Teacher Name: Ms. Grimm
Grade: Senior

Materials: Posca markers and ink
Dimensions: 9” × 12”

Artist Statement: “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go” –T.S. Eliot

What I was trying to achieve in these selected pieces was a creative color pattern and the art style of an unknown artist that I have met once. His art consists of not using brushes but popsicle sticks. How I visually described my idea is by creating my vision with naturally random shades of the same color. The composition formula I was pointing, it was the viewer’s ability to see in the chaos of painting and the product.
The most successful part of my project was the color. However, I did not foresee how challenging drawing with popsicle sticks would be. It was baffling and only helpful in getting a natural design for the color. Later on, after I filled the canvas with paint, I came back to do some detail work with my brush.
