Hamburger, hoagie, and sandwich with a hand reaching for them.

Tyson Madison: Day 4, Sandwich

Drawing of plants and an animal with antlers with geometric shapes and patterns.

Neala Dunneback: Madhubani

Anonymous: It’s Rude To Follow Me Home

Drawing of frogs at a diner and planets in the background.

Anonymous: Sprigs Diner

Abstract drawing of different shapes with shading

Dorothy Alonzo: Abstract Value Exploration

Anonymous: I am ME

A drawing of three girls

Anonymous: Super School

Wearable sculpture

Anonymous: Untitled


Jarem Ortega: Untitled

Landscape with tree and triangles in pinks and browns

Abigail Lopez Blancas: Untitled

Person wearing red hoodie facing away from the viewer.

Christopher Reynoso: The bigger Picture


Pearlin Melodia SamPaul Jeevitha: Separation

Slow 10 MPH under a bridge

Jonathan Pedraza: Pedrazaslow

Three dancing skeletons against a background of red, orange, and yellow lines inspired Keith Haring.

Eddie Lieber: Keith Haring inspired Dancing Skeletons

Bright oil pastel drawing of a sun with skeleton hands

Anonymous: Untitled

Pink background with abstract white, red and black splatters and lines overtop.

Adrianna Sumler: Abstract Expressionist Painting

Yueling Qian: Path to Sweetness

A succulent sits in a purple and pink pot on a brown surface in front of a coral background.

Anonymous: Untitled

Image of a man looking straight ahead with one pink eye

Amber Scott: Pink Eye

Self-portrait collage

Anonymous: Untitled

Viviana Montes: COVID/Post COVID Comic Strip

Luxury room with large window, sunlit.

Mateo Matila: Luxury

Moody depiction of trash flooding our waters

Kiana Pan: My Ocean, My Home

Kurumi Koziarski: Gold Tree

Illustration of 4 Symbiosis Characters

Aidan Bell: Symbiosis Civilians

Karolina Kawula: Zagunie, Laszki

Bob Ross as a body builder

Donald Richard: Day 7, Accident

Art piece with black red and white detailing.

Willem Wauters: Soporatus

A painting of a young woman looking to the side

Keyla Estrada: The Wandering Woman

A black and white painting of a womans face with curly hair

Keyla Estrada: Self Portrait

person looking in mirror. On their face is written "Isn't Bright"

Veronica Timble: Day 13, Oracle

two people talking about a necklace

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 17, Spooky Locket

Anonymous: Good Jams

Mixed media work of muted colors made of wood and string hanging down.

Laterra Lyons: Love

Three Loteria game cards inserted into a holder shaped as a hand, surrounded by figurines and a red drape

Celia Hannan: Personal Still Life

Digital art of person with box head sitting in robe in arm chair with dog and fireplace next to them

Crystal R: Good Hunting

Brianna Hargrove: FATHERHOOD

Liliana Nash: Keyboard

sketch of person with their arm over their head

Amesyah Flowers: In the Style

Digital artwork of the character Baraka from Mortal Combat. A figure with arms crossed over chest, spears attached to arms. Figure is smiling with sharply pointed teeth.

Ann Duong: Baraka

Closeup self portrait in orange color with sunglasses

Ralph Lasalle: Self Portrait

Sketch of a person wearing a mask

Danielle Hester: COVID-!9 (2/3)

Letters and numbers are written in purple over an orange and purple watercolor background.

Anonymous: Silly Soup and ABC

photograph of a drawing of 3 people and 2 plastic wings

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Day 18, Pride

Self portrait

Braya Harris: Self portrait #1

pastel portrait of a young girl

Auttum Thomas: Magnified Love


Eion Magana: Aswang

Mixed media drawing of facial features and squiggly lines

Anonymous: Summertime Switches

drawing of two hands with rainbows on them, background colored purple and "Peace, Kindness, Equality" written in black.

Elizabeth Ho: Untitled

Acrylic painting of a landscape during sunrise.

Anonymous: Beautiful Morning

"Ha Ha!" in alternating red and blue letters in a yellow burst, comic book style.

Jessenia Davila: Ha Ha!

Valeria Padilla Ramirez: Untitled

Charcoal drawing of a hallway.

Anonymous: HALLWAYS

Graham Gedey: Portrait

Shadowy view of someone's feet stepping into a sliver of light on a public street.

Nathan Chan: Midstep

Anonymous: Untitled

marker drawing of an alebrije

Anonymous: Alebrije

An abstract painting of two dark gray circular marks with texture

Legend Allen: Untitled

Black and white photograph of a sad person with a mask.

Atziry Izaguirre: A Smiling Face

A rainbow zebra collage

Yaretzy Marquez: The Colors of Nature

Anonymous: Downtown Chicago In 2140


Barack: Untitled

Silhouette of a mom and her daughter in front of a sunset

Aarvi Vakharia: A Mother’s Love


Corey Bridges: Falling Into Eternity

portrait of woman with wall full of pictures of clocks in the background

Jaclyn Manning: Time Constriction

A drawing of a girl with long brown hair. There are 7 hands reaching for her face.

Anonymous: Untitled

abstract swirly lines

Nina Bonair-Agard: Untitled

A monochromatic, cozy, Chicago park in the Fall. Acrylic Paint

Olivia Sawyer: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled


James Hagerty: Untitled

Anonymous: Thinking of favorite bird

Edgar Frutos: Oh What A Feeling

A painting of an avocado cut in half with a green background

Yuv Parmar: Untitled

Anonymous: Panda

Anonymous: Nature’s Presence

pencil drawing of eye, torso, ring and lighter

Clare Krippner: Works in Series

Mia Kiefer: Duin

6 BIPOC faces with "period." at the bottom

Donald Richard: Day 18, Pride

Wire sculpture worn on person's head. The wire loops around and encloses the model's face.

Anonymous: Untitled

Anissa Aguilar: Melo + Maceió

blue ceramic tile piece of a dragon

Jace Eisenberg: Dragon Sgraffito

Drawing of Batman

Anonymous: Untitled

Sculpture of circle.

Marta Krzeminska: Alone, All Alone

Branches in front of moon.

Natalia De Across: Moonlight Branch

Nicholas Gaytan: Nicholas Gaytan

Alejandro Giron: Too Many Horizons

Two pastel owls and a heart on butcher paper.

Anonymous: Untitled

Juniper Pingolt: Bird tea party

Anonymous: Bird

Anonymous: Untitled

Pink square head robot with flowers

Ellie Sandoval : Robot Girl

Drawing of two hands.

Rohan Pothabathula: Our hands can make a change

portrait of female face

Rebecca Leal: Practice

Painting of cucumbers cut and sliced in a red bowl

Jaqueline Garcia: Bowl Of Cucumbers

Faith Ringgold Story Quilt Squares Collage and Colored Pencil on Drawing Paper

Elijah Feliciano: In the Sky

A red elmo toy is covered by a white, day of the dead head.

Kenya DeLeon: Elmo on Day of the Dead

Digital self portrait on a rainbow gradient background

Sofia Concha: Digi Self Portrait

Girl holding colorful parrot sculpture comprised of cut-out paper hands

Anonymous: My Parrot

black background with colorful silhouettes

Abram Ellis: Moving Things

Jala Dowd: Chicagoland Area

a bunch of different characters and monsters

Henry Ellis: Colorful Things

Digital drawing of an eye with eyeliner and a cat pupil

Diana Perez: Portrait of a Girl

Photo of a big tree with red leaves.

Cesar Castulo: Untitled

tin foil robot

Deonta Ricks: My Remote Learning Buddy

Brownie Cookies

Latifat Bakare, Brownie Cookies

Shelby Rodriguez-Zegarra: All Over the Place

Sheena Camat: Untitled

Downtown street with bus stop.

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of girl standing in grass with title, "The Easter Bunny Girl"

Katherine Kasparov: The Easter Bunny Girl

Jayla Pittman: Coming of Age Story

Painting of girl on colorful striped background

Kayla Zayas: By The Sea

A painting of a person with no head. Flowers are blooming at the neckline in place of the head. The person is wearing a white top. The art piece has a pink background.

Dakota Watkins: Growth Mindset

A drawing of the Statue of Liberty

Nash McBride: Ellis Island

Jala Dowd: Generational

Anonymous: Sound Poem

Painting of a woman in a hijab in front of words

Safia Hussain: Thank You For Your Service 2

Painting of a nude Black person with braided hair framed by leaves, colorful eyes, a large beetle and abstract shapes.

Oluwatooke Elusanmi: Regenesis

mixed media piece of a composite woman wearing a crown

Anonymous: Meant to be Treasured

Madison Madar: Laval Lap

Anime character creation

Yariancis Acosta: Untitled

Miley Hu: Untitled

Person with fire above their fingertip

Itzel Saenz: Weekend 3, Fire

Portrait of Annamae done with watercolor.

Anonymous: Annamae

A sculpture made of chewed gum

Anonymous: Accumulate

digital illustration

Jessica Huerta: Illustration

A bird with a pink flower and dew drops

Carmen Conner: Bird and Flower painting

A drawing of a dragons face with large teeth

Anonymous: Dragon

Digital image of a young man in a red hoodie. Behind him are many different blue signs that would be seen on a street.

Anonymous: Street A

A floating figurine trapped inside a glass mason jar with fake clouds overhead and a baby blue background

Mia Lewis: Imagined Spaces (trapped)

A portrait of a woman with long, dark hair and a blue background with Egyptian symbols and heiroglyphics

Cache King: QUEEN

Drawing of a person with a flower head.

Anonymous: Untitled

Weaving of drawing with text page

Ariana Silverstein: The state of confusion

Narrative Collage Mixed Media Paper Collage

Amy Le: Buddies!

Sunset show Chicago street with trees on either side.

Anonymous: Sunset

Colorful drawing of dog biting hand

Victoria Mak: Works in Series

Anonymous: Untitled

Drawing of an eye with ramen in the center with colorful lines in the background.

Azul Nunez Suarez: Ramen

colored pencil snowmen illustration

Yabena Sunuwar: Worm’s Eye Snowmen

Anonymous: Ghostly Change

A painting of a mans face bleeding from the mouth and bruises all over

Spencer De La Riva: Kazu

A bull charges an alligator.

Anonymous: Untitled

Overlayed instruments and musical symbols in many colors, ornamented with cubist style faces.

Tanmay Garg: Music=Life

Drawing of a woman with blue hair wearing a yellow dress with her hands on her hips.

Akiya Killins: Untitled

Mirabelle Royer: Sunny Umbrella

Braylen Clark: Self-Portrait

Samuel Vite: The Glow, Pt. 2

animals eating sandwiches

Anyah Thompson: Day 4, Sandwich

Landon Rockwood: Rain Right ATM

A mixed media collage of a fashion drawing of a white dress with ruffles around the seams. There are extra notes, fabric swatches, and drawings around the figure.

Tabitha Shaheen: Summer Waves Dress

Anonymous: Untitled

A painting of a clown holding a Des Plaines, IL Police Department sign. The clown is repainted in 4 different colors: purple, blue, red and green.

Anonymous: Killer Klown

Thomas Brice: Alligator Rocketship

Ashantania Fisher: The Yellow Umbrella

Stacked carrots

Guadalupe Miranda: Raices

ball with wings

Vance Lira: Day 11, Wings

Drawing of a dog. ON his skin are holes which reveal various body parts like teeth and eyes

Mina Miranda: Demon Dog

An open house with many rooms lies on a gold background. Each room has different items within.

Zoey El-Mofty: Cabinet of Curiosity

food being picked over

Rachel DeVeyra: Picky Eater

Drawing of Steve Harvey

Antonela Zovko: Steve Harvey

Drawing of a person surrounded by cats in front of a pyramid

Anonymous: Frida

rainbow back with hearts

Maribelle Hoover: Untitled

Abstract drawing in blue marker

Anonymous: Untitled

A colorful piece with a girl in a pink dress looking up at a planet and star filled sky.

Sky Asamoah: Otherworldly

Sarah Ochiana-Zaman: THIS IS US

Green Frankenstein on Purple Background

Delilah Whitlock: Untitled

A drawing of a peacock on a pastel pink background

Sattery Tum: Peacock

Yves Nijadiyan: Untitled

Anonymous: Sugar Skull

Tzitlali Gonzalez: Tales from the Times of Covid Zine

Anonymous: Warm vs Cold

Jayla Pittman: Broken Figure Who Couldn’t Try

Aarohi Shere: Beauty of Chicago

Anonymous: Rattling


Makayla Morris: Untitled

Black and white drawing of person with long dark hair wearing a black hoodie.

Jizel Avila: Self Portrait

Anonymous: Present-day flowers

Painting of a boy walking down the street with cars on fire

Anonymous: Movie of the Year

person with "Pride" in their hair

Eliya Torres: Day 18, Pride

Drawing with a girl on the left half and an animal on the right.

Leah Petersen: Hear Me Roar

Mina Zargi: Look Into My Eyes

figure in tan pants and brown sweatervest with blue sleeves stands against a city backdrop that is decaying

Mikyah McCray : Decaying City

hair wig digital art

Marsha Tate: Untitled

Brianna Kokoszka: Ultimate Euphoria

watercolor lion

Kaylen Parks: The Lion #4

Anonymous: Silly Soup and ABC

Drawing of a playground with a pink slide

Anonymous: Taste Of Nostalgia

blue and grayscale portrait

Mya Burns: Lady B

A large cat-like figure is in the forefront. Behind, a human figure floats in large lines of color passing around the frame.

Huiyun Jiang: Escape

Drawings of trees with a haiku written on it

Delano Farnik: Storm

Heaven Williams: Black Man

blue scale portait

Anonymous: Untitled

A painting of a black man with words written on his body

Brenda Dickerson: Dear Black Men

Multi-colored mask with feathers and gold accents

Xiao Jun C: Icarus

Melodie Louise Grause: Untitled

Drawing with multiple items on a plate.

Dannah Agno: Untitled

Watercolor painting of hills and clouds

Kestrel Greene: Panacea

A 3 person collaborative drawing.

Antonio Borobia-Casanova, Tyson Madison, Itzel Saenz: Corpse 11

A skull that is screaming.

Anonymous: Screaming Skull

Person with no facial features wearing yellow hat and holding orange balloon in a pink room having a virtual birthday party on a laptop.

Nadia Hervert: Birthday blues

Anonymous: Mushy the mushroom

pencil drawing supreme portrait

Kaled Wilson: Untitled

Sketchbook with pine tree drawn in pencil with orange streak behind it

Anonymous: Arctic Shine

Mixed media sculpture of hand pulling blue haired doll out of other page

Alexandra K: Escape Her

Iris Rivera: The tunnel

Mixed media collage of building showing under hole in denim fabric with fence pattern over the top

Taliya M: Urban Echoes

rabbit jumping on eagle

Carielis Granera: Day 19, Over

Anonymous: Goals

Construction Paper Rose


drawing of a person wearing a mask

Neena Agrawal: Coronavirus Tears

Matthew Hanson: Night Bus

Hudson Goodrich: The Grat Oshin

Illustration of a many men with umbrellas.

Anonymous: Falling?

drawing of person in front of wings painted on brick wall

Jaziyah Malone: Amanda Gorman Wings

digital illustration

Alessandra Montero: Comfy Cozy Place

9 images of the same cartoon character in sequential stages of growth.

Veronica Ortiz: Untitled

Anime character with red hair

Bahgh Muthana: Untitled

person with horns and claws holding a squid tentacle

Alessandra Montero: Day 17, Spooky Locket

charlie brown's ghost halloween costume

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 12, Rock

Olive Herman: Untitled

figure sketches

Amesyah Flowers: Sketchbook 2

A painting of a light yellow bird sitting on a branch on a blue and purple background.

Audrey Pillman: Chickadee

Anonymous: Untitled 2

Brown spraypainted bust of the Statue of Liberty

Sarah Byrne: Untitled

digital portrait of person with dark hair and multiple nose piercings

Anonymous: Focus

A picture of a person sitting on the ground in a cornfield with a pumpkin for a head

Anonymous: Scaredcrow

An artwork of two white sheep on green hills with a blue sky.

Anonymous: Tint and Shade Sheep

Drawing of a child with a shirt on that says "Baby."

Blake Egwele: Untitled


Matthew Warren: Lights

person reading a laptop with a teddy bear

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Weekend 2, Night

Rose on green background

Alexis Jaramillo: Como La Flor

chicago bulls

Jaime Queroz: Untitled

Anonymous: Under the Branch, View 1

A colorful, abstract painting with splattered colors.

Andrea Rodriguez: Expressive Painting Sadness to Happiness

Portrait of a person with the words "help" in the background

Sunny Johnson Andrews: Facade

Amesyah Flowers: Infinity Mit Portrait

Person sitting in a cozy room writing at a desk

Lillianne Fratt: Untitled

Photograph of tree with house covered in ivy in the background

Anonymous: Untitled

Taliah Thompson: Innocence


Jayla Pittman: Caged Mind

Graphite self portrait made from a bunch of different angles

Anonymous: Portrait with Angles

Anonymous: Full Size Render

Photograph: five bright red and orange flowers with pointy petals are center against a black background.

Anjonae’ Coleman: In the Dark

Drawing of a woman with "I am silenced" written across her face

Andrea Barcenas: Untitled

A black-and-white photo of a light shining amidst an overgrowth of houseplants, next to a window facing an opposite apartment building.

Anonymous: Hidden Growth

Red flowers and two kittens.

Auren Boynton: Under Red Peonies

Anonymous: Cherry Blossom Petals

Circular drawing of a mouth with roses around

Valeria Rivera: Pretty in orange

rocks with moss stacked on each other

Donald Richard: Weekend 1, Nature

stairs leading up into dark.

Veronica Gipson: Day 3, Dungeon

Anonymous: Street

Graphite drawing of a person's face with short hair

Lilliane Shen: Sunshine in My Eyes

patterned seahorse

Anonymous: Life is Pattern

White foam heads with colorful yarn on their heads

Eugene Smart: Lice Bridge

A sculpture piece made with yarn in a ceramic loom piece shaped like a cloud, with raindrops hanging from it.

Fae Merrill: The Storm Cloud

View of someone holding up a camera through a public bike rack

Jathen Roman: View of Art

Arial view of workers in a field

Victoria Phan: Remembering the Lilies

Nicole Alvarado: Untitled

A member of The Mighty 9!

Henry De Luca: Eddy Lawndale

Love Banner with image in the woods with water

Camari Bains: Untitled

Red winter cardinal drawing done with oil pastel and watercolor.

Anonymous: Winter Cardinal

A woman with a large afro and a black power fist in her hair

Anonymous: Free Draw

Photo of a river with trees on a bridge.

Nayely Robledo: Untitled

Graffiti with the word "bloodstain" in a black and green gradient

Lee Morales: Bloodstain

L’ihltah (Emaneyah) Walker: Kendra Monologue

Anonymous: Bull

Geometric black and white shapes as mirror images

Emerson Villalobos: Untitled

Drawing of a girl with a hair full of flowers.

Yrva Desormeaux: The Girl In Flowers

Multimedia illustration of a surreal plane crashing through a roof.

Clare Haffner: Walk Through Walls

Black and white faces

Anonymous: Untitled

person in red with arm raised and person slumping in office chair

Samantha Franco: Study

Paintings on various cut canvases that depict peoples' faces alike to ones they make in mirrors.

Jemma Wygodny: Mirrors

Anonymous: Untitled

A drawing of a boys face with blonde hair and blue eyes

Bruce Reinard: Self Portrait

Scratchboard illustration of lion

Anonymous: Royalty

Paper mache yellow and black mask with designs on it.

Alejandro Puebla: Identity Mask

Painting of skull with horns on gray cloth to the left of a yellow flower.

Sophia Petrosino: Skulls are Forever

Painting of a girl with three eyes and a green background

Anonymous: Protected

Person standing in field in black dress and white sneakers, holding a baseball glove.

Jersey Benjamin: BOY

Drawing of a school bus in front of houses

Alice Everett: Untitled

People holding Ukrainian flags in front of "Cloud Gate"

Christina Poprych: Support Ukraine

Drawing of an owl on a tree trunk

Adam Milic: Snowy Owl

A painting of a red telephone with a notepad next to it and an orange and blue background

Anonymous: Pick Up the Phone

Photo of a person standing in front of lockers

Jocelyn Hernandez: About Me

Portrait of a Marvel character done with watercolor.

Anonymous: Eyes of Blue Steele

Anonymous: 3-D Dragon Mask

Image of multi-colored sculpture with yellow body and pink had with hat on

Anonymous: Heart of Food

Colorful portrait of dog with geometric patterns and flowers.

Siena Wong: Laurel Burch Dogs

cat in a bubble helmet

Alessandra Montero: Day 16, Trap

Anonymous: Eyes

colored pencil

Nivansi Ojha: Untitled

5 decorated cookies on purple background

Ayanna Reeves-Woodson, Red Velvet Cookies

Mixed Media with color and patterns

Natalie Dominguez: Untitled

Melanie Silva: Untiled Self Portrait

Illustration of green handheld console

Andreen Marie Isidoro: GameGirl

A Documentary Short Film.

Jessenia Guzman: About Me

ashley granda

Ashley Granda Montana: Untitled

Emmanuel Medina Gayon: Eternal Frost

A digital collage divided into 4 sections. The top left is red, the bottom left is purple, the bottom right is blue and the top right is green. Each section has a photo of a child. The middle of the digital piece says Art-Class.

Anonymous: Untitled

Gael Zamudio: Nabisco at Night

2 pages of Comic panels

Anonymous: Untitled

Jameon Selvie: Snowman

Digital drawing of a room with pink carpet. There is a wooden desk and chair, pictures on the wall, and a skateboard and guitar next to the desk.

Anonymous: Quarantine

Photograph of jellyfish floating in water

Kyo H: Space Jellyfish

figure sketches

Amesyah Flowers: Sketchbook 1

Kaitlyn Huante: Avocado

sunset boat

Christian Rodriguez: Beach in the AM

Black and white drawing of a head with a city on top

Anonymous: Untitled

drawing of people drinking on the left, collage of found images on the right

America Valencia-Alvarez: Collage and Reframe

Clay sculpture on concha and papaya.

Anonymous: Nourishment

Space man Helmut in front of black space

Makenna Yoho: Alone in Space

Two blue lions on a yellow background with human figures behind them

Rein Phone: Fading Memory

Dog Drawing

Alexandra Vahl: My Dog

A digital drawing of an original character with mint green hair

Mia Espinoza: Out in the Flesh

person holding a green doll in a can and a sword

Jocelyn Delgado: Halloween Figure

Calvin Farr: Untitled

Series of 4 drawings on magnets, each with three eyes and on four different colored backgrounds.

Anonymous: Third Eye Collective

Nia Bakari: A Prompt

Liza Pena: Diary Film

Pastel blue butterfly sits on light purple and pink flowers

Thadeo Portillo: Mariposa

Person with beard looking at phone.

Ramik Spencer: Talk the Talk

A painting of a black woman with words written on her body

Brenda Dickerson: Dear Black Women

A painting of a black person looking up at a blue sky next to a white person looking up at a night sky

Anonymous: Untitled

red dragon in baseball hat

Leonard Pochel: What?!?

Victoria Huang: Mr Big Tongue

Brown pug in a green and blue patched room

Dayana Gallardo: Untitled

Photo of a girl holding up a self-portrait

Marion Mueller: Self Portrait

cat in front of a window

Gabriel Perez: “Savior Complex” by Phoebe Bridgers

Portrait of a man in a yellow hat holding sonic the hedgehog

Anonymous: Diary of Zack Villere

Anonymous: Dove 4 the people

Michaela Marino: Untitled

Abstract sculpture with white plaster base, rising up with wire, colorful plastic beads, ribbon and paper.

Annabel Multer: imagined paradise

Emaneyah Walker: Get to Know Me

Travis Marshall: Pot of Gold

pencil on paper illustration

Enrique Sanchez: Untitled

Black workpants with white printed letters "CDD", shown to be designed by "Geneva Studios".

Rafael Villasenor: Prosperity by Geneva Studios

Sara Gitner: Discovering Stillness

Anonymous: Untitled (red)

Cella Streit: Spring Day

Digital mosaic of fox on purple background

Anonymous: Fox

Meta N: bows

Drawing of a girl looking down with a mask on

Kaila Thomas: Mask On

Anonymous: Untitled

MIA JUAREZ: Color of Eye

sketch of person sitting on office chair

Kenna Threatt: Figure

digital illustration

Itzel Vela: Louie the Dog

b/w drawing of person with dark hair and glasses.

Anonymous: In the Style Of…

Wire mobile with torsos of different body types.

Anonymous: Body Positivity Mobile

Sculpture of a face using various colors (yellow, red, green, orange, and blue).

Elliot Alvarez: Textured Face

Series of self-portraits and lots of eyes in the background

Emma Alvarado: Growth

Anonymous: El Ciervo Venenoso

color scheme

Trevon Jones: Color Theory (pic 2)

Anonymous: Perspective Road

Ranisha Little: Boom

b/w drawing of rabbit with evil shadow

Henry De Luca: Day 2, Bunnies

photograph silver medal

Lilia Calka: Untitled

Rabbit person in blue alice in wonderland dress

Abby Moon-Sarudi: Hell Bunny

Sculpture of a girl made out of a variety of objects

Anonymous: Flowers

Brayden Yang: My Lovely Playroom

circle of dots that says "elevation"

Donald Richard: Elevation

McCord Brown: Color

Naleyah Long-Smith: Try to Be a Rainbow

hand coming out of fire

Antonio Borobia-Casanova: Weekend 3, Fire

Clay sculptures on a salad plate

Deniana Clemente: Playful & Plated

Anonymous: Untitled

Model castle on a countertop

Anonymous: Colony

Multi-colored paper fold-out with heavy black coloring contrasted by pastel abstract art

Hannah P: Untitled

Drawing with many squares of different objects. Squares in a diagnol line read "THI."

Thi Nguyen: Untitled

A mixed media sculpture of a mannequin head with wooden spikes coming out of the face

Anonymous: :)

Line drawing of a person wearing a long coat

Jordan Allen: Day 1, Chill

Pencil drawing of a boy with long hair and an earring

Anonymous: Untitled

Diana Vazquez: What Anxiety Feels Like

Female humanoid with 2 pairs of eyes stares directly at the viewer. In the background are psychedelic mushrooms and colors.

Inky Dye: Portals

Cut and colorful shapes on a black background

Penelope Adasiewicz: Shapes!

An abstract drawing with lots of lines on a black background

Christian Bustos: A Sunny Day

Hand gripping a small bird in its palm

Molly Fitzgerald: Grasp

Collage and painting in greens

Dru Thigpen: Untitled

Anonymous: Untitled

Pencil drawing of mushrooms with striped background

Ida Rendon: Psychedelic

Picasso style painting of a star wars character. The ace of the figure is ombre orange, the neck and background are pink, and the character's hair is is blue and green striped.

Anonymous: Picasso Ahsoka

Mustafa Sadiqi: POP Chicago

Study of the Chrysler building in New York

Mihajlo Stankovic: Vito Inspired Mini Drawing

Anonymous: Untitled

Painting of hands reaching towards a door.

Rah’Shaurie Gasaway: Untitled

Painting of a blue person with a black creature on their back

Jessica Correa: Trapped Between the Broken Shards

Anonymous: Flowers of Amber

close up image of small child in polka dot shirt and bike handle with streamers

Adriana T: Youth

Anonymous: SLACK

Ceramic heart with flowers on top of it

Jacquelyn Murillo: Untitled

A drawn blue alien holding a circular photo of a school. The background is black with a blue yellow and red blended line and white speckles across the background.

Anonymous: Untitled

Anonymous: Tree of Life

Emaneyah Walker: Ma Rainey from Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom

person standing in front of images of various doors

Anyah Thompson: Day 10, Doors

sketch of person sitting on office chair

Joanna Steven: Figure

Abstract drawing of two eyes made of flowers and other things

Raila Gonzales: Untitled

Ocieann Davis: Smile

Anonymous: Dark Castles

Photograph of cloudy sky with blue pink and orange

Natalie H: Cotton Candy Sky


Samantha Franco: Two-sided gas mask

Lake and blue sky

Anonymous: Untitled

Nathan Nevarez: Parasitnun

Taylor Lofton: Black on Black


Logan Briody: Baldi

b/w line drawing of person sitting in lawn chair drinking from a can.

Carielis Granera: Day 1, Chill


Sam Zajczenko: Edward

2 animated characters, one is good one is evil

Nayali Guzman: James + Jaime

Sculpture of a figure with flowers on it

Brooklyn Swanson, Sofia Diaz and Damaris Sokol: My Body

Person crying while texting

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 19, Over

Daniela Salgado: Sin Ti

Three views of a cowboy boot with a family tree on the side

Alondra Zavala: Family Tree Boot

Anonymous: Eagle Bodybuilder

image of tree and traffic light

Jordan S: Tree/traffic light

Drawing in red ink of a hibiscus flower, an arm crushing a pomegranate in its wrist, and a anatomical heart.

Karen Aleman: Nectar of the Gods

3 faces next to a rock

Veronica Timble: Day 12, Rock

Leg and foot with monster teeth spiraling across it

Isabella Wietrzak: Monster Mouth

The sarcophagus of King Tut painted onto a canvas with an embroidered yellow and orange border. Orange and copper embroider stars surround the portrait

Teagan Fleming: King Tut Dedication

Charcoal drawing of black figure's face floating in black liquid

Anonymous: Untitled

Collage of a window view

Natalia Smith: Lexington Street

Coen Schaller: Chicago Living

Three photographs displaying how a wearable painting works

Eugene Smart: The Crucifix

Portrait drawing of an older man.

Una Reyes: Una Luz Reyes rendition of St

Parrot drawn in oil pastel

Katherine Uruchima: Untitled-Bird

An oil pastel drawing of a person with a green and red necklace and a purple top. There are water waves behind.

Anonymous: Siren’s Call

Drawing of a girl with red pigtails and green eyes

Chrisette Armour: Shine

person with wings raising their hand in the dark

Alexa Lopez: Day 14, Falling

Gideon Schultz: Winter Cardinal

Plastic bag weaving with brown, white, gray, and black

Anonymous: Plastic Bag Weaving

2 heads of tiger-like animals with blue eyes and orange fur

Lalyla Smith: Animals looking into your soul

Ka’miyah Green: Kindness

Daja Jackson: Untitled

Digital illustration and collage

Sasha Gwinn: A Million Pieces in A Million Places: Wanted

Drawing of a purple and yellow two-horned creature with a big weapon on a grey background

Carielis Granera: Rhogar Myastan

woman with knife behind her back

Jaidyn Barnes: Day 16, Trap

Red clay vase with red flowers inside. Blue and yellow background.

Vivian Escobedo: Blue Iris

Drawing of green room

Anonymous: The Green Room

Mix of music notes, feathers, scribbles with an eye in the center

Mia Morales: You is EYE

A purple pencil drawing black and white figures

Anonymous: Imagination Marks

Photograph of person holding phone with picture and drawing of self.

Ariyah Black: My Self-Portrait

Anonymous: Zaidan+Anwar+3

Painting of a guinea pig with a pink background

Mina Miranda: Guinea Pig

Collage of multicolored flowers on background that reads "We Are Machines."

Osvaldo Salgado: We Are Human

Juanita “Jill” Harrell: Lost Soul

Brianna Hargrove: Chicago 2003

Anonymous: Krishvi+Nishanth+1

Balloons arranged in a rainbow pattern

Anonymous: Untitled

Carlos Fernandez: Goku and Vegeta

Red paper cutout with text reading Womens Rights are Human Rights with hearts and other shapes cut out.

Stephani A: Women’s Rights

Jessica Horne: Fisheye

White and blue jellyfish on a black background

Sophia Renee Macias: Electric Shock – Glowing Jellyfish in the Deep Sea

Black and white drawing of person with long dark hair holding a stuffed bear.

Jolette Cuevas: Self Portrait Plus Bear

pencil illustration

Anonymous: Dream Illustration

Pencil drawing of a person with extended limbs inspired by Ernie Barnes.

Mateo Flores: Untitled

Mural with figure in yellow in front of mountains, next to a brick wall with large sunflowers & water

Studio 3 Mural


Sean Cunningham: Untitled

Drawing of persons face, nose up, next to drawing of person's torso, nose to mid-shoulder

Monserrat Garfias: Half of You

Graphic design image of two people with afro hairstyle

Grace Hutcherson: Through The Fro

Ashley Barrios: Idol

Brenda Ortiz-Dominguez: Sunset

Parker Lu: Family

Person with braids and a red star on their left cheek, wearing a clown collar

Joanna Steven: In the Style Of…

Drawing of shop interior with 3 shoppers and a store cat.

Max Mikunas: Downtown Market

Pencil drawing of city buildings

Anonymous: Shading work

Mehaan Saxena: Music and Spirituality

Drawing of a bird with many different wings all extending out of the main body.

Taisuke Uto: Seraphim

Relief print in pink, purple, & blue of 2 buildings with the El train in the front

Niamh Hughes: Neon City

Drawing with color pencil with several items in a room

Kellyn Chavez: Untitled

A sunset over a lake.

Deeron Holmes: Vice Island

Cesar Bautista: Screensaver

two turtles swimming in blue water.

Emma Ramirez: Biscayne National Park

Alissandra Delgadillo: Faces

Multi-colored mixed media artwork of jellyfish floating with colored bubbles and glitter in tentacles

Anonymous: Jelly of the world

A person with long hair looks down at the screen of their camera hanging around their neck

Anonymous: Untitled

Viviana Hernandez: Untitled (red)

Drawing of glasses stacked in front of a building with an American flag on it

Carolina Carchi: Untitled

A pen and ink drawing tribute to chance the rapper. Chance the rapper is draw on the top left with a tape cassette, Kanye west and Mufasa below. The drawing has surrounded by words written down.

Anonymous: Blessings – Chance the Rapper

Edward Koch: Silhouette

Lots of legs

Frank Miller: Rainbow Monster with 1000 Legs

Colorful abstract shapes

Anonymous: Backstabbed

photograph of person standing in black shirt and pants in front of wall with graffiti and red sign

Aldo R: Untitled

Watercolor painting of hills and clouds

Kestrel Greene: Ephemera

Anonymous: Untitled

Picture of a girl's face in blue, underwater

Lesley Perez: Thalassophobia

Ariana Winters, Genesis Hale & Liza Pena: The Chase and Lighting Challenge

Anonymous: You Thought You Were Alone But You Not

Black print on a green background.

Elijah Poole: Healthcare

Avery Isa Merideth: Ghost

pencil geometric drawing of kitchen with cabinets fridge and oven

Hana W: Home

Newspaper headline collage

Anonymous: Read All About It

Photograph of hands holding up flowers with tan and orange background

Anonymous: The Offering

Drawing of a girl with mouths all around her

Anonymous: Smile

Paintings of mouth and teeth

Liliana Nash: Works in Series

Mixed media of someone flexing with yellow burst behind it

Anonymous: The Peoples Vaccine

Barbie is colored in like a skeleton and wears a blue and grey dress.

Genesis Carvajal: Barbie Re-Designed for My Culture

Melanie Bucio: Continuous Love

Krystal Hernandez: Storyboard

colored pencil and gel pen print

Yenedith Sanchez: Day Dream

bird in hood in front of skull

Henry De Luca: Day 6, Mask

Photo of circle of lego figures around toy cross

Sebastian Sorrondeguy: Imagined Spaces (clash of cultures)

Birthday cake with blue table cloth.

Valeria Izaguirre: Nostalgia

Digital design of figure drinking, laptop computer loading, cute monsters & flowers.

Jessica Flores: Untitled

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