 19.8 inches
Description: This drawing is about how I was always compared to my twin sister when it came to physical appearance. My twin’s lips got pointed out while my weight was something pointed out to me.

Artist Statement: In my work, I am interested in drawing the beauty in everything. However, the beauty I have met with in my life is narrow and sets up unrealistic standards for society to meet. I want to criticize and broaden the definition of beauty to include differences and imperfections. In my colored pencil drawings, I use mirrors to show self reflection, objects that are associated with femininity like jewelry, and childhood items like dolls to show how messages of beauty influence children. This body of work is a reflection of my childhood experiences. Each one of these pieces represents how beauty standards have impacted my life. Through this reflection, I have not only accepted myself as I am now but also my third grade self who felt bad about herself. Merely acknowledging the existence of these standards and processing my memories through my art has been therapeutic and has served as a healthy reminder that beauty should be perceived broadly and inclusively. Hopefully, my art encourages others to be more accepting of themselves as well as each other’s differences.
