Teacher Name: Amy Kintner
Grade: 8th

Materials: Paper
Dimensions: 12″ x 14″ x 8″
Description: Paper Sculpture

Artist statement: This artwork is pretty much what I think of in spring. I am always so excited for the snow to finally melt and the warmth to come back so I can see the flowers grow. It’s one of my favorite parts of the year. So I tried to recreate this by making some of my favorite flower from paper. I also used bright colors because spring is always bright in my mind. Last I used a cardboard J I made as a base to keep all the flowers in because I wanted to show how much I love them, and J is the first letter in my name. I think I used about 5 or 6 different paper techniques. My first technique was pleating which I used for the red and white flowers. My second was fringe which I used for the smallest yellow flowers and the pink flower next to the biggest yellow flower. The third technique was curled fringe which was used for the yellow and pink flowers in the top left hand corner. The fourth technique was a loop which was used with the large orange flower and light green flower. My fifth technique was roll which I used for the middle part of both the purple flower and pink flower at the bottom. My last technique I don’t really know if it’s actually right. It’s origami so I think it’s score and fold.
