The Pleaser
You can’t say “No”, no matter how uncomfortable you are.
You can’t say how you truly feel, or you’ll make them angry.
You can’t change your expression, or they will know your true feelings.
You can’t have your own time alone, because you accepted an invitation from a friend’s party. You can’t sleep all night, because you’re scared that you might have made your partner upset. You can’t think straight, because the only thing you’re thinking about is how to be the nicest person in the whole universe.
You wish that you could tell your partner how you feel, so you don’t have to hide it and collapse at the end.
You wish that you could have said “No” when someone asked you for a favor that made you feel uncomfortable.
You wish that you could have shown your true colors when you’re with your partners. You wish that you could have finished that important project that was due today instead of helping and doing your friend’s homework all day.
You wish that you didn’t have the same fear that you might be a horrible person everyday or your life.

Teaching Artist: Tyrone Phillips
CPS Teacher: Sarah Mostad, Wendell Phillips Academy High