Teaching Artist: Patrick Miceli
CPS Teacher: Jiwon Chun, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. College Preparatory High School
Grade: 12
Artist Statement: This animation describes the journey of a character who reflects on the idea of self and identity. At first, this wooden figure comes to life and realizes that they aren’t real (alive) as they look at a mirror- because they are just a wooden figure. The figure becomes sad and falls into a deep sleep. The figure goes through 2 stages, each time becoming a character that is less real, and living in panic due to its fear of not having a valid identity. At the end, you find the figure lying on the ground in front of the mirror, as a person picks up the figure from the ground. This is made to make you think about the concept of identity, and what makes you real or you you. Was the character ever conscious or really a reflection of the person holding them?