orange and yellow marker drawing of a sunset

Anonymous: African Sunset

Illustration with text thanking grocery store workers, on a white background with pattern edge.

Maximilian Bardy: Untitled

Self-portrait collage

Anonymous: Untitled

A sculpture of a frog resting on a lily-pad, within a lily-pad shaped pond.

Emily Chung: Leafy Harmony

Bright drawing of flowers on a blue background with a snake

Anonymous: Art work

two portraits, one person is making a "bull horns" with their hand

Clare Krippner: Portraits

A painting of two dogs, one done with warm colors and the other with cool colors

Ottilie Forster: Warm vs Cool

Green dog on brown couch.

Anonymous: green eyed dog

painting of a diner

Jaclyn Manning: “A Lick of Childhood.”

line and drawing with color and ink

Edwin Sanchez: Release

colored pencil flowers on ground

Anonymous: Flowers

Anonymous: Athena’s Shield

Ataveon Gabriel: Untitled

oil pastel and paper lights on black background the lights have different holiday bulbs, a jewish star, and the name sophie

Sophie Menard : Winter Holiday Lights

Paper is divided into many small shapes which are colored black or bright colors.

Anonymous: Freddy’s

Painting of a hut/ house standing on grey/ green ground. Background is a bright red sunset.

Anonymous: Looking for you Destiny

Symphani Torres: Yearbook Page

Barbie doll looking in a mirror

Rachel DeVeyra: Envious Child

A drawing of a fish

Stephanie Jimenez: Fish

Anahi Alcala: Wake Up

Cell phone on top of flags

Arleth Rodriguez: Cultural Richness

Anonymous: Artwork Recreation

Pastel drawing of an artichoke on a red background

Celia Rivera: Untitled-Artichoke

Anonymous: Food

Photograph of cloudy sky with blue pink and orange

Natalie H: Cotton Candy Sky

A cubist portrait of a womans very colorful face.

Sofia Staudenmaier: Colorful Girl

Viviana Hernandez: I Am Beautiful.

Melanie Avila Martinez: Tales from the Times of Covid Zine

Image of mother typing on a laptop with a child in her lap

Jazlyn Ojeda: Work Load

magazine collage of a blue lizard on a black background

Max Scolire: Cool Blue

Samantha Zhao: Bodies of Water

Kacy Hendricks: The sunken Place

Abstract drawing of circle, star, and triangle in red, green, and yellow

Anonymous: Untitled

prayer hands

Alexa Carrasco: La Virgen de Guadalupe

Anonymous: Smudges are Still OK.

Drawing of a man

Josiah Fatehnezhad: Untitled

Dancing gray robot with red eyes, orange crown, and triangle with green eye on chest.

Mike Winn: Untitled

Two pastel owls and a heart on butcher paper.

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Autumn Park

Mixed media art made of blue and red marker and red sculptures depicting clasped hands, flowers, and other imagery

Karen A: Nectar of the Gods

Image of a gray/brown cat yawning with a black background.

Christopher Limon: Untitled

animal name

Hailey Rodden: Animal Grafitti Name

Surreal painting of a skeleton with trees and a hand

Doris Hernandez: Wonderful World of Skeleton

abstract drawing of a flower in marker

Lavinia Di Francesco: Flower shell

Illustration of tools.

Umair Farooqi: Still Life

A bird with a large beak drawn on a black and white scratchboard

Anonymous: Wilderness

Mixed Media of Muhammad Ali's face with tan and white background

Silverio Cervantes: Muhammad Ali

Anonymous: Mario Space

Nightmare Before Christmas scene

Eliya Torres: Weekend 2, Night

Anonymous: Beatrice

Person seeing an ice cream cone with a small head on top.

Jordan Allen: Day 8, Ice Scream

2 people with wings in love

Itzel Saenz: Day 11, Wings

Collage on a black background. In the center is a set of human eyes on speckled white paper. Surrounding it are natural images including a horse and a bird.

Anonymous: Natural Life

Ianzhima Dandarova: Plantzilla!

Collage of a bird on tree branches

Anonymous: Untitled

Laundry hangs on a line between two houses which sit on opposite sides of a body of water on a cliffs.

Anonymous: Laundry Day

collage of a White House in a green field with blue sky

Juan Popoca: Untitled

Alyra Neely: Just Love

The artist's friends from school are huddled around the ledge of Montrose Beach

Abdul Ajrulah: Untitled

A Landscape Blockprint – Iyla Forbes

An abstract drawing of pastel colored blobby shapes

Adelis Carmean: Melty Rainbow

Black background. Person wearing a sideways baseball hat and a shirt with a face on it is outlined in white.

Anonymous: Self Portrait

Image of two girls smiling beside one another with lots of purple light

Lillianne Fratt: Girls Night Out

Esmeralda Avila-Marquez: Portfolio Work, Part 2: Sprout

Neon painting of a male's portrait.

Ariana Chavez Flores: Sound of Neon

Nayaira Castro: Self-portrait

Oil pasted drawing of a large blue bird sitting in the middle of a clearing with black trees on either side. The sky behind the bird is blue and pink.

Monique Reed: Blue Bird

Graphic design image of two people with afro hairstyle

Grace Hutcherson: Through The Fro

Digital illustration of a young girl in a yellow sweater wearing a blue heart badge. She is in front of a background of bright pink, blue, and yellow hearts layered over eachother.

Anonymous: Community Superhero

monster with mouth in its stomach eating its prey

Veronica Timble: Weekend 4, Hollow

Anonymous: The Outcome of Our Alliance

Colorful collage with different cut out elements and images.

Anonymous: Untitled

Rainbow birthday cake slice.

Anonymous: Golden Birthday

Abstract digital drawing of muted colors

Anonymous: My Design

Interactive square shaped portion of the epidermis with various red pimples

Anonymous: Pimple

A portrait of a girl with big, pink hair and a crown with an eye above her head

Anonymous: Colored Girl Magic

Black and white drawing of folded paper.

Daniel Salgado: Untitled

Painting of a street in monochrome red

Adam Nawrocki: My Chicago 1

two people wearing a bird mask and a mardi gras mask

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 6, Mask

portrait of person looking to the right

Anonymous: Charcoal Portrait

Gael Zamudio: Self in Reflection

Close-up Photograph of person with dark hair looking down smiling in orange shirt

Maximus M: Smile

A house designed to resemble a brown bunny.

Eleanor Gerben: Brown Bunny House

Ka’miyah Green: Kindness

Paper mache mask painted with different imagery and symbols.

Anonymous: My Chicano Life Identity Mask

Classmate of the artist working on his own piece at an easel

Genesis Carmona: Classmate drawing

Hand in white glove touching colorful butterflies.

Annamaria Castellucci Cabral: Angel

Images of blue mobile

Diamond White: Untitled

A picture of a person sitting on the ground in a cornfield with a pumpkin for a head

Anonymous: Scaredcrow

Abstract painting of a bird and flowers

Zoey Faisal: Untitled

Digital drawing of a person cutting their hair with scissors

Kylin Thomas: R.I.P Dreads

two portraits, one person with glasses and one with horns

Kamily Corral: Portraits

Pastel drawing of an owl

Reba Kabore: Goochie the Spy Owl

Picture of car window

Anonymous: Untitled

White text on a red background that says "Bot Bot Parade"

Klaus S Kirkwood: Untitled

A folded paper with writings and small symbolic drawings

Arturo Garcia: BLM Zine

Painting of three figures on a grey steel bridge; two in the distance and one in the foreground, facing off against each other. A grey cityscape is seen far in the distance.

Conner Schmieg: Liberation

A flag with black and blue that depicts barbed wire and a butterfly/

Zumari Velazquez: Flying Across Boarders

Photograph taken at dusk of electric facility

Anonymous: Untitled

Orange room with gril and orange cat.

Jacqueline Montanez: Late Night Shift

Drawing of a girl with monarch butterflies

Anonymous: Monarcha

Drawing split into four section and four different elements

Auva Sharegh: Untitled

Digital abstract artwork of pillars and water

Julian W: Placid

Cora Mangual: Reflection

Photograph of a black shoe stepping into a puddle that splashes out from under the foot.

Seamus Moore: Step

Painting of a stream, mountain, and trees with the Simpsons in the foreground

Robynn Willis: Untitled

Print of abstract shapes on yellow, orange, blue, and green background

Anonymous: Untitled (orange circles)

Painting of a Barcelona street

Anonymous: Barcelona

Anonymous: Boss Up

A yellow pom pom with two googly eyes makes a head and is attached to a pink pom pom ( the body) via pipe cleaners.

Anonymous: The Figures Three

Alyssa Jones: House of Horrors

Two portraits on a green background

Selah Payne: Portraits

rainbow colored abstract

Vincent Vargas: Random

Photograph of a child with his hand on a window and snow outside

Angelica Arriaga: Two

Samantha Franco: Pen Still Life

This is a poster for Imagine Dragons, with a teddy bear and a toxic sign.

Anonymous: Gig Poster

Marionette Sculpture of astronaut

Adali F: Nitta

colored pencil portrait illustration

Christopher Edison: My Word Portrait

Self-portrait collage

Anonymous: Untitled

Camille Raman: Untitled

Graphic design book cover of Herokiller.

Caleb Capuli: Herokiller Book Cover

Animal Farm- Sliding Into Silence

Lashae Wilson: Sliding Into Silence

Model Magic & Tempera Paint pink pumpkin

Anonymous: Kusama inspired Infinity Room

Digital drawing of a girl at her desk facing a turquoise wall

Grace Rodriguez: One of those days

Eye with fire pupil

Jaidyn Barnes: Weekend 3, Fire

Mix of music notes, feathers, scribbles with an eye in the center

Mia Morales: You is EYE

Black embroidery of two people with swimsuits leaping.

Sasha Spain: one

Zenon Ostrowski: computer heart

Graham Gedey: Portrait

Photo of someone about to jump and another person stopping them.

Travis Townsend: Don’t Jump!

Still Life Photograph of Candles in Bottles

Nicole Alcalde Hester: Altar

Mayerly Villalva: Untitled

painting of chameleon

Anonymous: Chameleon Colors

Anonymous: Self Portrait

Pop up paper sculpture of a bedroom

Emma Diaz: My Dream Room

b/w drawing of rabbit with evil shadow

Henry De Luca: Day 2, Bunnies

Samantha Hasselquist: Stretched Convergence

Nevaeh Evans: The Darkroom

Julieta Ricaurte Cuello: Polar Bears on Ice

Girl with black background with stars.

Laura Solis: Night Traveler

Nohemi Lopez-Moran: Untitled

mushroom with rainbow

April Mendoza: Untitled

Colored pencil illustration

Darlene Guzman: A Reason

Anonymous: Untitled

A drawing of a girl with long hair facing the viewer.

Anonymous: Emily

Black and white drawing of a family

Tennyson Lovis: Family of 5

Alissandra Delgadillo: Cuz

Mysterious painting of a portion of a womans face with blue and tan colors and dark shadows.

Sophia A: Lost in Blues

Two old men sitting on a CTA with a grainy filter over top

Stephanie Mendoza: Antique Memories – Baldies

Marionette Character Puppet Bristol Board, Colored Marker, Metal Fasteners

Daniel Jamroz: Webs Out!

startled fox-like person

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 16, Trap

Digital artwork of anatomical heart with split coloring of red and white

Anonymous: El corazon

Bedroom scene with floral wallpaper

Arlo Schafman: Fridge Day


Sam Zajczenko: Edward

Photograph of a sunset over a football game

Amina Cutahija: Sunset

Lizbeth Ruiz: Chicago’s Bean

Collage of paper and stickers

Meadow Meza: Shawnee

Torso with black holes in the head out of which stream ribbons of color

Aksel Juarez Mejia: Out of My mind

Pencil drawing of people in boxes

Anonymous: Claustrophobia

Nevaeh Evans: Emotion1

3D sculpture squid pink cardboard

Anonymous: Squid Golf

A painting of an orange and yellow sky with clouds over blue water

Anonymous: Untitled

An interdimensional view of a uterus.

Mia Neiman: Dimensional Blood

Anonymous: The Yellow Sponges

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Henry De Luca, Veronica Gipson, Veronica Timble: Corpse 2

Taliah Thompson: Tell of My Story

pencil drawing of two eyes

Cenai Scott: Self Portrait

Joanna Steven: Portfolio Work, Part 3: Flower

Drawing with person at center. Above them are many swirls and the word sweets. Various flags with symbols are on their right and left and the word autism and asberger are on their right.

Nelly Dominguez: Self Portrait

Family of three with a blue silhouette of a father with a blue background colored in to mimic a child's drawing

Alexandra Force: Repressed Memories

Tess Vega: Mindscape

Erin Wynn: Home

Sara Gitner: Cage

person kissing a fallen angel

Samantha Franco: In the Style of

Deja Wooten: Caramel Cake

Love is written in large, pink, artistic letters. It is surrounded by a black heart outline. Underneath the love says "Happy Valentine's Day."

Anonymous: Untitled

Pencil study of half of a person's face.

Anonymous: Eyes of a Warrior

A Documentary Short Film.

Edgar Frutos: About Me

Rose Joan Hynes – Eiffel Tower

marker and paint drawing of trees in fall colors

Grace Guski: Fall

Jennifer Lopez: Complicated Long Day

colored pencil illustration

Meissa Servoss: Self Portrait

Charlie Carroll: Untitled

A faux dungeons and dragons animated character sheet

Leyi Wu: Princeton Confucius

charcoal drawing of a young woman with one foot on a stool and her hands behind her head

Daniel Garcia: Balanced Act

Leila Baughns: Untitled

Abigail Graff: Through the Window of Wonders

dinosaur with feathers and long tail

Carielis Granera: Day 15, Dinosaur

Tint and Shade Sheep

Caden Menagh: Untitled

Pixelated portrait of a person

Anina Alpert: Shifted Faces

Portrait of person's face, their hand raised to chin, wearing a red flower in their hair, with yellow and pink flowers in front on a green background

Jasari Quince: Floral Essence

Rubbing of 5 leaves in red, purple, green, yellow, and orange.

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Family Portrait

Joaquin Gonzalez: Weaving

James Fitzgerald: Untitled

Anonymous: Academic Struggle

clothing top with cats on it

Anonymous: Cat Hug

digital illustration

Itzel Vela: Louie the Dog

dinosaur with flippers flying

Henry De Luca: Day 15, Dinosaur

ceramic sculpture

Flor Shanchez: Alebrije

Keagan Hyland: Untitled

Photo of a stone cherub opening a stone book with a light glowing from the center of the book, in front of a backdrop of fog.

David Toledo: Eyes That See All

10 flautists superimposed on a digital winter background. There is a cartoon snowman in the foreground. The conductor, dressed in black and wearing a black hat, is on the right.

Monty Adams: St. Petersburg Sleigh Ride

Alebrije sculpture

Audrey Bagnall: Alebrije

Alien Rhapsody

Sarah Anderson: Alien Rhapsody

Anonymous: Untitled

Black and white skyline of downtown Chicago

Julian Castro: Untitled

pencil drawing with a cube in the middle

Kevin Wilson: Unfolding Dimensions

Jennifer Lopez: Untitled

A necklace created by adding red and black elements to a bottle cap.

Zora Alleyne: Sangria

Anonymous: Arctic Settlement

Detailed drawing with black pen. Face center with long hair and tears. A large lightbulb is in the upper right corner and another face blindfolded is bottom right. A tree spirals up from the bottom left. Clouds, moon and stars are present. Text is incorporated throughout the drawing.

Anonymous: Reality Inverted


Ellen Wallace: Comet the Cat

Alfonso Blas Simon: Forever Love

Person with fire in their hands

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Weekend 3, Fire

sad angel with wings

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 11, Wings

Multimedia illustration of Robin Williams.

Maia Palomar: Formerly Known as Williams

Designs on a watercolor background.

Anonymous: Line Resist Painting

Everett Benson: Fall

Mariana Rodas : Effects

Asiya Mohamed Yasin: Winter Portrait

Drawing of a public building with silhouetted figures against an orange cityscape background.

Mario Saucedo Jr.: Public Building

Black and white reflection of triangles

Nina Grice: Untitled

Sofia Dimas: I Wouldn’t Mind (He is We Cover)

Red pipe cleaner is wrapped around two purple pom poms which make feet. Above, the red pipe cleaner wraps around an orange and pink pom pom which makes a head that has two googly eyes.

Anonymous: The Figures 2

Digital drawing of two young girls hugging.

Eleanor Miranda: Sisters

Black and white drawing of a robotic woman

Anonymous: Robotic Consumption

Photo of wet sidewalk.

Eric Scott: Untitled

Digital artwork. A wood and rope ladder rises from desert sand up to a blue three dimensional square floating in a black sky.

Isabel Pamatian: Haven

pink paper cutout of womans face with words Tonantzin at top

Eliezer P: Tonantzin

Cole Ham: Toucan

Slices of ceramic fruit

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Purple rocks surround an orange sunset

Ellyot Villanueva: Olympic National Park

A drawing of a building with a batman logo. There are trees below the building and a hanging spider web.

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Digital drawing of two women kissing

Anonymous: Forbidden Lovers

Nevaeh Evans: Mini Utopia

Thalia Wehrle: Thalia: My Name is a Song

Black and white photograph of a dog inside of a laundry basket

Catherine: Trapped

Daniel Flores: Shoe Still Life

long mask made of plastic tube

Anonymous: Untitled

Alyssa Jones: Artist Sketchbook

Jack Ekeberg: Untitled

Emma Gonnissen: Untitled 2

Wire contour self portrait

Anonymous: Wire Portrait

Photograph of ceramic sculpture of red guitar body with black features

Vivian T: Stuffed Duck

Painting of a flowerpot in front of an abstract background

Diana Martinez: Sunflowers

Angry birds inspired artwork.

Kevin Zhang: Colored Pencil Drawing

Miniature sculpture with a bed and desk made with earth tones and a variety of texture.

Serenity Torres: clueless.

A digital artwork of a room with purple walls and floor, and a girl sitting in a chair.

Jazmin Hernandez: Jazmins Comfy Cozy Place

Jayla Pittman: My Sister Thinking

Anonymous: House

painting of donald duck in a cubist-esque style

Anonymous: Donald Duck

Black and white drawings on a red and white checkered background

Angelica Villagomez: Untitled (patterns)

hand drawn with contour lines red, orange, green and blue

Anonymous: Real Hand

Photograph of a set of brown eyes.

Anonymous: Pretty Brown Eyes

perspective drawing of buildings

Fernanda Lemus: Mashup

rural landscape illustration

Anonymous: Rural Landscape

A painting of two snowmen at night

Anonymous: Snow People at Night

soaring eagle

Siena Schnur: Soaring Eagle

Lake and blue sky

Anonymous: Untitled

interior space

Ronin Chow: Untitled Interior Space

Drawing of building with smoke stack behind it

Anonymous: The Old Days

Red page with image of two hands touching each other and "painting a new black image" in black letters.

Anonymous: Douglass Self-Image Makers Group Slide Presentation

Pink illustration of a boba drink

Valentina Hernandez: boba

Pencil drawing of a man sitting on a beam above the city

Anonymous: Untitled

Kate Barbosa: out of this world koala

Cats shown inside of the windows of a rocket in space, with planets and stars in the distance.

Amy Diamond: Extra-fur-estrial

Aili Estela: Becoming

Paintings of mouth and teeth

Liliana Nash: Works in Series

Picture of a black metal heart shaped choker.

Jack Kenney: CHOKER

Upside down city.

Nicholas Laird: Hyde Park Upside Down

Sketchbook with pine tree drawn in pencil with orange streak behind it

Anonymous: Arctic Shine

Photograph of a clock

Matthew Hanson: Clock

Pink Kirby-like blobs on a yellow road during a sunny day

Elise Pirillis: A Different Reality

Michelle Funk: Creek Sounds

A very colorful monster with line designs, white teeth, and big eyes.

Kurt Joritz: Line Monster

An embroidered rose in the blooming stage with a light yellow background.

Rita Abbinanti: Adolescence

3 faces next to a rock

Veronica Timble: Day 12, Rock

Orange and pink painted background is covered with written numbers and letters.

Anonymous: Silly Soup and ABC

Lauriana Nadjingar: Troy from Fences

Sculpture of a face using various colors (yellow, red, green, orange, and blue).

Elliot Alvarez: Textured Face

Donovan Chan: The Endless Now Duology

photograph of woman in lace top and large brown skirt with lights shining from underneath

Aliza S: Shameem

Abstract drawing in blue marker

Anonymous: Untitled

A green butterfly in is a white bird cage over a black canvas. The bottom of the cage is decorated with green flowers. The upper left corner of the canvas says "Hope."

Anonymous: Caged

One point perspective collage using magazines, colored pencils, and markers.

Julia Pijanowski: One-Point Perspective Shapes

Red drawing of a girl with a blue drawing of a girl upside down above her

Maria Mancero: Hot and Cold

Photograph of man in traditional jewish dress lighting candle

Ari A: Jewish Identity

Nicole Mulia- flower

Nicole Mulla: Flower

abstract colorful painting of a landscape

Hannah Boegen-Stork: Skin Like Mine

Avra Raman: Untitled

A collage of a house in front of mountains.

Jazleen Esquivel: Home

An illustration of a faceless woman in front of a colorful background

Ameyaly Flores: We the People are Mexican Women

Drawing of a vegetable on a red table

Anahi Alcala: Hades

Acrylic on paper mache

Sarah Espinoza: Maria

brown wolf gray back ground

Deborah Wolfe: Wolf

Anonymous: The Jungle

Brianna Kokoszka: Comfort in Life

A painting of a sunset along the beach.

Anonymous: Beachside Sunset

Drawing of snakes

Anonymous: Untitled

Cora Leinenweber: Untitled

MIA JUAREZ: Color of Eye

Graphic of a dad with two children

Skylar Law: Nostalgia

A painting of colors.

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Fine Line

photograph of a red bird decoration in a back yard, night lighting

Sebastian Millan: DOFapp

ipad drawing, print

Malykai Feliciano: The Magical Bird

Rocks playing instruments and singing

Eliya Torres: Day 12, Rock

Black & white Ink comic

Brynn Walker: Rock

Anonymous: Color Quadrants

cross street

Naomi Cobbs: Untitled

colorful abstract drawing of houses, greenery, sunshine, flowers, and dear

Douglas Ramirez: Culture of El Salvador

person who spilled coffee on the front of their shirt.

Anyah Thompson: Day 7, Accident

Digital art piece of surreal and colorful planets

Joshua Rivers: Untitled

4 owl drawings

Daniyah Bonner: The Owl Then; The Owl Now

Christian Whitehead: Hero Sasha Summers And Villain Karen The Petty

A digital collage of a girl in a gray top. There are 6 hands around her applying her make up.

Anonymous: Untitled

Chloe Nguyen: A Map To My Safe Space

Anonymous: Texture Tile

Sculpture of plants made of cans, cups, and plastic bottles.

Michael Kleiner: Fabricated Flower

Angel Thomas: Portrait of Joaquín Torres-García

Dianna Miguel: Aiden

Elise McCarthy: Bend Back the Moon

A drawing of a girl holding a puppy

Enisa Khan: My true friend and a priceless treasure

Watercolor of a night sky with trees

Kaylee Johnson: Melancholy Night

Drawing of someone cutting food.

Anonymous: Mother

Woman laying in a body of water wrapped in vines

Illiana Torres: Bluebellvine

Anonymous: Untitled

On the left painting of building exterior, on the right b/w drawing of a staircase

Yenedith Sanchez: Perspective

Anonymous: Card Player

Face of cut paper with black paper on one side and white on the other.

Akira Brown: Untitled

Frog at campfire roasting marshmallow

Henry De Luca: Weekend 2, Night

Photo of girl holding a mirror

Emilieanna Maus: Reflection

Drawing of an eye with ramen in the center with colorful lines in the background.

Azul Nunez Suarez: Ramen

Two people with a pink background.

Nora Duran: Persona

Acrylic painting of clown with blue-painted eyes and a red hat among trees. Atop the painting, a bleeding heart sits with fake blood pooling on the painting's surface

Heidi L Wier: JWG

colorful concentric circles

Kensington Glover: Delightful Circles

Still life

Anonymous: Still Life

Samantha P. Geister: Untitled

person with a locket with a black colored ghost leaving it

Itzel Saenz: Day 17, Spooky Locket

Black ceramic pot with decorations

Ashley Padilla: Untitled

Page is split into squares through black lines that make rows and columns. There is a green clover painted in the middle of the page and other colors surround it.

Anonymous: Stained Glass Four Leaf Clover

Genesis Hale: Diary Film

Lioness and cub

Carielis Granera: Weekend 1, Nature

angry monster making fists

Tyson Madison: Day 12, Rock

Kamil Calmese, Red Velvet Cookies

ceramic sculpture of a pond with green lily pads

Jennifer Gonzalez: Beautiful Loneliness

Mixed media painting on wood depicting abstract faces and bodies

Lauren W: Birth

person jumping through portal holes

Henry De Luca: Day 10, Doors

Digital image of a green slime character with a bandana

Julia Osorio: Slime character

A pencil drawing of a raptor dinosaur

Anonymous: Raptor Dinosaur

photograph through a glass

Stefany Garcia: Untitled

Illustration of Goosebumps book with green hands reaching for it.

Henry Curry: Goosebumps

Areli Garcia: Cerberus

Vanessa Garcia: Corner Story

Mina Zargi: Look Into My Eyes

Photo of a sunset.

Jasmin Orduno: Sunset

Anonymous: Untitled

person in white on a red background with ink patterning.

Anonymous: Keith with Ermine

Mixed media collage with watercolor, linoprint, wire, CDs, and CTA train

Anonymous: Psychosis

Inspired by album cover of SZA's, figure sits on a platrom overlooking blue space. Shades of blue composed of individual pieces of yarn.

Trenton Rowell: 7


Anonymous: Self Portrait in Off White Series

Madison Rozwat: Obscured Sunrise

A 3v person collaborative drawing.

Veronica Timble, Abby Moon-Sarudi, Alessandra Montero: Corpse 10

A painting of two trees

Adam Milic: Trees

An origami swan.

Anonymous: Shiny Origami Swan

Anonymous: Ruth, the Flowering Justice

Back of mans head facing a TV playing static visuals while smoke fills the room

Cecilia Guzman: Dream I

Sara Gitner: Dazed

smiling crescent moon

Jaidyn Barnes: Weekend 2, Night

Green praying classroom sits at wood desk. Surrounded by wood furniture and yellow wallks

Michael Douglas: Bug House

Brianna Kokoszka: Perceptual Vision

Drawing of a hand breaking through the ground, texture on fingers and in background

Sunita Burwell Mehta: Break Through

Louis Swingley: Broken Plate Pete

Bright marker drawing of emoji with flowers hearts and a rainbow

Jennifer Diaz: Untitled

Anonymous: Self-Portrait

Painting of outer space with two large planets eclipsed half in shadow. Planets are red, white and blue. Yellow and white stars dot the entire canvas.

Anonymous: Untitled

green background with squares glued on top, drawing of a girl inside the squares

Anonymous: Untitled

abstract drawing

Anya Browar: Untitled (Make Remake)

Trash can mosaic

Delilah Diaz: Untitled


Shree Rege: Untitled

colored pencil illustartion

Violet Labash: Come Out and Play

b/w drawing of a person with long hair kneeling.

Alexa Lopez: Day 2, Bunnies

Daniela Salgado: Alone

Pencil airplanes and Lego people

Wendell Felton: The very awesome Lego revolution of the airport just west of here

A person with glasses and a mustache and medium length hair.

Mangion Gagan: Alternate Self Portrait

Eyes looking at a person

Alessandra Montero: Day 9, Eyes

Ivan Garcia: Life

Watercolor painting of Wonder Woman on a green background.

Anonymous: Wonder Woman

Digital drawing of man with no facial features and the text "her"

Mirza Mehmedagic: her

Mauve house with a grey roof and a bright green background

Daneely Mendoza: Afternoon in May

Anonymous: Color of Emotion

Photograph of a Rose Inside of Fallen Leaves

Julia Stuenkel: Fall out of Focus

Black and white drawing of a person, with red around the eyes. Person holding up hand with thumb, pointer and middle finger raised.

Fatima Tlatilpa: The rock n roll dream

Image of a red and green skull with bread and other items

Xochitl Alonso: Cake of Culture

Oil pastel drawing of an ice cream cone

Aubrey Ewing: Pineapple Ice Cream

Photo of a gorilla on a window sill

James Wells: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled Landscape

Portrait of someone in a red hoodie sketching while seated in front of some drapery and string lights.

Miel Reyes: The Artist in The Art


Veronica Gipson: Day 15, Dinosaur

colorful sloth made in acrylic paint

Anonymous: Amigo

Pen and Ink drawing of a rabbit with a black background

Anonymous: Rabbit

Colorful abstract image

Ana Lucia Consater: Stress

Orange and red snake in front of an erupting volcano.

Leo Goodkind: Rapid Fire

Sculpture of train car.

Anonymous: A Bad Dream

Paper cut outs of hands under the word "EVERYONE"

Anonymous: Our Own Hands

Photograph with kaleidoscopic effects.

Keomi Brame: Mirrored

mermaid in shell

Amelia Baurer: Conch and her Cave

Jillian Berry-Clyde: Hidden Truth

Marlo Aselin: Girl With Blue Eyes

Chantelle Perez: Oliver ARFID

Sloane Zaleski – Switch

Anonymous: Lonely Temptation

Mya Weiss: Mother’s Nature

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Under the Pepsi Moon

Alissandra Delgadillo: Still Life

Melanie Canales: Manipulated Marionette

colored pencil and gel pen print

Yenedith Sanchez: Day Dream

Ocieann Davis: Smile

Black and white photo of peering up at a school

Kayode Osunmakinde: Robert’s Resting Place

Anonymous: Untitled 2

Strips of painted paper that alternate between two images of a woman.

Mayra Jimenez: What Makes You Stay Awake? Stress.

Catherine Chai: Starry Night

dress that is constructed out of leaves and flowers on a mannequin

Rebecca Burns: Garden of Lies

patterns and colors

Max Bell: Color Theory

Anonymous: UP 2.0

person staring at phone while flying

Veronica Timble: Day 16, Trap

Anonymous: Jakucho’s Psychotic Outburst

Painting of a clear wine glass with a Corazon Loteria card inside, surrounded by two other Loteria cards and bird figurines

Caitlin Torres: Personal Still Life

Jonathan Alanis – ZOO WEE MAMA

Lake Michigan at shore with Planetarium

Anonymous: Lake Michigan

Pencil drawing of a wolf

Anonymous: Wolf

Collage of various darker schemed images with the words "Open your mind" in the center

Anonymous: when they were together, they were in heaven

mixed media journal

Anonymous: Untitled

Butterflies and a face with blue hair and cat ears

Matthew Jeffris: Untitled

Salim Cox: Frogwithahat

Drawing of books on white sheet.

Sophia Clinard-Rubio: POSSESS

3d book art.

Adelina Brown: The So Long Saloon

An Aseprite Animation

Donald Richard: Thundercat

side of a face with wings

Eliya Torres: Meri Dunia *My World

Stephanie Arroyo: Family of Mice

drawing of person sitting on an office chair

Jessica Horne: Figure

Black and white line drawing of the torso of a person wearing a hat.

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Day 1, Chill

The faces of two children are covered by thread.

Jennifer Aguilera-Martinez: Recuerdos

Digital illustration of a black male figure with body and face split in places and loosely sewn back together. The parental advisory for explicit lyrics logo is in the bottom right corner

Keyon Hackle: Untitled

black and white photo of a man

Alyssa Akbar: _MG_79381

Two figures, one red and one blue, with deep shadows paused in action while facing the viewer.

Zoë Gordon: The Elements of Purple

Colored pencil illustration

Matthew Hernandez: Solo Creadores

bleeding person looking at a dragon

Jordan Allen: Day 16, Trap

Photograph of a man sitting on a blue bucket in the daytime.

Andres Mejia: Untitled

portrait of person with brown skin and black hair looking at viewer

Anonymous: Really!?… -Dori

A wood carving of a red and orange creature with pointy teeth

Benjamin Calisoff: Mangog

Black and white photo of lots of people walking across the street. Photo is intentionally blurred.

Cassius Palacio: Rushed Moment or Guassian Blur

Anonymous: Ocean view landscape

Kaitlyn Huante: Portfolio Work, Part 2: Sprout

Jessica Horne: Still Life

Drawing of robot with his hand outstretched

Anonymous: Robot dreams

Anonymous: Untitled


Temoor: Untitled

A photo of beekeepers working at the Chicago Botanic Garden.

Gianna Christensen: Honey, I’m Home

Andrew Cox: Red Dragon

Drawing of crayons in multiple colors

Anonymous: Colors

Flower in foreground with a subject dressed in a blue coat turned away from viewer

Mitzin Bartolo: Temperature Still Life

A photo of granola and a jar of food.

Anonymous: Souvenirs

Alejandro Giron: Tired


David: Untitled

Person in yellows and blues looking to the right.

Alex Goldin: Color Study for Summer, Yellow on Blue

Brown papercut with words el Gobierno es Corrupto, and two shaking hands cut out

Jessuan S: El Gobierno Corrupto

Drawing of a green dragon standing on the mountain. Its tail wraps around the whole mountain as it breathes out a bit of red fire.

Anonymous: Dragon Mountain

Digital drawing of a book cover with a girl and flowers

Anonymous: Once Upon a Time

Pencil and marker drawing of window surrounded by bricks

Crystal C: My Window


Hailey Rodden: Rainbow Nails

Self-portrait collage

Anonymous: Untitled

Cardboard sculpture of rudolph

Michelle Guo: Rudolph

Shoreline and fall forest as seen from the water.

Paula Matela: Final Waverunner Ride

Painting of a brown and white lynx with green eyes in front of a purple and blue background. Small flowers come up on stems from the bottom of the page.

Anonymous: Lynx

Atlas Sturrock: Ancient Relic 2

Drawing of a blindfolded person with a gun to their head

Anonymous: A Silenced Captive

sketches of faces

Alissandra Delgadillo: Sketch 2

Exposed eyeball with a sharp tooth mouth

Jasmein Taylor: Hybrid Animal

Drawing with color pencil with several items in a room

Kellyn Chavez: Untitled

Anonymous: City Green

Digital drawing of person with long hair and glasses, in blue.

Anonymous: Blue Portrait

Painting of plane flying in front of Chicago skyline. Yellow background.

James Ehle: Beginnings and Returnings

Anonymous: Nail Fashion

Sheet music on a black background

Daniel Koval: A Piece

Itzel Saenz: Summers In Chicago

Black and white marker illustration

Bob Vaus: Obstruction of Abstraction

Gisselle Ramos: Exchanging Words

cat sleeping on a box

Vance Lira: Day 10, Doors

mask decorated with gold grown, red wings, and fish scales

Angelo Velazquez : Poseidon

Jariyah Payton: Dog

A drawing of a girl with a mask on and lots of colorful flowers behind her

Abby Ortiz: “Self-Portrait: Creature of Life”

Neyonni Evans: Untitled

Anonymous: Still Life

Graphite drawing of a girl's face up close

Anonymous: Duality

Yenedith Sanchez: Portfolio Work, Part 2: Sprout

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